Holiday Cruise

Deduced A Way To You


“Welcome to our cruise, everyone. Annyeonghaseyo, I’m the captain of this cruise, Oh Jae Gwang, and these are some of my fellow assistance. This trip will be a three days trip to the open sea for you all to have a rest out of the stress of the daily life. You all can enjoy your three days in here without have to worry about getting late to work or fighting for buses and train. We will make sure that everyone on board enjoy these three days holiday. If you need anything, just informed either one of us and we will try our best to fulfil you. Kamsahabnida and enjoy.” An old man in white costume took the lead on the stage as the cruise started to sail off from port.

“This cruise is so huge and I can’t believe that we are on a cruise now because it looks like a six stars hotel for me.” Seo Hyun smiley said as she turned around on her spot.

“There are a total of twelve floors in here, beside the three floors of engine at below and two floors of cruise man room and control room, the others seven floors are all open for passengers. There are restaurants, bars, sport and fitness rooms, entertainment rooms, shops and almost everything you can name it.” Yong Hwa read out from brief information listed on near the entrance.

“Yong Hwa, why did Sunny-ssi send us to this cruise?” Seo Hyun went to Yong Hwa and spontaneously held his hand. Min Hyuk did pass them the tickets from Sunny to Yong Hwa and after getting break permission from upper level than Seo Hyun, they finally made it up to this cruise. Their relation went on stably as time passed and they were getting used with the existence of each other in their life.

“We should go to our room first before start the exploration of this ship. Let’s go.” Yong Hwa did not answer Seo Hyun because he also did not know the reason of Sunny passed these tickets to him. He did call her once after he got the tickets from Min Hyuk but she did not tell him the reason for that. She just told him that he should bring Seo Hyun together and enjoyed the trip. She even wished him to successfully grabbed Seo Hyun’s heart during this trip because she did not know the real score between Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun before that call, which Yong Hwa did tell her that they are seeing each other now after that.

“Is she prepared to come with someone but then they can’t make it here, so she gives it to us?” Seo Hyun kept on asking on their way to their room.

“It’s possible too. You know it, right? That Sunny like Min Hyuk but that guy is so stupid to know about it. He even stops Sunny to see him once and told her that he doesn’t need her in his life.” Yong Hwa had that thought too when he first received the tickets but he did not want to assume thing, so he kept quiet.

“All men are the same. They never care about the girls’ feel when they already make up their mind. They always thought that they are right.” Seo Hyun face changed as she heard what Min Hyuk did to Sunny and it somehow brought her back to Kyu Hyun.

“But Min Hyuk did apologise to her after that.” Yong Hwa was defending his friend.

“What’s done is done, it won’t be erased easily just by a simple apologise.” Seo Hyun said seriously.

“Just like what I had done to you that night?” Yong Hwa asked seriously.

“Huh? Aniyo, that’s not what I mean. I never blame you on that night, so please don’t always let it harm your thought. I was just giving an example.” Seo Hyun turned to Yong Hwa. She knew that Yong Hwa always blamed himself for that night even after they were together and she really did not mean to link her words and that night together.

“I always hope that I can turn back the time but then at second thought, we might still not in this stage yet if that didn’t happen. I hated and love what happened that night at the same time.” Yong Hwa put a bitter smile on. He was sometime confused with himself too with those thought.

“Just enjoy ourselves now and let the past go. I’m hungry now, so let’s put our bed in the room and go to enjoy our first lunch in sea.” Seo Hyun quickly changed the topic. She also made up her mind secretly that she wanted to make Yong Hwa felt better, by using this chance on board.

“Enjoy whenever you can, Yong Hwa-ssi and Seo Hyun-ssi. You only have another ten hours to enjoy before the game started. This trip is going to be a trip to hell for you two.” Nicole came out from her hiding place after Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa went past her. She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and smirked on the list. First and seventh target was already locked on and so did the second and third target. However, she still needed to look for the fourth person in the list, that person was nowhere to be found since the ship started.


“Ah Reum, don’t run around on the deck. Eomma told you to listen to me before we come, doesn’t she? Stop it right there.” A teenage boy shouted at a younger girl.

“You always used eomma to order me around; even we are now on this ship for a holiday. Can you give me a break?” The girl named Ah Reum turned back to the older boy with annoyed face.

“I am just stopping you for your own good. It’s danger to run on the deck, you might slip and fell off from the ship if you don’t careful.” The boy reached his hand to hold the girl on her spot.

“Oppa, I prefer to be slip out from this ship than continue to hear your nagging! Let go of me!” The girl fought back. She successful to get out from the boy’s held and ran away.

“Ah Reum-ah!” The boy shouted loudly but the girl was not slowing down until something stopped her.

“AH!” The girl knocked onto something and eventually fell down on the deck floor.

“Gwaenchana?” That ‘something’ was actually a woman. She quickly went down to the girl that just bumped onto her just now.

“Gwaenchanayo. Joeseonghabnida, I didn’t see you in front of me just now.” The girl quickly apologised to the woman.

“Ah Reum-ah, see what have you done. Joeseonghabnida, noona. I apologise for my sister’s fault.” The boy quickly went to them and bowed lowly to the woman.

“Gwaenchana, I’m fine. Your name is Ah Reum, right? Remember not to run around the deck again as here is full of people. You must stick with your oppa too.” The woman smiley said.

“Joesoenghabnida, I will not running around again.” The girl also bowed low to the woman as sorry.

“Seo Hyun-ah, what are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you to wait for me at the chair there? Who are these two kids?” From far, Yong Hwa was holding two ice-cream cones on his hand and running toward the woman.

“This girl bumped onto me just now and this is her oppa, I think.” Seo Hyun explained as Yong Hwa came closer.

“Do you hurt anywhere? And you too, do you got hurt anywhere? Where are your parents, by the way?” Yong Hwa asked nervously.

“Joeseonghabnida, I’ll look after my sister more. Actually we are in school trip and we are with ourselves besides other schoolmates. I’m Jang IL Bon and she is Jang Ah Reum.” The boy bowed again to Yong Hwa.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Jang Ah Reum ibnida.” Ah Reum also bowed to Yong Hwa.

“Annyeong. Since you two are with no one right now, why not join us for now? Can they, Yong Hwa?” Seo Hyun smiley offered.

“Of course. More people mean more fun. I’m Yong Hwa and she is Seo Hyun. How about getting you two ice-creams too, what flavour do you like?” Yong Hwa agreed with Seo Hyun, although it would kill their time being alone but how could they left these kids alone.

“Kamsahabnida but I don’t think it’s suitable. We can spend our time by our own.” Jang IL Bon rejected the offer by Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa because he did not want to disturb their time. Jang Ah Reum also nodded, agreeing on her brother.

“Don’t reject my offer. Say it now or I’ll headlock you.” Yong Hwa playfully said. He understood that these kids were feeling awkward with the two strangers that they just met a while ago and suddenly offered them some ice-cream, so he decided to loosen them down a bit by playing with them.

“Oppa, you are scaring them! But Il Bon and Ah Reum, you shouldn’t feel bad on receiving offer from us. We mean no harm, we just happy to have you two accompany.” Seo Hyun slapped Yong Hwa on his playful act and went to the two kids.

“Arasso, just a plain one for me and a strawberry taste for Ah Reum.” Jang IL Bon finally accepted Seo Hyun’s offer.

“Alright, wait for me at the chair there. I’ll be back soon.” Yong Hwa smiley said and ran off to where he came from just now.

“Let’s go.” Seo Hyun, in the other hand, led the kids toward the seat pointed by Yong Hwa before he ran off.


“Seo Hyun-ah, what do you think about IL Bon and Ah Reum?” Yong Hwa asked in their room after the first dinner on the cruise with two new met young friends.

“They are very nice to talk with and very polite to people. It’s nice to hang up with them.” Seo Hyun smiley exclaimed.

“Ne, if… if…” Yong Hwa suddenly stuttered.

“What’s the matter?” Seo Hyun asked.

“If… if we got us our own children like two of them, how prefect it would be as a family.” Yong Hwa shyly said. He suddenly had this thought when he saw how close Seo Hyun and those two and also with him, he started to imagine on coming to this kind of holiday with his and her own children with them.

“Who say I want to have children with you? Don’t forget that we are still in trying stage, any tiny wrong move will end our relation within a second, so please mind your words and action if you want a longer relation.” Seo Hyun smirked. Secretly inside, she was happy that Yong Hwa thought about building a family with her but she was not going to show it out to Yong Hwa.

“We already did every single thing that a couple should do, yet you are referring our relation as still in trying stage? Looks like I need to lock you with me or who know you might go out with some guys as to try dating and did everything with them. No way, you are only allowed to do all those with me only.” Yong Hwa widened his eyes on Seo Hyun’s words. He held her hand tighter and make her faced him.

“Ya! I’m not an easy girl as you thought. Do you still have to doubt me after these two weeks being together?” Seo Hyun hit Yong Hwa’s chest with her another free hand.

“I never doubt you but I don’t like it when you said that we are still in trying stage. I took it very serious and I hope you will take it seriously too.” Yong Hwa took the other hand too.

“I’m always serious in all relation, I would prefer to not having a relation than faking one just to fill my time. If I’m not serious, do you think you can touch me anytime you want? PABO!” Seo Hyun pouted.

“Arasso, my bad for thinking you in that way. It’s because of the smooth and fast relation we are having here making me goes scare. I feel insecure almost every night, scare that if I woke up tomorrow morning, it’s just a nice dream.” Yong Hwa let go of Seo Hyun and lower his head, facing his leg.

“Yong Hwa, Yoong oppa, I’m here. I always here and I’m real.” Seo Hyun pulled Yong Hwa to a hug. Both of them went silent after that and no one was willing to break the silent yet comfortable moment. Nothing else needed to be spoken out as they knew each other heart was with them now.

Suddenly, in the middle of the silent hug, Seo Hyun felt like she was going to throw out and she quickly pushed Yong Hwa away and ran toward the washroom. Yong Hwa was so worried and he quickly followed her and comforted her.

“Gwaenchana? Did you eat anything wrong today? But it’s impossible because I also eat everything you eat today.” Yong Hwa asked in worried when Seo Hyun showed sign of stopping vomit. He passed her a piece of clean towel to clean .

“Gwaenchanayo, I don’t think it’s because of the food. It’s been a few days since I start to feel like vomit every morning and night.” Seo Hyun cleaned off and weakly said.

“Ya! You should have told me earlier about this. We should just stay at the ground, if I know it earlier.” Yong Hwa said excitedly.

“But…” Seo Hyun knew that Yong Hwa would feel bad and worried when he knew about her illness, so she decided to keep it with her until she got the time to see doctor.

“Let’s go, they should have on-board doctor in this cruise.” Yong Hwa carefully pulled Seo Hyun out of the washroom and their room to find the doctor-in-charge.

“Excuse me, my girlfriend is in sick, do you know where the clinic is?” Yong Hwa stopped a female worker as they went out of the room.

“How is she now? The clinic on-board is at the ten floors and you can go there with that escalator. Let me help you there.” The female worker quickly ran toward and helped Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun.

“I’m fine; I can walk by myself now.” Seo Hyun said weakly. She hated it to be treated as weak one.

“Oh?” Just before they turned into the corridor where the escalator was, Yong Hwa suddenly stopped on his way.

“What’s wrong?” Seo Hyun turned to Yong Hwa, who was looking far at another corner.

“No… nothing. I guess I see it wrongly. Let’s go now.” Yong Hwa shook his head and continued his way with Seo Hyun.


“First one is done, next.” Nicole coolly said while looking down to her ‘job done’.


“Doctor, what’s wrong with my girlfriend? Please tell me is not serious.” Yong Hwa asked nervously while the doctor-in-charge was checking on Seo Hyun.

“Yes and no. It can be both serious and no, depend on how you are looking at it.” The doctor put down her stethoscope on the table and smiley said.

“Doctor, please don’t play with me. What’s exactly happened to her?” Yong Hwa got even more nervous.

“Doctor, just tell me. I’m fully ready for anything to come.” Seo Hyun also got nervous.

“Although it was not 100% confirm, but based on what the result I got here, two of you are going to be parent soon.” The doctor smiley said.

“Parent? You mean… she’s… pregnant? She is… caring… a baby now?” Yong Hwa jaw dropped when he heard what the doctor told them. Seo Hyun was so shocked until she did not know how she should react with this sudden news.

“Yes, your girlfriend here is pregnant. I’ll give her some light medicine until the day after this trip ended. Make sure to bring her to Gynaecologist as soon as possible. Congratulation.” The doctor smiley said and wrote down some medicines for Seo Hyun on a paper. The two was still in shock with the news and just looked at each other silently.

