Fighting then Making up?

Living with the Byuns



The boys had free lesson so they decide to go to an empty classroom and hangout there, as you sat opposite them you got a better view of their faces as they were all sitting in one line adjacent to you so you had the opportunity of analysing each one of their faces,


‘Their so goodlooking’ you thought, your jaw was desperate to hang to the floor as these guys had perfect appearances but you forced your mouth close you didn’t want them to see you drooling over them. The first few minutes were awkward as none of the guys knew what to say until Kai finally spoke up

‘Soo how old are you? You have quite a baby face but then your applying to our uni so you’re most likely eighteen?’ he says hoping he got your age right

‘aah no I’m still seventeen but I’m turning eighteen in a few days time, well on the 24th of this

month’ you reply, your mind was absolutely boggled you had so many things to ask like why are they

so beautiful?, what kind of skin care products do they use?, do they have a girlfriend ? but the

atmosphere made it to awkward to speak ,in addition you couldn’t just blurt out all these questions

cause they sounded slightly inappropriate so you stayed quiet until Suho or more commonly known

as the guardian angel finally spoke

‘What’s your favourite food? Do you like bubble tea? Aha I bribed Baekhyun into becoming my friend with bubble tea’ he says fondly and sends you a handsome smile

‘Oh I Like western food  ...those which are of an unhealthy standard’ you say slightly ashamed because by looking at them you can tell that these boys ate all the right healthy food.

‘Aah Baekhyun...he doesn’t talk much does he?’ you say in a concerned manner

‘Baekhyun? That boy loves talking!! He never shuts up, well we don’t want him to shut up whatever comes out of his mouth is pure humour...his virtually our energy pill he keeps us vitalised’ Suho responds with a nod from Kai, Sehun, Kyungsoo

‘what about mee?!!’ Chanyeol suddenly interposes

‘I keep you guy’s happy right? Well I am the happy virus’ Chanyeol says with a pout

‘sthop thrying to pout! Only I act cueth’ Sehun says and just then Baekhyun abruptly enters the classroom.

‘Heyy Baekhyun! Where have you been bro’ Kai says when he sees Baekhyun

‘Oh I needed the toilet’ he responds in a monotone

‘Dude why are you acting so dull? Where’s our normal...well not normal cause your nothing close to normal...where’s are our usual happy-go-lucky Baekhyun?’ D.O interjects

‘I’m not being dull’ suddenly his eyes fall on you and he instantaneously scowls

‘So she’s still here then?’ he says in an almost disgusted tone, you felt your hands clambering with sweat, he is annoying the hell out of you and as much as you wanted to punch him right now you had to resist that urge so you don’t create a scene, you just look at him

‘Obviously, I’m sitting in front of you Baek...can’t honestly be that blind?’ you say feeling proud with your comeback , the fellow boys howl as they realise you got the upper hand in this petty argument

‘You got done bro’ Kai says entirely amused

Baekhyun turned to a bright shade of pink and you could see he was trying his hardest to bring his irritation under control; he then points a finger at you and opens his mouth so you can receive some word bashing

‘You, you just come into my life take over my room, take over my house, take over my university and now my friends?  He says fuming with anger

The rest of the boys look onwards in shock and stay quiet until the responsible Suho speaks up

‘You guys know each other?’

‘Why didn’t you say so?’

‘They seem like they hate each other’ Sehun says mentioning the obvious

‘I tried my best to deal with you patiently but I had enough...why don’t you just get lost huh? Go away go back to where you came from, you’re a nuisance in my life’ he then advances towards the door to get out but as he was walking away you couldn’t help but pull on his arm

‘You have NO IDEA what I went through in my life, while you lived in luxury playing with your brothers eating happily with your family! I was dumped from one care home to another I never had any stability in my life and just when your mum offers to give me some you want to take it away as well? Then go ahead...I had enough as well’

And with that you rush out of the door tears streaming your face, you had enough if he was going to continuously act like a jerk then you wont give him that advantage you’ll leave , leave like you always do.

‘WHAT!! What the hell dude?! Why did you just do that? I never knew you were that insensitive’ Chanyeol says unreservedly livid.

‘She a freaking girl, girls have crazy hormones!! Shes probably on the way to your house to murder your brother’s hamster’ says D.O widening his eyes immensely

‘You guys just quieten down!! Aghh let me think!’ Baekhyun says completely bewildered and affected by your earlier tirade

‘I never knew she got it that hard’ Baekhyun says quietly

‘Huh whath did you thay hyung? Sehun says more than interested in this conversation

‘Nothing’ Baekhyun replies

‘Bye you guys I need to go’ and with that he rushes away.

You were incredibly sad, tears were still flowing without any pause, you couldn’t return home as you were rebelling now, leaving that home that you got so comfortable in.

‘Aigoo I have to stop crying’ you say to yourself as you brush away more tears with the back of your hand , you were very grateful that you didn’t wear any eye makeup as you would have looked like a witch. You hear footsteps speeding behind you but don’t take any notice until you feel a strong hand on your shoulder you tilt your head up slightly to realise it was that douche bag Baekhyun, as a reflex you shove his hands away from you and look up to see his face look somewhat hurt, but it didn’t bother you, he wounded you much more worse and you didn’t feel all too forgiving now, you started walking off ,you needed to or else you would have collapsed on the floor and turned into a hipping puddle of mess

‘_________ WAITTT!! ‘Baekhyun suddenly shouts

You don’t listen and carry on walking

‘I said wait!’  And runs and comes in front of you

‘Okay!  I’m sorry I said all that okay...I didn’t know you had it that hard in life i had no idea... mum never notified me on your past I just assumed you were some tear away kid who kept rebelling ‘ he pauses and takes a breath before continuing

‘I hope you forgive me, I treated you horribly I know’

It took you awhile to realise that Baekhyun was apologising to you, I mean the boy who made your life a virtual hell was actually pleading with you to forgive him, this chance didn’t come everyday

‘So do you forgive me?’ he says hopefully, you just look at him extremely perplexed

‘is this the same boy I was arguing with a couple of minutes ago’ you think subconsciously you were frozen to your spot, no clear reply was exiting your mouth all your words seemed to have been jumbled up and you had no intention of bringing them out and sounding like an inaudible fool, the next thing that happened was disbelief to your system.

‘Well since you’re not saying anything will an action make your mouth bring out some words?’ Baekhyun asks in a expectant manner, he suddenly embraces you without any clear warning other than his earlier question, you freeze absolutely dumbfounded

‘IS THIS REAL?’ you scream in your head, you feel his hands walk up to your waist and hold you tight, for some reason it felt like he didn’t want to let you go and it seemed like he was resisting the urge to hold on to you for longer but exits the embrace as soon as

‘I cant believe I just did that?’ he says ever so slightly blushing, he looks to the ground and then looks up at you once again

‘Ermm...lets go home?’ he says finally, you nod your head a little, you couldn't help but smile a little, your stomach was experiencing some feeling not necessarily a bad feeling cause it made you feel happy. You suddenly realise you both can't return home

‘Oh don’t you have to go back to university?’ you say remembering

‘Oh yeah...' he says scratching his head like a confused kid ' I err completely forgot, sorry I’ll have to return’ he says sadly almost as if he didn’t want to leave your side, he finally walks off and then turns to look back

‘_________ I’ll see you at home’ and walks of

You smile that he referred to his home as yours and with that faint smile carry on walking home.

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg