
Deduced A Way To You


“BBBAAAANNNNGGGG!!!!” A loud noise filled the whole party and soon another two same noises were heard again.


“AAAAHHHHH!!!!” At the same time the other side of the party added the voice of women’s shout. Everyone in the party became panic as they did not know what had just happened but one thing for sure that everyone want to get out from the avenue as soon as possible and saved their own life.

Everyone started to run toward the one and only door, trying to escape but due to the number of people fought for one exit, the evacuation was going very slow. The front most rows of people was fighting with each other to get the first to go out, they did not care about their image anymore as their life was more important than that. The further row from the door was running toward the door and they would do anything to get themselves out of there, even if they needed to step over other people. It was a total chaos in the party.

“AHHHH!!” Sunny shouted in scared. Just a second ago, she was chatting happily with her cousin, Yong Hwa and his one-night girlfriend, Seo Hyun and enjoyed the party. A second later, she was crawling in scare and screaming. Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun were forced to apart with her as people ran in between them and pushed them further apart.

“Sunny-ah! Sunny! Sun Kyu! Answer me, Lee Sun Kyu!” Yong Hwa, in other hand, was shouting Sunny’s name, hoped that she might be nearby and heard his shout. He was worried sick about her because he knew that although she always showed people her bright side but she really hated or better said that she was afraid of being alone.

“Sunny-ssi! Can you hear our call? Sunny-ssi!” Seo Hyun, who was beside Yong Hwa also helped to find Sunny. Yong Hwa and her was holding hand tightly since the apart with Sunny as they could not afford to lost another one of them.

“AAAHHH!!! SAJANGNIM!” Suddenly Yong Hwa heard a disturbing shout not far from their standing place.

“Samchon? Seo Hyun-ssi, wait for me at here. I’ll go to see what happen to samchon.” Yong Hwa’s instinct told him that something bad had happened to Lee Soo Man.

“Aniyo, let’s go together. I don’t want to waste my energy to find you later; one Sunny-ssi is enough.” Seo Hyun rejected with full determine.

“Arasso, don’t let go of my hand.” Yong Hwa smiled weakly. They began to walk toward where Yong Hwa heard the shout just now. It should not be far from their place but due to the swarm of people, they had a hard time to go through them.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, Seo Hyun-ssi!” Suddenly someone called their name from the speakers around the avenue before they could go closer to the direction of the previous shout. Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun stopped their steps and looked around for sign of the caller but they could not find anyone was using the speakers. People also stopped on what they were doing for a while as they heard the name from the speakers.

“BANG!!!” Another sound like the three before was heard again. Just back an inch away from Yong Hwa’s leg, there was a smoky hole on the floor that formed just after the sound was heard. Closer to Yong Hwa’s leg, there was blood drops started to form. Seo Hyun followed looked up from the floor and saw Yong Hwa’s left arm was bleeding from the open caused by the bullet.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, gwaechanayo?” Seo Hyun asked.

“Gwaenchana.” Yong Hwa just answered shortly. His eyes were stared on one direction even when he answered Seo Hyun. Seo Hyun noticed the stare and she followed the stare to opposite side in second floor of the party. A girl was holding a gun and smiley pointed toward them.

“Oops, Yong Hwa-ssi. I didn’t mean to miss it but if this ended too fast then J would not happy with it. Haha…” Again, the girl talked through the speakers.

“J? She is the one sent us the letter? What is her relation with J?” Yong Hwa murmured in the middle of enduring his pain from the cut just now.

“Who is she, Yong Hwa-ssi? Is she J’s friend?” Seo Hyun asked in nervous.

“Maybe. Stand behind me, Seo Hyun-ssi.” Yong Hwa said and pulled Seo Hyun to his back while he still kept his eyes on that girl.

“Ohohoho… Are you afraid that I will hurt your little girlfriend? Don’t worry, I promised to J that I’ll not kill you two today. Today is just an opening ceremony to tell the world that the greatest J is back. My job is done so… Bye!” The girl witnessed every move by Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun. She then jumped off from the second floor through a window behind her in a blink of eyes.

“Wait……” Yong Hwa was too late to stop her. He only could let the mysterious girl ran away in front of his eyes, without able to do anything or asked her anything.

“Yong Hwa-ah! You’re bleeding!” Sunny appeared from the middle of the crowd behind and approached Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun. She heard everything from the speakers and she found her way by learnt the direction of the last shoot.

“I’m fine. Oh ya, samchon!” Yong Hwa smiley assured his cousin as he was happy that she was fine. Only then he remembered about the shout before the ‘mini event’ just now. He quickly ran toward the direction with Seo Hyun and Sunny and they soon saw a lying figure not far from them, luckily that after the ‘mini event’, people were a bit loosen as they afraid to stay closer to each other.

“Samchon!” Yong Hwa shouted as he went closer to the lying figure. But there was something wrong with that lying figure. He was not Lee Soo Man, he was just a business friend with Lee Soo Man.

“Huu…” Yong Hwa sighed as he found out that the lying figure was not his uncle, Lee Soo Man.

