J S is Jung Shin? Or...

Deduced A Way To You


“Jung Shin-ssi… Jung Shin-ssi… JUNG SHIN-SSI!!!” Soo Young called Jung Shin a few times but he did not answer her. He was watching the latest movie in his laptop and was plugged on headphone, so he could not hear Soo Young’s call. Soo Young angrily went to pull his headphone down and shouted at Jung Shin’s ear directly and make Jung Shin jumped up from his seat.

“WOOO… What’s the matter, Soo Young-ssi? Do you need to shout at me in such a high pitch?” Jung Shin angrily retort.

“Your phone rang.” Soo Young pointed to his phone on his bed, which was already ringing for the last few minutes.

“Oh, mianhaeyo.”

“Yeoboseyo, nuguseyo?” Jung Shin went to pick up the phone quickly before it went died.

“Jung Shin-ah, what make you took so long to answer the call? Anything happen?” Yong Hwa’s voice could be heard from the other end of the call. He was so worried about Jung Shin for the last few minutes.

“Hyung, mianhaeyo. I put on my headphone to watch movie, so I did not realise the phone rang. What’s wrong? You sound so worried.” Jung Shin explained. Soo Young, on other hand, mouthed the word ‘Serve you right’ to Jung Shin, which he replied with stuck out his tongue.

“Jung Shin, listen to me clearly. Stay at your room carefully today and if possible ask anyone there stay with you all the time. Locked all the room and window. Don’t answer any call except from the person you trust.” Yong Hwa reminded Jung Shin from the other end.

“Hyung, what’s happen? Are you saying that I’m in danger because of being target by some killer outside there?” Jung Shin asked seriously. He could guess it perfectly from Yong Hwa’s word. Soo Young was shocked to hear that Jung Shin was being target by some killer, as mention by Jung Shin.

“Just take care of yourself. I’ll call you back later today, I have to go now. Take care.” Yong Hwa did not explain to Jung Shin what was really happen.

“Oh ya, before I ended the call, I think Seo Hyun will come to you sooner or later. Please tell her that I love her but I’m doing this to keep her out of any possible danger. Tell her to take care too.” Yong Hwa continued before he ended the call as soon as he finished his words, not give Jung Shin any chance to ask for detail.

“What did Yong Hwa-ssi said? Are you really being targeted? How about others?” Soo Young asked immediately as she saw Jung Shin put down his phone.

“He is really weird today but from his voice, I can feel that he is not joking. Yes, I’m in target, I think. He didn’t really tell me that but I can understand from his words that I’m the target. Happy now? The guy you hated most in this office is going to die soon today?” Jung Shin said it nonchalantly.

“What are you talking about? How can I be happy when I learn that my friend is being target by unknown killer? Although I really hate you so much sometime but I really think you as my friend.” Soo Young slapped hardly on the unexpectedly calm Jung Shin.

“Auch, I might die in your hand first before I got kill by the killer.” Jung Shin rubbed the spot where he got slap.

“What does Yong Hwa-ssi ask you to do now? We can’t just stay in here for a day, just two of us. Jong Hyun-ssi was going out to meet his ‘sister’ again and Min Hyuk-ssi got summon by Sunny, not to mention the high school student, Ji Young-ssi already left to her school just a moment ago.” Soo Young shook her head slowly at Jung Shin’s complain and asked.

“Wow, you can be a good seeker if you don’t want to continue to be private detective. Prefect guesses.” Jung Shin said as he walked to the front door and locked it from inside.

“Mwo? I have to stay here with you for the whole day? You better kill me now.” Soo Young weaken onto Jung Shin’s bed as she realised that she got trap into the house with Jung Shin, alone.

“You can leave anytime you want. Just open the door and walked out from here. I’m fine to be alone for my last moment in this world. I’m a loner, after all.” Jung Shin bowed down and pointed his hand toward the front door, like waiter in some restaurant welcoming guest into the restaurant.

“I… I didn’t mean to leave you facing this alone, I just feel uncomfortable to stay in here with you for a day, just two of us.” Soo Young said softly.

“What? I’m not some kind of monster, am I? I won’t eat you, for your information. I’ll only push you strongly to the wall,” Jung Shin said as he went nearer to Soo Young and acted as he said. Soo Young was too surprised on Jung Shin sudden act and was not able to digest it and reacted on it at all.

“And bite your y lips.” Jung Shin continued and he lowered his face to go closer to Soo Young’s face. Soo Young instantly moved her hands to cover and closed her eyes tightly, waiting patiently on what would Jung Shin did.

“Choi Soo Young-ssi, can’t you just give me a kiss in my last day of life? Do you wish to see me die with my first kiss was still with me? I’m willing to die with my ity but I just hope that I can at least have my first kiss before I die.” Jung Shin said whisperingly. He was happy that Soo Young felt into his joke for wanting to kiss her.

“A… aha… ahaha… you are still ? Like I’m going to believe.” Soo Young felt the urge to laugh at Jung Shin as she heard what he claimed to be.

“Do you want me to prove to you, here and now?” Jung Shin replied.

“H…how? Ireobwayo, don’t ever think to do anything funny on me to prove that or I’ll kill you by my own hand.” Soo Young threatened.

“Nope, I’m not going to do anything funny on you because what I’m going to do to you soon is something very serious and you will be happy even it’s not funny at all. Do you know what I am going to do now?” Jung Shin said as he closed up the gaps between them even more, dangerously close. Their noses were already touched each other and their forehead were only separated by a piece of paper thick of air.

“I… I don’t… know.” Soo Young strummed. There was obvious sign of her gulping hard in the middle of her answer.

“I’ll give you another hint. Something that is always in your mind and you really love to do it again and again.” Jung Shin continued to , without moving away from their tiny separation.

“M… make… make love?” Soo Young weakly said. Her body temperature was rising with every second passed and she thought it was sooner or later Jung Shin would take action.

“AHAHAHA!!! Choi Soo Young-ssi, I never know that you are such a byuntae. Your mind is all fill with dirty thought. I’m saying that I’ll cook for you today, not what you think it is. I thought you only have interest in food but I now know that you love that than food more.” Jung Shin laughed out loud as he achieved his target and move away from the redden Soo Young.

“Ya! How dare you? And how has that have connection with proving that you are or not?” Soo Young fought back immediately. She should have known it from start that Jung Shin was playing with her, there was no way he really thought to kiss her or steps further.

“When did I say I’m in that aspect? It’s my first time to cook, so technically I’m in cooking. It is your dirty thought that bring you to think that I’m talking about that aspect.” Jung Shin stopped his laugh and turned to Soo Young with his evil smile.

“You… you… I… I… I want to kill you!!!” Soo Young felt embarrass to the max as she remembered what she was thinking just now and even said it out loud. Only by killing this guy in front of her would cool down her anger. Soo Young angrily shot Jung Shin with her deadly stare and started to chase him down. Jung Shin was fast to get away from Soo Young but he forgot that they were in the house so basically they had limited space to run.

“BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!!” Just before Soo Young got Jung Shin finally, the doorbell rang and both of them stopped at their spot. Soo Young looked at Jung Shin worriedly and went to Jung Shin’s side, which was already turned back to his serious face.

“Who might be? Will it be the killer?” Soo Young asked in whisper as she held on Jung Shin’s arm in worried.

“Stay away, I’ll go get the call.” Jung Shin pushed Soo Young away, without looking away from the door direction.

“WHO IS THAT??” Jung Shin shouted out as he came to the back of the door. It was only a door thick separating him and whoever pressed the doorbell. Soo Young was still stuck behind Jung Shin.

“It’s me, Jung Shin-ssi.” The person answered Jung Shin’s call and from the voice Jung Shin immediately recognised it.

“Oh, Seo Hyun-ssi.” Jung Shin quickly turned the knob and opened the door for Seo Hyun.

“What’s wrong, Jung Shin-ssi? You act so alert today.” Seo Hyun asked as she walked into the house and Jung Shin quickly closed the door and looked it again.

“Yong Hwa hyung called in just now, told me to be careful today. I might be target of an unknown killer.” Jung Shin explained. Soo Young, on other hand, went to prepare drink for Seo Hyun.

“Yong Hwa? Did he say where he is now? And what else does he tell you?” Seo Hyun asked nervously.

“No, he didn’t give me chance to ask. He only told me that but he has some words for you. He know that you will come, so he asked me to tell you that he loves you and he did this because he want to protect you and the baby from danger. He also asked you to be careful. What actually happen between you and hyung?” Jung Shin told Seo Hyun everything.

“Babo! If he really wants to protect me, he should just follow me to the station but he just ran off, hiding from me. Jung Shin-ssi, do you believe in him?” Seo Hyun excitedly said.

“Can I know what exactly happened to hyung?” Jung Shin asked back.

“He… he was caught in a hotel room with a dead man in it. There is a bellboy proved that Yong Hwa is the killer but he denied it. He said he was being framed by someone and that someone is targeting another people, which might be you Jung Shin-ssi, and he has to go find him out. Although I know that he never lie in such matter but due to my job, I need to take him back to station but he escaped in the middle of road. Kyu Hyun-ssi already updated his name in wanted list and I only hope that he can turn himself in before he got catch by someone else.” Seo Hyun explained.

“You don’t believe in hyung? I believe in him and I also believe that he will solve this soon.” Jung Shin asked back.

“I do, I really do believe in him but my job is based on evident, not believe. There is only him in the room with the body and he shirt were all blood. Moreover, there is a witness to that. We have the reason to suspect him, but we are not arrest him, we are just asking for his testimony. If he didn’t run away, this case will not be as complicated as it is now.” Seo Hyun explained.

“But what we need to do now is to find Yong Hwa fast and find out who is that unknown killer that trapped Yong Hwa.” Seo Hyun continued with determine look.

“Yes, you are right. Just now Yong Hwa hyung called me using public phone, he really didn’t want us to find him. He maybe even closed his phone because he knew we can track him down with the phone signal.” Jung Shin agreed with Seo Hyun.

“Wait, even with public phone, if we can find where the number located, maybe Yong Hwa-ssi is still hiding somewhere nearby there.” Soo Young suddenly suggested.

“That’s right. Gomawoyo, Soo Young-ssi. Jung Shin-ssi, where is Jong Hyun-ssi now? We might need his help now.” Seo Hyun said with a small smile. She felt that her hope was still alive with the help of Yong Hwa’s friends.

“I’ll call him now.” Jung Shin nodded and quickly took out his phone.


“Jung Shin, he will be alright, I think. What I should do now? I can’t go back the scene and investigate by myself and I don’t know where to find that guy who got me in this.” Yong Hwa talked to himself. He was hiding in an empty house, somewhere near Euljiro, few streets away from where he ran away from Seo Hyun.

“If and only if I can get more information from this note…… wait, he said that his target is my high school friend but Jung Shin is not my high school friend! Did I have it wrong or he mistaken Jung Shin as my high school friend? J… S… is there anyone in high school name started with J and S? J for Jung? Jang? Jin? …… Jin! Jin Suk! Jung Jin Suk! It must be him, not Jung Shin. I need to find him fast but… but… we lost contact since university, where he is now?” Yong Hwa suddenly remembered his old friend from high school that fit in the description in the note but he did not know where to find his long lost contact friend.

Yong Hwa did thought to seek help from his friend, either Jong Hyun or Hong Ki, but he did not want to get them involved in this. He suddenly remembered that he could call one of his high school friend that he was still keep in contact sometime, he just hoped that person did not change his phone number recently. He quickly took up his phone and switched it on to find that friend’s number. He knew that he might got caught by police by tracking his phone signal but he had no choice because he could not remember that friend’s number and it was in the phone memory.

“Got it!” Yong Hwa quickly scanned through the memory for that friend’s number and memorised it and switched the phone off again, hoping that he was fast enough to not being tracked down by police. He then carefully walked out from the empty house and looked around to make sure no one saw him. Luckily that it was still working hours and most of the neighbourhoods were busy doing their own job. Yong Hwa carefully went out from the house and walked fast with head facing down to avoid someone saw his face. He quickly went to the public phone where he called Jung Shin just now and dialled the number his memorised from the phone.

“Yeoboseyo? Is this Kim Dong Yoong? Dong Yoong-ah, it’s me, Yong Hwa. I’m sorry to disturb you in such hour but do you still have Jin Suk’s number? I miss him so much and I’m wishing to meet him but I lost his number already. Or better do you have his house address? Oh, gomawo. Let meet up some other time, okay? Thanks a lot. Annyeong.” Yong Hwa put down the phone. Luckily that this friend was still kept in contact with the friend he wanted to find and the current address of that friend was not far from where he was now, just a ten minute trip by car from Euljiro. Yong Hwa quickly went to roadside and stopped a taxi. He gave the drive the address and the driver nodded in understands.

“Attention to all driver, we just got report from police that they are now tracking down a suspect who believe to be the killer of a man in a hotel room. The name is Jung Yong Hwa, mid-twenties. He was last seen nearby Myeong Dong and wearing a shirt with blood all over it. Drivers nearby Myeong Dong please pay attention to this suspect and report back as soon as you saw any suspect.” Suddenly the radio in the taxi sounded and it was warning given to all taxi drivers about Yong Hwa. Luckily Yong Hwa already put on a jacket with hood on it to cover the white shirt with blood as in description from the police.

“What a shame. So young but went to kill someone and now even got away from police.” The taxi driver shook his head and said.

“Ne…” Yong Hwa knew that he must not act scare now because any wrong move would make the driver suspected him and he should talk calmly with the driver.

“There are lot ways to solve problem, why must the young nowadays choose the hardest way? Ajussi, what do you do?” The driver turned to Yong Hwa.

“I’m a private detective. I help police to solve some of the case before.” Yong Hwa tried his best to stay calm.

“Oh, geuraeyo? Wow, you must be very clever. Are you going to help them to solve the case mention in the radio just now?” The driver kept on talking.

“Yes, I will, if they ask for my help. We as good citizens should lean them a hand whenever we can.” Yong Hwa smiley replied. His smile was stiffed but it should be enough to make the driver believed.

“Yes, you are right. As expected, from a private detective. Ajussi, we are here. The house should be down this way.” The taxi came to a stop in the junction. Yong Hwa quickly paid the amount and get out from the taxi quickly. When the taxi drove away, Yong Hwa let out a relief sigh. He then turned to the road as the taxi driver showed him and walked up the road to find the friend’s house.


“Yes, I just saw it in the online news. What exactly happened?” Jong Hyun worriedly talked to the phone. The news of Yong Hwa being listed as wanted was all over the news.

“I don’t know what exactly happen but it is bad. I need you to check on the location of the public phone that I sent it to you. Please does it fast because Yong Hwa hyung might be somewhere near there.” Jung Shin answered through the phone.

“I got it. I already check on it but it still needs some time to finally locate the location.” Jong Hyun nodded.

“Jong Hyun-ssi, the result is out. It’s on Euljiro-sa-ga. The phone is located in Euljiro.” Yoona, who was keeping her eyes on the result, patted Jong Hyun’s arm as she saw the result was out.

