Paintballing pt 2

Living with the Byuns


You and the boys were put in one group with the addition of other boys you didn’t know, now that you looked around you realised you didn’t see a single girl

‘Kai, am I the only girl participating today?’ He quickly scans the crowd and sends you smirk

‘I guess you are, but don’t worry you have many guardian angels and bacons looking over you’

‘Haha really funny Kai, I’m truly going to get battered and it’s your entire fault’

‘Hey, hey, hey...I though it was Baekhyuns fault?’

‘Well it’s also yours, I didn’t sign up for this...I’m too young to die Kai’

‘For the nth time you are not going to die! Now pull yourself together and ask Kyungsoo to give you a shoulder massage, he gives a good one...I should know’

‘Aghh no I don’t want a massage I want to get out of here’

‘_______ I’m going to ignore you from now on’ you scowl at him only to receive a roll of his eye

‘You and Baekhyun should get married, you ask why? Because both of you can communicate with the scowls on your face, I mean you guys are made for each other, when you say hello just scowl, when you kiss, kiss with a scowl, when you—‘you quickly clamp a hand over his mouth to muffle his next words

‘KAAAAI you are just SO SO SO irritating! Aaaagh!!’ you shout exasperatedly, earning a few queer looks from people around you

‘Babe, calm your ti- I mean calm your face’ he says trying to backtrack his mistake of nearly saying the forbidden T word

‘Don’t babe me mister! I’m going to Sehun~ah at least he appreciates my company’

‘Yeah yeah whatever, he’ll soon get bored of you’ Kai hollers as you start walking away

‘We’ll see!’ you bellow back


After talking to Sehun who calmed you down from your previous tirade, it was announced by the officials who run the quarter that it is finally your groups turn to compete in the course, you nervously attach your helmet on to your head but realised some of your hair was seeping out

‘Ermm can you tuck my hair in?’ you ask the person next to you assuming it was either Suho, Chanyeol or Sehun, well one of the good guys

‘Can’t you do it yourself?’ you hear a voice verbalize, immediately realising that it belongs to Baekhyun

‘Actually I’ll go to Suho oppa, his at least NICE’

‘Just stop, I’ll help you... don’t go crying to your precious Suho oppa’ he grabs your collar gently yanking you next to him

‘Ouch aggressive aren’t we?’

‘Shush let me fix this so I can rid myself of you’

‘You’re so nice to me Baekhyun’ you reply sarcastically

‘I’m always the gentlemen’ Baekhyun quickly retorts back. He then gathers all your loose hair in one bundle and swiftly tucks it inside, letting his touch linger around your neck for an extra second, the familiarity of his touch created light Goosebumps to be etched on your skin, making you move away from him instantly so he didn’t realise the effect he had on you just then.

*I thought I was over this* you moan inside your head, dumfounded that the feelings that you tried to deny were returning or perhaps didn’t even leave. Suddenly a whistle blew breaking the discomfited air, commanding you all to enter through the door, and then you were all given a gun which you filled with tiny paint balls and followed in one direction (pun) which led into a forest like place.

‘Okay derps be ready at all time! When the opposition tries to shoot us, bring Chanyeol in front of us, since his tall and has a high pain tolerance they can shoot him and we’ll all be FINE!’ Kai says enthusiastically giving his strategic speech

‘Kai shut up, I’m not sacrificing myself for you guys’ Chanyeol replies somewhat irately, Suho then speaks , this time sensibly unlike Kai

‘Okay listen up everyone! Just aim at the enemy try and to keep together and ________ follow your guardian angel or bacon, either way we’ll protect you’ you couldn’t help but smile at him

‘You’re always so sweet to me oppa’ you reply patting the top of his arm in a friendly gesture

‘Eww vomits’ Kai points a finger to his open mouth creating a gagging gesture, ‘you’re such a man-eater _______ I mean you practically have all the boys here wrapped around your finger

‘What are you talking about? And No I don’t! you retort defensively

‘Babe, you don’t know half the things I know’ Kai smirks fuelling your curiosity, however you quickly forget as the battle begins.


You couldn’t help but feel the heavy weight of the gun on your arms, running was virtually impossible as you have to take one slow step at a time in order to make sure you didn’t drop the gun, the muddy environment of the course added to your discomfiture making you feel more and more tired. You hear a few guns shooting and quickly duck your head under a safety house window, you notice a figure next you and mistaking it for the enemy, you shoot

‘OUCHH what the hell _______’ Baekhyun replies rather angrily

‘Baekhyun? Oh my gosh I’m soo sorry!! I didn’t think it was you!’

‘How could you not know it was me I was standing right next to you for the past fifteen minutes?’

