Letter 4

Letters To Oppa

Min Hee was making herself some dinner when her computer dinged saying she had mail.  She went over and sat down to find a messaged back from Chanyeol.

Dear Min Hee,

That doesn't sound like all that  happened today.  My dad said that you got hurt really bad, you can tell me anything and I promise that I won't tell him.



She grumbled at the old man poking his nose into her business and began her reply with some angry key board smashing before being civilized again.



Chanyeol's phone buzzed and he opened it to the message and chuckled.

klu,arglukhvjk.hxfdghgfds;plmdgfsuisdfgetcxbjbxczvmn (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Dear Oppa,

Sorry about that.  Your old man keeps butting into my business and it is quite frustrating.  You see I live on the third floor of my apartment and I was running late for school this morning and the elevator here is slower than death.  So I went to go down the stairs and I slipped and fell down two flights of stairs (>//<).  But I wasn't readily going to say that I'm a clumsy fool and broke my phone cause I fell on it while fall in down the stairs.  That's so embarrassing!!

Sorry for worrying you all,

Min Hee

Chanyeol read this out loud, then shrugged.  Sehun nodded, "Or she could have fallen down the stairs.  I could see why she didn't want anybody to know that she was that clumsy.  I wouldn't tell anybody and just let people think that I was in a fight."  The rest of the group agreed, but it really didn't boat well with Chanyeol.  


He quietly made his way to his room and then scanned over the message again.  He frown at it and was mauling it over when Suho walked in.  He sat down on Baekhyun's bed and looked up at Chanyeol, "This doesn't seem right."  Chanyeol nodded and bit his lip, "My dad once told me about this girl and how she was a year younger than me and both her parents were dead, so she was living on her own.  He said that she was the strongest girl that had ever met and that she was different enough that she would get in lots of trouble.  But, he said that she was so messed up and that her family had been all sorts of horrible that she had learned to deal with her own problems.  He also said that one day everything was going to be too much for the girl and he asked if I would help when it did."  Chanyeol paused and motioned to the electronic, "I think she's that girl."  Suho looked at his band mate, with a questioning gaze.  "How would your dad guess all of this?"  He asked and the younger shrugged.  "He can just read people like open books and apparently we had been around her a few times before she entered the school.  I still don' t know what she looks like, but I've heard countless stories about that little girl and her running into trouble everywhere for years.  I had grown fond of her over the years, but with the hustle of being in SM I hadn't really gotten to hear anything about her in the past year.  And now my dad has given some random girl my e-mail and told them to contact me.  Sounds like dad never forgot about her."  Suho leaned back, "Maybe you should ask your dad about that, just to make sure that you aren't making it up."  Chanyeol nodded, "I'll do that after I visit my aunt today.  She wanted to show me how to make Tteok.  I don't know why, but she said that it would probably be the most important thing that I will ever learn."




Minhee stared at the message she had received from Chanyeol.  It made the butterflies flutter in her stomach and she was wondering why the Park family care so much about her.  It wasn't like they had ever had any major connections ever.  She thought about this some more and then remembered that Mrs. Lee was expecting her today.  She hopped up and got ready.  Mrs. Lee had been her mom's best friend before she died, now the lady met with Minhee once a month and made sure that she was doing alright.  She was always excited to go see the woman because she gave off the same caring feeling that her mother had.  Minhee practically sprinted to Mrs. Lee's house.  She straightened her clothes before pressing the doorbell.  She was let in and made her way to the living room, there was the lady waiting for her.  Minhee cleared to get her attention then bowed deeply,  "Sorry I'm late."  Mrs. Lee just shook her head, "Don't worry, it's looks like you had a rough day anyways."  The young girl looked confused before remembering about the bruises covering her body.  Mrs. Lee came and gingerly touched one, only to be responded to with a pained hiss.  "Oh, you should probably get those checked out." The woman said and took a hold of Minhee's wrist to lead her over to the chairs.  It took all of Minhee's concentration to not yell out in pain.  She would much rather that Mrs. Lee didn't know about her travels with her other half.  The lady was always concerned whenever Minhee ever brought up her family, and then kept a close eye on her.  'Not that a bunch of bruises wasn't enough for her to keep an eye on me, but if I had said that my other half came out she would have practically kept me in her house.'  Minhee thought as she sat down.


Mrs. Lee motioned for the tea and Minhee poured some for each of them.  The lady leaned forward, "Minhee, Do you remember Mia?"  Minhee shook her head and she looked relieved.  "Any ways, how are you doing?"  Mrs. Lee asked and Minhee smirked, "Well besides the obvious, I've been pretty good.  I made a sort of friend that I have been sending e-mails to.  I hope he doesn't mind that I use him to vent."  Mrs. Lee frowned, "Don't they tell you about the dangers of internet friends?"  Minhee chuckled, "It's not like I am planning on meeting him Mrs. Lee.  I'm not that stupid."  They talked for a while until Mrs. Lee looked down at her watch, "Oh shoot.  I'm sorry Minhee but my nephew will be here any minute.  I am teaching him how to make Tteok today."  Minhee smirked, "Maybe I could stay and help.  Maybe taste test and tell if they are any good or not."  Mrs. Lee laughed, "No I am sorry, but he's really shy when it comes to being around girls.  But I'll make sure to make some before you come over next time, Kay?"  The girl puffed out her cheeks, "You're just taunting me with my favorite food.  I can feel it."  The lady laughed again as they made their way to the door.  As they neared it the doorbell rang and she smiled.  "That would be him now.  Why don't you let him in while you go out?"  Minhee nodded and slid her shoes on.  She opened the door to a tall red-ish haired boy wearing jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather coat.  He glanced down at her and spoke in his low voice, "Hi."  She bowed quickly then ran all the way back home.  The had been beautiful.  So beautiful in fact, that Minhee was running about fifty million different art projects in her mind.  When she arrived at her house she got to work and ended up falling asleep at her computer.

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!