Strange and Beautiful

Strange and Beautiful

"So what do you think Maggie?"

"I've heard of it happening before, but... I've never actually seen it myself."

Yoochun sighed.

The night before, Marissa had fallen asleep on him. She was colder than usual and he kept feeling changes in her energy. The most worrying part was the fact that she had turned a funny colour, her skin actually looked like blue marble. Not only that, but she was also crying in her sleep.

"I know sometimes witches and warlocks can reduce their power without knowing before sleeping. I mean it's obvious she can do that." Yoochun stated.

Maggie looked up from the old, dusty book she was flicking through. "Well it says here that doesn't happen very often, it's rare to actually find a witch or warlock that can do that. But it doesn't mention the changing colour thing."


"Although, I do know this. Her power will peak during the 3 night full moon." Maggie replied.

"How so?" Yoochun was curious now.

"In then end," Maggie began as she picked up a teapot from the table and poured out two cups of Earl Grey. "Witches are more powerful than warlocks, that's a fact."

Yoochun blinked a few times.

"Oh it's true." Maggie continued. "The high fluctuation in Marissa's energy is most likely because of the full moon. Similar to how it affects the tides. Witches have a spiritual tie with the moon causing a power increase whenever it's waxing or full. Power decreases when it's waning. More complicated or intricate spells are carried out during the waxing and full phase, but you know that already." Maggie finished as she slid a teacup over to Yoochun.

"So, what about the blue skin?" Yoochun asked. "Do you know anything about that?"

"Nothing proven, but I have heard that it is more like a physical show of power. Nobody really knows why that happens to some witches, but some seem to think of it as a warning."

"Warning?" Yoochun questioned.

"Yes, a warning. Like how some animals give off a smell or like how rattle snakes shake their tail to ward off predators or threats. They think some very high-powered gifted witches change colour to physically show their power and warn others to be wary."

Yoochun gulped down his tea. He didn't know what to think of it all.

Maggie sighed. "Be careful Yoochun. And tell the others too. Keep an eye on her, even though she may seem nice and innocent now remember she lost her memory. She may be a completely different person should it return. The energy she emits tells me that."

"What... what is she?" Yoochun mumbled sounding cautious.

"S-Class. No doubt about it."

Yoochun nearly dropped his cup.


"Specialis Classis. Special Class. She's in an entirely different league to you and the others, you're all B-Class."

"So... what is she capable of?"

"Anything she wishes."


"Aw hey Yoochun!" Marrisa squeald as he walked in through the door.

"Hey Marissa."

"So how is Maggie? I've been meaning to go and see her but with helping out an all..."

"Oh she's fine, she's been keeping busy too." Yoochun sighed.

"Is there something wrong Yoochun? You don't seem too good." Marrisa frowned.

He looked at the girl, her big green eyes that looked back at him. Worried.

"Nahh there's nothing wrong." Yoochun reassured her. "Just having one of those days."

"Oh okay, if you say so." Marrisa smiled. "I'm gonna go help Changmin now, Junsu went AWOL again." She giggled. "See you later!"

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foamtwt #1
Please update, this story is truly amazing. I love it!!! :) <3
wonja2 #3
Chapter 43: Please update! I love this story!
hananii19 #4
Chapter 43: Pleeeeeease update!! This is an amazing story !!
Yoo Chun's sweet! LOL
Wow!!! TVXQ!!! Subscribed before even reading it!!!!
vocbirdpic #7
holy cow this is awesome!!!!!! please please please don't rate it! I wouldn't be able to read if you did :( <br />
I'm only on chapter 21 but I'm going through them fast, this is so addicting!!! you have a gift XD<br />
Epic ...
Emerald_Lee #8
You are an awesome writer your stories are intriging and addicting
LightUpTheWorld #9
The other council members are getting closer to finding Marissa!!<br />