
Living with the Byuns



Baekhyun and your relationship gradually developed into a strong amity, you both broke out of the awkward stance you previously had around each other plus talked more, eventually gaining a closer tie. However, the constant teasing and petty arguments did not vanish and it seemed to be a favourite pastime of Baekhyun to taunt you jokingly, day in and day out.

‘Baekhyun I swear if you don’t bring your downstairs right now!! I’ll.... I’ll get Sehun~ah to come home and do buing buing in front of your face for an hour!!!’ you threaten after realising Baekhyun didn’t get ready yet.

‘Why are you shouting so loud, everyone’s sleeping... Pabo’ you hear Baekhyun groggily bark back, followed by a sound of him slumping back on his bed as it created a springy, pliable  noise, therefore you assume and rightly as well, that he went back to sleep.

*Aish that boy! Doesn’t he realise Yeols going to be here in twenty minutes?*

‘BAEKHYUN!’ you holler very loudly the sound almost deafening, as a consequence hear the screech of Baekhyuns door opening slowly, followed by heavy footprints pit patting downstairs until he set his foot down on the last step with you appearing in front of him

‘Did you know that you’re bloody annoying?’ Baekhyun remarks after placing a hand over his bedraggled hair which was pointed in every direction, you see him wearing pikachu pyjamas and can't help repress a retort

‘Nice pyjamas’ you say trying to stifle your laughter

‘It really compliments your face’ you comment sarcastically 

 ‘Whatever, its cool and you know it’ Baekhyun replies scowling  along with his bottom lip protruded out creating a small pout

‘Okay enough with the pouting; you can try acting cute in front of your life partner Chan when he comes’ you reply light-heartedly aware that Baekhyun would get annoyed

‘Stop making me out to be gay, me and Chan are good mates and you know it’ Baekhyun replies defensively

‘Yes mates, boyfriends, partners, husbands all the same’ you reply with a casual wave of your hands, then at that moment register that you’re cutting it short on time

‘Baekhyun go back up and change quickly, Chan’s going to be here in a few minutes and you’re not remotely ready’ you say scared that Chanyeol would knock on your door now, you grab a fisful of hair whilst looking at the time on your phone

'Oh my gosh Baek! their going to be here in  5 minutes...GOOO NOW!'

‘Whoa keep your hair on’ Baekhyun kidds; you send him a piercing glare and point your fingers to the direction of the staircase 


‘I’m going, I’m going, relax woman......sheesh girls these days’ he mutters the last part as he trudges upstairs unaware that you can hear him

‘I’m not deaf Baek’ you bellow

‘Jheeeze, You need to stop shouting don’t you realise everyone’s sleeping?’ Baekhyun twists his head around to send you a fractious face

‘Everyone’s gone to work, school or college... so it’s just you and me Baeky boy...Now chop chop get ready’ you clap your hands motioning him to be quick

‘Bossy as hell’ Baekhyun mutters once again but this time out of your hearing level



You run to the door opening it to see Chanyeol and Kai waiting out. Chanyeol with a crazed smile implanted on his face and Kai with a lopsided smirk

‘Hey My favourite virus!’ you say while hugging Chanyeol

‘That names going to stick right?’ Chanyeol mumbles as he hugs you back

‘What name?’ you say feigning curiosity

‘Happy virus? ‘He replies in his smooth, deep voice then laughs for a few seconds

‘You didn’t even welcome me’ Kai responds faking sadness

‘Yep it’s defiantly going to stick!  Kai obviously I was going to welcome you next, and before you ask me for it, no you wont be able to receive one of my famous hugs, you have a girlfriend who might kill me if she finds out her boyfriend hugged me and anyway I like to keep my distance from taken guys, but hi anyways’ you say with a small teasing smile bringing your hand out to give him a handshake, he looks at your slightly alienated behaviour and slowly envelopes his hand with yours.

‘Sooo... I have to dump my girlfriend to receive a hug from you? I can do that ’Kai says after a few seconds of contemplating

‘Arghh Kai you’re such a playboy’

‘s for the win!’ he replies enthusiastically

‘W-wait how do you know I’m a ?’

‘You just have a aura’ you reply absentmindedly ‘I do? Do I give of a smell?’

‘What! Kai just stop talking’

‘Well since you know I’m a let me just inform you that so are rest of the boys...yes if I go down so are you guys!’ Kai points two fingers at himself then Chanyeol

‘Kai, unlike you I’m proud of my ity’ Chanyeol responds and sends you a wink

‘Ohkaaaaay Chanyeol never wink at me again, its creepy and enough of the talk’

‘By the way Baek decided to wake up NOW so were going to have to wait half an hour for our princess to get changed’ you say with a roll of your eyes

‘Well princess seems to be ready’ Chanyeol replies while waving his hands making you turn your head to face Baekhyun

‘Princess? Yeol what the flip?’ Baekhyun says incredulously, Chanyeol looks at you nervously

‘She called you it first’ he slyly points at you

‘Wow you got ready did you change your bird nest of a hair to be nicely groomed?’ you say trying to change the topic

‘Is there ever an end to your teasing... smart ’ Baekhyun responds with an exasperated sigh

‘Well is there ever an end to yours?’ Baekhyun shakes his head firmly

‘You’re too teaseable’

‘Teaseables not even a word dumbo’

‘Dumbo’s not in the dictionary so technically it’s not a real word as well ...haha shame’

‘Okay GUYS enough flirting we have to go now’ Kai says coming in between both of you

‘We weren’t FLIRITNG!’ you both say in unison then look at each other and burst into laughter

‘You guys are weird’ Kai replies and nonchalantly walks away


All of you exit the house and wait outside for Suho to come, who arrives swiftly with his black Mercedes c class. You all pile in, already finding Sehun and Kyungsoo in there playing with the sound system listening to an SNSD song.

