Drop the Bomb

Deduced A Way To You


“You say what? You are going to marry this poor woman?” A loud noise came from a big semi-D house in Jamsil in the early morning of hot summer June.

“Ne, eomeonim. I’m going to marry with her and I will no matter how much you oppose it.” Another voice fought back.

“No way! She will never be the right one for you, Yong Hwa. There are a lot more suitable girls for you out there, like Samsung’s sajangnim daughter or SsangYong’s sajang wife’s youngest sister, they do seem interested in you but why must you choose this poor Inspector?” The first voice was belonged to an old woman; she raised her voice as she said.

“Stop talking bad about her and I’m her not to ask for your opinion, I’m informing you! Like it or not, she will be the one and only woman stand beside me in front of the priest on the wedding ceremony.” Yong Hwa fought back loudly. He then pulled Seo Hyun, who was sitting looking down beside him, out of the house. He did not bid goodbye to his mother at all.

“And I’ll stop you no matter what!” Yong Hwa’s mother shouted back at the leaving couple. Yong Hwa stopped at his way and turned sharply at his mother with angry eyes before he continued his steps again. Seo Hyun dared not to say a word now because she never saw Yong Hwa in this angriness before and he did scare her a bit. Seo Hyun never thought that Yong Hwa’s relationship with his mother was so bad, even worse than she thought.

“Yeobo, why should you act like this? Yong Hwa is the only son left and don’t you always want him to get married? This is the first time he brings a girl home and says that they want to get married. I can see that he is serious…” Yong Hwa’s father sat back down on his sofa as Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun already left.

“I do want him to get married but not that poor girl. She is not the one for Yong Hwa, I say so. We, as business family, must know that marriage is not just the bond of two lovers but it’s also a business deal. Bond with a big company will make ours bigger and better but to bond with a poor Inspector with who knows what her background is, is not doing us any good. I’ll stop them for sure, even they do sign the paper, I also can make them divorce.” Yong Hwa’s mother stubbornly said.

“Geumanhe! He is my last son and all I want is he being happy for his life. Please don’t make me against you to make that happen.” Yong Hwa’s father slapped the small table hardly to give warning to his wife.

“@#$%$#@#$%^” Yong Hwa’s mother softly whispered to herself and no one knew what she was talking.


“You what? Woahh… Jung Yong Hwa, this is the first time I heard you fight with ajumma. Seo Hyun-ssi, you are making another record for him.” Sunny’s eyes got bigger as she learned what happened in Jung’s house just now from Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun.

“Aniyo… this is not something to be proud of. I feel bad to make that happen.” Seo Hyun replied sadly.

“Hyun, it’s not your fault. She always being miserable since then and I always tried to tolerate with those before but I just can’t let her say something bad about you.” Yong Hwa reached out to Seo Hyun’s hand and pated it lightly to assure her.

“Your relationship does improve so fast, I still can remember when we first meet, you two claimed to be couple but I only can feel that you two are friends that like each other but now you two already giving me the feel of married couple. Seeing you two, I ‘m thinking when will I have such a moment in my life.” Sunny said with tilted head and looked straight to the couple opposite her.

“Go and get your Min Hyuk and you will have your own lovely moment. And we do really going to marry soon.” Yong Hwa looked to his cousin.

“MWO??! Are you serious? You two are just start to see each other for weeks, as I know, and you are already planning to tide down the knot.” Sunny asked in surprised. She knew about the argument between Yong Hwa and his mother but she did not know that what the real reason behind that was.

“I don’t see why we should wait when both of us knew that we are the last one for each other.” Yong Hwa did not want to tell Sunny the real reason because he did not want to make their marriage looked like a ceremony of responsibility only.

“Hogsi… you two…” Sunny suspected something but she was afraid to say it out loud.

“Sunny-ssi, don’t need to guess anymore. Yes, I’m…” Seo Hyun knew that they could not keep that secret from everyone long, so she decided to face it.

“Hyun…” Yong Hwa, in other hand, tried to stop Seo Hyun because her to took all the blame when people found out about their little secret.

“Yong… we can’t keep it forever, they will find it out too one day. So it’s better to come clear with them.” Seo Hyun nodded lightly to Yong Hwa to assure him that she knew what she was doing.

“Ya, you two are giving me a chill, you know? Split it out now. Seo Hyun-ssi, you are having some deathly disease now and you want to spend your final moment with this babo, right?” Sunny thought that their time was ticking and they hoped to stay with each other as the name of husband and wife.

“Sun Kyu-ah, you see too much of drama.” Yong Hwa chuckled a bit when he heard what Sunny said.

“Sunny-ssi, I do have a disease but this disease is not going to cause my life but instead, it creates a new life.” Seo Hyun also smiled at Sunny’s thought.

