The Crash of Venus and Mars

Deduced A Way To You


“Yeobo! The detective is here.” A woman in her mid-forty knocked into the door and opened up to reveal the big study room. Followed behind her were two men and a girl. One of the men was wearing a big brown jacket covered his whole body with a hood over his head while the other man was just wearing a normal t-shirt with a pant. The girl looked like a high school girl and was wearing an ear-phone in her ear, listened on her phone’s music playlist.

“HOW MANY TIMES I TOLD YOU THAT TO NOT COME IN HERE WITHOUT MY PERMISION???!!! WAIT FOR ME AT THE OUTSIDE!!!” An old man in his late fifty angrily knocked on his study table and shouted at them.

“Mianhae. I just don’t want our guest to wait for you too long.” The woman said with her head down.

“Ajumma, don’t worry. We can wait for Park sajangnim.” The man with big jacket and hood said smiley.

“Old dying punk!” The girl secretly cursed from behind but she received a pinch on her back immediately.

“Kang Ji Young, stop cursing. Behave!” Another man beside her heard her and stopped her.

“Oppa, waeyo?” Ji Young slapped back lightly in defend as they walked back to the living room where they passed earlier just now.

“Don’t act innocent. I know what you said just now and as a high school girl, you shouldn’t have those words out from your month.” The man said.

“Stop it, you two. We are guesting in other people house now, so please keep away your home-behaviour away here.” The man with big jacket and hood angrily turned to them.

“Hyung, it’s all because Ji Young. She cursed just now.” The man fought back.

“I don’t care who’s right or whose wrong now, just behave for now and solve it back at home later. And you, Kang Ji Young, act how a school girl should act.” The man in jacket said seriously.

“Detective, please have a seat and I’ll call the maid to serve you all with food while waiting for my husband. And I’m sorry to let you see this side of him, he never be like that before, not after he receive the threat letter. Joeseonghabnida.” The woman smiley showed them to the sofa in living room.

“Ajumma, we won’t mind it all.” The detective smiley nodded.

“Detective, thank you for coming. We really don’t know what to do after we received the three threaten letters. I really hope you can find out who send us those letters and save us from danger.” The woman’s face got saddened as she mentioned about the letters.

“Talking about the letters, can we know what’s really happened? And where is the letters now?” The detective asked seriously.

“This story started at when we received the first letter about a month ago. The letter was printed from computer, so we can’t learn the hand-writing from the letter. According to the letter, someone wanted my husband pay back what he did thirty years ago with his own life but my husband was so stubborn to believe it at first, until the second and the third letters were received later. But due to some condition, we can’t report it to the police and that’s why we found you here to help us.” The woman calmly explained.

“The letters were all kept in the study room, where we went just now, but as you can see we can’t get it without my husband permission.” The woman continued.

“Erm… can I know what did Park sajangnim did thirty years ago and cause the whole thing to happen? I may need it to know to help me on the investigation.” The detective asked again.

“Er… er… I think you have to ask it directly from my husband. I don’t know much about it.” The woman answered with apologise look.

“Hyung, it happened long ago and I think ajumma was still in school at that time, how should she know about it?” Another guy asked from beside.

“Ne, I just went in to the high school, I not even had meet my husband yet at that time.” The woman bitterly smiled.


“Why is he taken such a long time to come out? He should have known that we are waiting for him for hours already. Let me call him again.” The woman looked onto the clock on the wall and it appeared that they had already waited for about two hours in the living room already and she began to get worried with her husband.

“Oppa, how much longer we have to stay here? I already promised my friends to go to norebang with them later.” Ji Young annoyingly said as the woman went to the study room to call her husband.

“Sssshhhh!!” The detective did not answer Ji Young’s question, he just signal her to shut up.

“Aish!” Ji Young was so annoy with her older brother’s action.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Suddenly the woman’s shout was heard loudly throughout the whole house.

“Park Sajangnim.” The detective figure out the voice was from the study room direction and he knew it was something really bad happened to the old man. He quickly ran toward the study room and was followed by his two friends.

When they reached to the study room, they only saw the woman stood frozenly on the door and covered shockingly. The old man was sitting on the chair lifelessly with his mouth opened. His hands were hanging at both side of his seat and they were both in clutching position and his face turned purplish as the sign of him being out of air before he died and that maybe his real cause of death. On his study desk, there was a glass of red wine beside the bottle of wine.

“Park sajangnim.” The detective ran quickly to the motionless old man and checked his pulse with the hope of he was not late but reality did not gain him the wish. The old man’s pulse was no more readable because it was already stop totally. The detective turned to the woman and shook his head as the sign of no hope. The woman broke down to loud cry as she learnt that her husband was already dead.

“Min Hyuk, call the police now. And no one should come in here before the police are here.” The detective ordered.

“Oppa, do you know what have cause his death? The windows are all shut tight and this is the only door. But we are here all the time and no one was seen to come here except this ajumma. Does that mean this is an enclose room murder?” Ji Young asked curiously.

“We can’t conclude it now; wait for the police to investigate first.” The detective said while looked around the room.

