Midnight Messages

Letters To Oppa

As of the gods had heard Minhee and were granting her with the answer the front door was heard opening.  Someone called, "Honeys we're home!"  Another yelled, "Hey, who'd you let in the house?"  Lastly one yelled, "Who ever they are they are making dinner."  Minhee chuckled and turned to the three boys, "I guess I should go grab my stuff, and apparently make dinner."  She walked out into the living room with the guys following.  When she stepped out, the room became silent.  Xuimin was the first to speak in a whisper, "Okay, you don't have to cook."  She laughed, "No it's okay, I will while I'm here."  Beakhyun squealed and hugged her.  Minhee stiffened, "Hello there Mr. Girly Man Squeal, I am not that good."  He pulled away, "Yes, Kyungsoo and I don't have to cook for all of these hyenas.  They may look like normal teenage boys, but in all actuality they are like that weird no-face thing off of Spirited Away that eats everything."  Baekhyun got a threatening look from everyone before forcing out a awkward laugh, "Just kidding, you guys eat like mice.  I never to quadruple recipes, ever."  The girl shook her head as she reached for her bags.  They were snatched from the spot by Tao, right before she could grab them.  She scowled, "Um, those are mine.  I can carry them."  He ignored her and walked down the hall towards her room.  She huffed and pouted, "I could have done that."  Chen threw his arm over her shoulder, "But you couldn't have hurried into the kitchen and cooked if you had to carry all of those bags to your room."  He steered her towards the doorway to the other room, so she could start dinner.

Minhee cooked bibimbap for the guys and they happily slurped it up.  It wasn't long until the distraction of food was gone.  Minhee now knew why Baekhyun was relieved not to cook, and the guys were beginning to wonder why she was there.  She had just begun picking the dishes up off the table when Luhan stopped her and did it.  Sehun was leaning back in his chair and rubbing his stomach when he began to talk, "Hey Minhee, why are you here anyway?"  She bit her lip, trying to figure out what to tell them, until Chanyeol spoke up, "Her window was broken out a couple weeks ago and recently there had been a few break-ins in her area.  I'm not comfortable with her being there by herself until it's fixed."  The other boys nodded and the girl was happy that she didn't have to explain the rest.  She preferred having as few people tangled up in her problems as possible.  It wasn't that she didn't like the boys, it was more that she didn't want them to get mixed up with it and get hurt.

Minhee made her way to her room and started unpacking.  When she had almost everything settled, there was a knock at the door.  She called for them to come in.  They opened the door, revealing it to be a curious looking Kai.  He came and sat down on the bottom step to the loft.  "Yes?"  She questioned.  He shrugged, "I was going to help you unpacked, but it seems you've already done that."  She nodded and turned to look at him, "Why else are you in here.  There has to be a second reason."  He causally picked up one of he books and started flicking through it, "I was wondering if you knew anything about that group of girls that got in the elevator with us.  One of them sort of felt Chanyeol up, but he is too shy to say anything about it."  There was a quick wave of intense anger that came over Minhee for a second before she took a metaphorical step back from herself and wondered why that happened.  It wasn't like she had any reason to be mad about someone feeling him up.  He was good looking and sweet, but she knew that she shouldn't get him mixed up with her.  But, then again why couldn't she stop herself from listening to him whenever he opened his mouth.  Kai cleared his throat, bring her back to reality.  Minhee shook her head, "I think that like two of them have a place on the second floor.  I see them once in a blue moon when I have to take the elevator.  Other than that I don't know anything about them."  He sighed, "Okay, I was just telling you."

Kai left Minhee in her room to think about what she had started to.  She didn't totally understand Chanyeol, or herself when it came to him.  After finding out that he had been her Chanyeol and Mrs. Lee's nephew, she was extremely happy, but then she remembered all of the things that she had said and was very embarrassed.


