Clown and Construction Worker

Deduced A Way To You


“Timjangnim, the full report on the first murder and brief report of the second report already done. The first victim, Han Chang Ming, 32 years old, was hit by the trophy which we found on the crime scene brutally on the head and eventually cause his brain damage and finally took his life. Based on his travel document and the record from immigration showed that he just touch down yesterday morning from US. He is a professional hiker and he used to go around hiking mountain. The forensic officer already checked on the trophy for fingerprint but they only found Yong Hwa-ssi fingerprint on the trophy.” Shin Dong read from the report in his hand.

“What else do you all found in the scene? That’s all?” Seo Hyun asked. She knew that the evident was not doing Yong Hwa any good and she needed to find anything that she could help to clean off his suspect name.

“Forensic officers do get quite a number of evident from the scene but mostly all of them give up the same result, either is no link to the case or pointed to Yong Hwa-ssi. I already look back on the CCTV for yesterday night. There is a man in hood brought Yong Hwa-ssi and the victim back to the room but he already left after five minutes. There is no recording about that guy after that. We can’t see his face and no one in the hotel recognised him, so I don’t think that we can find him easily.” Shin Dong explained.

“We can’t leave any possible lead; we must find that guy out.” Seo Hyun said.

“I understand.” Shin Dong nodded.

“What about second case?” Seo Hyun turned to Sung Ming.

“The second case, Jung Jin Suk, 27 years old was a school teacher. He was killed by the shot through his head, instantly. We still didn’t find out from where or from whom it shoots out but from the bullet we found it in the wall of the house, we did computer stimulation on what possibly was happened to the victim. From the height of the victim, the chair and the angle of the bullet ended, the computer calculated backward that the bullet was shoot from outside the room through the window in that room. Outside of the window is the back of the house and wall then it is the small road and further away is the small forest, so we are trying to find if anyone shot the victim from anywhere among those place. If Yong Hwa-ssi really stayed inside with the victim when that happened, I’m 90% sure that he is not the killer.” Sung Min said.

“Then what about the other 10%?” Seo Hyun asked.

“That is for maybe…just maybe… Yong Hwa-ssi knew a way to make it possible to do that in the house and keep the murder weapon to be not found by us. We already find every corner in the house but there is no sign of the murder weapon.” Sung Ming explained.

“That further prove that Yong Hwa is not the killer, he was just being framed by another man, who is the real killer.” Seo Hyun hopefully said.

“We understood what you think, timjangnim, but we can’t go down to the conclusion yet now because there are a lot of unexplainable parts and mysteries in these two cases that not yet solve. And I hope that you can stay out from this case investigation because of your relation with Yong Hwa-ssi, we all will believe on your profession but what will the outsider think when they knew about your relation? Sung Min and I risked coming report to you because we know you will be worry about it but that doesn’t mean that we want you to get involved in this case. I hope you understand my point, timjangnim.” Shin Dong softly said. As he mentioned, Seo Hyun already received order from the upper level to not involve in the investigation but Shin Dong and Sung Min secretly went to see her and reported to her.

“I understand. Alright, I believe in you too, so I’m going to put all my hope on you two to solve this case. I’ll not ask anything anymore start from this second. Go now before someone noticed you” Seo Hyun let out a deep sigh.

“See you, timjangnim.” Shin Dong and Sung Min bowed and left the place.


“DH? Clown? What is him up to this time?” Yong Hwa murmured alone as walked into a mall with his hood on to prevent people recognised him. He already left the police uniform and petrol car in a car park beside Han River because he knew police would find him easily by tracking the police car, so he decided to not continue using it.

“Where to find a clown in Seoul? This is bad.” Yong Hwa was clueless at all and if he did not think off a way to find that target, he might be in danger anytime.

“Mister, are you looking for a clown? There is a big circus show in Olympic stadium. They are celebrating some sort of anniversary event and it will last until this Friday.” Suddenly a girl in some sort of costume stood in front of Yong Hwa and told Yong Hwa.

“Huh? You heard me?” Yong Hwa was surprised that someone heard him and he was afraid that she might recognise him, so he pull the hood more down to cover his face and stepped a step back.

“Ne, you say it so loudly and I thought it really burden you so I decided to tell you what I know. I hope you don’t mind my rudeness to hear your worry.” The girl said. Yong Hwa could not see her face because of his hood but he thought that she must be very girlish because from her leg to her shirt was all in pink, even her bracelet on her left hand was also pink colour.

“Thank you for the help. I really need that information. Before I go, may I know your name? I just want to thank you after this for helping me.” Yong Hwa asked.

“No need for the thank you, I did nothing, really. But I still can tell you my name; I’m Mi Young, Hwang Mi Young ibnida.” The girl said as she put out her hand for Yong Hwa.

“I’ll remember that, thank you again. I need to go now; I’ll repay you some other time.” Yong Hwa did not take the girl’s hand because he did not want to get more interaction with anyone now due to his stage but he promised to remember her for the help.

“Hey, but you didn’t leave me any contact, how do I find you later?” The girl shouted at the leaving Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa stopped at his spot and thought for a while before he went back to the girl.

“Leave me your number here; I’ll contact you when I’m done with my work. I can’t give you mine now due to some restriction.” Yong Hwa gave the girl his palm and his pen to ask her wrote down her contact number.

“You are afraid of your wife or girlfriend?” The girl giggled at Yong Hwa’s statement as she wrote down her number on Yong Hwa’s hand.

“… Aniyo, it is more complicated than that.” Yong Hwa weakly said.

“Arasso, good luck on whatever your work.” The girl giggled again at Yong Hwa’s answer and gave him back his pen as she done.

“Kamsahabnida, I’ll not forget for your help.” Yong Hwa bowed to her before ran toward the exit door.

“What an interesting guy? I wonder how he looks under that hood.” The girl smiley said as she followed the sight of Yong Hwa running out of the mall.


Maybe it was fate or some luck Yong Hwa had, the mall he just went was only a few streets away from the Olympic stadium. He still had his hood on to prevent people notice him as he carefully walked down the street. He hoped that he could successfully find the target and save him from being killed by the killer. In other hand, Yong Hwa was confused on the killer motive. Why did he target other people if he was his real target? It was easier to go directly on him then went around finding other target and killed them in front of him. Yong Hwa stopped at his spot as he came to that thought.

“In front of me? Firstly, Chang Ming hyung was killed in a room with me, and then Jin Suk got killed in front of me. The killer got a lot of time to kill Jin Suk but why do him wanted to wait for me to go find him first before he killed Jin Suk. The time restriction is a trap, he know that I’ll be worry about the time so I’ll do my best to find the target out. The limit is not on the time, it’s on me. If I found the target earlier than he will kill them earlier, then what will happen if I never find them? Will he stop killing or he still going to kill them? What if this is his plan since start? Then should I go to look for the third target?” Yong Hwa doubted on his choice to go find the third target.

“Andwae! Even if I know this is a trap, I still need to go to find them, maybe I can save them before he kill them. Yes, even if I don’t find them, he is still going to kill them.” Yong Hwa quickly corrected himself and he continued his walk to the Olympic stadium, which was already in-sight.

The Olympic stadium was built for the year 1988 Olympic which held in Korea for the first time in the history and it was a pride for the Korean. They even named the road in front of the stadium as Olympic road and athlete statues along the road. Yong Hwa stood at the road and looked into the Olympic stadium for full view, he just hoped that he could stop the killer got his hand on the target again this time. Yong Hwa also noticed that there were a lot of tents in the parking lot outside the stadium and they should belong to the circus members. Yong Hwa decided to search the tents for possible target and hoping that the target would believe in him and save himself before the killer got him.

“Hey, you there! Stop it right where you are? Who are yo and why are you sneaking in here?” Suddenly Yong Hwa got stop by someone just before he reached the first tent.

