Grumpy in the morning?..neverr

Living with the Byuns


The wakeup alarm started to play to the song of SNSD at 7:50. You wakeup utterly Confused

 'It’s a Sunday! Why would Baekhyun have the alarm on so early in the morning?' You thought, Mr angry face then wakes up looking extremely tired and sends you a quick glance

‘Did you forget or something?'

 'Huh? What are you talking about?' you say through a tired broken voice’

‘Is your memory that bad? The conditions I set yesterday...get out'

'Whaat? What conditions? Oh’ you then remembered. He asked you to leave his room straight at 8am or else he'll kick up a fuss

 'His really immature for his age can't he see that I’m a guest?' you thought then grudgingly stood up from your comfortable position.  You looked at him for a half a second and followed that with a glare

 ‘What? Dont go all ape on me...we made a deal and you have to stick by it fully...if not, well your out' he said with a smirk

 ‘Aghhhhhhhh’ you half shout half squeal

 ‘YOU. ARE. IMPOSSIBLE I don’t know why you’re like this did you get dumped recently or something? If not then stop pmsing!'  You see Baekhyuns cheeks turn a light shade of pink as soon as you mentioned ‘Pmsing’ you now knew how to silence the boy

 ‘I should just carry on talking about a female’s reproductive system? But that embarrassing for me ' you thought and then looked at him one more time

 ' Baekhyun you should blush more it looks better than that ugly scowl you have on your face 24/7' you then run out of the room before you can hear any of his heart stinging remarks,

‘Ommo otttokehhhh!??' you sigh heavily as you enter the bathroom and grab your toothbrush

‘Why is he so bloody mean' you then take a second to look at yourself in the mirror

 'Yaaaaaaah' you scream to yourself

'What the hell do I look like??' you once again look at your reflection and realise this is what Baekhyun saw previously

 'Aah oh no! That Babos going to come later and make fun of my appearance’ you knew he was going to remind you on how horrible you looked thus you quickly washed your face, combed your hair and put it in a messy bun then applied light touches of makeup and some pink lip-gloss and A light application of mascara you found in the cupboard realising it belonged to Mrs Byun, you were finally content with the way you looked hence kept staring at yourself

 ' I look goooood' you remark vainly but then took a second glance at your reflection and recognize that you were still in your pyjamas , you couldn’t possibly carry on with the day wearing it. As you were not allowed to go back in to Baekhyun’s room you contemplated on how you will be able to get your clothes

 'How should I get my clothes? And it’s not like I can wake the rest of the house just to get them... Aigoo this is such a dilemma, I need to wear new clothes’ you then decided your going to enter into Baekhyuns room quietly making sure he doesn’t hear you

 'I hope and Pray the devil is sleeping please lord pleaseeeeeeee lord!!' you plead then walk down the hall and stand in front of his room and prepare yourself gradually opening the door cautiously, a few

Seconds later you started to tiptoe to your luggage extremely quietly you then saw that your luggage was placed directly opposite to Baekhyuns face

'This is more challenging then I initially thought ' you say silently

'Othoke' you tiptoe silently to your luggage however just at that moment trip over your pillow

'Oh Noooooooooooooo' you squeal as you fall smack onto Baekhyuns chest startling him immeasurably as  you hear him wakeup with a small yelp. You can feel his eyes burning into your head consequently reach your head up to only lock eyes with him ,His eyes widen enormously at first you both don’t do anything but just stare at each others face as shock had paralysed both your movements so you were absolutely still

 'Oh my gosh at this rate I can qualify to be a statue' you say internally and just at that thought you both suddenly come to your senses

 'WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?!!!' Baekhyun half roared

 'Ermm wait! I can explain myself I didn’t mean to fall on you I tripped...I tripped on my pillow!' you say in a rushed voice

 ‘You tripped on your...pillow? I don’t care that you fell on me! Well I do but I’ll get there later but WHY are you in my room? Didn’t my Conditions specifically entail that you’re not allowed after 8am’ Baekhyun looked enormously angry if anyone else talked to you like he did you would be fuming, However he had the effect of letting all your defences fall so you couldn't help but mumble a quiet apology

 ‘I’m sorry' you say inaudibly but loud enough for Baekhyun to hear

 'Huh what...I don’t think I can hear you?' Baekhyun replies in a snide manner

 'I SAID I’M SORRY! I came back to get my clothes! Okay I didn’t come to e it wasn’t my intention to fall on you it was the pillow!! Blame it on the pillow How comes your never mad at the pillow? Why is it always me? I mean what did I do to you? The pillow caused you more hurt then I did! I mean the pillows living in your room as well so why don’t you shout it? ‘You then stopped and realised your little rant is making absolutely no sense

 ‘What the hell are you saying? You do know you sound like an illiterate alien right now? Baekhyun responds

‘Whatever you and your pillow live a happy life, Bye!' and with that you storm off only to return two seconds later as you realised you didn’t take your clothes

 ' I forgot my Clothes' you mumble as you pick out a cute navy blue tipped collar dress, you then grab a Bra to change into

*Aaaaaaaaah* you scream, as you faced the front to realise Baekhyun had been standing there the entire time therefore this meant he had accidently seen your bras

 'Why the Hell are you standing there? Were you staring?’ you demand embarrassed that he saw your most intimate possessions

 ‘I wasn’t staring...oh man this look weird, Listen I wasn’t staring I had no idea you were going to pick out a b-b-bra' he said after stuttering, you realised that he was terribly uncomfortable as his cheeks tinge to a dark shade of pink he looks absolutely mortified,

 'Kyaaa' you say subconsciously

 ‘Whaat I just called him cute? No I didn’t mean that he looks ugly...ugly as a buffalo’ you mentally slapped yourself and quickly returned to the bathroom. You then change into your cute dress and make your way out, after opening the door you bash into something or rather someone

 ‘Why are you always following me ' Baekhyun says with accusing eyes

 ‘Following you? I was the one who entered the bathroom first!' you felt defeated when you talked to him as the argument reached nowhere. You gave him one more glance

 ‘I’m leaving, please Refrain from talking to me? Talking to you is like talking to bread the conversation doesn’t go anywhere'

 ‘You talk to bread? Wow you are a loser' Baekhyun replies feeble-mindedly

‘It was a freaking analogy’ you say through gritted teeth and storm downstairs

'Bread is a billion times interesting then that twerp!!' you think out loud; furthermore turn on the television getting some peace.

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg