I Will not Forgive You

Deduced A Way To You


“Hyung, how are you??!!” Before the door was opened, Jung Shin’s voice already could be heard from outside. At the almost same time, the door of Yong Hwa’s room was opened. A group of three people walked into the room.

“Ya, this is hospital, babo! Lower your voice a bit.” Soo Young, who was following behind angrily scolded as she walked in.

“What? I’m happy that Yong Hwa hyung is already wake up and he is fine now. Moreover, your voice is much louder than me.” Jung Shin fought back.

“Enough!” Jong Hyun stopped the two kept on arguing. “Hyung, how are you now?” Jong Hyun turned to Yong Hwa and asked.

“I’m fine but my ears are in the worst condition.” Yong Hwa smiley said.

“Why? Did you hurt it when the bomb exploded?” Soo Young turned to Yong Hwa and asked in surprised.

“No, it’s because of you two.” Seo Hyun answered for Yong Hwa and everyone laughed at Seo Hyun’s answer.

“See? Your voice is too loud until Yong Hwa hyung ears are hurt.” Jung Shin smirked.

“Don’t forget that you are part of it too.” Soo Young fought back.”

“Are you two going to start again? If you really want, please get out!” Jong Hyun scolded.

“Okay, okay.” Jung Shin quickly apologised.

“I’m sorry to disturb but the patient is going to exchange hospital.” A nurse suddenly came in to the room and informed them.

“Exchange hospital? You must be wrong because we never make request to exchange hospital.” Seo Hyun asked in confused.

“The patient’s name is Jung Yong Hwa, right? His parents make that request.” The nurse looked at the report and asked. Everyone exchanged look with each other.

“That’s right! I’m the one who make the request. Do you expect Yong Hwa to stay in this cheap hospital?” Yong Hwa’s mother came in and said.

“Eomma, I don’t need to change hospital. I’m fine now, I even can discharge now.” Yong Hwa rejected.

“No, without Doctor Anderson’s report, I will never let you discharge. Doctor Anderson is already waiting for you in other hospital.” Yong Hwa’s mother strongly said.

“Eomma, I’m fine. I know my own condition.” Yong Hwa strongly rejected.

“Eommeonim, I’m sure that Yong Hwa oppa is pretty good now, so I think he doesn’t need to change hospital and doctor.” Seo Hyun decided to help; she knew that Yong Hwa did not want to go and to be treated as rich patient in private hospital.

“Jamkamman! Don’t call me that, I’ll never accept you as my daughter-in-law. Yong Hwa, you are coming with me. What happen yesterday proved that my thought is right, you should not continue with this anymore. I want you to cut all connection to your current life and start a new one as company’s president. I want you to stop grouping with all these people, they will lower your level.” Yong Hwa’s mother said and pointed at the four people in the room.

“Eomma, you should know that I will never stop being private detective, even without being with them, I’ll still continue working as one. What’s more, I will never stop befriend with them. And you like it or not, Seo Hyun will be my wife, your daughter-in-law for sure.” Yong Hwa resisted strongly.

“I only give you two choices now, one is to follow me to other hospital and stop seeing these people anymore…” Yong Hwa’s mother said.

“No, I’ll never do that!” Yong Hwa rejected before Yong Hwa’s mother finished her words.

“Then you left me no choice.” Yong Hwa’s mother smirked and took out her phone and dialled it.

“It’s me, yes… does it as I told you before… yes… okay, thank you.” Yong Hwa’s mother spoke through the phone. Yong Hwa and the group were clueless at all on what she would do. But their question was answered as Seo Hyun’s phone rang.

“Yeoboseyo? Ne, Shin Dong-ssi… ne… Ne??! Algesssoyo. Thank you to inform me.” Seo Hyun’s face turned pale as she heard the news brought by Shin Dong but she tried hard to keep clam.

“Looks like the chief is already give the notice.” Yong Hwa’s mother evilly smiled as she watched Seo Hyun weakly turned off her phone.

“Hyun, what’s wrong? What did Shin Dong-ssi said?” Yong Hwa got a bad feeling about this.

“My… my… my job as team leader had been halted at all as they, the upper level, found out that I got the post by some under table way to the former chief. They are investigating about it now, until they got the result, I got suspended from any job related.” Seo Hyun startled.

“Eomma! Why did you do?” Yong Hwa turned sharply on his mother. His hunch told him that it was her mother behind all these.

“I did nothing… she is the one you all should blame.” Yong Hwa’s mother acted innocently and brought another woman from outside the room.

“Gumo? What do you have to do with this?” Yong Hwa asked in confused while Seo Hyun just stunned in her seat. She will never forget this face, although it had been closed to twenty years since she last saw her.

“Yong Hwa-ah, Seo… Seo Hyun, I’m sorry. Jongmal mianhae.” The woman apologised as soon as she went into the room.

“Gumo, just tell us what you did to cause Hyun got suspended from her job.” Yong Hwa asked nervously.

“I… I… did a terrible thing… three years ago, I asked the former police chief to give Seo Hyun a better chance by secret way and now I broke the secret by myself just to save your samchon company. Mianhaeyo Yong Hwa-ah. Mianhaeyo Seo Hyun, my only daughter.” The woman said in cry. She was Jin Woon and Seo Hyun’s biological mother, who left her with her father to marry with Yong Hwa’s uncle twenty years ago. Jong Hyun, Jung Shin and Soo Young was silently exchanged eye contact as they did not know about this at all before.

“Don’t call me your daughter. I only have father, I don’t have mother! My mother already died since the day she left me with appa. Ajumma, I don’t know what’s been into you but can you just leave me alone? You already spoiled my childhood and now you spoiled my job again. You did nothing but complicated my life!” Seo Hyun did not care about compromised her image at all now. She ran out of the room by pushing the two women she hate most, ignoring the call from Yong Hwa.

“Hyung, let me go after her. I’ll bring her back safety.” Jong Hyun was prepared to chase after Seo Hyun but he got stopped by Yong Hwa.

“Let her alone now, she needed time to digest what happen. She will be alright.” Yong Hwa said weakly.

“Gumo, although I know your intension is good but you should know that no one would love to have their life and all they do been arranged by someone, not even their family member. Same goes to you, eomma. You may stop Hyun from her job, you may do anything in your plan but you will never stop my love to Seo Hyun and my job as private detective.” Yong Hwa turned to his mother and Seo Hyun’s mother and said.

“I’ll change that, for sure. Come on, we still have stuff to do. Yong Hwa, I’ll let you stay here for a while but I’m sure that soon you will come to brag me to change you to other hospital.” Yong Hwa mother firmly said and brought the cried Seo Hyun’s mother out from the room.

“I already did as you ask, now please do your part.” Seo Hyun’s mother angrily turned to Yong Hwa’s mother. She knew that would hurt Seo Hyun a lot but she had no choice to choose beside do as Yong Hwa’s mother wished.

“Don’t worry. I will keep my words.” Yong Hwa’s mother smiley said. They went into the lift without any words more and all the to the hospital front door.

“By the way, I’m curious about what is that secret way you mention about for getting your daughter a better position. Did you sleep with the former chief?” Yong Hwa’s mother suddenly asked as they were out of the hospital.

“ANI! I only give him some money and allowed his son to study overseas.” Seo Hyun’s mother quickly denied.

“Why must you do that? I always thought that I’m capable that I got the position so fast and now you are telling me that I’m just a stupid one, being fool by everyone. Tell me, do you happy to see me got laughed by everyone now?” Seo Hyun suddenly appeared from behind and asked. She was not far from them when they walked out from the hospital and Yong Hwa’s mother noticed her nearby so she purposely asked the question.

“Seo… Hyun… I…” Seo Hyun’s mother stammered. She did not know how to answer Seo Hyun now. Yong Hwa’s mother just smiled watching the mother and daughter arguing.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but can you two follow me to my car? Don’t force me to use the stun-gun in my hand.” Suddenly a masked man went to Yong Hwa’s mother’s back and threatened her.

“Who… who are you? What you want? Please don’t kill me… Look, that girl is an Inspector, so don’t do anything to me or she will catch you.” Yong Hwa’s mother said frightening. She pointed at Seo Hyun.

“Inspector?” The man got stunned as he never expected Seo Hyun to be a police and now he was doing crime in front of an inspector.

“Don’t worry, I’m not an Inspector now, I got suspended this morning so I don’t have the right to catch you now. Furthermore, I also hope that you can take these two women away from my sight, I don’t want to see them anymore.” Seo Hyun calmly said.

“You!” Yong Hwa’s mother was caught off guard that Seo Hyun would say something like that.

“Haha… you are an interesting one but I’m sorry. Although you might not able to catch me now but you already saw what I’m doing now, so you also have to follow me.” The masked man said.

“Good, take her too. I’ll give you double the money if you kill her for me.” Yong Hwa mother happily said.

“Eonni!” Seo Hyun’s mother could not stand watching Yong Hwa’s mother hurting her daughter anymore.

“Stop arguing. You three, follow me to the car now.” The masked man ordered.

“I’m sorry, but I won’t go as you wish.” Seo Hyun rejected and turned around but before she could step out, she felt a jolt from her back and she felt unconscious.

“Seo Hyun!” Seo Hyun’s mother quickly grabbed on her before she fell down to the ground.

“I told you don’t force me use my stun-gun. Follow me!” The masked man coldly said. Yong Hwa’s mother and Seo Hyun’s mother, with Seo Hyun in her arm, followed the man to his car quietly. The man then drove the car away.


“Yong Hwa-ah, is your eomma with you now? I can’t reach to her since just now.” Yong Hwa’s father called to Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa was alone in his room because Jong Hyun, Jung Shin and Soo Young already left soon after. Yong Hwa’s mother left

“Appa, she was here just now but she already goes back half an hour ago.” Yong Hwa informed.

“Half an hour? But the driver said that she never appear at all. Where could she go?” Yong Hwa’s father worriedly said.

“I’ll try to contact her.” Yong Hwa said and closed his phone before he reopened it to make a call to his mother but as his father said, he also could not reach to his mother. Yong Hwa tried to call Seo Hyun’s mother too but again the same result.

“Jung Yong Hwa-ssi, are you looking for your girlfriend, Seo Hyun? I saw her just now when I was coming to work.” A nurse walked into Yong Hwa’s room and saw him kept in calling from his phone, so she asked.

“Aniyo but do you know where she is now?” Yong Hwa said.

“I saw her being carried into a car by two older women and a man drove the car away half hour ago.” The nurse answered.

“Carried? What happen to her? And is this one of the woman you saw?” Yong Hwa got a bad feeling for this and he showed his mother’s photo to the nurse.

“Yes, she is one of them. I don’t know what happen to her and before I could go to ask them about, the car already drove off. They don’t look like they are going to hurt her, so I didn’t take much into account.” The nurse recognised the face and nodded.

“Thank you. By the way, how do you know that my girlfriend’s name?” Yong Hwa asked.

“We knew each other since small; she was five or six when we first met. She always came to my house to play with me since her mother left her with her workaholic father. My mother helped to babysitter her when her father was at work. But we lost contact after her father moved to other place until this early morning we met again when she came to see your condition.” The nurse smiley explained.

“I see. Thank you for taking care of her when she is small. Er… nurse, can you help me to ask the doctor if I can discharge now?” Yong Hwa smiley said.

“Okay.” The nurse done the thing she needed to do in Yong Hwa’s room and she went out of the room.

‘His voice seems familiar? Have we met before too? And if so, where do we meet?’ The nurse thought to herself as she went out of the room. On her costume, a nametag was attached to it and her name read Hwang Mi Young.


“Boss, I’m back. The three women are all tied down and covered their eyes.” The masked man walked into an apartment and informed another guy inside the apartment.

“Three? I told you to take in only that woman, why did you bring three in?” The man inside the house jumped up from his chair and asked.

“I had no choice, she was with the other two when I found her and I don’t want to miss her again, so I decided to bring them all in.” The masked man explained.

“Where are them?” The boss asked.

“They are in the car now. I’m waiting for your order where to bring them to.” The masked man said.

“Let’s go to meet them.” The Boss smiley said and let the masked man led him to his car to meet Yong Hwa’s mother, Seo Hyun’s mother and Seo Hyun.

“Hehehe… Good work. We should call their family now.” The boss smiley said as he saw the three women in his man’s car.

“Who are you? Why do you take us here?” Yong Hwa’s mother noticed someone was talking outside the car and asked.

“Oh, Jung samonim, nice to meet you. Don’t you think it is a stupid question to ask me the reason? Of course we are kidnapping you and asking for money from your husband. Haha!” The boss said.

“Then why do you kidnap me too? I have no connection with this so-called samonim at all.” Seo Hyun, who was just awaked when the masked man when to meet his boss, asked annoyingly.

“I also want to know why my man takes you also.” The boss said and turned to the masked man. The masked man moved to whisper the reason to his boss.

“WHAT??!! Are you crazy or what? Why do you bring that police in too? Do you want to get catch?” The Boss smashed his man’s head hardly as he learnt Seo Hyun’s identity.

“I’m not police now; I’m just normal citizen now.” Seo Hyun smiley said.

“I don’t care you are now or not but I can’t leave you here. Get rid of her.” The boss coldly said and went away.

“Yes.” The masked man answered and opened the door to pulled Seo Hyun out.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” Seo Hyun shouted. She tried to struggle out of the masked man’s hold but she just woke up and her energy was not fully recovered yet.

“Let go of her! Take me instead!” Seo Hyun’s mother quickly used her body to stop masked man, but of course she was not the masked man opponent.

“Don’t fight with me, old woman! Or I’ll get rid of you too.” The masked man smiley said as he continued to pull Seo Hyun out of the car.

“Eonni, help her too! She is Yong Hwa’s girlfriend, do you hope Yong Hwa to blame you forever if anything happen to her?!” Seo Hyun’s mother knew that she alone was not enough to fight with the masked man and she asked for Yong Hwa’s mother for help.

“Why must I help you? I always hope that Yong Hwa would stop seeing her anymore and now it is the best chance. Why must I help her?” Yong Hwa’s mother did not move a bit at all.

“I brag you!” Seo Hyun’s mother sadly asked for Yong Hwa’s mother help for another time.

“I don’t need your help!” Seo Hyun shouted. For her to get help from the two women, she would prefer to die especially from her own mother.

“I never said that I want to help you at all.” Yong Hwa’s mother coolly said.

“Help or not, you still need to die.” The masked man smiley said and pulled out his pocket knife in his pocket.

“Do you think I’ll let you hurt my daughter?!” Seo Hyun’s mother quickly jumped out from the car and depended on the sound direction to find the masked man. She ran to slam on the masked man but the masked man was fast enough to avoid her.

“Ahhh…” Seo Hyun’s mother fell down as she missed the masked man.

“Old woman, you really can’t wait to die? Never mind, I’ll kill you first then only I’ll kill the policewoman.” The masked man smirked and walked slowly toward Seo Hyun’s mother.

“I don’t care that if you killed me, just promise not to kill my daughter.” Seo Hyun’s mother did not show any scare even she was just a few steps away from death because she knew with this she could but some time for Seo Hyun to regain her energy and ran away.

“Don’t touch her!” Just when Seo Hyun’s mother thought she could buy some time for Seo Hyun, Seo Hyun already jumped to the masked man from the back. She did not have time to think about her move, she just moved according to her body instinct. But she never expected that her move caused the worst outcome. The masked man fell down due to the sudden push from the back and he fell down exactly on top of Seo Hyun’s mother. The pocket knife on his hand stabbed exactly on her thigh.

“You sick woman!” The masked man got up from Seo Hyun’s mother and turned angrily at Seo Hyun. He had hit his limit as these two women were spoiling his plan again and again.

“Argh…” Suddenly Seo Hyun felt that her stomach was so hurt, maybe due to the shock when she landed on the ground.

“What happen?” Yong Hwa’s mother became alert as she heard Seo Hyun’s mourned. She did not care about what happen to Seo Hyun but she was cared about Yong Hwa’s son and her grandson.

“I… I didn’t do anything. It’s not my fault.” The masked man suddenly got scared as he saw the lower part of Seo Hyun was bleeding.

“Seo Hyun!” Seo Hyun’s mother got nervous as she had a bad feeling on what happened. She did not care about the bleeding on her leg and stood up on one leg to jump to where she thought Seo Hyun might be. 

“B…Byul… don’t… give… up… eomma… eomma…will… save…you…” Seo Hyun said between gasping hard as she was enduring pain from her lower body. Although she could not see what happen on her lower body now but she got a feeling that her baby was in danger. She tried to stand up but the pain weakened her leg and fell down on the ground again.

“Seo Hyun, where are you?” Seo Hyun’s mother got more worried as she heard what Seo Hyun gasping at. Now only she knew that Seo Hyun was carrying a baby and she was in danger now. She already missed the chance to take care of Seo Hyun for years but now she hoped to pay back by helping her to save Seo Hyun’s child.

“I… If you two didn’t fight with me than all this will never happen. You will have a smooth death and you won’t suffer now.” The masked man said.

“What happen to my grandson?! Argh!” Yong Hwa mother also went down from the car as she worried about Yong Hwa’s child situation.

“I can go easy on them but I won’t go easily on you. You are my boss’ target since start so I can’t let you easy on this.” The masked man stopped Yong Hwa’s mother before she could go near Seo Hyun.

“Argh! Don’t kill me!” Yong Hwa’s mother shouted in scared.

“Don’t… hurt… her… I… won’t… forgive… you… if…” Seo Hyun weakly said. Although she hated Yong Hwa’s mother a lot but after all, she was still Yong Hwa’s mother and their son’s grandmother, she could not just let her in danger.

“My grandson is waiting for my help; I need to go for him! LET ME GO!!!” Suddenly Yong Hwa’s mother got braved and turned to hit on the masked man’s head with her ankle. She struggled out from the masked man’s hold by pushing him back. Maybe the Lady Luck was with them all along, the masked man fell down onto a big rock and he fell unconscious due to the sudden impact.

Yong Hwa’s mother noticed there was no movement from masked man for a while, she quickly ran to Seo Hyun’s direction, depended on her instinct.

“Eonni, kneel down. I help you to pull off the eye cover.” Seo Hyun’s mother quickly asked Yong Hwa’s mother to kneel down.

“Okay.” At this moment, the two women did not care about fighting with each other; they just hoped to help Seo Hyun and her child quickly. The two helped each other to get rid of the eye cover and ropes on their hand. They went check on Seo Hyun’s condition quickly as they done untied themselves. Seo Hyun’s mother also took out her phone to call for ambulance.


“Jong Hyun, can you come to pick me up from the hospital? I already discharged from the hospital. I’m worried about Seo Hyun and my mother; I can’t reach to them since this morning.” Yong Hwa called as he waited at the hospital’s front door. At the exact moment, an ambulance stopped at the emergency door, which is not far from the front door. The back door of ambulance opened and revealed two women and another one on the bed. Yong Hwa quickly recognised that the two women were his mother and his aunty. He quickly ran to see what happen to them.

“Eomma! Gumo! What happened to you two?” Yong Hwa asked as he got closed to them.

“Yong Hwa, Seo Hyun hurt herself and she is bleeding on her lower body!” Seo Hyun’s mother quickly explained and pointed to the bed, which was pushing into the hospital. Yong Hwa quickly ran into the hospital, following Seo Hyun’s bed.

“Yong Hwa-ah, don’t worry. I believe that your child will be safe.” Yong Hwa’s mother said as she followed him from behind.

“EOMMA! What did you do to Seo Hyun? How did she get hurt?” Yong Hwa let out his anger on his mother as Seo Hyun was brought into the emergency room.

“Yong Hwa, don’t blame your mother. We got kidnapped this morning and Seo Hyun fell down because she tried to save me. Your mother did not do anything at all.” Seo Hyun’s mother quickly helped to explain to Yong Hwa.

“Eomma, I’m sorry to blame on you.” Yong Hwa quickly apologised to his mother.

“Do you really think me as bad as that? My image was already damage?” Yong Hwa’s mother sadly said.

“Eomma, it’s my bad. Don’t get hurt by one sentence.” Yong Hwa felt bad to make his mother got hurt by his word. Although he and his mother did not get connect well in the past few year but deep inside he was still love his mother.

“Let’s focus on her now.” Yong Hwa’s mother did not answer to Yong Hwa; she just turned to the still tightly closed emergency room.



A/N: Just as you all thought that YongSeo will have a smooth future, something bad happen to them again, SH got suspended from her job and now their child is in danger. Can three of them, YongSeo and thier child went through this together or....

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)