“Listen, I can explain…” Yong Hwa slowly turned around to face the guy who stopped him, of course still with his hood on.

“I’m listening.”

“I… I… I’m looking for someone in your group that act as a clown. His name should start with DH. I have some important thing to tell him before it is too late.” Yong Hwa explained.

“DH? Oh… you mean Dong Hyun, right?” The guy snapped his fingers and said.

“Yes, yes, Dong Hyun. Do you know where he is?” Yong Hwa happily nodded and asked. At least now he knew the name of the target.

“He is at tent… wait, why must I tell you? What if you are some bad guy? Show me your face first before I tell you.” The guy suddenly being suspect of Yong Hwa’s identity.

“Sorry, but I can’t tell you now. Can’t you just tell me where he is now? It’s urgent.” Yong Hwa asked again.

“I won’t.” The guy insisted. Yong Hwa had no choice but to use force on the guy, he charged toward him and grabbed his hand to his back and forcefully said.

“Tell me now or I’ll twist your hand into 270 degrees. I never hope to do this to you but you forced me, so say it now or say goodbye for your hand.” Yong Hwa said.

“Ah! Ah! My hand! Alright! He… he is in the tent just beside the tent with purple symbol on it. Now let me go.” The guy gave up and told Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa softly let go of the guy’s hand as he already got what he wanted.

“I’m sorry but if you tell me earlier than I’ll not do this to you.” Yong Hwa apologised and ran toward the tent in in that guy description.

“Annyeonghaseyo, is there anyone in here? Dong Hyun-ssi?” Yong Hwa took a deep breath before he opened the cover and went into the tent.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Dong Hyun. Who are you and what do you want from me?” A man in the tent stood up from his chair and suspiciously looked at Yong Hwa.

“Listen to what I’m going to say next carefully, this is related to your own safety. Someone out there is hunting you down and he will be here in any minute to kill you, so please go to somewhere save, preferably report to police and ask them to watch over you.” Yong Hwa said it at once.

“What is the nonsense you’re talking now? Who are you and why must I believe in you? Go now or I’ll really call police.” The man, Dong Hyun did not believe in Yong Hwa’s words.

“Please believe in me, this is for your own good. I risk my own life to come to tell you this because it is very important and true. You will know what I mean when you know who I am.” Yong Hwa said as he pulled down his hood to reveal his face to the man.

“Jung Yong Hwa? Are you really Jung Yong Hwa, the wanted person? Who killed two people this morning?” The man quickly recognised the face which was all over the news since this morning.

“Yes, I am the Jung Yong Hwa but I’m not the killer. A real killer out there put me into all that and he is looking for you now.” Yong Hwa tried to make the man believed in him.

“Yong Hwa-ah, what make you change so much? I remember when we were in high school, you are such a good boy, you never went against rule but why do you do all these now?” The man suddenly asked.

“High school? Do I know you?” Yong Hwa asked bluntly. Sometime he really blamed his short memory to forget a lot of his friends.

“Ya, I’m your senior, Lee Dong Hyun. My cousin was same class as you and you two always come to find me when you two are free. Do you remember that we got punished to run ten round of the field because I peak into girl’s dressing room and got you, who are innocent, into trouble?” The man said.

“I do have that memory because that was my one and only black spot in my plain white history of my school life but I really could not recognised you, Dong Hyun hyung. If you didn’t tell me, I would never recognise you.” Yong Hwa nodded.

“You don’t? Aren’t you come because you want to kill me? Then you should at least know who I am to target me, shouldn’t you?” Lee Dong Hyun asked in confused.

“I told you already I’m not the killer, someone left message for me to find his target and kill them in front of me to make me looks like the killer. I come as I figure out his message is about you, I hope that I can at least stopped him from get to you.” Yong Hwa explained again.