‘Wow, oppa how did you manage to get this car? Waah I want something like this!’ you say excitedly observing the details of the vehicle

‘His family’s rich’ Kyungsoo answers frankly

‘When did you start calling Suho hyung oppa?’ Kai offhandedly asks

‘She only calls people Oppa when she wants something, like right now she wants Hyung’s car so shes saying oppa’ Baekhyun replies with a smirk

You send him an annoyed expression ‘Shut up Baek’ then dig  your headphones out of your pocket and put it in your ear while letting your head drop on to Chanyeol’s shoulder making him smile faintly. Baekhyun sends you a fast side glance then quickly engages in a small discussion with Kai

‘Hyung’s IM SOO HAPPY WERE FINALLY GOING PAINTBALLING!’ Sehun’s yells abruptly shocking the passers by outside in their cars

‘WHAAT? What happened to going ice skating ...Since when were we going paintballing?’ you say disbelievingly, last week the plans entailed that eveyone was going Ice skating no one informed you about Paint balling. ‘Huh didn’t hyung tell you?’ Sehun asks

‘No...Who was supposed to tell me?’ Sehun slowly points to a guilty looking Baekhyun

‘I forgot?’ he says lifting his shoulders, his face turned into a frightened expression as soon as he saw your angry one

‘YOU FORGOT? I don’t even like paintballing I don’t want to get killed by those  bullets’ you say with a defeated sigh, slumping your shoulders sadly

‘How can you forget to tell me? We live in the same house for goodness sake!

‘It’s an easy mistake to make and I had other things occupying mind’

‘You always have other things occupying your mind Baekhyun’

‘At least you now know’

‘No I’d rather I knew earlier so I won't have to come, I hate paintballing my school mates went and got bruised all over I don’t want to suffer the same experience’

‘Relaaax if it’s any consolation I’ll be your knight in shining armour’ Baekhyun says with smirk

‘I'd rather it's Suho oppa since his NICE and also everyones 'guardian angel’' 

‘Obviously I’ll save you angel’ he says smiling showing his gleaming white teeth through the rear-view mirror

‘Thanks oppa’ you send him a sweet smile sparing a glance at Baekhyuns direction who looked somewhat bothered. For some reason you felt the need to reassure baekhyun, you didnt know but seeing his expression darken also darkened yours. It was a strange feeling

‘Baekhyun don’t be jealous you can be my Bacon’

‘W-what? I won’t even ask you’ 

‘That’s my new nickname for you...bacon! Its quite fitting you know’

‘_______ You are impossible'

'then what do you want to be? my bakingsoda? Bun? Becky? 

' _________ Just close your mouth please'

'Ugh whatever BAEKHYUN' you say emphasising his name, then allow your head to fall back on your seat whilst listening to music.


After arriving, an instructor gave you each an application form

‘Baekkkhyuuuuuuun!’ you run over to him pulling on his arms rather aggressively

'Ouch what?? you pull hard for a girl' Baekhyun counters after massaging his arm to the place you pulled

‘It’s your entire fault if die!’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘Look it mentions death’ you point to the form, panic evident in your eyes

‘Your really something else’ he looks at you with a bored look ‘this is a clause which would be found in nearly every agreement form, don’t worry you wont die...remember you have Suho hyung as your guardian angel to save you’ he says raising his fingers in speech marks

‘I’m still scared’ he looks at you feeling slightly rueful

'ah you'll have me? i know your not my biggest fan and neither am yours but if you want to keep alive, always stay behind me'

'Okay I'll stay behnd you, I swear if i die today I am hauning you for the rest of your life' you reply immediately which makes Baekhyun show off a small smile

'Looking forward to it' He silently says with a smile 'your looking forward to me haunting you? truly are wierd'

'Being normal is way overrated, Okay we need to go collect our clothes so follow me and don’t get lost’

‘I wont get lost this is not even a big area’ you suddenly lose sight of Baekhyun as you said that but quickly gain sight of him, running to him and clasping on his arm, he turns around to give you a confused look

‘I got lost’ you reply sheepishly scratching your hair ,only earning a small smile from Baekhyun

‘Come-on you sheep, follow me’ he says and you both receive your outfits and head over the rest of the boys waiting for the game to begin.


I guess this chapter was kind of boring?, as i finshed it in an hour so didnt really exert much effort and its also been hectic for me because of college life, also sorting out university applications on top of trying to meet my Law and Englsih deadlines which is p-r-e-t-t-y hard...and i have  been suffering from writers block so i guess it all constitutes a a very badly written chapter? i dont know

anyways please read it, subscribe , comment! i did atleast try ...

AND finally thanks to my readers i love you alll <3

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg