Strange and Beautiful

Strange and Beautiful

"So what happened exactly? I felt that energy before, it was all Marissa?!" Jaejoong asked his friends as they gathered around the sofa they were sat on before.

"Yoochun felt it first, we found her through tracking her energy." Changmin said.

"She looked... different." Yunho added. "Like she was another person. It was quite frightening really."

It was Junsu's turn to question now. "So, what did happen?"

Yunho took it upon himself to start explaining. "Well there were these two drunk guys who were pestering her. One of them put his hand oon her shoulder and insisted she go back to their place."

"Yeah and her energy level went through the roof. I don't know why but Yoochun kept his distance and kept us back from helping her too." Changmin continued.

"Why?" Jaejoong and Junsu asked as they glanced back at Marissa who was now dancing with Yoochun.

"We don't know how, but the guy in this Mummy costume with his hand on her just started bleeding." Said Yunho.

Jaejoong and Junsu just looked at him. "Bleeding?" They both asked.

"Yes bleeding. Marissa was doing it and she didn't even do anything physical, neither did she chant anything." Yunho stated.

"It really did seem like she had a split personality at the time. She looked exactly like herself in the picture. But when Yoochun shouted her name she just... snapped out of it. She was totally in the zone." Changmin added.


"Don't you know Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Please, come take my hand.
Girl, you'll be a woman soon,
Soon, you'll need a man."

The 4 men looked back over at Marissa and Yoochun who were still dancing and smiling at each other.

"You... don't think we've bitten off a bit more than we can chew do you guys?" Jaejoong asked his friends.

Everybody stayed silent until Yunho spoke up.

"I think we'd best keep an eye on her for the time being. Personally, right now I don't think she'd do anything to us if she ever got like that again, but..."

Everybody looked at Yunho as he tried to find the words he wanted to say.

"... I think we should let her get her memories back on her own. I don't think we should try and instigate anything."

Everyone nodded in agreement.


"Are we all gonna get out picture taken before we leave?" Marissa asked Yoochun as he spun her around. She nodded her head in the direction of a room just off the main hall. There was a photographer in there who was taking pictures of people in their costumes for a fee. It said on a board outside the room that for 30 pounds you could have your picture taken, then it would be developed and framed then sent to you.

"We can do, I think we should." He answered.

The song finished. Yoochun kept a hold of Marissa's hand as they walked back over to the others.

"Hey should we go get our picture done?" Marissa squealed to the group.

"Aww come on! Lets get it done" Junsu squealed too.

Everybody looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's go now," Yunho said "The queue's gone down now."

Everybody stood up from the sofa and made their way over to the room.


"Hey! Come in everyone!" The photographer greeted the group.

Everybody said hi to him as they walked through.

"So you want a group shot yeah? Just go stand over there in front of the backdrop." The photographer said as he re-adjusted the tripod for his camera and fixed the cable leading over to his laptop. He watched as Yoochun led Marissa over by the hand to the black backdrop which had white twinkling lights set in it. Everybody gathered round as they received direction from the photographer. Shoulders down a bit, straighten your back up, put your hand on your hip and so on. He took a good few pictures and showed them to everyone on his laptop before they chose one. Everyone chipped in some money then paid the photographer.

"It'll be ready within the next week, I'll send it on when it's done." Said the photographer.

Just as everyone said their thank-you and left, the photographer stopped Yoochun and Marissa. "Aw you two are such a cute couple, do you mind if I take a few more of just you two?" He asked.

"Couple?" Marissa mumbled. "More pictures? For us? What? Do we have to pay for them?" She questioned.

"I just wanted some more photos for my portfolio and I think you two would be great subjects. I'll send you copies of the photos as a thank you." Said the photographer.

"Sure we'd love to!" Yoochun answered the photographer as he led Marissa back to the backdrop. "You just tell us what you want us to do!"


"Aw wow these are coming out great! They'll look even better printed out!" Said the photographer as he spun his laptop round for Yoochun and Marissa to have a look.

"You two must be really close, you can just feel the passion in these shots." The photographer continued. "Ahh, to be young and in love." He sighed.

Marrisa looked confused again. "Love?" She mumbled.

Yoochun placed his ahnds on Marissa's shoulders as she carried on muttering to herself. She was still a bit confused about the whole love subject.

"Anyway thank you both for doing this. I'll send the shots on as soon as possible." Said the photographer.

Yoochun smiled. "It's no problem. Anyway we'll go now, our friends are probably waiting for us."

"Sure thing. And you look after her son," The photographer started as he pointed at the mumbling Marissa. "She's special."

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foamtwt #1
Please update, this story is truly amazing. I love it!!! :) <3
wonja2 #3
Chapter 43: Please update! I love this story!
hananii19 #4
Chapter 43: Pleeeeeease update!! This is an amazing story !!
Yoo Chun's sweet! LOL
Wow!!! TVXQ!!! Subscribed before even reading it!!!!
vocbirdpic #7
holy cow this is awesome!!!!!! please please please don't rate it! I wouldn't be able to read if you did :( <br />
I'm only on chapter 21 but I'm going through them fast, this is so addicting!!! you have a gift XD<br />
Epic ...
Emerald_Lee #8
You are an awesome writer your stories are intriging and addicting
LightUpTheWorld #9
The other council members are getting closer to finding Marissa!!<br />