“Wait, I’m really confused now. Who is telling the truth now? There is a guy called me just a moment before you come in, saying that you are coming to kill me and ask me to stay away from you. He even said that you are targeting your friends in school; he said that you are going to find my cousin after you killed me. So, which one should I listen to?” Lee Dong Hyun said as he stepped backward to keep a distance with Yong Hwa, he was not going any nearer before he could fully believe in Yong Hwa.

“He called you? Do you recognise his voice or something? Please believe me, Dong Hyun hyung.” Yong Hwa excitedly asked and went closer to Lee Dong Hyun, which he continued to back off to maintain the distance between Yong Hwa and him.

“No, his voice is very deep and it’s hard to tell…” Lee Dong Hyun said as he stepped backward and he eventually reached the wall of the tent. Suddenly he could feel that something into his back of the neck and it made him in so much pain that he could not even shout for his pain, it was way beyond his endurance limit. The next thing he knew was his both feet weaken off and they won’t support his upper body as they always do for the last 27 years, minus the first year after he was born to this earth. He fell down on the ground and he could not feel his body at all, it was like his lower body being cut off from his upper head part. Just a second passed, he started to feel his chest was being pressured so much and he could not breathe in at all and his mind started to hallucinate thing. He heard someone called him but he just could not answer it.

“Dong Hyun hyung! Dong Hyun hyung!” Yong Hwa quickly went to the fallen Lee Dong Hyun. He still did not know what happened to him but when he saw a knife was stuck on his back, exactly at the spinal cord, he came to realise that he was a step late again. But then he realised that if this really happened than the killer should be somewhere nearby and he should go for him and tried to stop him. Yong Hwa decided to charge after the killer after judging the good and bad of his choice.

“Excuse me, we are police and we are here to search for the suspect for two murder case, who suspected to hide in here.” Before Yong Hwa could get out of the tent, he heard a voice, a familiar voice from outside. It was Shin Dong’s voice.

“I don’t see any suspicious person in here…… no wait, there is a man in hood looking for one of our member just a few moments ago. He went to his tent after that.” From the voice, Yong Hwa knew that he was the man he met just now.

“Please show us the way he went.” This time was Min Ho’s voice.

“This way please.” The circus member answered.

‘I need to go out now or this will be the end for me. It’s now or never.’ Yong Hwa thought to himself but again he had no way to go out beside the only exit in front of him but he would be found by Shin Dong and others as soon as he went out from there.

“Shin Dong hyung!” Suddenly another voice called out and again Yong Hwa could recognise the voice immediately.

“Jung Shin! What is he doing here?” Yong Hwa got curious and he went to open a bit of the cover of the tent to see what happen outside. He saw Jung Shin was running from the stadium’s front entrance and waved at Shin Dong and others’ direction while the later were all turned to wait for him.

‘No one is looking at this direction, this is my chance!’ Yong Hwa thought to himself and he carefully sneaked out from the tent and round the tent to other side and ran as fast as he could away from the tent without looking back. Yong Hwa reached the back of the stadium but he could not find any possible escape road. At the exact moment, a car stopped at the road side over the fence and he saw Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk waved at him, signalled him to climb over the fence and ran with them. He did as they said and after a few tries, he finally got over the fence.

“Jong Hyun, Min Hyuk! How do you all find me?” Yong Hwa asked while he sat at the back of the car, catching some breath.

“We don’t find you, it’s police. We followed Shin Dong-ssi and the others to here and we think you might need some help so we quickly come up with a plan by using Jung Shin to distract them before they found you and Jong Hyun hyung and I will see if you are somewhere in here, to see what we can help you.” Min Hyuk explained. The car already drove off quickly away from the stadium area before someone else found them.

“I got myself into big trouble this time. Thanks guys!” Yong Hwa really thanks them to come to save him even they knew it might get them into trouble too.

“We’re friend, hyung. We should help each other.” Min Hyuk smiley said.

“Min Hyuk, did you tell Sunny about this?” Yong Hwa asked.

“She already knew. We saw the news together but don’t worry, hyungsoonim is with her now.” Min Hyuk answered.

“How is them?”

