Letter Opener

Letters To Oppa

Minhee smiled sleepily as she woke up.  She stretched and stood up before the weight of her situation settled on her shoulders.  Cautiously, she walked over to her window and scanned the city.  Out there somewhere was her worst nightmare.  And it was coming closer to her reality.  Minhee sighed and turned to her closet.  She made her way over and carefully chose an outfit for the day.  She had called in yesterday to her work and explained to them the story.  Luckily, they were willing to have her again and told her that she could start when as soon as it was convenient for her.  Now her dilemma is trying to pick something to wear, she needed something nice, but something easy to move in at the same time, in case something happened.


Suddenly there was a knock at her door.  Minhee called, "Come in."  Suho smiled sheepishly as he opened the door, "Uh, sorry I kind of spilled the beans to the Kang siblings last night."  Minhee rolled her eyes as Mia and Dongho came in.  Mia ran over and handed Minhee a skirt, a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater.  Minhee raised an eyebrow.  Dongho smirked, "We thought that you might need some help with stuff today.  He pulled a bag from behind his back and handed it to her. She peered inside, before snapping her head up at him, "What do you expect me to do with that?"  Her eyes were wide and he snickered slightly.  "Well carry it around for one, after you get changed I'll help you put it on."  He said and pulled Suho out of the room, closing the door behind them.


Minhee slid on the clothes and Mia pulled out a pair of shoes from Dongho's bag, "Mia and Brother also got these for Min Min.  Brother says that they're really comfy and easy to run in."  Minhee smiled and laced them up before hopping up and down a couple of times.  "You should go get your brother to show me how to put the other thing on."  She said and Mia nodded and ran out of her room.  Dongho came in a few minutes later, looking awkward.  He glanced up at Minhee, "I'm happy that the clothes fit.  I wasn't sure what size you were, so we just got Mia's size and hoped for the best."  


Minhee rolled her eyes and tossed the bag at him, "Will you just help me, I have to be out of here soonish."  Dongho sighed and pointed to her bed, "Go sit down." She did as he said and waited while he came closer and kneeled down.  Dongho glanced up, silently asking for permission.  Minhee nodded and looked away as Dongho's hands slid up her skirt.  The door opened and a smiling Chanyeol walked in.  "Morning!"  He yelled cheerfully, before his eyes landed on the two's compromising position.  Dongho moved back away from the girl and Chanyeol's expression darkened.  Minhee sighed and rolled her eyes, "Dongho, just put it on, it's not like you're crossing the line or anything."  She turned to Chanyeol and sent him a warning look.  Dongho bit his lip and resumed his spot, while he pulled out the thigh sheath.  Chanyeol raised an eyebrow as Minhee watched him carefully strap it to her right outer thigh.  


He reached into the bag again and pulled out a knife, "It's a CIA Letter Opener.  Mia said something about you having been really good with knives at one point, so we got this.  Do you think you can use it?"  Minhee smirked and grabbed the knife .  She studied it for a minute before twirling it around in her fingers and quickly slicing through the air next to her.  She smiled wickedly before sheathing it.  Minhee leaned down an hugged Dongho, "Thanks, it's perfect."  She stood up and walked over to the mirror and made sure that her skirt fell naturally, then turned to Chanyeol, "If you didn't know that it was there, could you tell?"  He shook his head and she smiled, "Good."


Minhee grabbed her bag and headed out of the room, stopping in the kitchen and giving Mia a hug, "Thanks Mia."  The girl smiled and asked, "Is Min Min wearing it?"  "Yep.  See."  Minhee glanced down and noticed Kai's hand holding onto Mia's.  Swiftly, she maneuvered behind Kai, putting him in a headlock with the knife to his throat.  The rest of Exo stood and stared, slightly scared.  Minhee giggled, "Consider this your warning Kai, if you break my best friends heart, honestly I will cut you into little itty bitty pieces and sell you on ebay for a pretty price to your fans."  She loosened her grip and resheathed the knife.  Kai broke away and and turned to give her a deep bow.  Minhee chuckled, "Okay, maybe I won't cut you, but I can make your life a living hell."  She turned to the door and opened it up.  Throwing a hand in the air as she walked out, "Later boys."


Minhee glanced at the elevator before turning to the stairs.  Honestly, elevators were the cause of all of her problems and the stairs seemed even more inviting.  No getting squished in the corner by a large smelly person, no annoying people on the phone talking at 110 decibels (About the same as a live rock concert) or dumb kids that think it's so funny to press all the buttons.  But there was also no getting kidnapped by the 51248629583897243 people that apparently wanted her for whatever reason.  Minhee chuckled thinking about herself has a hot commodity on the black market.  She wondered what the bounty on her head would be currently.


As soon as she stepped out of the stairwell, all frivolous thoughts were thrown to the wind, and her senses roared to life.  Around any corner could be imminent danger.  Quickly, Minhee made her way to her job.  A couple of the regulars smiled as she walked in, calling out, "Long time, no see," "How have you been?" "Where have you been hiding?" "Nice to see you again."  Minhee just smiled and bowed before tying a apron around her waist and began her work.


About an hour had gone by before Minhee relaxed even the slightest.  She was starting to get back into the groove of work, only making a mistake once in a while.  It was like she had never left.  She smiled sweetly at the customers and joked playfully with the staff.  In her absence they had hired another waitress, named Yesung.  Minhee was slightly skittish around her to begin with, but now she felt as if she was just part of the family.  


Yesung smiled and leaned against the counter when it started to quiet down, "It's nice to meet you Minhee, I've heard so much about you."  Minhee nodded in reply, while wiping down a table.  Yesung grabbed the empty glass out of the girl's hand, "The guys seem to be more relaxed now that you're back.  You were all that they'd talk about."  Minhee sighed, "I'm glad that they hired someone else on.  I'm not sure how often and helpful I'll be while I'm here."  Yesung shook her head, "It's fine.  It's just a relief that you're here."


The door to the shop dinged open and the girls turned with smiles on their faces.  "Welcome," They said at the same time.  Chanyeol smirked and walked over, with Suho not that far behind him.  Minhee rolled her eyes, "I'm supposed to be laying low guys.  I don't think that you guys coming here is helping with anything."  Chanyeol pouted, "But it helps with my mental stability to know that you're all right."  Yesung's eyes were wide as she glanced between the boys and Minhee.  "Yesung, this is Chanyeol and Suho.  Suho and Chanyeol, this is my new coworker Yesung."  Minhee said, pointing to each as she introduced them.  She tossed her rag over the counter, into a bucket, before heading towards an older couple that had just sat down.  


Suho smiled at the other girl, "Hello Yesung, we're friends of Minhee's.  It's nice to meet you."  Yesung nodded, "Nice to meet you too.  Uh, how do you know Minhee?"  Chanyeol wasn't paying any attention to the conversation.  He just stared as Minhee went about her work.  Suho leaned closer to Yesung, "Well, our cover story is that Minhee is a really close friend of Chanyeol's family and we're taking her in for a while.  Which is the truth just not the full truth."  He glanced around before whispering, "In all actuality, Chanyeol and Minhee are dating, but you never heard that alright?"  Yesung smiled and nodded, "My lips are sealed."  She brought her hand up to her lips and made a zipping motion.  


Suho pulled Chanyeol into a booth and looked over at Yesung, "Would you be able to take our order?"  The girl walked over and pulled out her notepad, "Sure, what can I get for ya?"  "We'll have two cokes and some kimbap."  Suho said as he glanced through the menu.  Chanyeol nodded mindlessly and Yesung turned to get their order.  The leader reached over and knocked on Chanyeol's head, "Stop staring.  It's not like you haven't seen her months."  Chanyeol sighed, "But I might not.  I mean, how many times do I have to loose her before she is just mine?"  Suho leaned back in his seat, "I understand that you are worried about her, but honestly, did you see the way she flipped that knife at Kai this morning?  I don't think we're going to issues this time.  Plus, if you haven't noticed, she super tense and cautious."


Yesung came back with their food.  Suho dipped his head gratefully and the girl smiled back at him.  About half way through their meal, Minhee sat down next to Chanyeol.  She intertwined their fingers under the table and snagged a piece of the boys' kimbap.  Suho swatted her hand away and she smirked, then watched as the cook came out of the kitchen and began messing around with the stereo.  The music changed in the middle of a song and Minhee bit her lip.  She mindlessly played with Chanyeol's hand as she sang along

"Patience, test my patience,

if I make it hard for you maybe you should've changed it.  


Say it, you should say it,

cause I'd say that I was wrong just to make it fill all the spaces.


Waiting, always waiting,

If I gave you control would you say that we couldn't save it?


I hope you find a way to be yourself someday,

In weakness or in strength,

Change can be amazing.

So I pray for the best, I pray for the best for you.


I wish you could be honest, I wish you could be honest with me.

I wish you could be honest, I wish you could be honest with me.


Chasing, always chasing dreams.

Why's you stick around, why'd you say for me?

Why's you fake it?

Hesitation is killing me too.

But I couldn't save it, I couldn't save it.

I hope you find a way to be yourself someday,

In weakness or in strength,

Change can be amazing.  

So I pray for the best, I pray for the best for you.  

So I pray for the best, I pray for the best for you.

I wish you could be honest, I wish you could be honest with me.  

I wish you could be honest I wish you could be honest with me.  

I wish you could be honest, I wish you could be honest with me.  

I wish you could be honest, I wish you could be honest with me."


Suho rolled his eyes, "So you can sing along word for word to this, but you have never heard of us.  I see how it is Minhee."  The girl chuckled, "Well sorry that your stuff isn't really my thing."  Chanyeol was pulled his phone and looking up the few lyrics that he could remember.  He found a translation of the song and began reading through it.  He smirked and shook his head, "Oh Lee Minhee, I wish you could be honest with me."  She smiled sheepishly, "Oh Park Chanyeol, I am working on it."

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!