“What’s wrong? You didn’t expect it to come so quickly? That’s why you should use protection when you are doing it but that’s not the problem now. You two should make up your mind on how you two should face this fast because the baby is not going to wait you too long.” The doctor stopped and looked at the silent couple with straight face; she was not expecting them to give her this kind of reaction though.

“We… we… we didn’t expect it, really. But… I’ll make sure that she in good shape for the next nine months.” Yong Hwa had make up his mind, the doctor was right, they needed to make decision fast and Yong Hwa’s decision was to take care of Seo Hyun until she was ready to give birth to their child. He held Seo Hyun’s hand tightly to assure her that he would be with her and faced this sudden happy news together.

“Good to hear it but make sure that you can keep your word tight. I believe that you two will be good parent for your child.” The doctor smiled again when she heard Yong Hwa’s promise.

“Yong Hwa, are you sure about it? About this child.” Seo Hyun finally asked when they stepped out of the room.

“Of course, I’m very sure about it.” Yong Hwa nodded.

“But it’s wrong. He was combined by mistake.” Seo Hyun said weakly.

“Yes, that night was a mistake but this child is innocent and we do love each other now. I know you are scared that this child will come and turned our life worst, since we are still young now, but let’s think it this way, this child is a gift from the GOD for us as we success to find each other between the millions of people in Seoul. Leave all the anxious to me and I’m sure that you will come to love this child as days pass.” Yong Hwa held both Seo Hyun’s hands and smiley said. He needed to take the role of support for her because he knew that she was feeling bad and worry now.

“But still…” Seo Hyun was not able to let all her worries away yet, even though she was sure that Yong Hwa would keep his words for her.

“Just say it. Tell me all your thought then we face it together in better mood.” Yong Hwa encouraged her.

“What will your family thought about it and what will others people think about us? And what is going to happen to my job, I still have a lot to do and I believe that you too, right?” Seo Hyun asked.

“As I said just now, leave everything to me. My appa will accept you for sure, the only problem is my eomma but I’ll do anything to make her accept you too. As for your job, I won’t stop you from doing what you want as long as you promise me that you will take care of yourself and the child and I’ll do anything to help you. And I don’t want you to think that this child is the burden that keeps us down, you still can do anything you want before and after he is born.” Yong Hwa listed out one by one for Seo Hyun.

“I don’t know, this child is giving me headache so badly. Yong Hwa, please tell me that this is just a nightmare.” Seo Hyun broke down into tears and hugged Yong Hwa tightly.

“I hope I can say that but this is the reality, Seo Hyun-ah. I’m sorry that I’m the one cause you into all this trouble. If you don’t want this child, I can understand you and will support you in everything you decided. I just hope that you will give this child a chance and also a chance for me to prove to you that I’m the right man with you until your life ended.” Yong Hwa said weakly. Seeing Seo Hyun in this trouble stage made him even sorrier for her, if not because of his uncontrollable hormone that night, she would not carry the baby now.

“Yong Hwa… for these two weeks, I always thought you as the only man that gone old together with me and I also thought of having our children together, but this… this is too fast, too unexpected. I use to hope that we will go slowly, step by step, but this child changed every plan in my mind. And no, I’m not going to end his life with my own hand, after all he is still our child, but I need more time to accept it. I need a good sleep right now, who knows I might change my mood after I wake up tomorrow morning.” Seo Hyun stopped her cried and looked onto the sad Yong Hwa. She realised that how much hurt he was taking with him and she did nothing good for him by crying in this moment. Just as she said, maybe a good sleep would change her mind at the next morning.

“You really should rest now and remember that I’ll be right here with you.” Yong Hwa showed her a smile and led her back to their room. They were all silent all the way back to their room because both knew that they needed some time to figure out what they really wanted and how should they faced it.



A/N: Firstly, I'm sorry to take so long to update this chapter. My hand is still hurt and it took me amost twice the time to finish this chapter compare to previous one.

Secondly, I'm so sad that I can't contribute to YongSeo 1000th day project, although I have prepare an one-shot but I can't post it due to my condition.

Lastly, back to this story, who is happy with YongSeo baby? Will they successfully give birth to this baby? What will happen to them on the cruise and after that?

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)