Strange and Beautiful

Strange and Beautiful


I don't really know how to start this. I guess it's safe to say I won't be getting my memory back anytime soon; so I have decided to keep a diary so I can keep all my current memories documented. It seems like a good idea at least. My name is Marissa Blackstock I think, I only know that from the cards I had in a purse I was carrying.

Anyway, I don't really remember how I got here exactly. I'm now living in a nice townhouse in Whitby which is owned by 5 really nice Korean boys. Changmin, Junsu, Yunho, Jaejoong and Yoochun.

They told me that they found me unconscious at their back door, soaking wet. I was covered in loads of cuts and bruises too. They got a friend of theirs called Maggie who lives a few doors down to help out, which was pretty decent of them to do. Me being a girl and all and them being men. Maggie bathed me and brought me some new clothes because I had nothing at all apart from the dress I had on. She wouldn't take any money off me for the clothes, but she did take me shopping for more things the day after. I bought loads of stuff with my debit card. Apparently I had a lot of money in my bank account.

The 5 boys have their own cafe and sweet shop too! And they let me help out sometimes too if they're busy. Changmin and Yunho work in the sweet shop most of the time whilst Jaejoong runs the cafe. Jaejoong is such a good cook too, infact he bakes all the cakes and pastries they sell in the cafe. Junsu sort of works inbetween the sweet shop and cafe but most of the time he's usually out running arrands and picking up supplies. I don't know what Yoochun does exactly. I mean he goes to bed really late at night and he wakes up later than everybody else. I've seen him helping out sometimes, but not very often though.

Eitherway, he has a habit of wandering around with barely any clothes on. I think he only spends about 4 hours of the day fully clothed. So he wears very little in the morning right through to the afternoon, he puts clothes on sometime in the evening then dissapears off out, then he comes back pretty late and ends up wearing very little again. Yunho told me it's because Yoochun get's very warm easily and he doesn't like the heat much, so he only wears clothes when he has to. It's weird logic but I guess I can kinda see where he's coming from.

They're letting me stay for as long as I like or need to which is awfully nice. They wouldn't take any money off me for bills or anything, but they agreed to let me help in the shop and cafe when they need me. I usually help out Jaejoong in the mornings when there's a bit of a rush because of Yoochun. He usually creeps downstairs into the cafe, half asleep and not wearing very much. He's got himself a bit of a following, practically the entire cafe is full of women of all ages who come to oggle Jaejoong up until Yoochun makes an appearance. They go absolutely nuts. Jaejoong told me that when they first moved here, there were only a few girls that would come in in a morning, but as they obviously told their friends and through further word of mouth; more and more women started flooding in around the same time every morning.

But now I get funny looks from the women. Yoochun really isn't a morning person at all. The other day when he staggered down to get his morning cup of coffee and cake; he practically draped himself over me to stop himself from falling over. It wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't nuzzling me either. I think I've become his own personal teddy bear in a morning. The entire cafe feels like a big thunder cloud is in it. All these women glaring at me isn't nice, it feels really weird.

I'm going to go now, I'm getting quite tired. I'll probably get a few hours sleep before Yoochun comes back from whatever he does in an evening. His room is on the same floor as mine and I'm a really light sleeper, so most of the time I can hear him wandering about or I'm awake even before he comes home.



"Yoochun, is that you?" Marissa muttered lightly as she reached over to her beside table to switch the lamp on. She glanced up at the clock on the wall as light flooded the room, it read 01:03am.

Marissa had been staring at the ceiling for the past 20 minutes pondoring things. She heard the floorboards creeking outside her room and the door handle rattle. Sure enough it was Yoochun not wearing much, only his boxer shorts. He had brought up a small tray with him with a teapot, sugar bowl, milk jug and two cups on it.

"I didn't wake you did I?" Yoochun asked concerned.

"No you didn't, I've been awake a little while now. I heard you creeping about around 10 minutes ago before going back downstairs."

"Oh okay. I figured you might be awake, so I made some tea. Want a cup?" Yoochun asked Marissa as he laid the tray down on the second nightstand. Marissa nodded in reply.

"Youuchun what do you do in an evening? I've been meaning to ask but I keep forgetting." Marissa said with a confused look on her face.

Yoochun had finished making them both a cup of tea. He handed one to Marissa as she patted the space in her bed next to her. He climed onto the bed and got himself comfy before taking a sip of his tea.

"You see the board advertising ghost tours around town at the Shambles?" Yoochun asked.

Marissa nodded, sipping her tea.

"Well I do those ghost tours! I take people around the town to various places where people have said they've seen ghosts and I tell them history about the place."

"Aw that's so cool!" Marissa squealed. "It sounds like fun!"

"I get to dress up too." Yoochun smirked. "I usually dress up as a Vampire, it's quite fitting really with the whole Dracula thing."


The two carried on talking till they finished the pot of tea. Marissa had to take Yoochun's cup off him as he had dozed off and snuggled down into the pillows. Marissa placed the cup on the nightstand and lent over to switch off the lamp. She wasn't going to try and wake Yoochun up. It wouldn't be fair because he was so tired, plus it was practically impossible to wake him up anyway.

She snuggled down into her own pillows and made herself comfy with the duvet that was covering her.


At some point during the small hoursof the morning. Yoochun subconsciously felt a cold presence beside him. He latched onto it. The coldness a comfort to him as he was not fond of the heat at all. He half-opened a eye to see Marissa sleeping soundly beside him. The coldness was coming off her. Not thinking too much about it, Yoochun threw his arms around Marissa and cuddled her tightly, wrapping his legs around hers. The cold temprature emitting from Marissa cooling him down almost instantly. He fell back to sleep.

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foamtwt #1
Please update, this story is truly amazing. I love it!!! :) <3
wonja2 #3
Chapter 43: Please update! I love this story!
hananii19 #4
Chapter 43: Pleeeeeease update!! This is an amazing story !!
Yoo Chun's sweet! LOL
Wow!!! TVXQ!!! Subscribed before even reading it!!!!
vocbirdpic #7
holy cow this is awesome!!!!!! please please please don't rate it! I wouldn't be able to read if you did :( <br />
I'm only on chapter 21 but I'm going through them fast, this is so addicting!!! you have a gift XD<br />
Epic ...
Emerald_Lee #8
You are an awesome writer your stories are intriging and addicting
LightUpTheWorld #9
The other council members are getting closer to finding Marissa!!<br />