A unwanted or wanted guest

Bloody Secrets And Memories

The man came into the kitchen. His face was so perfect, I've never seen someone that looks so gorgeous like him. Not only that, he was extremely tall too.

- I'm Wu Fan, call me Kris. Kris bowed at me so I jumped up from the chair and bowed.

- Nice meeting you. He left without saying a word. Luhan started to laugh and told me to sit down.

- Don't worry about him, he's like that to people he don't know but it'll change. Luhan took out his phone and smiled at me as he but his arm around my shoulder and took a picture of us.

- Ya! I wasn't ready and I look awful in that photo! 

I tried to take his phone from him but it was hard because he's taller than me. Xiumin and Chen came running into the kitchen and started to wrestle with Luhan. He dropped the phone on the floor so I took it and tried to delete the photo but he jumped on me and tried to take his phone back but I wouldn't give up without a fight. In the end Luhan, me, Chen and Xiumin was fighting about the phone. Chen took the phone from me so I grabbed him by the neck and I got it back. After a few minutes of fighting about the phone, Lay and Tao finally got home and Lay picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He walked to Taos room and but me down on the bed, as he sat down next to me and said.

- I wanted to talk to you Hyunae. I just want to say that I'm so sorry about that thing that happened yesterday. I really hate myself for doing it. You must hate me now... With tears in his eyes.

- D-don't say that! It's not your fault, I mean... You're... Um a vampire and that's understandable. And I don't hate you! You're a really kind person that take care of people. He held my hand and kissed my cheek and whispered with a seductive tone into my ear "You're to kind for your own good and your smell is driving me crazy". His breath tickled my ear and send shivers down my spine.

- Dinner's ready! We heard Luhan scream. Lay stood up and walked out from the room and I followed. I sat down next to Tao. He gave me a small smile. Luhan sat next to me. Xiumin and Chen asked me all kinds of questions, I tried to answer all of them. After I answered all the questions I looked to the right and saw that Kris looked at me with an emotionless face, we had eye contact and it didn't broke for minutes until Luhan had picked up some food with his chopsticks and brought it to my mouth and said

- Say ah~♥ He smiled. I opened my mouth and ate it.

- Aigoo~ My Hyunae is so cute! He said as he pinched my cheek as I was chewing on my food.

- WHAT?! She's not yours! Xiumin screamed and pointed at Luhan.

- Shut it Baozi!

- I told you not to call me that!!! Xiumin and Luhan started to argue and we started to laugh at them.

After the dinner we decided to watch a horror movie. I loved horror movies because I liked the way they scared me. I sat on the floor with Chen while the others was sitting on the couch. When the jump scares came in the movie, Lay always screamed or jumped in the air, Xiumin who was sitting next to him every time. I got thirsty so I walked to the kitchen, but I couldn't find the cups or glasses. I sighed and turned around.

- Here try this. I'm not trying to poison you if you think that. Chen gave me a glass with red stuff in it. I tried it and swallowed it.

- The Hell Chen?! This is blood! My whole mouth tasted like iron. He laughed and gave me a glass of coke/coca cola.

- Did it taste good?

- No, I'm not a damn vampire... We walked back to the living room to watch the rest of the movie. When the movie was almost over I felt that Chen put his head on my shoulder. I looked at his face, his eyes was closed and he looked tired so I let him do that.

Now that the movie was over it was time for me to go home. Xiumin and Luhan wanted me to sleep over but Tao told them that we just meet each other so it could be awkward to sleep with a lot of guys around. They hugged me goodbye, Kris just said goodbye and that I should take care of myself.

I was finally home and I was pretty damn exhausted. So I took a long relaxing shower and put on my pajamas. Then someone was calling me I looked at the number and saw that it was Jinyoung. My heart started to beat harder and I answered quickly

"Hello, Mr fox!"

"Hey, clumsy"

"Did you dump another girl or what?"

"Yes, but that's not what I wanted to talk about..."

"Okay, what do you want? Cuz I'm tired and I need my beauty sleep"

"Pfft, you'd need a plastic surgery to look pretty! I'm just joking with you, but can I sleep over at your place?"

"What did you do now?"

"I'll tell you soon, I'm in front of your door." I went to open the door. Jinyoung came inside with a red suitcase.

- Are you moving or something?

- I'll be staying here for a few weeks, they're building something across the street so I can't sleep. He walked straight away to the guestroom and unpacked his stuff. I'm happy that I get to spend more time with him but living with him is like living with a small kid. We said goodnight to each other and went to sleep.

I have an important test tomorrow >-> So I think the next episode will be out tomorrow or the day after. Oh well, we'll see!

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I'm kinda busy with school rn (I'm in senior high) but I write a little every day so hopefully the next episode will be done soon c:


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Jhtylee #1
Chapter 14: Please continue this story its really good
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^
Chapter 10: that was soo cute and sweet! awh i love how luhan put his head on her lap! kyeopta! >.<
update soon~~~
Chapter 9: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh~ poor hyunae! hopefully jinyoung and her can make up.
awwwww so sweet of luhan >.<
update soon~~~
keepcalm12 #5
Chapter 8: PLease update soon and good luck with your test! Fighting~!
Chapter 8: LOL chen the troll~~~~
update soon! >.<
keepcalm12 #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon author-nim! Jjang~~~!!! >.<
Chapter 7: LOL xiumin kekekkeke~~~
awwww lay
update soon!!
tinado58 #9
Chapter 4: Getting good! Please update soon!