“Hyung, I already call the police and they said they will reach in fifteen minutes.” Min Hyuk put down his phone and informed them.

“Ji Young, go to see Park-ssi ajumma condition. Min Hyuk, go to the back of the house and look if there is any sign of other people around.” The detective said.


“I’m Seo Hyun, Inspector of Crime Investigation. We have received report that there is a death body in here.” A mid-twenty police woman knocked on the door and introduced herself to the open-door maid. Behind her, there were about twelve to fifteen people showed their badge to confirm their identity.

“Majayo, please come in.” The maid said softly.

“You three, go to surround the house area to see if there is any susceptive subject.” Seo Ju Hyun ordered before she and her men went into the house.

“Seo Hyun eonni!” Ji Young saw the female leader and ran toward her excitedly. They had known each other for a long time already, through the first case she went with her two older brothers two years ago.

“Ji Young? Why are you here? And if you are here, then…” Seo Hyun was surprise to see the high school girl in the mayor of one of the richest businessman in Seoul.

“Yong Hwa oppa and Min Hyuk oppa are here too.” Ji Young smiley said.

“Him again? Why does he have to be there in every case I’m in?” Seo Hyun sighed weakly. She and Yong Hwa was frequently met each other in cases and she was a bit frustrated with him because he would always solved her cases before she did and that cost her quite a lot of pride as a police.

“Yo! Seo Hyun-ssi! Nice to meet you again.” Yong Hwa walked out from the study room and saw the old ‘friend’ was already there.

“Please don’t act like we are close, Yong Hwa-ssi. Why there are always a person die wherever you go? Do you under some sort of curse or what?” Seo Hyun rolled her eyes.

“I don’t know but I think it’s good because it give us change to reunion. What do you think?” Yong Hwa answered playfully.

“I think it is the worst thing in my life. Please stay away from this because we are taking over everything here. You can step aback for now.” Seo Hyun nonchalantly said and turned to order her men to go in to the study room to check on the body.

“Don’t be so cool, Seo Hyun-ssi. Moreover, I can’t go away from this now because I’m one of the witnesses and I already check every corner in the study room, so you will need my help.” Yong Hwa smiley said.

“Okay, you can stay back but don’t interrupt our investigation.” Seo Hyun knew that she could not do anything to stop Yong Hwa from not meddle their investigation but as a team leader, she had to voice up to him.

“I promise I won’t.” Yong Hwa smiley put up his hand to make a swear.

“Songsaengnim, what’s the time and cause of death?” Seo Hyun ignored Yong Hwa and went straight to the study room.

“The body temperature is not far from normal body temperature and there are cloudy films over his eyes, so the time of death should be under three hours. Based on his body condition, I believe that his cause of death is…” The forensic doctor stood up and explained his basic autopsy result.

“Cardiorespiratory arrest. His hands are still on clutching position and his face had become purplish as the result of lack of air seconds before him dead.” Yong Hwa appeared from behind and continued the forensic doctor’s report.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, don’t you hear what I said just now? Stay away from our investigation.” Seo Hyun annoyingly turned to Yong Hwa.

“I just want to help. I have first-hand information, and I thought you may want it from me. Okay, if you want this in the hard way, I can stay in the living room and keep my mouth shut.” Yong Hwa playfully said and turned to heading out.

“W… wa… wait! Wh… what… do you have?” Seo Hyun really wanted to punch Yong Hwa hardly on his face but she had to control herself because she needed the information Yong Hwa had with him, so she had to lower her altitude to Yong Hwa.

“But I have to keep my mouth shut, so sorry to let you down, Inspector Seo Hyun.” Yong Hwa smirked and walked out from the study room.

“STOP! Since I can’t get it with soft, I’ll go with hard way.” Seo Hyun’s tolerant reached the top and she stopped Yong Hwa and pushed him toward the wall.

“Wooo… cool down, Seo Hyun-ssi. I know I’m very attractive, but please control yourself in front of your men. They might misunderstand on you.” Yong Hwa was shocked with Seo Hyun sudden move but he still kept his playful mind with him. Seo Hyun, in other hand, was boiled up hot with Yong Hwa’s playfulness. Her EQ was always high and she never let her emotion to take over her before but since two years ago after she first met her lifetime enemy, everything had changed and Seo Hyun’s men were all used to their ‘lovely’ quarrel.

“Say it now before I land my punch on your face! I didn’t hope your fans-girl out there got disappoint if they saw your swollen face.” Seo Hyun did not care about her men because she could control them easily; it was this man in front of her now that caused the most problem for her.

“Oh kamsahae, for take caring my popularity, or you too is one of my fans-girl so you know how they will feel if my face got swollen?” Yong Hwa winked playfully.

“Jung Yong Hwa! I’m not in mood to play with you now, so say it out what you know about this case and get lost!” Seo Hyun angrily said.

“Does that mean you will play along with me if your mood is right? Wow, I never know that someone like Seo Hyun-ssi like to play with me. Oh crap, you already fallen for me?” Yong Hwa continued to act playfully.

