Sleeping arrangements sorted finallly

Living with the Byuns



Baekhyun was adamant that you two were not going to share his room however this only made Mrs Byun more determined for you guys to room together as Baekhyun was the only brother who had a difficulty with you therefore she was absolutely sure that no feelings will abruptly develop and if you guys ever did become close somehow it will simply be a platonic relationship, using that mindset she called Baekhyun,


'BYUN BAEKHYUN I DEMAND YOU TO COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!!!' her shouting  was almost a shock to the system as it played a vast contrast to your initial meeting with her as she was far more calm and reserved then but at least you now knew to not get on the bad side of her. You heard thunder like footsteps on the stairs

 'Man his baby, I mean who still storms downstairs like a toddler?' you thought to yourself

 'Whaat? I told you mom I need my room so I can't let her share with me, Anyway University is hounding me with an enormous amount of work and I need to do that without any interference’s’ he then looks at your direction as if you were a nuisance in his life

 'Darling I completely understand  BUT YOUR GIVING ME ...' she takes a breath then sighs and continues ' your giving me a headache, why cant you understand that we don’t have any additional space for the poor girl?' she's only going to room with you for awhile its not as if she'll remain there forever' after a couple of seconds Baekhyun looks at you then glares and even though his words or action had no affect on you as you became immune to them in those six hours you knew him, just to show face you retaliated


 ‘I seriously don't know what is up with you and why you have your in a twist but its really getting irritating!' you half shouted, you knew 

Mrs Byun was still standing there but you needed to say it, Baekhyun then looked at his mom and placed two fingers on his head massaging his temples

'Fine...I’ll let her share with me BUT she has to sleep on the floor there is no way in hell I’ll let her sleep on my bed, next condition she must NEVER touch any of my things, thirdly she has to come up to sleep at 11pm and wakeup at 8am and leave..if she breaks any of these conditions she's out' he then directs another stare at you 'you heard clearly' then retreats back to his room and on the process harshly brushes against you, you stumble slightly but quickly find your footing

'Why does it always seem like his pmsing? You shout inwardly incredibly frustrated, just then Minsook arrives giving an answer to your thought

 ‘Don’t worry about him, once he lets his guard fall you'll see a different NICE side to him he might even let you touch his bed...aha' then he realised what he said can be misinterpreted

'I mean no not his bed haha I mean he might allow you to touch his clothes? No not his clothes that’s well weird I mean err'

 ‘MINSOOK please stop talking your embarrassing yourself'' you say in a joking manner

'Aah Yeahh, you know what I mean', you then nod but suddenly choke on air, Minsook looks at you in alarm

 'Noona are you okay?' you give an okay sign with your fingers

 ‘HE can be NICE????! Mind absolutely blown!! And NO I don’t think he’ll ever be nice towards me I saw the look he gave me and that look is only reserved for people you hate with great passion and I am hundred percent sure he hates my guts'

  'Nooo he gives that look to everyone he even glares at babies at times mum shouts at him though so its okay, his face is just frozen on that expression...hyung doesn’t know how to smile yet'  Minsook says as a response you just agree with Minsook to save yourself from any debates.

 'Yeahh his face does seem fixated on that angry expression...he should change it, people might think his constipated' you say and Minsook laughs as a response.



It turned eleven pm and it was time to go sleep but you had an inner debate on whether you should actually go up as you did not want to face yet another argument with Baekhyun, nonetheless you were absolutely shattered by the day’s events so decided to go up anyways. You knocked on the door to be kind although this was your room now but heard no response so you twisted the knob anyways


‘WHAT IS THIS?! OH GOSH NOO LORD TAKE ME AWAY FROM THIS TORTURE' you half shout when you see Baekhyun lying on his bed topless as a result quickly close your eyes with your hands

'What the flip...why are you dying for' and when you open your eyes you see that he finally wore a T shirt

 'You knew I was coming up now so you should have worn your T shirt'

 'Whose room is this?'


 'Yeah so my room my rules...don’t come in here and decide what I should wear if I want to be then I WILL BE ' he says but realised instead of his words sounding threatening it just sounded lame so you started to laugh as response

'Ahahhahahahah okaaay sir' he glared at you once again

' can you please change your facial expressions? its getting pretty annoying, you just look like a most of the time' when you said that you instantly covered your mouth, you wanted to hold some peaceful relations with him but at this rate you were making him hate you even more

 '' ________ Shut up" he said looking more pissed off

 'Ermm where am I supposed to sleep?' you say after a couple of minutes of awkwardly standing, he doesn’t respond for a moment subsequently plops down on his bed and points to the floor on his right you nod as a response and then just sit down as there were no blankets or pillow, you see Baekhyun already enter slumber a painful slumber you at least hoped and just at that moment you see Mrs Byun arrive with her husband in tow, both of them were carrying an inflatable mattress

'Darling I said I wont let no guest of mine sleep on the sofa so why would I allow you to sleep on the floor' you feel a smile tug up your lips once again and hug Mrs Byun

 ‘Komawoyo’ you say enthusiastically and at that moment see Baekhyun half open his eyes he then looks at you but quickly changes his expression to a scowl, Afterwards Mrs Byun arrives with Blankets and pillows and bids you and Baekhyun goodbye. After 10 minutes or so, you face your left and realise that you can see Baekhyun consequently stare at him for a while

 'He looks okay when his sleeping...not constipated at all' you thought aloud

 'Oh my gosh I just said that loudly didn’t I? What if he heard me?' with that you immediately closed your eyes too ashamed to keep them open in case you see Baekhyuns eyes peering ahead  with a murderous expression on his face















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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg