Letter 2

Letters To Oppa

The next day Min Hee was tired.  She had ended up working a double shift because the girl that was supposed to take over skipped out on work.  She walked into the school building with her stuff in her bag and indoor shoes in hand.  She had gotten most of the paint out of her clothes, but they still smelled like fixer.  As she walked into the building a couple of girl turned and snickered at her.  Min Hee glanced over herself to make sure that she was wearing everything properly and then noticed the sign taped to her back.  She pulled it off and read it, "Go kill yourself "  She blew out a breath and crumpled it up and tossed it into the trash.  She walked into her class room and the teacher pulled her aside.  "Where were you yesterday?"  Mrs.  Choi asked, with a sneer.  Min Hee smirked, "I don't know.  I was in the gym and the class rooms and the courtyard and a few other places, but I guess I spent most of my time in the bathroom trying to fish my shoes out of the toilet and dry them off."  Mrs. Choi raised an eyebrow, "You can do that at a different time and not in the middle of my class."  Min Hee sighed, "Yes."  She went to her seat to find another note there.  Her eyes flicked around the room, trying to tell who had put it there.  There was one boy at the back of the classroom who smiled a little bit at her.


She sat down and unfolded the note.  "Min Hee, You are so hot, we should hang out sometime.  Call me xxx-xxxx <3 DongHo"  She frowned, trying to remember a DongHo.  Suddenly it clicked, DongHo was the name of the boy who had smiled at her.  While Mrs. Choi talked about the importance of repetition, Min Hee mauled over what exactly she should do.  "Lee Min Hee.  Lee Min Hee, are you listening to me?" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at Mrs. Choi.  "Yes?"  "Go to the principal's office.  You obviously don't want to be here if you aren't going to listen." She pointed towards the door and Min Hee stood up.  Before she walked out the door, she paused, "Just because someone isn't listening, doesn't mean that they don't want to be there.  It might just be that they already understand what your talking about."  She quickly left the doorway before she could get in more trouble.  


She walked into the office and plopped down in front of  Principal Kwon.  He looked her over, "Why are you here?"  She rolled her eyes, "I am here because everybody hates me here and nobody has taken the time to care."  He chuckled, "It'll build some character, for ya."  Min Hee shook her head, "No, this is how you lose students."  He stood up, "No the society loses it's weak links."  She bit her lip, "Are you calling me weak?"  He turned to her, "Well if the shoe fits."  Min Hee stood up and grabbed her things, "Well, maybe they have just been strong too long.  Have you ever thought of it like that?  Have you ever thought that maybe they were possibly some of the best people ever, and you guys did nothing and now they're gone along with their work?  Did you ever consider that some of the best people ever were never recognized until after their death because they were the weak links of society?"  She turned towards the door and was stopped by the voice from behind her, "If you leave you are expelled."  She pivoted back and sat down.  The principal sat against the desk next to her.  "So what are you planning on doing to make me let you go back to class?"  Min Hee glared up at him, "I am going to sit here and tell you about all the things wrong with your school and things that happen here that I could go talk to the police about, and you could have some bigger issues than that tightness in your pants.

 Min Hee left the office without being touched by the creep of an old man and walked into Mr. Park's room.  She didn't have his class yet, but she wasn't going to deal with the rest of the dumb teachers.  He was lecturing when she walked in and she quietly made her way into a seat at the back of the class.  She pulled out her laptop and began editing some pictures that she had taken a few days ago.  As she went through the photos she paid close attention to the lighting.  Mr. Park's words reverberated though her head, 'I think you both need somebody that you can trust right now.'  She pulled open her e-mail and began to type.



Chanyeol heard his phone ding and pulled it out.  It was a text from his dad.  'I forget to tell you, but I gave one of the girl's in my class your e-mail.  I think that you can trust her with anything.  I don't think she has the heart to betray anybody.'  He chuckled at his dad's bluntness and caring thoughts.  Chanyeol really didn't need anybody right now because Exo were his friends and they were all going through the same things together.  But, the idea of being able to tell somebody besides them anything was tempting.  He open up his e-mail through his phone to see if she had sent him anything else.  He smiled when there was one towards the top.  He opened it up and read to himself.

Dear Oppa,

I got most of my stuff out of my clothes from yesterday, but they still stink.  Last night was the worst, the girl who was supposed to come in after me never came and I had to work her shift too(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.  But, I guess that's a good thing, maybe this month I will be able to eat meat.  That would be amazing!  While I was at work, there was this guy and he was really drink and he kept sitting down next to all the high school girls in the place and feeling them up.  They made me him out and he got a couple good s on me before he was outside and on the ground cupping his groin.  I hope he doesn't think that he can just get off the hook after practically undressing the entire restaurant.  Anyways, after I got home, I went to drink some milk and to my dismay it had curdled (T_T).  It was so gross and I puked it up.  It was all white and chunky and I will never just drink milk without checking the date.

This morning, I actually felt pretty good, and then I got to school and it all went down hill.  Some stupid person taped a note to my back saying 'go kill yourself '.  I wonder how the people who tell me to kill myself would react if I actually did.  Would they lie and say that they missed me so much?  Would they regret everything that they did to me?  Would they care?  I wonder how many would laugh and say "bout time".

Oh and a boy gave me his number today. (-_-')  He left a note on my desk (After I had had an argument with my teacher) and it said that he though I was hot and that I should call him.  But, I don't think I should.  He's probably one of those guys that likes to give girls bum numbers or just play with them until they hit a home run and then run off.  Guys like that are the worst.  They get your hopes up because they pretend like they care about you, and then they leave you like... like your expired milk (^-^).  Then the teacher told me to go to the principle's office and the principal told me that people who can't handle a bit of bullying are weak and that society is better off without them.  He also told me that I was part of those weak people, unless I jacked him off... (-_-')  Retard didn't know that I knew a little more about what goes on in that school than he does.

So finally I am sitting here in your dad's class listening to him lecture and sending a message to you.  I think I might just chill with him for the rest of the day, but I think that he's got model's coming in later.  I guess the models' are a little bit nicer because they don't know everything that's going on.  But, they are still pretty bad, because they don't have any respect for the photography department.  At least not to me.  I hope they know that we'll eventually be their employers one day (<_<).  I honestly think that they're  all dumb with nice faces because I swear that none of them have brains...  Well I better go because the lecture is almost over and I don't want to admit to your dad that I took his advice and sent you mail.  He always parades it around for a week and rubs it in my face that he was right and whatever.


Min Hee


Chanyeol chuckled at the message.  He knew very well about his dad and the whole parading about.  That's why if he did ever talk to Min Hee, he would never tell his dad.  And he wasn't telling his dad that she was sending him messages.  Kai came up behind Chanyeol and glanced at the message.  He raised an eyebrow, "Old friend?"  The older shook his head, "Dad's student."  "Hot?" Kai smirked, but it fell when Chanyeol shrugged. "I don't know.  This is like the second message she has sent me."  The dark skinned boy just rolled his eyes, "Then ask her."  "Nope.  I am not sure that I want to get mixed up with her."  Chanyeol closed the e-mail and slid his phone in his pocket.



Min Hee frantically closed out of her e-mail as Mr. Park started up the stairs to her seat.  She quickly opened her photo editing back up and pretended like she had been working on it the whole time.  Mr. Park came and sat down next to her.  "What are you doing here?"  He asked and she sighed.  "I got in trouble with the principle today.  He said that if I couldn't handle people that the world was better off without me."  She closed her laptop and turned to the teacher.  "Tell me.  Where am I supposed to go?  I don't have family or friends here.  You would think out of all of Seoul that there would be more than three people on my side, but I'm pretty sure it's just you and maybe the cook at my job, but I don't even think I've heard him say more than five words ever."  Mr. Park frowned as Min Hee just stared at him blankly.  Students started trickling in and she pointed toward the front of the class.  He did as he was told and went to the front.


Mr. Park got the class settled in and explained how their job today was to take the model they were given and make the person stand out in a group of random objects.  As models came in each kid got up on choose theirs.  Mr. Park yelled up the steps, "Min Hee!  I have a special project for you!"  She scowled and slipped her laptop into her bag.  She hopped down the stairs and stopped in front of her teacher.  "Yes?" She said and he motioned for her to follow him.  They went into a separate studio room and a handsome boy was standing in the middle of the room.  He smiled and walked over to Min Hee and Mr. Park.  "Hey Mr Park.  It's nice to see you."  They shook hand and the boy then turned to Min Hee.  "And you are?" He smiled and held out his hand.  "Lee Min Hee."  She whispered and lightly shook his hand.  "I'm Suho.  You must be new, cause I've never seen you before."  She nodded, "You must not have been around here for the past few months, cause you would have avoided me like the plague."  He raised an eyebrow, "Why would people avoid you?  You're pretty and apparently your talented, because only the best of the students get to work with the alumni."  


Her eyes widened, "You're making me photograph him?"  She turned towards the door and took a step until Mr. Park made a snatch at her bag and pulled out her film camera.  She glared at him, "Mr. Park!  Give it back!"  He just shook his head and held it above his head.  Min Hee stomped her foot, "Damn you tall five year old!  I'll do it, just don't break my baby!"  Suho laughed, "Now I understand where Chanyeol gets it."  Min Hee glanced at Suho thinking, 'How does he know Chanyeol?  Does he know that I talk to Chanyeol?'  The boy looked at her, "Can I call you Minnie?"  She nodded slightly, "Yeah."  She then nodded towards the set, "Well, can we possibly start?"  "Oh yeah."  The two boys said at the same time.  Mr. Park turned towards the door.  Min Hee made a raptor noise, "Wait! Wait! Wait!  What am I supposed to be doing?"  Mr. Park shrugged, "I don't know, but I think you can figure it out."  


Min Hee was wide eyed when she turned back to Suho.  "What are we going to do?" She whispered and he looked around the room, "I don't know.  Aren't you the photographer?"  "Aren't you the alumni?"  She mumbled back and there were a few other choice words that Suho frowned at her for.  She ran her hands through her hair then sat down on the ground.  "I'm dead.  Dead and deader."  He sat down with her, "You're not dead."  She glared at him, "Yes I am.  I'm already the class punching bag.  I can only imagine what they would think if they found out that I got to shoot an alumni and flubbed it.  They wouldn't just tell me to die, they would push me off the building themselves."  She flopped back onto the floor and let her head fall to one side.  Suho started to say something, but she wasn't listening as something caught her eye.  She stood up and walk over to a box.  She grinned back at the boy.  "Got it!"  She sang and picked up the black lights she had just found.  Min Hee then turned to find a rack of clothes across the room.  She skipped over and called, "Come here!"  By the time Suho had found her she had pulled a red leather jacket and pants sat and a black and white shirt.  She tossed them to him and ran off to give him time to change while she figured out what she was doing with the lights.  He walked out and she whistled, "Hot damn!  You clean up nicely."  He blushed a little and she pointed towards a dresser, "There's hair gel in the top drawer.  Do something with the mess up there."  She waved him off and went back to messing with the lights.  When he came back she almost have everything set up.  "How long are you here?" she asked as she set up her tripod, camera and laptop.  "About two hours."  He said while examining the set.  She nodded, "Alright, so we have about an hour to shoot and an hour to work with it."


Min Hee smiled and called their shoot done.  They had been going for about an hour and uploaded the pictures to her computer.  Suho looked over her shoulder, "You are really good."  She nodded, "I have to be good, when it is the only thing I have ever loved to do."  She stepped back and motioned for him to step up to the computer.  "What am I going to do?"  "You are going to edit it."  His eyes widened, "Uh no.  I can't do that!"  She nodded, "Oh yes you are.  I promise that you wont ruin it because I can revert it.  Don't worry.  Either way I'll be here to help."  He grumbled, but stepped up and she showed him what he was supposed to do.  They giggled while editing and making fun of each other.  Mr.  Park walked in the middle of this.  "Well you look like you are having fun.  Min Hee pulled up a picture of flower, "Do you like what we did?"  He frowned at them, "I leave you in here for two hours and all you have is a picture of a flower?  You're kidding me right?"  Suho chuckled and opened the pictures that they had taken and Mr. Park flicked through them.  "Good job.  Min Hee, I'll see you tomorrow at the proper time.  And Suho, say hi to my son for me and the rest of the guys."


They walked out of the studio room together and got some weird looks from the class.  A couple girls screamed and ran up to Suho yelling "Oppa"  Min Hee kept walking.  'Wait!  Minnie!"  He called and broke away from the group of girls.  He snatched the phone out of her hand and messed around with it for a minute before handing it back to her.  She raised an eyebrow at him.  "Exchanging phone numbers" he explained and then waved while jogging away to his ride.  Min Hee looked down at the electronic and then at the group of girls that were glaring at her.  She slid it into her pocket and walked home.




Suho's picture:


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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!