Meeting the Kids, I mean boys >.>

Bloody Secrets And Memories



Tao took the elevator to his apartment where they would be eating dinner. As he walked in Xiumin was jumping in front of him like a dog. 

- Is she coming?! oh my, please tell me if she's coming!

- Yes, she is. So you better behave and treat her nicely. Tao said and walked past Xiumin.

- How old is she? What's her favorite color? What's her personality like? Is she pretty? Xiumin asked all kinds of questions and followed Tao to the bathroom. Before he could enter the bathroom Tao closed the door in his face.

- Um... I'll be going then? Xiumin walked away to join or bother someone else. Tao sighed 'Finally I got rid of him'

Lay was standing in front of the mirror with a gray dress shirt and a pair of black jeans on him. He turned around and did different poses to see if he looked good in it and he also practiced his smile and different expressions.

- Well someone looks dressed up, going on a date? Lay turned around and saw that Luhan was leaning on the door and smiled. Lay blushed.

- N-n-no, I-I'm just trying to look g-good when s-she's coming... He stuttered. Luhan smirked.

- Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. He said and giggled and he left the room.

Lay looked at himself in the mirror. He thought about what he did to Hyunae yesterday and he hated himself for doing it. He hated himself even more when he remembered what he told her mother that he would take care of her and protect her. He kneeled and prayed for forgiveness and that they would get closer. Even if she doesn't know it, she's still really important to him. He stood up and joined Luhan in the kitchen. After a few minutes he realized that he forgot to buy some things so he and Tao was going to the grocery shop. When they left Xiumin ran into Taos room and looked for his phone and found it under his pillow he searched for her number and when he found it and saved her number on his phone before he send a text to her from Taos phone.

HyunAe POV:

I was watching TV. Then I got a text from Tao that said "Hey, why don't you just come to my place now! So you can meet the others ^^". I ran to the hall and put on my shoes with force because I was so curious and exited to meet them. I locked the door and walked to the elevator. I finally arrived to his apartment. I knocked softly and waited but no one came so I knocked harder, I heard footsteps. 'Finally' I thought. But it wasn't Tao that opened the door. He looked shocked for a second then he smiled. My heart was melting.

- You must be Hyunae! I nooded. He let me inside and closed the door. I felt that he grabbed my hand so I turned around, he kissed my hand.

- I'm Luhan. I'm also the second oldest in our group. 

- It's nice to meet you. Um...

- Hm?

- Can you let go? I looked down at my hand that he was still holding. He giggled and let go of my hand. I took of my shoes and looked around. Luhan pushes me into the living room. He told me to sit down and watch some TV while he was getting the food ready. A few minutes later I felt like someone was watching me. I tried to ignore it. My eyes was glued on the TV. I couldn't take it anymore so I turned to my left. His face was only a few inches away from mine. In shock I hit him right in his face.

- AHh! My NOSE! He covered his face with his hands. My hands covered my mouth. It took me a few seconds to realize what happened. I grabbed his face to check if he was okay.

- OH MY KRISUS! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!! I removed his hands from his face and his nose was bleeding. I ran as fast as I could into the kitchen to get some tissues. Luhan stared at me as if I was crazy. When I got the tissues I ran back to him and cleaned the blood of his face and held the tissue against his nose. I also apologized at the same time over and over again. We sat there not saying anything until...

- The bleeding has stopped. He told me. I removed my hands and the tissue from him.

- My name is Kim Min Seok by the way but you can call me Xiumin! I might not look like it but I'm the oldest and you don't need to introduce who you are! I already know! He laughed. I felt so mean because I hit him. I was about to say sorry again.

- No need to apologize, it's not your fault that I scared you. You also look really cute when you're scared or when you hit me♥. He squeezed my face. Then an other guy came out from another room and pushed Xiumin down from the couch and took my hand in his hands and with a friendly smile he said

- My name is Kim Jong Dae, just call me Chen. Xiumin threw him down on the floor and they started to wrestle. All I could hear was "Don't smile all friendly and grab her hand like that!" "You're the one that touched her face!!". Luhan who heard everything told me I could join him in the kitchen so I could get some rest.

I sat down at the dining table and watched as he made us lemonade. We were sitting next to each other and drinking lemonade in silence but it wasn't awkward, it was quiet comfortable. It was quiet for 7 minutes, we only exchanged a few small words but it still was comfortable. The door opened but I couldn't see who it was because it was so dark in the hall.

TO BE CONTINUED! Next chapter will be out tomorrow, I think? ^.^

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I'm kinda busy with school rn (I'm in senior high) but I write a little every day so hopefully the next episode will be done soon c:


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Jhtylee #1
Chapter 14: Please continue this story its really good
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^
Chapter 10: that was soo cute and sweet! awh i love how luhan put his head on her lap! kyeopta! >.<
update soon~~~
Chapter 9: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh~ poor hyunae! hopefully jinyoung and her can make up.
awwwww so sweet of luhan >.<
update soon~~~
keepcalm12 #5
Chapter 8: PLease update soon and good luck with your test! Fighting~!
Chapter 8: LOL chen the troll~~~~
update soon! >.<
keepcalm12 #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon author-nim! Jjang~~~!!! >.<
Chapter 7: LOL xiumin kekekkeke~~~
awwww lay
update soon!!
tinado58 #9
Chapter 4: Getting good! Please update soon!