‘I’m sorry?’ you say apologetically

‘Its okay just keep on the lookout, and look your guardian angel left you’ you examine the area and take note of Suho’s absence

‘Yeah he did...well at least I have my bacon right?’ you say smiling at him, a smile which he most likely couldn’t see as your helmet was doing a good job at concealing your face, since tiny droplets of rain partially covered the plastic  part of your helmet. Baekhyun couldn’t help but give a small involuntary smile but quickly changed his expression to that of a serious one

‘Please, refrain from calling me bacon...I’m not food, well unless you find me that irresistible that you want to eat me’

‘Eww Baekhyun no, I’ll stick to calling you Baek’


After spending another few minutes inside the safe house you and Baekhyun decide to get out and fight the opposition but a few steps out, you were bombarded by two enemies who started shooting at your direction continuously but fortunately for you, Baekhyun turned into your hero and stood in front of acting as your shield by dealing with the impact of the hits, you ran into the safe house to receive some cover and eventually felt Baekhyuns presence come after you

‘Oh my gosh!!! Baekhyun’ you looked at him through wide eagle eyes, you couldn’t help but be overcome with so much gratitude towards this boy

‘I guess I’m your guardian angel now?’ he responds humorously

‘Don’t push your luck Baek...but thanks’ you wanted to hug him so much at that moment, almost as if it was a need, but thankfully restrained yourself and gently patted him on his arm instead, earning a curious look from him.

‘Its just a friendly  pat Baekhyun...I’m just happy with you now, but that can all change in a few minutes’ Baekhyun only laughs as a response


Eventually the game finished and your team won by a few points making them the champions, you felt elated since you survived the entire course, as the image of your death did pass your mind a bit too frequently

‘Now that wasn’t so bad was it?’ Chanyeol softly elbows you after you all settle into Suho’s car

‘No, it was actually quite enjoyable’ you say with a beam, you peek a glance at Baekhyun only to see him with a slightly contorted expression

‘Baek are you okay?’ you say assuming that the impact of the paint balls must have left several nasty bruises all over his body

‘I’m okay, just a bit of body ache’

‘We need to get you home and you fix you up’ you mutter thoughtfully

‘Oooh is our _______ going to transform into a y nurse?’ Kais say wiggling his eyebrows; he then receives a light punch from Chanyeol warning him too close his mouth

‘Kai, I really don’t know how your girlfriend puts up with your motor mouth, it’s always on’ you answer with annoyance

‘You and I both know my lips and mouth are y as hell’ you decide to ignore him and instead focus your gaze on a pained looking Baekhyun. You see him clutching his shoulder and instantly feel a pang of guilt to run through your body, since the reason for his pain was because of you. The car finally stops outside your home and you see him struggling to open the door so get out and open it for him. After entering home you both go upstairs and settle in to your individual rooms, you lied down on your bed and couldn’t help but feel vastly responsible for his injury, therefore in act of impulsiveness walk up to his room

*knock knock*

‘Who is it?’ Baekhyun shouts out

‘Its you favourite person in the world’

‘Whaddya want?

‘I-  I – want...Enough with the 20questions I’m coming in’

After entering his room you feel a wrench of memories flooding your head, from the first time you came here to the last time you set foot in that room

‘It’s been quite long since I’ve been here’ you absentmindedly say looking around

‘I guess so...any reason for coming?’ he says giving you a queer/amused look

 ‘Baekhyun take your top off’ You say after noticing his wearing a long sleeved top, he sends you a disbelieving glance and opens his mouth to speak

‘Are you trying to seduce me?’ he asks genuinely believing you were

‘Whaat? NO! Oh my gosh I came here cause I felt guilty over all the bruises you must have on your body ,so I’m going to give you one of my famous shoulder massages’

‘Since when did it become famous?’

‘Since I gave it to one of my friends’

‘Well, I won’t refuse it since my shoulders are killing me’ he then gets up up slightly and goes onto taking his top off but leaves a wife beater on making your cheeks heat up as a result, you discreetly fan your face so he doesn't see the colour of your  cheeks. you then resume in doing what you came here to do.

‘ermm lie down on your face’ you instruct him and he does as you tell, you take a sit  next to him on his bed and let a finger fall on his back. You immediately feel a surge of electricity accelerate through your body. *Why am I feeling like this?* you ask yourself confusedly, the different emotions that you were feeling at that moment was hard to identify therefore you tried to keep focus on giving him the massage.  You  kneed your knuckles and gently press over his shoulders in a circling motion trying to loosen the knots on his shoulders. You feel his previously tense body starting to relax, thus carry on doing it for five minutes before you decide to leave. As you’re getting up you feel his hand take yours and give it a squeeze

‘’Thanks for this, I really appreciate it’

‘No problem, regardless of the teasing I direct at you should know that I actually care about you’ you say all too quickly, before clamping a hand over your mouth and running out of his room embarrassed

Baekhyun smiles as a response remembering the touch of your skin even though it wasn't intimate in any sense. *My feelings are too tangled at the moment* he sighs and falls to sleep 


yet again i dont htink this is a good chapter but still read,comment, subscribe and carry on supporting it! i'll get better ideas next time!

signing off at 2:43 am at night

Goodnight! x

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg