Letter 8

Letters To Oppa

Minhee had pulled an all nighter and wasn't particularly wanting to go to school.  So she didn't.  She mumbled something along the lines of I'm old enough to make my own way.  She took a quick cat nap before going back to her computer.  She pulled up her dad's obituary and read through it for the fourth time since she had talked to Mrs. Lee.  It said that he had been killed in a fire that had started right outside his room.  He was inside and hadn't made it out in time.  Somehow this information had struck Minhee as odd and she looked up other articles on the fire.  No one else had been hurt, but all of them skirted around how the fire had been started.  She didn't understand why that bit of information never showed up in anything.  It confused her and she had this sinking feeling that whatever caused that fire might trigger a memory.  She sighed and ran her hands through her hair.  She needed to take a break, but she figured she should maybe tell Chanyeol.  She opened her e-mail and started. "Dear Oppa..."


Chanyeol had just gotten out of the shower when his phone buzzed.  He opened it up and smiled at the message.

Dear Oppa,

I found some stuff about the fire that killed my dad.  He was stuck in his room, and the fire started outside.  But nothing about how the fire started.  If  I remember right, there was one light down the hall from my parent's room.  The heater wasn't even outside the bedrooms.  I don't know how it would have started outside his bedroom.  Anyways I attached the things I found and think that I might spend a while wondering the city.  Hopefully it'll do me some good.



Chanyeol smiled and quickly pulled on some clothes.  He had the day off from stuff and was now anticipating wondering the city.  He quickly sent a message back to Minhee then jogged out the door.


Minhee was just about to leave when her lap top dinged.  She raised an eyebrow and walked over to find a message back from Chanyeol.  It sent butterflies through her stomach.  She bit her lip and opened it up.


Get a phone today.  So that way we can talk that way.  I hear that there is a shop in Yongsan market that sells them for a pretty good price.  When you get it send a message to this number XXX-XXXX.  From there we can talk some more.


She smirked at his thoughtfulness and headed out the door.  Once out the building she turned towards the subway.  It was crowded with people and she struggle to get through to her train.  She stood near the door with her back to everyone.  When she got to her stop she hopped out and made her way to Yongsan.  Inside was the store that Chanyeol had told her about and she picked up a phone that did what she needed.  Minhee bit her lip and pulled out the paper that she had written the number down on.  It took her a little mental persuasion before she entered it in an sent a message.  "Oppa-"


Chanyeol was sitting outside the shop and watching Minhee walk through the store.  She pick out a phone and paid for it.  He watched as she nervously bit her lip and entered in something.  He hoped that it was his phone number and was pleasantly surprised when his own phone buzzed.  He smiled and flicked it open,


You told me to send you a message when I got my new phone.  So here it is.


Chanyeol felt good.  She had actually done as he said.  He glanced up as Minhee started walking out of the store and quickly sent her a message.


Minhee was walking out of the shop with her new phone and fiddling with it.  It had been a long time since she had gotten a new phone and was so lost using it.  Suddenly it started singing, making her jump.  It said that she had a message and she paused in midstride to open it.

What else do you need to do today?  I could help.  I mean I kinda know what is good around town.


Minhee giggled to herself.  She imagined what Chanyeol looked like.  She was surprised when the image that came up was Mrs. Lee's nephew.  She shook her head 'It couldn't be.'  Quickly, she sent back a message.  She did need to eat and some new clothes.


Chanyeol watched her jump and pause.  He chuckled at her, only to jump at his own buzzing in his pocket.  He kept one eye on her as she walked out of the building as he read to message.  

Do you know where there are any good cinnamon rolls?  I am really hungry!


He glanced again at the name at the bottom and smirked.  'Min, she must be opening up a little bit' he thought and leaned back trying to come up with a place with cinnamon rolls.  He thought of one not far from where they are and quickly sent directions.  He slowly stood up and followed her to where the place was.  Chanyeol watched her sit down and he took a seat to where he could see her, but she couldn't see him unless she was really trying.  A waiter walked over to his table and asked if he could get him anything.  "Um, could I possibly get a cinnamon roll and the girl over there's tab when she's done."  Chanyeol said while motioning to where Minhee was sitting.  The waiter smirked, "Why yes sir."  Chanyeol stopped him before he left, "Just tell her it's on the house."  "Can do sir."  He said before making his way back into the kitchen.  Chanyeol watched as Minhee munched happily on her cinnamon roll.  She looked content as she picked up her phone to play with it some more.  At least that was what Chanyeol thought she was doing.  He was not expecting his own phone to buzz.  He quickly picked it up, hoping that she hadn't heard it or thought anything of it.  He picked it up and glanced over the message.

