We Got the Message

Letters To Oppa

After the last airplane was carried away by the wind.  Minhee sat back down and finished her now fridged tea.  She glanced over at the rock on the window sill and smirked.  Swiftly, she got up and shoved the rock from it's spot, out the window.  The boys chuckled as she turned around triumphantly.  Suddenly Chanyeol's phone went off and he answered.  After a couple of seconds he covered the mouthpiece and said, "It's Kai and Mia, they are wondering where we are.  I'm going to put them on speaker phone."  He set the phone down in the center of the table and Kai spoke, "Hey where did you guys all disappear to?"  Minhee smirked, "Sorry, I didn't even think about it when I was kidnapping your idiots.  We are at my house, Chanyeol will send you the address."  She turned and walked into her bed room, leaving the boys to fend for themselves.  When she emerged she had the picture album in her hands.  She flicked it open, "I wonder why I never looked through this or the camera before.  Where did you guys find them?"  Chanyeol pointed in the direction that she had come from, "Suho said they were both sitting on your bed."   She raised an eyebrow, "I didn't pull out the album, and either way I put the camera on my nightstand, not on my bed.  Do you know if anybody else was supposed to be here?"  He shook his head and swiftly glanced around the apartment, as if the intruder was still inside.  The group shared a moment of dead silence, thinking over the discovery.  Until the door bell rang.  Minhee groaned and jogged over to open it.

Mia jumped on Minhee, with a bear hug.  Kai stood next to her and chuckled, "Mia, I think you are suffocating her."  The girl quickly released Minhee and stumbled back towards the wall.  Kai covered his giggles by turning to the boys in the kitchen.  Dongho was eyeing the boy suspiciously and Chanyeol had a small smirk on his face.  He shook his head at his younger.  Minhee and Mia soon recovered and were making a fresh thing of tea.  Mia was hopping around and continuously in the other's way.  Kai coughed, "Mia, why don't you tell everybody about the paper airplanes we saw on our way here."  The girl stopped to speak, just out of Minhee's way.  "When Kai and Mia were almost at Min Min's house there were lots of paper airplanes all over the place.  People were picking them up and reading them then throwing them back on the ground.  Like they had saw a ghost."  Minhee had finished what she was doing at the same time as Mia.  She smiled, "That's cause they saw Lee."  Mia panicked and slid herself behind Kai, clutching his shoulders to make sure that he stayed between the two girls.  "Is Min Min Lee now?"  She whispered and Minhee shook her head, "Nope Lee is gone.  I trapped her in a bottle."  Mia relaxed, but didn't let go of Kai.  Dongho cleared his throat, his eyes burning holes in Kai's face.  He noticed and pulled away from Mia.  Chanyeol turned to Minhee, "Who is Lee?"  She dismissed it with a wave of the hand and turned to Dongho, "Oh look at the time. Mia isn't it your bed time?"  Mia spun in a full circle before locating the clock on the wall.  She gasped, "Brother, it's time for Mia to go to bed."  Dongho stood and took a step towards the door.  Mia followed, but when she was almost to the door she flipped around and waved, "Bye Min Min, Bye giant, Bye Kai oppa."  Everyone turned to him as he shyly waved back.

After the two had gone Chanyeol leaned back in his chair, "Oppa?"  Kai scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, that's how I introduced myself, and she just took it up like that."  Minhee smirked, "I know, that's why I'm still Min Min."  Kai turned to her, trying to the change the subject, "Who is Lee?"  Minhee's eyes lit with a light of malice, that was soon extinguished, "Lee is who we told Mia my bad side is.  It was easier to tell her that I had a different person inside of me instead of telling her that I was very much aware of what I did."  The boys looked at her in confusion, "What did you do?" They asked in unison and she closed her eyes.  "I have secrets that I am taking with me to the grave and that is probably the biggest one that is."  Chanyeol pouted a bit with no luck.  He glanced up at the window, "Intruder window.  Minhee, we need to get a new window now."  She tilted her head, until what he was saying sunk in.  She poked her head out the kitchen window and glanced around.  Right below it was the balcony that was connected to her room and to the left about three feet was the edge of the neighbor's balcony.  She thought back and couldn't remember who lived in the place, but judging by the content of the music it was a teenage girl.  Minhee pulled herself back into her house and shivered at the thought.  Kai was watching curiously, "What is going on?"  Chanyeol kept an eye on the girl as she rushed around the house looking for something, "Someone was in Minhee's house during that first week she was in the hospital."  

Minhee came out with a panicked expression, "Things are moved and something is gone, I don't know what, but something isn't in my house that should be."  She quickly opened cabinets and pulled the contents out, not particularly caring if they end up on the floor before she moves on.  The boys followed her around the house as she turned it up side down.  Suddenly she stopped and stepped towards her desk.  She carefully scanned the top over before wearily pulling the things off of it and setting them down ly on the chair.  After all was gone she quickly to the boys, "Did you guys see a disk in a clearish purple case?  The disk is black and on the outside it says HD"  They shook their heads and she bit her lip, "We need to find that disk.  It has my entire hard drive on it for my computer.  And lets say that if it falls in the wrong hands we have a little bit more than broken windows to worry about."  Kai shrugged his shoulders, "Why would that be a problem?"  She let out a forced laugh, "Have you not been in on Chanyeol's and my conversations.  Do you honestly think that I didn't copy those letters before letting them fly?  Do you think that I don't have pictures of my own tormentors?  I am a photographer.  Do you think that there aren't personal files on that computer?  I've copied my hard drive down once a week since a couple of years ago these idiots thought it would be a great idea to throw it in a pond and I lost a bunch of my favorite works permanently."  He nodded, now understanding.  Her eyes widened and she looked at Chanyeol, "That has your and Suho's contact information and the photos from the shoot I had done with him."  She ran her hand threw her hair and he turned towards the door.  She stopped him, "Where are you going?"  He smirked back, "To have a visit with your neighbor."  She shook her head, "They aren't there.  When we walked in the lobby they had an opening for a new tenant.  The room number was 335."

After they put things back where they belonged and Minhee made a second careful sweep of the house to make sure that everything else was still there.  After she was satisfied that everything was where it was supposed to be, she finally sat down on the couch.  Chanyeol took the spot next to her while Kai kept an eye on the window from the doorway to the kitchen.  Minhee looked up at the two and sighed, "Well it is getting late, you two should be getting home."  Chanyeol stood, but stopped and turned back to the girl, "Are you sure that you are okay staying here?"  She nodded and pushed herself off the sofa. "If you want, you can stay with us.  We have a spare room that our families use when they come to visit.  I'm sure the rest of the guys wouldn't mind you staying there."  Kai said as he followed her towards the door.  Minhee shook her head, "That feels like I'd be playing right into their hands."  Chanyeol grabbed her shoulder and turned her so she was facing him, "Minhee, you are not safe in your house.  It's not a game, this is life and death.  Go pack your stuff and make sure that anything important that they could use is with you.  I'll call the guys and tell them to clean up."  Minhee nodded, not really because she wanted to go, and not particularly because she was in danger, it definitely wasn't because she was afraid, but because she couldn't seem to go against the low husky voice that spoke to her in a worried caring manner that she had never heard before.

After Minhee had made a final sweep through the house to make sure she had everything she needed, she zipped up her suitcase.  The boys had convinced her to stay at least until she got a new window.  Chanyeol's phone dinged, signaling their ride was here and they climbed in the elevator.  Minhee was off day dreaming and hadn't noticed that she was leaning up against the doors, until she was on her back on the ground.  She mumbled a few choice words before opening her eyes up to a group of girls standing around her, giggling.  Kai reached down to help Minhee up and the girls followed into the elevator.  The way that they packed in there made it so Minhee was pressed up against a wall, opposite from the boys. When the doors opened to the lobby open she was the first one out with Chanyeol and Kai close at her heels.  Something felt off about the group of girls, and Minhee wasn't about to put the guys in danger because she was doing something stupid.  They quietly slid into the van and she watched the city pass by as she thinks about the group.  They felt like they were trying to separate her from the boys.  Granted she was walking with some apparently well known people, it is understandable that they would want to be as close to them as possible.  But, the way the girl that was closest to her had sized her up gave her goose bumps.  

Suddenly the van stopped moving and she snapped out of it and looked around.  She walked up to the building that Suho had just came out of.  He smiled, "I hope that you don't mind living with 12 guys for a while."  She shrugged, "Better than living with a psycho with black mail over my head."  The boys all forced weak laughs at her bluntness.  She followed them through the maze of hall ways back to their apartment.  Once inside she was given the grand tour.  "This is the living room, there is the kitchen." Kai said pointing into another room before taking Minhee down a long hall way.  Suho began talking, "This is my and Lay's room and that one is Kris and Tao's room.  Next is Luhan and Sehun's room and Chen and Xuimin's room."  Kai stepped in front of the next door, "This one is my and Kyungsoo's room."  Minhee glanced down the hallway as Chanyeol paced back and forth in front of the next room.  When she neared he smirked, "This is Baekhyun's and my room.  It's not much but it does what we need it to."  He shrugged and pointed towards the door at the end of the hallway.  The three boys stood around the door and opened it together, "Tahda!"  Minhee stepped in and looked around before smiling back,"I really like it here, but where are the rest of the guys?"

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!