“They are both good. They support our idea to follow police since we can’t trace your location. My sister, Yoona and Soo Young-ssi together with Ji Young stay with them too, so don’t worry.” Jong Hyun answered.

“Your sister? Did I miss up something interesting here?” Yong Hwa asked in surprised. He had been with Jong Hyun for more than three years, he knew him for the longest in their group, but Yong Hwa never heard him talked about anything about other opposite , beside Ji Young, Sunny and Seo Hyun, and this was the first time he talked about them.

“Hyung, you should see her. Im Yoona-ssi is in my top five rank of beautiful girl.” Min Hyuk excited exclaim.

“Who are you to put her in your top five ranks? You just meet her for a bit more than one hour.” Jong Hyun asked with raising voice.

“Cool down, Jong Hyun. At least Min Hyuk acknowledges your girl as a beautiful girl, you should be proud for her.” Yong Hwa tried to calm Jong Hyun down.

“Never mind, hyung. Jong Hyun hyung is just being jealous with me and it shows that she is very important to him, more than he would ever think of.” Min Hyuk smiley said.

“YA!” Jong Hyun tried to deny but he knew he could not stop his friends from thinking that way because him himself also sometime confused with his relationship with Yoona. They had just know each other for few weeks long but he never felt so happy in his life compared to these few weeks constantly meeting with Yoona, not that he did not happy when he was with his friends but it was different level of happiness.

“Enough for the quarrel, we have more important thing to take care of. Jong Hyun, stop the car at the road side.” Yong Hwa ordered.

“Hyung, are you going to run away from us too?” Min Hyuk turned at Yong Hwa with questioning look.

“I’m not but I need help from Jong Hyun, so that’s why I want you to take over the steering.” Yong Hwa said.

“That’s fine.” Min Hyuk said in relief. Jong Hyun pulled off the car to the border and went down from the driver seat to exchange with Min Hyuk.

“What do you want me to do, hyung?” Jong Hyun asked.

“I want you to help me check on one guy. His name is Kang Wook Hyun. I need to know where he is now. He should be the next target of the killer.” Yong Hwa said. Kang Wook Hyun was Lee Dong Hyun’s cousin, which Lee Dong Hyun told Yong Hwa just now before he got attack.

“Kang… Wook… Hyun…” Jong Hyun took out his laptop and opened the man search portal which he hijacked from police network and key in the name given by Yong Hwa.

“Hyung, there are three result. Which is the one you refer to?” Jong Hyun pointed to his laptop’s screen when the result was out. Yong Hwa went closer and scan through the result to look for Kang Wook Hyun, his formal classmate.

“Should be the second one. The first one is too old and the third one is just entered his twenties.” Yong Hwa pointed at the screen. Jong Hyun moved his mouse to the second selection and clicked on it.

“According to this, he is currently staying in Suwon but he is working at Samsung-dong in a construction company. It is just a five minutes’ drive from here if the traffic is not pack.” Jong Hyun said.

“I’ll go by myself. You two should go back for Jung Shin, I don’t want him to get into trouble because of me.” Yong Hwa ordered and went to open the door but he got stopped by Jong Hyun.

“Hyung, at least take this with you. Only then we could find you whenever you can. Please don’t make us worry about you again like this morning.” Jong Hyun passed a new SIM card to Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa accepted the card and nodded before he went out of the car after he put his hood over his head again. Yong Hwa walked to the bus stop and wait for the bus to his destination. Min Hyuk drove off, to go back to get Jung Shin.



A/N: Three men down, and fouth to come. This killing season is going to continue for a while. Now with Jong Hyun, Min Hyuk and Jung Shin's help, can Yong Hwa solve the case before more people to get kill?

And one more thing, did anyone find it familiar with those targets' name? Everyone should know them well...

Edit: I changed my title a bit. I only realised that it was spell wrongly after second check. I'm sorry... 

p.s with this chapter, my story passed 100,000 words. Yeeeyyy! I broke my personal record! 

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)