The cinnamon rolls here are amazing.  I think I might have to come back here again.  Never the less it was on the house.  Something about being the whatevereth costumer.  I have never had that happen to me before.  Anyways, I know this sounds like a stupid question, but do you know where a good place to buy clothes around here would be.  Preferably something that looks more business like, but still at a good price.


Chanyeol thought for a minute before sending her directions to a place a few blocks away that had some decent clothes.  And he personally knew the owner, so it wouldn't be hard to pull a few strings.  He sent her the directions and watched as she jumped again at the table.  She picked up the phone and smiled.  He called for the waiter to get the bill and a box for the rest of his own roll.  As he followed her out he made a call.  "Hey, Lucky.  Could you do me a favor?"  "Yeah,"  The guy on the other end said.  "Sweet.  So I sent a girl your way.  Redish hair, skinny and pretty.  I'll be coming in not long afterward, but take care of her.  Got it?"  They talked for a little bit before Minhee got there.  "Well I should be going.  She'll be there in a matter of seconds."  Chanyeol hung up and watch Minhee go into the store.  He knew it was small and felt as if going in would be pushing his luck.  He sat down outside and waited.


Minhee walked into the little clothing shop and looked around.  A boy a little older than herself walked out of the back.  "Hi I'm Lucky.  Can I help you?"  She raised an eyebrow, "I'm looking for something.  Something professional."  He nodded and lead her towards the back of the shop to some racks.  Do want slacks, a skirt, or a dress?"  She bit her lip, "A skirt and shirt, please."  They went went towards the back where he picked out a skirt and  turned to another rack to grab a shirt.  He handed them to Minhee and pointed towards the changing room.  She went towards the back and changed.  When she walked back out Lucky was still standing there.  "So?"  He smirked, "Beautiful."  She blushed and covered her face, "Your just saying that cause you're the sales man."  He shrugged, "If I was really the sales man I would try to convince you to buy this hat too."  He pulled a hat off the rack next to him, and put it on her head.  He smirked, "You could be a model."  Minhee shook her head, "Yeah right."  He took a hold of her wrist and lead her to a back room and pulled out his camera.  "Try it and if you do a god job you can have the clothes for free."

Minhee wasn't quite sure what she was doing and was happy that her black eye had gone down enough that she could cover it with make up.  Otherwise this would have been a disaster.  She did as she was told for a little bit, until she got the hang of it.  After a while Lucky smirked at her, "You are hired.  Give me your phone."  She raised an eyebrow, but did as he said.  He sent himself a message from her phone and then handed hers back.  "You are now my new model.  I'll call you whenever I need someone.  I'll pay you with clothes or cash or whatever, but you did great."  Minhee smiled, "Thank you.  So much."  She went back to the changing room and put on her normal clothes.  When she came out Lucky was talking to someone on his phone and waved at her as she walked out of the store.  Minhee pulled out her phone to send Chanyeol a quick message.


After a while of sitting outside the shop Chanyeol got a call, "Hey Lucky.  Did you find what she needed?"  The boy laughed at the other end, "We all found what we needed.  I found a new model, she found what clothes she needed and a new job, and you finally found a girl.  I'm so proud of you."  Chanyeol chuckled, "I am happy it all worked out."  Lucky continued, "Well she is leaving now, if you want to see the pictures she took come in."  Chanyeol thought about this for a second before replying, "Well I'll see what exactly she is going to do before I make any moves, but I would like to see those pictures.  I'll talk to you later Lucky."  Chanyeol hung up just as Minhee walked out of the store with a bag of clothes in hand.  She pulled out her phone and sent a message that quickly ended up on Chanyeol's screen.  He watched her sigh and start to walk off as he read it.

Thank you for the great day Oppa!  You were lots of help!  I should probably get back home before I get too far from it.


Chanyeol waited for her to skip around the corner before heading into the shop.  Lucky was already heading towards the back room, so he just followed.  "Where did you find a catch like that?"  The sales man asked as he plugged his memory card into the computer and flicked through the pictures he had taken.  


Chanyeol smiled, "She does well on this side of the camera too."  Lucky raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"  The other shrugged, "She's going to school to be a photographer.  My dad is one of her teachers, and is the reason that I know her."  Lucky nodded, "I guess that explains her finding the light so well."  Chanyeol thought about this, "Yeah.  I hope she finds her light soon."

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!