Chanyeol was sitting on his bed and thinking about Minhee.  He had seen so much today that he had never expected from her.  He saw the way that she got upset  and panicked.  He watched her settle down and be surprised.  Heck he even saw her with a tear stained face.  He was happy that he was the only one to see that.  It was that little bit of weakness that came through that just made him feel trusted.  Chanyeol was too deep in thought that he failed to notice that Baekhyun had come in.  The younger boy waved his hand in front of his face, "Yeolie, are you okay?"  Chanyeol blew out a stream of air, "Yeah, I was just thinking about Minhee."  The other boy climbed up to his bunk, "Did you ever figure out why she tried to do that?"  Chanyeol shook his head and sighed, "She just keeps saying it's a secret that she is taking with her t the grave.  I honestly wonder what it is, and she won't tell me."  Baekhyun nodded, "Maybe she just doesn't want to tell you when there is a chance that you would leave her for whatever it is she did."  Chanyeol laid back on his bed and stared at his wall, still curious as to what it was.  Finally he was tired of just thinking, and went out into the kitchen.  Glancing up at the clock, it was around midnight.  His stomach gurgled loudly and he wandered towards the fridge to see if there was something to eat.

Suddenly there was a creak in the floorboards near the kitchen window.  Chanyeol froze, thinking about someone coming in his kitchen window just because Minhee was there.  He cautiously turned to look at the slim silhouette that was out lined by the lights of Seoul.  He quickly reached out ad flicked the lights on.  The person brought their arms up over their eyes, but from what Chanyeol could see they were a girl.  "To bright man!  Turn the lights off."  They said and he suddenly felt bad.  It was Minhee that he had just blinded.  He turned the lights off, "What are you doing out here?"  He listen closely to the sound of her feet shuffling.  "I couldn't sleep.  I haven't really been able to since I woke up in the hospital."  She said in a quiet voice.  Chanyeol stepped closer to her and held out his hand, where it was lit by the light of the window.  Softly, Minhee took it in her's and let him lead her back to her room.

They went and sat on Minhee's bed.  Minhee was sitting with her leg pulled up to her chest with the blanket over them, while Chanyeol was at the foot of the bed watching her.  He took a closer look at her as the glow from her window reflected off her face.  Around her eyes was slightly swollen and her face appeared lifeless.  "What's the matter?"  He whispered and she turned to him.  She sighed, "I wish that I could say that it was just nightmares, but I know all too well how true they are.  And, I can't shake them from my head no matter how hard I try.  Screams and padded rooms and white beds and flames, I probably scare myself more than I scare anybody else."  Chanyeol slid so that way he was sitting net to the girl.  Chanyeol awkwardly slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her head onto his own.  He got this feeling that if she wasn't in this doll like state that she would have given him a funny look or something.  They sat like that for a while before he broke the silence, "Could you tell me about it?  You don't have to go into detail or say anything that you don't want to, but maybe telling someone about it would help."  He bit his lip, knowing that she wasn't going to tell him anything.  She had never told him anything before, so why would she have any reason to now.

"My mom was murdered when I was five,"  Minhee began and Chanyeol stared at her.  He was slightly amazed that she was even opening up this much.  "She was murdered right in front of me.  I tried for years to tell them who it was, but everyone dismissed it as the random babbles of a little girl in hysterics.  So I stopped trying to tell people.  I stopped getting friends to help with problems, I stopped going to the police, I stopped trusting doctors because they just thought I had made it all up."  She looked flustered as she talked about it.  "And then my dad died.  And they sent me away.  I spent a whole year in an empty room.  When they let me out, I met Mia.  I always feel bad now when I look back because at first I thought Mia was stupid.  She had the bed next to me and she never shut up and she couldn't form coherent sentences and she knew all about what I had done and still tried to be my friend.  Three months later I realized why she had irritated me so much.  She was just like my mother.  They both liked food more than people, but the people they did try to like they never gave up on.  They both loved the sky a little bit too much and when they were thinking they'd stare out the window at it and puff out their cheeks.  That's why I started talking to Mia.  I told her to call me Min Min because that was what my mom used to call me, and now she is the only one allowed to call me it."  She smiled sleepily and started mumbling before stopping completely.  Chanyeol dared to glance down to find that Minhee had fallen asleep on his shoulder.  He smiled and yawned, promising himself that he was going to sty there a few minutes before going back to his room.  Regrettably, that was not the case and he soon slid into a blissful sleep.

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!