“Y… YOU!!! NARCISSISM!” Seo Hyun’s temper had gone over the limit and she turned Yong Hwa over onto the wall and held his right hand tightly at his back. Her black-belt in Taekwondo was putting in fully use for this.

“Ouch! Seo Hyun-ssi is lot more attractive when you got angry, you know?” Yong Hwa still continued with his playfulness.

“You better say it…” Seo Hyun did not want to play along with Yong Hwa anymore, she was preparing to use force to make Yong Hwa told her the information he got.

“Timjangnim, we caught a suspect at the back of the house, hiding behind some blush when we found him.” At the exact moment three men, two polices holding a young man to be exact, came into the room and that interrupted Seo Hyun to continue her words.

“Min Hyuk? Let go of him, he is not the suspect.” Seo Hyun realised that Min Hyuk was the one they were holding on and she quickly ordered they to let him go.

“Hyung? Seo Hyun?” At the same time, Min Hyuk was surprise to see Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun position.

“But timjangnim, he is acting strangely at the back of the house…” One of the police voiced out his opinion.

“Just do as what I say. Let him go, he has nothing to do with this.” Seo Hyun ordered.

“I’m the one ask him to look around after he call you guys just now.” Yong Hwa explained. The two police looked at each other and let go of Min Hyuk as they could not disobey Seo Hyun’s order.

“Seo Hyun, Yong Hwa hyung, what happen?” Min Hyuk asked as he got away from the held.

“Get out of here now.” Seo Hyun did not answer Min Hyuk’s question. She also let go of Yong Hwa.

“Min Hyuk, do you found anything from outside?” Yong Hwa turned to Min Hyuk seriously.

“I don’t see anything strange out there.” Min Hyuk shook his head.

“This is getting interesting.” Yong Hwa smirked.

“I said get out from here. This is out of your business.” Seo Hyun voice got louder as she noticed Yong Hwa was ignoring her order.

“This. Is. My. Business. The body there is my client and he was killed when I am here. There’s no way I will go away from this before I find out his murderer.” Yong Hwa determinedly told Seo Hyun, it was totally different from the playful self he showed just minutes ago.

“You…” Seo Hyun was speechless because she knew when Yong Hwa made up his mind, there’s no one can change his mind anymore.

“Do you found any abnormal in that glass of wine?” Yong Hwa pointed to the wine on the table and asked the forensic officer. The forensic officer turned to Seo Hyun and she just nodded as the permission to tell Yong Hwa they found.

“The test didn’t show any specific but there is one thing that makes me curious. There is some crystallized substance near the mouth of the glass and the same crystals were also found on the victim’s mouth. I had taken some to run a simple test and according to the result, I can assure that it is GHB, Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid. GHB acid is normally used to treat insomnia, depression, and narcolepsy. It also used by some athlete to improve their performance. But this GHB acid is not an extra substance in wine and some alcoholic drinks because the wine can naturally ferment this acid as side product.” The forensic officer spoke out what he found on the wine as Yong Hwa asked.

“GHB… GHB… can the GHB cause people to have cardiorespiratory arrest?” Yong Hwa asked again.

“Erm… there is quite a number of report that show GHB overdose really can cause cardiorespiratory arrest but the amount of GHB in this glass shouldn’t be overdose enough to cause cardiorespiratory arrest.” The forensic officer shook his head as did not agree with Yong Hwa’s thought.

“Songsaengnim, do you have any thought that might cause the victim to have cardiorespiratory arrest?” Yong Hwa turned to the forensic doctor.

“I can say for sure now but I do think that the wine is high chances to be the cause because it was the last thing the victim took before he died. But I can’t rule out the possibility that he took other thing that might have killed him together with the wine before I can look on his stomach.” The forensic doctor said.

“Do you think this is suicide or homicide?” Seo Hyun asked.

“I can’t say for sure on this too because both also possible.” The forensic doctor shook his head.

“I’m sure that this is a homicide because Park sajangnim was threatened by someone since months ago and I was here to investigate the person behind this.” Yong Hwa said seriously.

“Threaten by someone? Is this what you said you got? Where is the evident?” Seo Hyun asked.

“According to Park-ssi ajumma, those threaten letters were all in this room but after Park sajangnim was killed, I already searched this room overall but I still can’t found those letters. Now Park-ssi ajumma is still unconscious, so I can’t ask her if she know there is any secret place in this room that Park sajangnim might have kept those letters in.” Yong Hwa explained as he went down to the body.

“If there is not evident, we are going to treat this case as suicide case.” Seo Hyun said.

“I still think that this is a homicide and my instinct tells me that the wine with that GHB acid is the cause of his death.” Yong Hwa was very sure that his thought was the truth of this case, now he only needed some evident to support his thought and found out who was the culprit behind this.



A/N: First chapter is finally out. I hope this story will be as successful as my previous detective story. Oh, I forgot to say, this main picture in forward is done by me, this is my first time try to edit picture, so please forgive me if the artwork is bad. Hehe...

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)