Chapter 39

Strange and Beautiful

"Jaejoong are you okay, you've been on edge all this morning." Marissa asked the pretty twitchy Jaejoong as she was filling the coffee grinder with more beans.

"Oh." Jaejoong exclaimed slighty. "I just didn't sleep that well last night I guess I'm feeling a little tired."

It was true, he didn't sleep well at all the night before. In fact neither did any of the boys. Something had entered town last night and they all knew exactly what it was.

A Vampire.

It was relatively quiet where they lived. No other Supernatural beings had made themselves aware in the time the boys had been living there, but now there was a creature in town that they would have to take care of. It was strange how they never really had any activity to say this was the town Dracula himself had supposedly crash landed. They thought it would have been a becon for Supernatural activity.

There were reports on the radio yesterday later on in the afternoon that there had been a pretty bad car accident just outside of town. Several cars were involved and a few people had ended up in hospital severely injured. But the Vampiric presence started to become apparent shortly after the accident had happened. The 5 boys had picked up on it almost immediately. Marissa however, still with no memory really of what she is didn't pick up on it at all. The boys knew that the Vampire would be coming for them at some point and with Marissa being in the state she is, she would be powerless to protect herself.




All the boys were gathered in the living room later on that afternoon discussing what they should do about the vampire.

"We're all agreed then." Yunho spoke. "We're going after this thing tonight."

Everyone nodded in reply.

"And Changmin are you sure you're okay staying behind to look after Marissa?" Yoochun turned to his friend and asked.

"Of course I am, I just wish I could help you guys out with this thing. But I know someone needs to stay behind." Changmin answered. Yoochun smiled slightly at him.

"Well I wish I could stay behind." Yoochun said.

Changmin just sighed. "You need to be there, you're much better at dealing with vampires that what I am. The sooner we can find out what it's up to and get rid of it, the better."

Everyone nodded.

"Right so it's settled." Yunho spoke up. "Changmin will stay with Marissa. I  will go on ahead with Junsu then Yoochun and Jaejoong will follow us shortly after. We'll try and corner this thing and get rid of t as swiftly as possible."

Everyone nodded again. Then Junsu spoke up.

"Well I went and got these out of the attic." He said as he lifted out a large green army style duffle bag and laid it down on the coffee table. It rattled slightly as it came in contact with the table. Everyone dove in and each brought outa silver coated machete.

"Remember everyone, decapitation or straight through the heart." Junsu squeaked.




"Hey Min, where is everybody it's gone so quiet?" Marissa asked as Changmin strolled in to the kitchen. Marissa was sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, reading a magazine.

"Err I don'tknow actually." Changmin lied. He knew exactly where they all were. As duck began to roll in the Vampire made it's presence known in the new Abbey's Cemetary which wasn't that far from their house. By now, the guys would have him surrounded. Changmin made his way round the kitchen table and eventually sat down, trying to keep the look of worry off his face. Marissa stood up though.

"Would you like a cup of coffee Min?" Marissa asked as she picked up her own cup.

"Oh no it's okay I can make it." Changmin replied slightly hazy.

"No no you sit down Min I'll make it. Mine went cold ages ago!" Marissa chuckled. She rinsed her cup out in the sink and laid it on the worktop as she rummaged through the cupboards looking for Changmin's cup, After she found she she began putting in the relevant spoonfulls of sugar into the cups.

As Marissa began reaching her arm over for the filter coffee jug, it begain to shake. Then her knees began to wobble. Soon enough she had out and as her body collapsed to the floor, she hit her head on the kitchen worktop on the way down; the sound of her head colliding with the surface bringing Changmin out of his daze. He launched himself across the kitchen as Marissa landed with a thud on the floor. Blood had begun to ooze out of a huge split at the side of her temple. Changmin had began to panic as he knelt beside the injured Marissa.

" !" Changmin exclaimed to himself as he saw the blood oozing out of Marissa's head begin to pool on the kitchen floor. His panic had now begun to escalate as in front of his very own eyes, Marrisa's eyes shot open and she quickly rose to her feet. The blood that was pouring out of the gash on the side of her head had re-absorbed in to ther body and the wound itself seemd to rejoin on its own.

Marissa  stared ahead. The look on her face had gone from it's usual cheeky loving smile to something a lot more melancholy and serious. Changmin just gazed up at her with his mouth open in awe. Then Marissa spoke.

"Excuse me Changmin."

With that she started walking, soon enough her figure had dissapeared in to thin air.

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foamtwt #1
Please update, this story is truly amazing. I love it!!! :) <3
wonja2 #3
Chapter 43: Please update! I love this story!
hananii19 #4
Chapter 43: Pleeeeeease update!! This is an amazing story !!
Yoo Chun's sweet! LOL
Wow!!! TVXQ!!! Subscribed before even reading it!!!!
vocbirdpic #7
holy cow this is awesome!!!!!! please please please don't rate it! I wouldn't be able to read if you did :( <br />
I'm only on chapter 21 but I'm going through them fast, this is so addicting!!! you have a gift XD<br />
Epic ...
Emerald_Lee #8
You are an awesome writer your stories are intriging and addicting
LightUpTheWorld #9
The other council members are getting closer to finding Marissa!!<br />