“What are you talking about? How a disease can create a new… new LIFE? You mean, you are… pregnant?” Sunny was not realised it at first but when she repeated Seo Hyun’s answer again, she finally got what Seo Hyun meant. Seo Hyun smiley nodded.

“Woooaaa… today is full of shock for me. Ya, Jung Yong Hwa! How can you surpass me so much? I’m the one who have a lot of love life before you yet you overcome me to get married and have child earlier than me.” Sunny said in teasing tone.

“It’s easy for you to have baby too, just call Min Hyuk to your room or you go to his room and soon you will have one for yourselves too.” Yong Hwa said coolly. Seo Hyun was surprised that Yong Hwa could say it so normal and she slapped hardly on Yong Hwa’s arm to stop him but Yong Hwa just ignored her.

“Enough with that guy, he is no one to me anymore! I have Daniel or Hanry or Albert or others if I really want to have a baby, so please stop link me with that guy anymore.” Sunny said with straight face.

“What’s wrong, Sunny-ssi? Did Min Hyuk-ssi do something to you that make you angry with him?” Seo Hyun asked in worried. She already had doubt in it when she learned that Sunny gave them the ticket to the cruise.

“I don’t and never have care about what he does, so why must I get angry with that guy?” Sunny replied.

“You know what, Hyun? I read on a psychologist book about people behaviour when they tell a lie that when someone is talking a lie, he or she will try to avoid referring themselves or the name of their target, they will use common word like ‘that guy’ or ‘that girl’ or just take off themselves in the sentence, just like what this babo is doing just now. Do you notice that she didn’t mention Min Hyuk’s name at all when she is talking about him, she used ‘that guy’ to refer to Min Hyuk?” Yong Hwa said with a smile.

“What… what are… you… talking about? I… I… I’m not telling a lie.” Sunny got stammered as she got caught by Yong Hwa and she nervously rubbed her back neck and looked away.

“See? There’s another sign of she is telling a lie. When people telling a lie, the blood vessel in their body will expanded and that person will feel itchy all over their body, especially on their ears, nose and neck where the vessels are the nearest to the skin. The naïve liar will also turn their face away from their lie target because their inner heart could not face the target of their lie.” Yong Hwa continued to say.

“Ya! Jung Yong Hwa, stop it!” Sunny turned back to face Yong Hwa as she was trying to control herself from showing them those traits of which Yong Hwa said.

“Tell us the real thing if you want me to stop or we will interpret directly from your previous explanation, oppositely.” Yong Hwa threatened.

“… Alright. That’s why sometime I really hate you being a private detective.” Sunny said in defeat and pouted. She then told the couple about her and Min Hyuk. Apparently, Min Hyuk never went to find her anymore after that day meeting and she thought that he was not really want to be friend with her, which she happily thought that they might have another chance if they became friend again as Min Hyuk said. But days after days, Min Hyuk still did not call her or find her anymore since that day and she was upset and angry on him for fooling her.

“Really? But he didn’t seem happy that day when he gave me the cruise ticket, I thought you rejected him. He should be happier if he knew your thought. Do you, by any chance, hurt him by your words again?” Yong Hwa asked in confused.

“I… I… it’s your entire fault. Why do you tell him that I like him?” Sunny blamed back at Yong Hwa.

“I thought he knew but what did that have to do with your relationship?” Yong Hwa said innocently.

“He suddenly asked me that day about that and I… I… I told him that I don’t like him, I only like Won Bin… could that be the reason why he cut down the contact with me?” Sunny softly said.

“Sunny-ssi, why must you say that to Min Hyuk-ssi? You can just ignore him when he asked about that and it would lessen the hurt you make on him.” Seo Hyun also felt bad for Min Hyuk on what Sunny did.

“I didn’t think much about it at that time; I just think that I can’t let him find out about my true feeling. What should I do now, to apologise to Min Hyuk-ssi?” Sunny said weakly with her head down.

“Think about it by yourself, not by logic but by feeling. Sometime you just need to do some illogic act to get back your love life.” Yong Hwa replied coolly.

“Come to think about it, do you go to Shin Dong-ssi that morning to surrender as part of your act to get me?” Seo Hyun asked sarcastically.

“Ani! Why would I do that?” Yong Hwa strongly denied.

“Surrender? What surrender? Tell me.” Sunny asked in confused. Seo Hyun went on to tell everything happen that fated morning event to Sunny, ignoring the stop from Yong Hwa.

“Ya, Jung Yong Hwa! I never knew that there is such a way. Where do you got to learn those skills from?” Sunny teasingly asked Yong Hwa as she heard what Yong Hwa did.

“Hyun, why do you tell this girl everything?” Yong Hwa did not answer Sunny but he blamed Seo Hyun for telling Sunny about their story.

“What? I’m doing this because I think Sunny-ssi as eonni, a family and what’s wrong to tell everything to eonni?” Seo Hyun asked back innocently.

“Even though, you don’t need to tell everything to her. You just not know her much; she will use this to threaten us in future to help her in her plan.” Yong Hwa started to regret to introduce Sunny to Seo Hyun.

“Ani, I will not use Seo Hyun-ssi, I promise. I’m the maknae in my family and I always wanted a younger sister and now I found Seo Hyun-ssi, why would I use her, my younger sister for my own good? But for you, Jung Yong Hwa-ssi, it’s different matter.” Sunny evilly smirked while looking teasingly to Yong Hwa.

“As long as you don’t kill him and leave my baby without appa, then you can ask him anytime you like, you have my permission, eonni.” Seo Hyun smiley said. The two girl officially joined force.

“What a dark future I got?” Yong Hwa was defeated by his wife-to-be and his cousin. They were more threatening than every criminal in this world joined force.


“Soo Young-ssi, can you stop following me around? I want to be alone.” Jong Hyun frustratingly said.

“But I want to follow you to learn what you like to do in free time.” Soo Young did not give up on trying courting her last target.

“I told you that I’m not the suitable guy to you. Why must you keep on following me around?” Jong Hyun said and walked faster to get away from Soo Young but it’s not an easy one to get away from a long legs girl although he had long legs too.

“I’m not giving up until you accept me.” Soo Young was able to follow Jong Hyun’s steps.

“I only like computer in my life and no woman will compare to it in my heart, so just stop doing this when you and I know that it won’t works at last.” Jong Hyun had tried everything to get away from Soo Young but she just did not listen to him. Jong Hyun secretly scolded Jung Shin to pass this annoying girl to him.

“We never try it yet, who know it might work at last? Believe me, I’m more attractive than these computers and electronic stuffs here.” Soo Young ran past Jong Hyun and stopped him. Jong Hyun was shopping for his computer again but it was disturbed by Soo Young.

“Excuse me, I can see that you are quite pretty but you just can’t compare yourself to these lovely stuffs here. As an electronic-lover, no man can change their love on these electronic stuffs, not even if the world most beautiful and attractive person in front of them. If you really want to get attraction from your friend here, then you should first try to like what he likes, not by stopping him doing what he likes.” A tall girl, but not as tall as Soo Young, stepped into Jong Hyun and Soo Young’s conversation.

“Who are you? Why must you care about our talk here?” Soo Young looked annoyingly at the sudden intruder.

“I’m Yoona, Im Yoona. I didn’t mean to interrupt you two but I just can’t stop myself when I see how you look down on these electronic stuffs. Although they are not living things, like us, but you just can’t ignore that they are beautiful and they are everywhere. Can you imagine that one day; we are living without them again, like our ancestors did in few centuries back?” The girl seriously said while looking at the electronic material on display, without looking at Jong Hyun and Soo Young.

“You are crazy! Jong Hyun-ssi, let go other place than staying here talking with this crazy girl.” Soo Young was not feeling good with the girl’s talk and her instinct told her to get away from this girl, Im Yoona, fast.

“If you want to go other place, please do because you are disturbing me here. I still want to look around here. Julia needs new and better software to catch up with the date.” Jong Hyun coldly said. Julia was the name he gave to his beloved laptop.

“You… Fine! I’ll go!” Soo Young stomped her leg on the floor angrily and left Jong Hyun.

“Mianhaeyo, if it was because of me, then I’m sorry.” The girl, Yoona said as she pointed at the direction of where Soo Young left.

“Aniyo, I’m the one should say sorry to you.” Jong Hyun shocked his head.

“Don’t you want to chase her back? I can see that she is very angry just now?” Yoona asked.

“Why should I? She is no one to me.” Jong Hyun coldly said as he continued to look on the shop display item.

“Isn’t she your girlfriend? I can see that she like you a lot.” Yoona continued to ask. She suddenly got interest in the relationship between these two strangers she just met.

“She is not my girlfriend and never will. My love is all for my Julia, even if I need a girlfriend, I would pick someone who understands me, likes you. She is just interested in me because I’m her last target; she went to try on almost every guy in my group just to find a guy that willing to accept her. She never really love anyone of us, she just need someone to present to her family.” Jong Hyun nonchalantly said.

“She is quite pitiful. This type of girl like her need love from someone more than what they showed out, she is lonely deep inside.” Yoona looked at the direction where Soo Young left, sadly.

“Then… which type do you belong to?” Jong Hyun suddenly asked.

“Huh? Me?” Yoona was surprised that this guy could ask her such a question. Jong Hyun just nodded.

