Strange and Beautiful

Strange and Beautiful

"Aw wow. Doesn't that moon look wonderful tonight? It's so full." Marissa sighed.

Marissa and Yoochun had taken a late evening stroll up the 199 steps to the New Abbey to look down on the town in all it's lit, evening glory. The full moon provided a bright clear light that shone down over everything with an almost magical glow. Yoochun noticed this on Marissa's pale, dewy face which was begining to glow almost as much as the moon itself. Yoochun could tell her power was rising even though she herself couldn't.

Then Yoochun sneezed out of nowhere.

"Bless you!" Marissa said. "Are you okay?"

"I think I might be coming down with something." Yoochun sniffled. Marissa shuffled over to him and reached her hand up to his face, pressing her palm on his forehead.

"Hmm you do seem to have a bit of a temprature. Come on lets go back and get you comfortable." Marissa said as she held out her hand for Yoochun to hold. They gently glided back down the steps together and made their way home.


"Now I don't want you to move at all okay? I know you don't like the heat that much but you really should try and keep warm." Marissa said as she pulled some blankets over Yoochun. She had ordered him to his bed as soon as they got back into the house.

"Barely into the New Year and I get sick." Yoochun mumbled. His temprature had gone up even more now and he was becoming lethargic. He sank back into his pillows as Marissa carried on pulling blankets around him.

"Right, I'll go get you something to drink and something for that fever you have. Just, try stay awake for a few minutes till then okay?" Marissa said. Yoochun nodded slightly in reply as he tried keeping his eyes open. Marissa just smiled back at him then left his room to go downstairs.



"Do you think we'll ever find her?" Sheridan asked her sister Suranne.

"I honestly don't know." Suranne replied. "Though in saying that we better had find her soon. Amelia's not coping very well at all.

"Aw come on do you blame her?!" Sheridan exclaimed."I mean they we're both created but they've both been around longer than what the human race has and they're practically sisters!"

"I guess you're right. Well whatever it is that's keeping her hidden really should wear off by now. Before Amelia really does go insane." Suranne sighed.

"She's outside on her own again you know." Said Sheridan.

Amelia had started going outside late at night on her own a lot since Marissa had dissapeared. Usually on the nights of the full moon, they'd go outside to work spells together. It wasn't the same any more for Amelia.

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foamtwt #1
Please update, this story is truly amazing. I love it!!! :) <3
wonja2 #3
Chapter 43: Please update! I love this story!
hananii19 #4
Chapter 43: Pleeeeeease update!! This is an amazing story !!
Yoo Chun's sweet! LOL
Wow!!! TVXQ!!! Subscribed before even reading it!!!!
vocbirdpic #7
holy cow this is awesome!!!!!! please please please don't rate it! I wouldn't be able to read if you did :( <br />
I'm only on chapter 21 but I'm going through them fast, this is so addicting!!! you have a gift XD<br />
Epic ...
Emerald_Lee #8
You are an awesome writer your stories are intriging and addicting
LightUpTheWorld #9
The other council members are getting closer to finding Marissa!!<br />