Meeting the Derp squad

Living with the Byuns



You couldn’t help but wonder why Baekhyun held your hand, if any other person did that you wouldn't dwell on it too much however this is the guy who supposedly hates your guts


‘Why did he hold my hand? I mean he hates me as much as a jealous girlfriend hates her boyfriends ex...Why would he Hold my hand? ’ you think utterly confused, this was the guy who just an hour ago displayed his hatred towards you when you were vulnerable but all of a sudden showed some decency it didn’t make sense.


‘This is all very weird’ you stare at him for a half a second just to try and get at least some understanding on his split personality as you thought it was impossible for him to be nice to you. He catches you staring at him and sends you a confused look then finally speaks up

‘I only took your hand because this crazy chick from my university was near us and I needed her to think I was taken So don’t go and think I was being nice to you cause I wasn’t  ...I only used you’ and with that he looked towards his left direction and stared out the window.


You knew that he must have had a motive for his earlier actions it was unlike him to act all caring and lead you inside the bus, this made you feel slightly sad as you finally thought he might have changed just a little bit but no such luck he was still the vicious boy you first met.


As the bus stopped you both got off at the same time and had to further walk in the same direction, you already realised previously that he was heading to Hanguk university . Since you were not entirely familiar with the environment you decide to walk alongside him, he looked to his left seeing you walking next to him and immediately scowled

‘Why are you following me?!’ he said in an irked tone

‘It doesn’t take a lot to get this boy pissed’ you think subconsciously

‘I need to follow you okay! I don’t want to get lost; I have no idea where the entrance is so I AM going to follow you, if you want to be embarrassed in public then go ahead make a scene. It doesn’t affect me’ you half shout expressing all your previous bottled anger 

Baekhyun seemed dumbfounded as he didn’t expect you to suddenly reprimand him in public, you both seemed to have gained a few spectators to your little outburst therefore you could see the blood rushing to Baekhyuns face, the boy was majorly irate now, face fuming.

‘you.are.dead’ and with that he rushed of , you then decided against following him as he might burn your eye sockets with that death glare he consistently sends you thus decide to ask a fellow student for help

‘Anneyonghasaeyo~  ermm can you show me to the school reception?’ you ask a rather tall boy tapping him on his shoulders so he can turn around, as he looks back you notice that he was extremely cute he had long light brown hair and large adorable eyes in addition to carrying a large smile on his face

‘I could get used to his place ‘you inwardly thought

He sent you a heart stopping smile and replied

‘Of course! Are you new to this university? If so I could give you a tour if you want?’ you were taken aback by his kindness but even more shocked by his voice, it played a major contrast to his face as instead of his voice coming out all cute and boyish as you expected it was deep and smooth, you automatically felt in awe.


‘Oh and my name is Chanyeol’ he says with a smile again

'Hi my name is _______' you say returning his smile

‘Thank you for suggesting the tour but I don’t go to this university..Well not yet, I’m hoping to start in four weeks, I’m just here to receive my application’


‘Oh that’s cool! Well in four weeks make sure you come and find me I’ll give you a tour’ he says and smiles once again.

‘This boy is just tooooo cute!!!’ you say in your head

‘better than that idiot Baekhyun’ you couldn’t help but add as well.

You both stood in silence for a brief moment before Chanyeol remembered that he needed to direct you to the reception consequently he proceed in doing just that

‘Ahaa come follow me, ermm I’ll wait for you while you get your form okay?’ Chanyeol says in his amazing deep voice, you couldn’t help but be grateful you found him or else you would be absolutely lost now.

After you received your application you see Chanyeol waiting for you with his back facing you, so you decide to go creep up on him from behind and try to scare him slightly

‘BOOO’ you say and push his back slightly, what you didn’t expect was his reaction. Chanyeol immediately tensed up and shouted with that masculine voice of his

‘AAAAHHHHHHH' he shouts while placing a hand on his chest then turns around to see you

'you scared me!’ he says calming himself eventually

'you're a prankster like me! I think i'm beginning to like you, your quite awesome' he says flashing you his trademark smile 

‘Okay lets go now before you try to scare me some more’ he says then lightly ruffles your hair in a joking gesture

‘Chanyeol you so messed up my hair’ you reply with a pout

‘Ahaa  its not messed up though, anyway I want you to meet my friends? Are you going to be okay with that?’ 

‘Yep I don’t mind’ you say happily and can’t help but return that smile which is so contagious

Chanyeol casually leads you to his group of friends and you instantly recognise the boy who’s standing a few metres away.

‘Oh No IT'S BAEKHYUN !’ you scream in your head, he doesn't  see you yet however if he does you are officially dead meat, His back was facing towards you so he was not yet aware that you were near him and you wished it stayed the same until Chanyeol went and greeted him.

‘AYOOOOOOOO WADDUP BAEKHYUN’ Chanyeol shouts and at that moment you felt your heart freeze over, the anticipation was too much.

‘Oh my gosh his going too kill meeee!! I’m in for a public slaughtering! Aigoo why now? I was having a good time...aghhh!’ you scream internally

Baekhyun finally turns his back to face Chanyeol and sees you standing beside him, his initial amused face turns into a scowl until he changes it to a normal expression and looks onwards confusedly.

‘Baekhyun look who I bumped into! Isn’t she cute Ahaa’ Chanyeol says while looking at you and smiles crazily.

‘She’s going to join our uni soon; we have to look out for her man! She so could be in our derp squad!!’

‘Whattt? Derp squad?’ you suddenly interject

‘I never once showed you any derpy expressions and I have only known you for  thirty minutes Chanyeol’

‘_______  just for banter we call our self the derp squad not because we show derp expressions’ Chanyeol replies

‘I beg your pardon but your the king of derp faces’ a hot guy suddenly interrupts he gives you a once over and introduces himself as Kai , beside him you see another hot guy but he both balanced cute and hot on the same level, he eventually introduces himself.

‘Hi my name is Thehun’ he says adorably you see him blushing terribly and had to resist the urge to tug on his cheeks he was just too cute!

Finally you see two other guys joining the ‘derp squad’ , as they were approaching the fellow derps they suddenly take notice of you and ask Baekhyun who you are, Baekhyun shrugs and Chanyeol speaks up

‘Kyungsoo, Suhooo hyung!.. omma appa where were you guys?’ oh and and this is my new friend ________ she’s cute right?’ he says to the duo who just walked in, you couldn’t help but notice Kyungsoo's eyes he looked utterly adorable his eyes suddenly turned big and he looked at you with a lost expression while suho smiled gently and introduced himself,

‘Hi I’m Suho; I’m the guardian angel of these fellow chingus’ he says brightly you could not help but smile at his introduction.

Your eyes eventually go to Baekhyun and you see him looking at the floor, Kyungsoo asks him on why his so quiet

‘Its nothing, lets go I have free lesson and so do you guys right?’ Baekhyun asks they all nod in unison and follow him out; Chanyeol suddenly grabs your hand and tells you to come with them

Baekhyun looks back and finally rests his eyes on your interlocked hand with Chanyeol, for some reason he seemed to look angry.

‘I don’t understand, why does he look like his restraining himself from saying something?’ you say to yourself

he points his direction towards the front again however can't help but subtly look back ,  he seemed  like he was all out of his elements

‘I need to go to the toilet’ he says all of a sudden in a hurried tone and dashes out

All the boys look on with confused expression but nevertheless carry on walking. You just wondered why he had such a split personality.



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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg