Party Pooper

Living with the Byuns


You woke up the next day and looked at your phone to see the time, your eyes then naturally roamed over the date section and at once let out a gasp as you realised today was your birthday, the previous events of the week kept your mind occupied from your special day so you completely forgot however you now realised the fact that you were at long last an adult which put thrills to go up your body, you got up from your makeshift bed with an overstretched smile and saw Baekhyun stirring in his sleep until he half woke up and looked at you and muttered a quick happy birthday,this caught you off guard as you had no idea that he had knowledge of your birthday

‘Baekhyun I never knew that you knew it was my birthday’ you said with a smile taking over your face you waited for a reply patiently until a minute passed by and you looked back at Baekhyun who was sound asleep

‘ His gone back to sleepy land’ you say then trudge out of bed and brush your teeth, furthermore you walk down the stairs to find Mrs Byun suddenly appear with a cake , you give out an involuntary gasp as the surprise has parlaysed your movements however eventually move closer and realise the cake  had your face imprinted on it, you look at it internally flabbergasted as the picture did nothing to show your best features as it was captured at your worst moment  but nevertheless do a smile of gratitude and run over to hug her

‘Wait darling let me put the cake down then we’ll hug’ she smiles gently, this moment already became a treasure in your memory as it was the first time you got to celebrate your birthday in addition to receiving your first birthday cake, as a result tears were  b the outline of your eyes but you forcefully held them in.

'Happy Birthday sweetie already eighteen years old I can't believe my baby is all grown up' she says with a smile etched on her face


 ‘For your birthday present I have arranged a shopping spree for you!' she says while clapping her hands enthusiastically

I originally asked Minsook to go shopping with you but the boy hates it so your going to have to go with either Baekhyun or Dae Jung but knowing Dae Jung his attention will be else where and he’ll leave you in the middle of the shopping mall and enter an arcade room making you worry immensely to the extent that your about to call the police then when you find him you’ll want to hug him out of relief but at the same give him a Korean style whipping’  she carries off without realising

‘Oh sorry previous shopping experience with Dae-Jung a very long story anyways you can buy whatever you want so use my credit card as freely as you fancy... well it is your birthday after all’ she unexpectedly says you felt touched by her sudden spontaneity of allowing you full control of her credit card but had to act modest and refuse this rather brilliant present

‘Thank you but I don’t want to be a bother and allow you to spend your hard earned money on me also you already gave me a roof to stay under and that’s much more than I can ever ask for’ you say wholeheartedly

‘Don’t speak nonsense you are going shopping and I am going to force Baekhyun or Dae Jung to shower you with clothes! And before you say anything you absolutely deserve it’ after failing to try and persuade Mrs Byun to change her mind you reluctantly agree, you then eat a slice of cake then go upstairs to get out of your pyjamas and change into other clothes.After finishing getting ready you walk out in the hallway and stand outside Baekhyuns room hearing him speaking to his Mum.

‘Darling it’s her Birthday go and buy her clothes, food, makeup anything she wants with my credit card’

‘No I’m tired why do I have to go? why can't you go?or Minsook ,Hyunsu or Dae-Jung go they have inset day from school’ he says grudgingly

‘But you know how much they hate shopping besides you have to stall her as long as possible and only you can do that’

‘What does she mean by that’ you say inwardly still eavesdropping into their conversation

‘What about Jin Suk and Jae Suk?’

‘They have college so they can’t go, anyways I have your university schedule memorised and today you’re free the entire day’

‘Omma you are such a stalker’ He says with a slight pout

‘It’s my duty as a mother’ Mrs Byun replies defensively

‘Okay I’ll go’

‘But I don’t care I’m not getting up from bed now,call me at ten am we’ll leave then’

‘Aish this boy’ Mrs Byun says wound up then gets out to open the bedroom door and you hurriedly walk back into the bathroom and get out as if you just finished getting ready now

‘Hello darling he’ll take you at around ten’ she says then walks downstairs


After three hours or so you finally hear footsteps running down the stairs and reach your head out to see who’s coming and realise its Baekhyun, he was ready in his casual attire consisting of a simple white V neck showcasing his lean collar bones and jet black skinny jeans, you dressed up in denim black shorts and a simple white t-shirt coincidentally matching Baekhyun.

After arriving at the shopping mall  you enter the first shop with Baekhyun looking increasingly bored, you wanted to finish the shopping trip as quick as possible as you hated the fact that someone else was dragged to accompany you, you quickly pick out one dress and tell Baekhyun your finish however he gives you a pointed look

‘Mom said you have to buy At least five dresses and if you don’t shes going to be mad at me for it’

‘Really, but I don’t want anymore’

‘Na uh buy four other things then we can leave’ after browsing through several different clothes you decide that if your being given clothes then at least choose nice ones so take your time in choosing the best ones until you finally pay for them, you saw Baekhyun earlier in the cash counter paying for something but you don’t see what he bought. After paying for the clothes Baekhyun directs you to a food court where you eat a cheese burger with chips after half an hour or so you finish eating it and decide to head home

‘Baekhyun lets go I don’t want anything else’ you say tired from all the shopping, Baekhyun quickly looks at his watch

‘Nope mom said I have to ermm  ...she said’ he stutters for awhile looking confused then looks to his right where a hair salon was situated

‘Oh yeah mom said I have to take you to the salon to wash your hair’

‘Wash my hair?’

‘What do they do in salons again?’

‘They cut and colour’ you say reminding him

‘Oh yeah that’s what mom meant anyways walk into it’

‘Baekhyun I don’t think I want to colour my hair or cut it’

‘But you have to...mums going to be upset’ then he proceeds to drag you by your arm to the salon and you follow on reluctantly

After entering, the unnie in the salon looks between you and Baekhyun

‘I’ve never seen a boyfriend accompanying his girlfriend to the salon ‘she abruptly says then smiles, you felt your cheeks flush red and mutter that you guys aren’t a couple

‘Oh sorry, you guys just had that couple aura around you, anyways how would you like to have your hair cut? she quickly asks perhaps to try and devoid the awkward atmosphere , meanwhile Baekhyun takes a seat without saying a word

You get light brown highlights placed in your already dark brown hair as well as having it trimmed ever so slightly, you also get it blow dried and  straightened then curled eventually having loose curls formed in addition to the hair on the crown of your head a little volumised. You then look at a mirror intently and start admiring your new hairdo

‘Vain aren’t we?’ Baek smirks

‘No I-I-m just looking at my hair’ you say flustered for some reason

‘Yeah right’ he laughs a little

‘Anyways I think its time we head back’ he points his head to the door of the salon then looks at your hair and then at your face

‘By the way I like your hair better when it’s like this’ he says leaving you blushing

‘Thank you’ you mutter shyly only earning a smile from Baekhyun

‘Okay let’s go princess’ he jokes, his sudden change of personality leaves you astonished

‘The other Baek must have been abducted by aliens’ you think

Baekhyun and you then arrive home he parks his car inside the garage and you get out with him. He opens the door and you follow pursuit, you decide to go upstairs to put your clothes away but he sees and quickly redirects you to the sitting room.

‘Err go in this way andleave your clothes here for a second...I-I-I want to show you my new call of duty game but its in the sitting room so you have to go to the sitting room okay?’ he says stumbling over his words, his sudden nervousness makes you feel suspicious but nonetheless you follow him inside,

‘SUPRISEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!’ a crowd of people suddenly scream out ,you look at them confused then look around to see Balloons and a huge banner saying happy birthday thus look back at their faces, you felt unbelievably touched that you had to force back your tears as you couldn’t cry in front of the guests mainly because you had no idea who most of them were however you found a few familiar faces, Mrs Byun then arrives towards you with a huge chocolate cake with eighteen candles and stands before you

‘Happy eighteenth birthday sweetie’ she smiles gently and the tears that were pricking your eyes reluctantly fall

‘Thanks for everything’