“I… I… I should belong to the weirdest type. I love these more than any guys out there.” Yoona took a sample of hard-disk and RAM to Jong Hyun.

“Haha… me too. They mean a lot more than any girls for me.” Jong Hyun laughed at Yoona’s answer.

“Even more than me?” Yoona teased.

“Huh? I… I… I didn’t mean that…” Unfortunately, Jong Hyun was unable to pick up the joke from Yoona.

“Calm down, I’m just joking. I know how you feel because I’m also feeling that way too.” Yoona tried hard to control her laugh when she saw Jong Hyun took seriously on her joke.

“Maybe… I should change my thought after today.” Jong Hyun acted to think hard as he rubbed his hand on his chin.

“What do you mean by that?” Yoona asked curiously.

“Do you think should I add your name on my list? I mean should I change my sentence to ‘they and you mean a lot more than any girls for me’?” Jong Hyun said bluntly. Yoona blushed as she realised that what that sentence mean, but she did not hate it as she thought she would.

“I don’t think it’s suitable for that. How can you put me and them together?” Yoona acted strong as she did not want Jong Hyun knew that she blushed.

“You are right. They should not be comparing to girls, they are way better than any girls in this world, at least for me it is. But I can compare you and other girls, right? You are better than every living girls, just because you like electronic stuffs too and able to understand my love to them. I have decided, let’s be brother and sister, it will be great to have a sister that understand me.” Jong Hyun seriously said.

“… Okay, I also want a brother that can understand me. But I still don’t know your name yet, oppa.” Yoona smiley nodded. She slapped herself in mind to think too much of Jong Hyun’s word when he did not mean it that way as she thought.

“Huh? Haha… I thought I have introduced myself. Lee Jong Hyun ibnida.” Jong Hyun shyly smiled at his clumsy for forgotten to introduce himself first.

“Jong Hyun oppa… wait, how old are you? Maybe you are my ‘dongsaeng’, you know?” Yoona suddenly thought of their age.

“I’m 26 years old.” Jong Hyun agreed with Yoona.

“Me too. When is your birthday?” Yoona was a bit surprised to find out that they were same years.

“May 15th.” Jong Hyun answered.

“Huh? You are just 15 days older than me.” Yoona was surprised again on how close their birthdays were.

“So, technically, I’m still your oppa.” Jong Hyun smiley said. He actually did not want Yoona to be older than him because that would make him felt bad, for no particular reason.

“Ye, ye… you are oppa. If we have met earlier before May, then I can ask for my very first birthday gift, but looks like I have to wait for next year to receive the first gift.” Yoona’s tone changed as she talked about her birthday.

“Why? You never receive one before?” Jong Hyun asked.

“Ne, I don’t. My parents died in accident when I was still baby and no one celebrate my birthday again after that. People just never remember my birthday, until now. My personality make that even worst, people started to get away from me as they thought I’m weird or crazy because I like to talk to my computer than join them but they never know that the computer was my father’s computer and by talking to it make me feel that I’m talking to my late parents. Slowly, people just ignore me and they are my only friend left.” Yoona bitterly smiled as she recalled her background.

“Mianhaeyo…” Jong Hyun did not know what to say to comfort Yoona, sorry was the only thing he could thought of.

“Don’t say sorry, I’m used to it already. You are the only guy talk to me in such a long period, so don’t feel sorry for me because you already give me what I want, someone to be talk with and share the same interest.” Yoona smiled back to Jong Hyun.

“Give me your phone, if you have one.” Jong Hyun asked.

“Of course I do have one. Even I don’t have friend but I still need it to contact my co-workers sometime. But what do you want it for?” Yoona reached out to her phone and gave it to Jong Hyun although she was clueless what he wanted her phone for.

“Here, I already key in my number. You can call me anytime when you feel to talk with; don’t forget that I’m your oppa, so you can tell me anything you want.” Jong Hyun handed back the phone to Yoona after he typed in his phone number into.

“… Kamsahabnida, I don’t know what to say beside thank you, for what you have done for me.” Yoona was touched at Jong Hyun’s act.

“Let grab anything we need and go to have a lunch together later, my treat.” Jong Hyun smiley said. Yoona smiley nodded and followed Jong Hyun. She finally had someone that could understand her and willing to talk to her. She got everything she wished for today.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Wohoho! YongSeo is getting married but... will thing happen smoothly between them?

And will Min-Sun couple went back to each other again?

Introducing the new character, Im Yoon A! How will her appearence changed Jong Hyun-Soo Young-Jung Shin's life?

And if anyone is expecting a new case in this chapter, i'm sorry that there is none in this chapter. There can't be cases everyday, right? They have their daily life too, right?

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)