“Jung Shin, you heard that? Yong Hwa hyung might be somewhere near Euljiro-sa-ga but as you know Euljiro-sa-ga is a big place and the road is connected to all the biggest and crowded place in Seoul, like Myeong Dong, Seoul Town, Insadong, and many others, so I don’t think it’s easy to find Yong Hwa hyung near there.” Jong Hyun said.

“We will try any possible chance we have.” Jung Shin said determinedly.

“Alright, we will go to meet you there too.” Jong Hyun replied. He then signalled Yoona to keep his ‘Julia’ back into his beg.

“Are you sure you want to go, Jung Shin-ssi? What if the killer found you and kills you there?” Soo Young’s voice could be heard from the phone.

“I’ll be fine. Even if that really happen then I’ll help Yong Hwa hyung to clear him being suspected.” Jung Shin said.

“Ya, Jung Shin-ah! What are you talking about? Why Soo Young-ssi said someone is going to kill you?” Jong Hyun asked through the phone, worriedly.

“Nothing, hyung. Just that Yong Hwa hyung called me just now and tell me that I’m the next target. He asked me to stay in to prevent the killer find me but if I can help Yong Hwa hyung, I don’t mind to put my life at risk.” Jung Shin explained, calmly.

“You do as he told you, I’ll go.” Jong Hyun said shortly.

“But hyung, I” Jung Shin insisted but he got stop by Soo Young and Jong Hyun together.


“Do you want to worry Yong Hwa hyung more if you got into any danger? He is enough worry with himself problem and hyungsoonim and you want to add it to his worry?” Jong Hyun scolded Jung Shin through the phone.

“Jong Hyun-ssi is right. Not only your action will make Yong Hwa-ssi worry but all of us here also will be worried about you. Can you be more mature and do as Yong Hwa-ssi said?” Soo Young also scolded Jung Shin.

“Arasso, I just thought that I can help to find hyung out, more people will be higher chances to find him. Oh ya Soo Young-ssi, where is hyungsoonim? She should be here too, right?” Jung Shin said in defeat. Just then he realised that someone was missing and she was Seo Hyun.

“Oh crap, I was concentrate on this call and didn’t pay attention in Seo Hyun-ssi. Does she go to the toilet?” Soo Young also noticed the missing Seo Hyun.

“Hyung, I think hyungsoonim heard what you found just now and was now heading to there. Since I can’t go there now, please go to find her and take care of her. Yong Hwa hyung will come and kill me if something bad happen to her.” Jung Shin got a bad feeling about the missing Seo Hyun and he quickly asked for Jong Hyun’s help.

“Arasso. Take care of yourself too. Soo Young-ssi, please take care of this dude for now. I’ll try to go back to office as soon as possible.” Jong Hyun gave the last words before he closed the phone.

“Yoona-ssi, let me sent you home first.” Jong Hyun then turned to Yoona.

“No, I’ll come with you. It’s waste of time to send me home and then go to Myeong Dong. Just head directly to Myeong Dong will save more time. I also want to give you a hand.” Yoona insisted.

“… Arasso, just remember to stay beside me all the time because my job is much more dangerous than you thought.” Jong Hyun gave up fighting with Yoona because he also agreed with Yoona.

“Let’s go. Your hyungsoonim is ahead of us now.” Yoona smiley said. She felt excited to get involve in some kind of detective job.

“Yoona-ssi, get hold on my phone. I have the app to find hyungsoonim. Inform me where she is while I’m driving.” Jong Hyun stopped Yoona and gave her his phone.

“Aye-aye sir!” Yoona did a salute to Jong Hyun.


“Jung Yong Hwa, welcome to my trap. Only more troubles are awaiting you in front, when you thought you are going to save anyone. HAHAHA…” Someone in full black smirked in his hiding place as he saw Yong Hwa was heading to his second target’s house. He was fully believed that Yong Hwa already fell into his trap.



A/N: JS x SY to the max in this chapter. But the true target is not Jung Shin...

erm... one question, do I need to mark 'rated' for this chapter? Please tell me if I need to do that.

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)