'It was my pleasure' she smiles wholeheartedly

‘Blow out your candles darling’  after blowing out the candles Mrs. Byun places the cake on the table to give a slice each to all the guests and then takes you to a corner after she deals with majority of them 

‘I hope you don’t feel uncomfortable by the number of unknown faces here I thought since your new you could try making some friends? And I made my boys invite their closest friends unfortunately all of them are boys with the exception of one girl called Bomi’

'You didn't have to do this ,you know? But Thank you ‘ you genuinely say

‘Anyways, my stomach is rippling with excitement I’m very thrilled to make new friends’ you say with an overly stretched smile on your face

‘That’s brilliant! okay now go enjoy yourself! make friends ,have fun!’ and she leaves you to deal with the rest of the guests

‘Ayo hey _______’ Chanyeol walks towards you with a smile that could reach the ends of the earth

‘Yeollie!’ you say with an excited tone

‘I’m so happy you came! I had no idea a party will be planned for my birthday this is too amazing’

‘I’m happy you’re happy! And you look beautiful today I like your hair’ he says shyly

‘Thank you Baekhyun forced me to get it done’

'What he forced you?!!!' his eyes automatically enlarge

‘No not forced I mean well I guess he was stalling me so I don’t arrive home early and have the surprise party ruined’

‘Oh that’s nice of Baekhyun, last time I was shocked at his treatment towards you but he explained that everything’s good now but regardless I’m going to apologise on his behalf even though he already said sorry’

‘Awh no don’t apologise I’m completely fine! The past is the past’ you say with a reassuring smile

Suddenly you felt two pairs of hands on your eyes and give a small shriek

‘Oh my gosh who is it?’


‘A murderer’


‘I seriously don’t know’

‘Seriously? Even by the sound of my voice you don’t know?’ he then lifts his hands of your eyes and looks at you sadly

‘I can’t believe you don’t remember me’

You look at him clearly and try to place his face and suddenly realise his one of Baekhyuns friend and remember his name is Sehun

‘Sehunnnnnaaa! How can I forget you’ you then impulsively grab his cheeks to give it a squeeze with your hands as if he was a baby

‘Wow you act like an ahjumma’ Chanyeol jokes making you pout

‘No I don’t, I just find him cute’

‘You find me cute?’ Sehun says with a bright smile an expression a vast contrast to his unbothered one

‘Sehun calm down’ another boy says coming behind him who you realise to be Kai then two other boys who you recognise as Kyungsoo and Suho also appear

‘Hi guys!’ you say enthusiastically

‘Hi _______’ Suho says and gives you an abrupt hug congratulating you on your birthday this led Kyungsoo to enlarge his eyes as if that small physical contact was absolutely too daring and forward

All this time you see Baekhyun from the corner of your eyes subtly eyeing up what you were doing with the guys however he doesn’t approach therefore Chanyeol calls him out

‘Yo Baekhyun why are you so quiet in the corner come join us’

‘I’m fine here’ he says his mood evidently darkening for some unknown reason

‘Come on baek I need my wingman here so I can flirt up a storm with this beautiful girl’ he says while looking at you with a wink, you feel a faint blush form and look down so he doesn’t see however Chanyeol’s words  leads Baekhyun to act more annoyed as he grunts out a fierce ‘I’m fine here’

‘Baek what got your mood on fire?’ Kai says clearly not amused by his sudden change of personality instead Baekhyun walks out of the sitting room clearly annoyed 

You decide to follow him to find out the core of his problem now; his mood seemed to have its upwards and downwards confusing you tremendously.