“Timjangnim, Yong Hwa-ssi!” At the same time, someone called Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun from the front door direction. It was from Shin Dong, Sung Min, Kyu Hyun and Min Ho were following from behind, squeezing out from the swarm of people. Seo Hyun quickly let go of Yong Hwa’s hand as soon as she saw Kyu Hyun was looking angrily at her and Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa noticed every movement by Seo Hyun and Kyu Hyun’s look; he got the idea what happened between them.

“Timjang? Who are they, Seo Hyun-ssi? And why are they called you timjang?”  Sunny was clueless with the sudden comers.

“Mianhaeyo, Sunny-ssi. I lied to you. Actually, Yong Hwa-ssi and I are just acting. I’m an Inspector and we knew each other somehow but we are not in that kind of relation. I’m here today to track down someone close to that girl who ran away just now but the guards blocked me, so I…” Seo Hyun explained everything to Sunny. Although she just knew Sunny for not more than half an hour but somehow she felt that they might able to be friend for some times so she did not want to lie to her anymore.

“I see… but are you sure that you two are just acting just now? I can see from your expression and that babo expression that you two are sure enjoy being with each other. Hogsi… you two are acting just now but the feeling is real?” Sunny blunted out.

“No way. It’s all for the act only. We always argue with each other a lot when we met in cases before so that’s no way that Yong Hwa-ssi like me or vice versa.” Seo Hyun denied.

“Fight a lot? But you said it yourself just now that even you two fight a lot but you do admire him a lot too. Is that also for the act too? But from your expression, you don’t sound like you’re acting, nor do him.” Sunny kept on argued that they were too true to be just acting.

“Ahem… Do you two finish your discussion? Everyone could hear it, you know?” Yong Hwa cut in.

“Huh?” Only then Seo Hyun and Sunny remembered that they were in the middle of people, especially Seo Hyun’s team members and Yong Hwa.

“Shin Dong-ssi and Sung Min-ssi, go to the second floor and check if there is anything left by the gunner. Kyu Hyun… ssi, please call for searching team and also ambulance. Min Ho, go and look for Lee Soo Man sajangnim, he was nowhere to be found after the gun-shot.” Seo Hyun quickly ordered her men to avoid more awkward but she still could not face Kyu Hyun because she felt sorry for him, for everything happen tonight. Everyone separated out as Seo Hyun’s order and did what they need to do.

“Hyun… Seo Hyun-ssi, you should go with Kyu Hyun-ssi. Don’t worry about us because we can take care of ourselves here. You should talk to Kyu Hyun-ssi about tonight.” Yong Hwa pushed Seo Hyun toward Kyu Hyun’s direction and whispered to her the last sentence.

“Yong Hwa-ssi…” Seo Hyun was surprised with Yong Hwa’s last sentence. Only one explains to that, Yong Hwa had figured out her relation with Kyu Hyun.

“Go.” Yong Hwa smiley ordered and nodded a bit to assure Seo Hyun. Seo Hyun understood what Yong Hwa meant, so she ran toward Kyu Hyun’s direction, leaving Yong Hwa and Sunny together.

“You really are a big babo. You should hold her hand even tighter because I know that she is not as what she thinks she is.” Sunny let out a deep sigh and softly said.

“What do you talking about? I really don’t understand you tonight. I just did what I think it is right to do.” Yong Hwa turned and smiled to Sunny. Of course he understood what Sunny meant but Yong Hwa acted to be fool.

“I can’t communicate with this big babo. We are in different tune.” Sunny let out a sigh again.

“A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t sigh a lot or you will be age a lot faster than normal. I won’t ask my friend to date an old woman, you know.” Yong Hwa jokingly said.

“Ya, Jung Yong Hwa!” Sunny angrily slapped Yong Hwa’s arm.

“Oh, thanks god that uri Sunny is back.” Yong Hwa continued to joke with Sunny while he rubbed the spot where Sunny hit just now.

“Do whatever you want. Don’t come to me and cry to me when she is getting married to other guy.” Sunny pouted.

“When this day is coming, I’ll be the first to congratulate her and pity for her husband-to-be.” Yong Hwa said as he turned to where Seo Hyun and Kyu Hyun disappeared in the crowd.

“You better be. I see now why you don’t want your eomma to know about tonight. Not because of you two are just acting tonight but you are preventing her to meet your eomma because you care about her, a lot. Yong Hwa-ah, you should really go for her if you really like her, which I think you are. I know she is the right one for you.” Sunny placed her hand on Yong Hwa’s shoulder and patted it lightly. It was not a comfortable one due to their height difference but this was not the time to care about that.

“You know that you are really acting like an ajumma tonight? You’re just a month older than me, so stop acting like you live a lot longer than me.” Yong Hwa turned back to Sunny.

“At least I got more experience than you in love.” Sunny rolled her eyes on Yong Hwa.

“I think Min Hyuk will be happy to know about your experience in detail.” Yong Hwa sarcastically said.

“You…” Sunny was about to protest but someone called them.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, I’ve found Lee Soo Man sajangnim.” Min Ho appeared from the crowd and called them.

“He is suffering from heart attack when I found him in a room at the side of this hall. I’ve give him his medicine and he is alright now but I think you better bring him to hospital to check-up.” Min Ho said as he came to Yong Hwa and Sunny.

“Bring us there, Min Ho-ssi.” Yong Hwa and Sunny quickly followed Min Ho out of the party hall and went to a waiting room beside the hall to find Lee Soo Man sitting on a sofa, panting weakly and sweating all over his face. He smiled weakly as he saw Yong Hwa and Sunny appeared from the door.

“Samchon, can you hear me? Gwaechanayo?” Yong Hwa went to Lee Soo Man side and held his shaking hand.

“Gwaechana, thanks to this young man. If not because of him, I might not able to see you two again. Ha… ha… ha…” Lee Soo Man weakly said.

“Kamsahabnida, Min Ho-ssi.” Sunny nodded a bit as appreciation to Min Ho.

“Don’t thank me, I just do what everyone would do if they are in this situation. I need to go back to timjangnim, bye.” Min Ho bowed back and ran out of the room to find Seo Hyun and others.

“Jakkamanyo, Min Ho-ssi. Please tell Seo Hyun-ssi that I’m sorry for tonight and I have to send samchon to hospital, so I can’t say goodbye to her face-to-face.” Yong Hwa ran out of the room to catch-up with Min Ho. He then ran back into the room.

“Samchon, can you get up on your feet? We will bring you to the hospital for a better check-up. Or I will carry you.” Yong Hwa asked.

“I can walk by myself. Oh, Yong Hwa-ah, where is your girlfriend, Seo… Seo Hyun-ssi?” Lee Soo Man stood up slowly with the help of Yong Hwa and Sunny.

“She is…” Yong Hwa was caught off guard with that question and he did not know how to respond to that question.

“I asked Yong Hwa to send her home first just now after the party. She was looking for you too just now but I stopped her.” Sunny jumped in to help Yong Hwa.

“Oh I see. Hahaha… she is a good and pretty girl. Yong Hwa-ah, you’re so lucky to get her.” Lee Soo Man did not realise any wrong with that explanation and accept it without any doubt.

“Ne, this guy here is so clueless about how good Seo Hyun-ssi is. He even thought to give up on her once.” Sunny took the chance to talk ironically to Yong Hwa.

“Yong Hwa-ah, I feel at-ease to see you with Seo Hyun-ssi. Even I just met her for few minutes but I can see that she is not that kind of girl that get close to you for your wealthy background, she is sincerely like you. So, don’t let go of such of a chance or you will be regret years after.” Lee Soo Man softly said as they headed toward to lift to car park.

“I understand, samchon.” Yong Hwa nodded to Lee Soo Man and at the same time his looked to Sunny with his cornered eyes.


“Kyu Hyun-ssi, wait! Please hear my explanation.” Seo Hyun chased Kyu Hyun until his car. Kyu Hyun did everything what Seo Hyun asked him to do just now and he headed straight to his car as he was close to explode with jealous if he still stay in the avenue.

“Stop it. I don’t want to hear those lovely moments you have with Yong Hwa-ssi.” Kyu Hyun slotted his car key into his car door and opened it. Too bad for him that his car alarm was broke down days ago and now he had to open his door manually, giving Seo Hyun times to catch up with him.

“Kyu Hyun, can’t you just cut off your jealous act and listen to me. As I tell Sunny-ssi just now that Yong Hwa-ssi and I are just doing all that for acting only. Nothing really happened between him and me.” Seo Hyun pulled off Kyu Hyun’s car key from its hole and kept it behind, away from Kyu Hyun.

“Wow, I don’t know that my GIRLFRIEND is such a good actress. Does it mean that everything happen between me and you also an act only?” Kyu Hyun asked loudly.


“What do you think I’m? A girl that play around guys?” Seo Hyun angrily asked after she slapped Kyu Hyun.

“Come to think about it, I really didn’t understand you much enough. You might look good and honest from outside but who knows what you’re in inside. Or maybe you are really not that type of a girl but you like Yong Hwa-ssi from start but you used me just as a killing time.” Kyu Hyun smirked and placed his hand on his left cheek where Seo Hyun slapped just now.

“Choi Kyu Hyun, how many times I need to tell you that Yong Hwa-ssi and I are just acting? And yes, we really didn’t know each other much enough but according to what happen today, I think we are not so suitable to be in relation. I think we need some times apart to think about what is the most suitable for us.” Seo Hyun tried to control her already exploded anger as she felt so hurt from Kyu Hyun’s words.

“Ha… haha… HAHAHA!!! You finally say what you want to say for month since we got into this relation. FINE! I can tell you now that WE ARE DONE! DONE!!! Satisfice?” Kyu Hyun ironically said. He grabbed back his car key from Seo Hyun, who was froze at the spot, and jumped into his car and drove off. Seo Hyun was motionless as this was not what she wanted in first place but Kyu Hyun’s words really knocked her off from her sense and her anger took over her.



A/N: Sorry to take a day off yesterday...  :P 

And I got a word for SeoKyu fans, if anyone here is, I'm sorry to put their relation so short but I just can't help because they should break up to give way to YongSeo...

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)