Return to Sender

Letters To Oppa

Minhee had been in DoHoon's house for about two months now.  The boy had been really nice to her, despite keeping her captive.  He had even given her paint and told her that she could paint the walls of the house as long as she didn't get it on the floor.  Today she had just finished a wall with a girl on it when DoHoon came in.  "That looks sick Min."  He said and stared at the painting.  Minhee smirked, "Why thank you.  I have some final touches to put on later after the paint dries a bit more, but they shouldn't take long.  DoHoon shook his head, "Sorry, but I have a couple of friends coming over and you need to be up in your room."  She sighed but began cleaning up her stuff.


The door bell rang as Minhee was walking up the stairs to her room.  She flopped down on her bed and stared out the window.  The sun began to set and there were still no signs whoever was there leaving.  She sighed and stared up at the stars, wanting to go outside so badly.  Examining the windows a bit closer she realized that she could open them.  Smirking to herself, Minhee crawled out onto the roof.  She breathed in the cool air and sat down.  It had rained earlier and the shingles were slightly wet, but she didn't mind.  After a while she started to get cold and stood up.  As she took a step, her leg buckled underneath her and she began to fall.  "!"  She yelled as she grabbed the railing.  She glanced own and tightened her grip at the two story fall.  


Minhee kicked the wall hoping that DoHoon head her.  She heard the door open and people coming out.  It sounded like there was more than just DoHoon.  DoHoon yelled up, "What are you doing up there?"  "Oh you know, just hanging around."  She kicked around her legs to emphasize the last part.  He laughed, "Do you need help?"  "Oh no, I'm perfectly fine.  I just have no muscle mass and the roof is slick and I'm about to die.  YES I NEED HELP!"  She shouted down to them.  She could hear concerned whispers from the  rest of the people as DoHoon went back inside.  She struggled to keep her grip as Dohoon and someone else came out of the window.  They helped her up and quickly ran back into the house.  After landing on the mattress she smiled back up at the boys, "Thank you."  Minhee held her hand out to the stranger, "Nice to meet you, I'm Minhee."  He smiled down at her, "Funny, you have the same name as my friend's friend.  I'm Key."  She puffed out her cheeks, trying to figure out where she had heard the name before.  Dongho sighed, "Well I guess it's not so much of a secret that you're here, so you can come down."  MInhee jumped up and ran for that stairs, "Oh thank god!  I have to pee like none other."


When Minhee finally came downstairs, she bowed to the group of boys and introduced themselves.  The tallest smiled, "I'm Minho."  She nodded back at him and returned the smile.  The one standing next to Minho was the next to speak, "Hey, I'm Jonghyun."  She took in his short stature and puppy dog eyes, but before she could say anything the last boy somehow managed to fall out of his chair and made a hard thud on the ground.  Minhee stifled a laugh.  Jonghyun rolled his eyes, "And the klutz over there is Onew."  Onew waved as he sat up, "Taemin should be back with Key in a bit.  They went to go get food."  Minhee puffed out her cheeks, "Your names sound familiar."  Jonghyun smiled, "Well duh, we're, ufff."  He was stopped by a elbow to the stomach and a warning glare from Minho.  "So are you the one who has been painting all over Dohoon's walls?"  The taller asked, changing the subject.  The girl nodded and smiled widely, "Yeah, but only for a little longer, right Dohoon?"  Dohoon shrugged, "How am I supposed to know what my sister wants."  MInhee sighed and picked a paintbrush out of a drawer and headed towards the back of the house, "Well then I'm going to go paint."


After Minhee left, Jonghyun turned to Minho and punched him in the gut yelling, "What the hell was that for."  Minho clutched his stomach and coughed out, "Sometimes it's nice to have someone not know who we are."  The shorter shrugged, "I guess, but Minhee, isn't that the name of the girl that Exo is looking for?"  Minho nodded, "I think so, but she's been missing for two months so I highly doubt that this Minhee is that Minhee."  Dohoon stiffened and really wanted to tell his old friends about the situation.  Honestly he had never liked keeping Minhee at the house, and felt like a horrible person every time he would see her stare off in the direction of the city.  Just as he had finally made up his mind to tell them, the front door opened and Key and Taemin came in with the food.  Key started passing it out.  "I have a box for Minhee too.  Taemin, do you want to g take it to her?"  The maknae nodded and followed Dohoon's directions to where the girl would be.


Taemin opened the door to one of the spare bed rooms and peeked in.  He took in the current painting silently before speaking, "Hey that looks like my friend Chanyeol."  Minhee jumped and turned around, staring wide eyed at the boy in the doorway.  Taemin dropped the food, "Minhee? Is that really you?"  Key came running in after hearing the clatter.  Minhee bit her lip, her and Taemin's eyes never leaving each other, "Hey Minnie, long time no see."  Taemin took a step towards the girl, "We've been looking for you.  Chanyeol's gone half crazy."  Key's eyes snapped up to look at the girl more closely.  Her hair had grown longer and she some how looked skinnier than the picture he had seen of her.  He raised an eyebrow, "So you're the girl that he's searched all of Seoul for.  Have you been here the whole time?"  A tear slid off of her cheek as she nodded.  The boys glanced at each other before walking over and hugging her.  Key hushed her, "It's alright, we're just happy you're okay."


The other four boys finally came into the room after they had gotten Minhee to stop crying.  She was curled up on the bed with her arms wrapped around her legs.  Key walked up and slapped Dohoon across the face.  Jonghyun quickly grabbed the diva by his shoulders and pulled him away from the boy who was now rubbing his cheek.  "What the hell Key?"  Onew said as Key tried to protest.  "Actually, I kind of deserved that."  Dohoon said and stared down at his feet.  Minho raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?"  Dohoon pointed to the girl on the bed, "Take her back to Seoul with you.  She doesn't belong here.  And while you're at it to tell that brat sister of mine that I don't care if the dirt that she has on me gets out, but I'm done doing her dirty work."  Jonghyun released Key and tilted his head, "Wait, what's going on?"  Minhee stood up and went over to hug Dohoon.  "Thank you,"  She whispered in his ear before turning to the confused boys, "Hello, my name is Lee Minhee and I have been captive here for two months."  Onew's eyes widened, "So you're Chanyeol's Minhee?"  She sighed, "I guess.  But why does everybody refer to me as Chanyeol's it's not like he bought me or anything."




Chanyeol was laying in bed staring at his picture of Minhee when Kris came in.  The older pulled the picture out of his hand and smiled sadly down at the boy, "We'll find her bud.  But for now, you need to eat.  I think she would be upset if she knew that you haven't been eating well recently."  Chanyeol sighed and sat up, "Okay."  Kris tugged the young rapper out of the room and gave him a plate of food.  Instead of eating it like he was told to, he pushed it around his plate.  Baekhyun came out of their room holding Chanyeol's phone, "Hey Yeol, Onew says that he wants to talk to you."  Chanyeol stood and took the phone as he walked into the living room.  He could feel the eyes of the other band members on his back as he lifted the phone to his ear.  "Hello?"  He said.  "We have a surprise for you.  Come down to our dorm tomorrow afternoon."  Onew said excitedly over the phone.  Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "Onew, the last time you had a surprise for me, I ended up with cake in my underwear.  I'm not sure if I want to go." Onew chuckled on the other end, "You know that was an accident, and I don't think you would mind this surprise getting in your pants either.  Either way, it's not just me putting it on, it's all of SHINee, so you should be safe."  Chanyeol sighed again, "Well then I'll see ya there."








Sorry it took me sooo long to update! I feel so bad about getting this up sooner.  But anyways, the paintings in this chapter are not mine, they go to their respective owners, infact you should go check out their works, they are pretty fantastic if you ask me!

Once again sorry for not updating sooner!! (I feel like such a bad author!)


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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!