'Where are you going?' Chanyeol calls out as you exit the sitting room door

'I'm going to see whats up with him? and maybe do some wushu on him' you call back to Chanyeol

'If your not down in ten minutes then im assuming you done wushu on Baekhyun and killed him now trying to hide his body'

'No worries, im hoping I dont go that far' you quickly joke back and hear the faint sound of Chanyeol's Deep and smooth laughter

‘Maybe he has schizophrenia ‘ you thought as you walk up the stairs, you see Baekhyun leaning on the stairway railing,eventually his eyes fall on you but soon as he looks at you he shoots fierce daggers at your direction and and  rapidly walks inside his room and shuts it, you struggled to comprehend what was going inside that boys mind just an hour ago he seemed amazing now all of a sudden he  was sulking. You wait outside his door for a few a minutes before entering, you see him lying down in a wife beater which clanged to his slim but toned body , lustful thoughts started circulating your mind and you gave yourself a forceful mental shake to bring you back to your senses and deal with the matter in hand

‘Baekhyun I don’t get you?’ you say trying to stir a response from him but he stays calm and collected lying down on his bed

‘Baekhyun are you listening? It’s my birthday and your acting like an ’ you wait again for a reply but he stays silent however you could see through his expression  that he was beginning to get annoyed

‘Your friends are out there thinking why your acting like such a douche, they didn’t even do anything yet you blew up on them’ Baekhyuns face gradually turned more and more into a scowl until he finally talked back

‘You want to know why I’m acting like a freaking idiot’ he says as he gets up from his bed and approaches you slowly

‘You want to know why every time I see you around my friends I suddenly feel a tug in my stomach which makes me feel mad?’

‘You want to know huh?’ you absentmindly nod clearly getting terrified by his current behaviour, as he comes closer you  instinctively move back until a wall touches your back trapping you, You feel Baekhyuns warm breath caress your face as he stands within touching distance he then puts either of his arms on the wall with you placed in the middle and looks at you fiercely but gradually softens his features

You look at him intently ,increasingly enchanted by his features and realise that you've been in this same position before and at the time had the same desire of wanting to kiss him so wondered whether this was going to be a repeat of what happened previously or if you were actually going to get the kiss that you have been secretly craving for, he then looks back at you equally enchanted and finally speaks

‘I don’t know what you’re doing to me’ he moved even closer looking up to see your stunned face. You suddenly felt a powerful outburst of affection overcoming yourself and couldn’t help but compulsively reach to place your hands on his smooth cheeks. He didn't resist. Your heart beating erratically, you slowly elevated yourself by standing on your toes and stared into Baekhyun eyes, He stared back and drew closer to you.  You felt your eyes flutter close, lips parting somewhat. A few seconds passed before you felt his warm lips brush against yours. At that very moment, you felt your passion for him course through your body causing you to tremble. You then raise your hands above your head, allowing him to wrap his arms around your waist tightly as he began to kiss your lips. You moaned softly, kissing back to the best of your ability. Moments later you felt his wet tongue slide between your lips. You greeted it with your own inexperienced tongue, feeling his moist breath in your mouth and gradually separated, Baekhyun looked at you intensely his forehead resting on yours for a couple of minutes then suddenly separated as if he finally came to his senses

‘I can’t believe I just kissed you’ he says looking regretful

‘It was a mistake’ he shakes his head apologetically, you forced yourself to stay strong as this was not the reaction you anticipated, you looked at the floor helplessly unable to utter any words as you were ashamed that he regretted your kiss

‘This cant ever happen again’ he says while taking a few steps away from you and runs downstairs, you felt your legs suddenly become heavy so slid down cradling your arms

‘He stole my first kiss now he tells me regretted’ you say anger and hurt coursing though your body

‘He stole my first kiss’ you say once again touching your lips to the spot he just kissed

‘And now he wished he never’ with an internal debate roaming your mind you finally leave the room to go back to your party

‘I won’t let him make me feel down’ you say with conviction and finally join the rest of the boys trying to block Baekhyun out of your head as possible




basically i wrote this chapter but half of it got deleted when i uploaded it and i had no idea and only realised an hour ago :/

so i wrote the remaining chapter SO MAKE SURE you read it again?

PLEASE? i know most of you were confused and i was to after i saw it but now i know i rectified the mistake so read again if you dont then your missing out cause i just added 4 pages of the story here 

Anyways thanks! read, subscribe! make sure you comment :D






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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg