Mixed feelings

Living with the Byuns



You decided to watch TV after you arrived home as there was nothing else to do, after browsing through various channels you settle in watching ‘We Got Married’ the Yongseo couple were your favourite and currently they were re running their old episodes so you were reminiscing quite a bit,

‘I wish I can have a sweet romance just like them’ you think inwardly then release a long sigh

After a few hours of watching TV you hear the steady footsteps of the boys coming in from either school or college, your relaxing mood is instantly destroyed as you hear their voices echoing through the hallway into the sitting room.  Minsook sees you and immediately jumps on the sofa next to you.

‘Noooona!! Where are you these days? I hardly see you’ he says with a slight pout.

‘Awhhh his adorable’ you think to yourself

‘Noonas been busy, sorry Minsook I have a lot of things to do that’s why I couldn’t hangout...BUT now I’m free yaay!’ you say enthusiastically

‘Noona... I’m not that ecstatic about hanging out with you’ he says in a joking sense, you punch his arm lightly as a response then smile sweetly

‘I know you love me Minsook’ and stick out your tongue, at that moment the rest of the Byun brothers decide to enter the sitting room. So far you had only been acquainted with Yongook ,Minsook and Baekhyun ,the other four brothers kept their distance although you would  occasionally say ‘hi’ to them and they will return the gesture by nodding and saying hey back , however today they seemed more relaxed and casual in your company.  Jin Suk the third oldest of the brothers came and nonchalantly sat next you as if it was the most normal thing in the world, he then slightly faced his head towards you

‘Your younger than me right? Want to call me oppa?’ he says in almost hopeful voice but covered it with a teasing tone

‘Jin Suk ermm... well you are older than me so I guess I should?’ you reply, it was only logical that you should call him oppa as a sign of respect 

‘_______   If you call him Oppa then you have to call me it as well, I’m 18 technically a year older’ Jae Suk the fourth brother says after hearing Jin Suk

‘Jae Suk~ah...were practically the same age I’m turning 18 in a few days’ you say bursting him out of his ‘call me oppa’ bubble

‘Ohhh man!!’ he replies more or less  disappointed

Hyun Su the second youngest of the brothers suddenly speaks, he was the one brother you haven’t spoken directly to except your initial meeting where he introduced himself

 ‘_______ we haven’t talked all that much, but you have to understand we didn’t do it intentionally we were forced to keep our mouths shut’ he suddenly exclaims, automatically halting the previous calm atmosphere, you look at him relatively taken aback,

‘What is he talking about?’ you think out loud then fairly grasp the situation and direct your gaze at him,

‘Huh? I don’t get it...Who told you to not speak with me?’ you say with your teeth almost gritted, you already had an inkling on who that certain person is but needed it to be confirmed before throwing everything out in rage

‘Hyun Su! You idiot, who told you to open your mouth? Bloody hell your going to create a mess now’ Jae Suk half Shouted and with that stood up and practically dragged Hyun Su outside, you look on outright confused, Both of the boys return a few minutes later and they seemed to have discussed something in private ,you were itching to know but didn’t pursue them . Afterwards you turn your attention towards Minsook as this boy always had answers for you

‘Minsook!? Was it Baekhyun who told you guys to stay away from me?? And If he did tell you and brothers to stay away then how comes you still talked to me?’ you ask honestly intrigued, you knew Baekhyun had a way with his brothers, his earlier treatment towards you already affirmed his position amongst them, he could easily be known as the leader of his brothers since Yongook was practically absent from home consequently it explained why they would be scared and listen to him if he asked them to avoid you, therefore you were very much interested to why Minsook Carried on speaking to you,

‘Minsook’ you waited

‘I don’t know? he didn’t really tell me to stay away ...I guess because I’m the youngest he didn’t find me a threat like the others’

‘A threat? Why would he find your brothers a threat?’ you say gradually becoming more puzzled and confused, you scrutinised all the brother’s faces and they squirm in front of your eyes,

‘err we don’t know anything, seriously hyung didn’t mention much he just warned us to stay away and if we didn’t then were in for whipping’ Jae Suk answers

‘ whipping??! His actually violent towards you guys?  ......GUYS?!’ you reach out to grab your hair in an act frustration and mess it up a little; you never knew Baekhyun was this deranged! Earlier in the day Baekhyun’s changed persona  seemed to have made you warm towards him but hearing this now made you forget about his previous apology thus anger started boiling your head,

‘Noooo... whipping as in he won't allow us to play modern warfare on PS3, since he bought it he has full control over it ...I mean its virtually an whipping cause i would rather be beaten up then be banned from playing it’ Dae Jung finally interjects, you and him were of the same age at present except you were turning eighteen in a few days when he only just turned seventeen, you rarely talked him to him thus he stunned you somewhat when he spoke.

‘Oh...You guys scared me I actually thought he beats you up! Jae Suk! don’t use that kind of language! It can be interpreted wrongly’ you say in a scolding tone though it made you sound well over your seventeen years. After a few minutes the guys seemed to settle down to their own conversations but you were not finished with the topic at hand

‘Ermm guys? Were not finished’ this only seemed to have made them talk louder

‘GUYSSS I SAID IM NOT FINISHED!’ as your voice thundered over the sitting room you finally got their attention

‘Aghh Noona now what?! We told you everything we know’ Minsook interrupts in a jaded tone

‘I just want to know why you guys are hanging around me now when your instructions from ‘the mighty’ Baekhyun specify otherwise?’ you respond to Minsook whilst putting your fingers up in speech marks when you said ‘mighty’.  They were hiding something from you and it was getting pretty annoying.

‘Well he kind of texted us before and told us that we don’t have to carry on with our bluntness towards you, not exactly sure why he had a sudden change of character but he did...so yeah’ Dae Jung speaks up.

You didn’t know how to feel, the mixed emotions that were swirling around your head mounted to a headache. You were happy that you and Baekhyun finally put your difference aside however you were both hurt and angry that he threatened his brothers to stay away from you.

You and the boys hear a key turn on the door and identify that it would either be Baekhyun or their mother, you were hoping for the latter so you could have a serious word with Baekhyun. As the footsteps came closer the sitting room door was pushed open and Baekhyun entered, as soon as you saw him your face immediately turned into a scowl, after initially greeting his brothers his eyes wondered to you and he caught the way you were looking at him

‘_______ why do you look like you want to kill me?’ he says light-heartedly and smiles ever so faintly, you take one look at that smiling face and can’t help but feel in awe, there was something about his face which was so endearing, if anyone else suffered from his treatment like you did they wouldn’t have forgiven him as easily, however you just couldn’t help it. You look at him for a few seconds then remind yourself that you’re mad at him

‘Baekhyun! Why did you tell your brothers to avoid me?!’

‘Ah not now’ you hear Minsook and Hyun Su muffle under their voices; you point a glare at their direction.

‘So, Baekhyun? Care to explain? I always assumed your brothers avoided me cause they were shy...BUT that doesn’t seem like the case!’  You stand up and walk over to him, you don’t look nearly as intimidating as you wished instead he towered over your small frame making you look like a mouse, you then gathered your courage and reached out your hands then pointed a finger to his chest

‘Care to explain?’ you reiterate in a threatening voice, you see Baekhyun waver over his words he looks nervous?

‘_______ come on... I thought we were better now? , it’s a past mistake and I changed?’ he says trying to deter your mind away from the anger you had towards him , he then looks at his brothers threateningly and they fidget under his study


‘Baekhyun don’t scare them’ you say point blank

‘I’m not scaring them and hey I thought we were better? You said you forgave me... I guess you haven’t then’ he says in an exasperated tone,

‘Aigoo, if I carry on telling him off his going to revert back to how he was before and I can’t have that’ you say to yourself, you wanted to scold him for what he done to you but couldn’t risk him slipping to his old ways, back when he ignored you and constantly told you off , you shudder at the memory.

‘Baekhyun as much as I would love to shout at you I won't, I like this little peace we have made ...so I’ll like it if stayed like this But you still need to explain why you forced them to avoid me’ 

He then looks at you and gives a defeated sigh and attempts to explain

‘Okay at first you were a nuisance in my life...Wait do I have to explain here? We have an audience’ he says looking around at his brothers, you capture the boys looking intently at you and Baekhyun

‘Okay we can talk in the hallway’ then without thinking you grab his hand and lead him out to the hall, you instantly feel the familiarity of his skin that you first experienced when he intertwined your hands with his on the bus, the warm contact of his skin automatically puts you in a daze it and almost felt comforting?

‘Why do I like this so much?’ you say inwardly

It was scaring you considerably so you dropped his hand as you entered the hallway, but then felt a rush of cold and instantaneously regretted dropping it , you don’t speak for a couple of seconds as that very small contact is still lingering in your mind but then remember your reason for coming out in the hall,  You look at him nervously and were about to open your mouth to speak when the light switches of unexpectedly, this immediately frightens you and you jump close to Baekhyun who in return closes the gap between you as a reflex ,you feel his arms around your waist and quiver at the close contact, after a few a few seconds you  hear the door to the sitting room open making Baekhyun drops his arms away from you as a result , he wasnt too keen on having his brothers witness that little skin ship so steps away from you, leaving you feel engulfed in the darkness

‘W-w-what happened you guys?’ he stutters as he sees them coming out

‘You should know hyung since you experienced it as well? ...The current’s gone Duhh!’ Jae Suk responds

‘Oh yeah...Okay you guys go inside the sitting room I’ll go get the electricity key’ he says in a rushed tone and as the boys retreat back to the sitting room he calls your name

‘_______ ermm are you okay? ‘He asks concerned

You couldn’t help but smile at his worried tone

‘Yep I’m fine Baek’ you say then smile with your right side dimple protruding out, one of the few genuine smiles you ever gave someone.

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg