
Royalty Love

The Crown Prince just arrived to the school with his two body guard in front of the gate. The prince Nickhun, he was attending the same school as Soo Jung.

“It’s our prince there.” The girl students stood outside with bright eyes stared at him.

Soo Jung approached her friends who stood near the window, looking down. “Royal family members should go to royal school. It was much unexpected… is it because this school is close to palace?”

She and her friends surprisingly snapped when they saw the prince looked up them from far away, and they quickly hid away from that glance. “He saw us! Phew, my heart is pumping crazy.”

Soo Jung added nervously, “Phew, when his eyes sight hit mine, it almost choked me!”

After school, she and her friends had gone to the incinerator where the only place was for the Prince.

Coincidentally, they saw him at the hallway picking up his pair of shoes at the locker.

Her friend yelled, “Yah yah… Soo Jung, It’s the prince Nickhun!”

They started to looking frighten when the Prince noticed them, they nervously bowed him. He smiled sweetly with the delight and decent smirk on his handsome face, making them feel little suffocated after receiving the smile.

He just turned around leaving the frozen girls behind ridiculously. Soo Jung snapped her fingers to wake her friend up. “Sulli! Snap out of it, he is gone.”

Prince Nickhun struggled with himself for seeing that glazes from those girls a moment ago, he would careless since most of girls knew that he is from royal family and would have any intention. He exited the school entrance, stepping in the car as he looked back at the darken hallway in distance.

He mumbled, “Hard to understand girls today.”

His chauffer drove him home; he looked at the Crown Prince from the rear window seeing the Prince closed his eyes resting from the tedious day in school. He cleared his throat slightly, and politely called. “Seja..”

The Prince opened his eyes sharply, “What is it?”

His Sir Lee, who served the King, stated. “The King wanted to have a discussion with you today, Seja.”

“What discussion?”

Sir Lee steadily answered him, “I’m not allowed to telling you now, Seja.” His response just made the prince had a heavy sigh.


Arriving to the old-fashioned palace, Prince Nickhun immediately went to the chamber to hail the Debi, despite his uniform that he should dressed in costume before going to hail.  

The maid considered him, “Seja, your costume.”

"It would be just quick hail.”

"But… seja, I’d recommended you to change your costume.”

He ignored her, entering the door. “Halmamama, I’m back.”

Debi(Mother Queen) lifts up the cup of the tea and drank it before she spoke. “Hm, you’re home.”

The Mother Queen kindly gave him a permission to sit. He made himself a comfortable seat in front of her unlike in front of the King.

She interpreted her words carefully, pointing out the history again. “You know that you’re from a royal family that you must obey all the rules here. According to your grandpa before he died, he left out a letter that promised with his best friend to have an engagement between with his friend’s granddaughter and you.”

Surprisingly at her words, he curiously asked and gazed at her with a worry face. “Why did he do that?”

Debi gently gave him an explanation, “He was the only close friend to your grandfather, his friend did not see him as a king but as a human being, as a friend. He wanted to give him something in return, with that he made two engagement rings and sent one to his friend’s with a letter and kept the other one here.”

Prince Nickhun unexpectedly heard this from her, struggling with himself that he had been engaged to a girl and never thought of marry before.

“Wait for your father coming, I need to get some special teas.”

With that Debi placed her cup of tea down on the table and stood up to exit the room as the maid followed her from behind, Prince Nickhun bowed before she left. He gingerly thought of what Halmamama told him, wondering his life would become control until the rest of his life.

The Crown Prince with the royal uniform sat in quarter’s room to wait for the King arriving and prepared to have a discussion.

The Crown Prince sat patiently in front of the King after he took a seat, mannerly asked. “What is it that you want to tell me, Your Highness?”

With the solemn expression of the King, he spoke formally. “It’s about your engagement.”

The Crown Prince repeated, “Engagement? Is that what Halmamama just told me about?”

“Yes… You’re getting married and she is a granddaughter of your grandfather’s friend.”

Without rejecting the King, he left another heavy sigh from pressure inside him. He forced to smile and
obeyed him. “I understand.”

The King eyed on the prince for without hesitate in choosing, in arguing, in objecting. The King suggested, “No objected for this engagement?”

The prince searched for a right word to respond back, “Your Highness, I believe grandpa had picked a future bribe for me as Crown Princess then I would consider that he had a good reason to do that, and a good recommendation for me.”

The King nodded at his comprehensive wisely. “Very well, then.”

"Sir Lee, bring His Highness the picture.”

He handed over the picture to Prince Nickhun in front of him as he said, “This is your future Crown Princess, she goes to the same school as you… she is quite pretty.”

He spontaneously snapped, and abruptly asked. “Did you just say she goes school same as mine?”


Prince Nickhun took a look at the picture as his impression was in shock she was the girl that he had met, it had him completely surprise and blow out of this expectation.



Enraging voice screamed loudly across the house, “I am gonna get married?!” She repeated the statement
that her grandpa just told her. “With the prince?!”

She bursts out starting to laugh hysterically, “Ha-ha, so funny. This is one sad joke you guys are making! You guys are good at acting, looking so serious.”  

The serious mood just ruined by her risible as everyone tried to convince her, “Soo Jung, how many times do we have to tell you?” Jessica, her sister practically insisted as she pointed at the ring that placed in the ancient luxury box.

Her mom with steady expression, she stared at Krystal doubtfully. “Can’t you see the ring?”

For a second, she looked like she just saw a guy in front of her when she can’t believe that it’s not a lie. She disagreed in enthusiasm behavior, “The engagement ring or whatever it was called, send it back, send it back now!!!” She strongly rejected the engagement that she was about going crazy.

Her grandpa calmly asserted her, “It was the promise with the previous King, we cannot break it. The promise with royal family is not something you can easy to break.”

She tried to make some more excuses, “But, we don’t love each other. He could find another girl who is even more gorgeous than me.” She nervously added, “Grandpa, you see he just sees me as..”

Her grandpa interrupted her as he said bluntly, “The prince said he’d accept the marriage proposal.”

Nothing had left on her face except the stunning expression printed on her, feeling so numb and astonishing at the same time.

In school, Soo Jung looked like she was going through some kind of crisis, hanging around a window and suddenly tried to hide away from the Prince, hurting herself at times, putting her head in the locker and began to mumble as she shouldn’t know she could take it any longer.

Soo Jung moved to the class in motionless behaviors, she brought herself back to earth after she heard a shout. “ Soo Jung! Soo Jung!”

Sulli was in the rush, heavily breath. “I heard this from the staff room that there will be a new transfer students, and that person is from the royal family!”

Others students started curious and excited, “From Royal Family?”

“Yeah, I heard he is the seja’s cousin, and he was living in United State.”


The prince(ss), Amber Liu just came back here to South Korea just to attend a wedding after she heard of her mom saying that her cousin will getting married in one month.

As soon Prince(ss) arrived the right place, she looked up the ancient gate in front of Palace along with an exhalation’s the fresh air of the Palace. Mixing up with a good mood, she exaggeratedly pushed the gate and entered. “Huyng! I’m back!”

“His wedding will be splendid since he’s the Prince of Korea and speaking of his future Crown Queen.”

She walked around the Palace and ended up seeing her huyng, Crown Prince at the old room that they used to spend time together when they were a kid.



To be continue

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I apologized for the notification. It's not same update! I didn't know how come it alerted as "new updat"but coming chapter is gonna hand on a bit! Thanks guy


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GEoRuth #1
Aww. When is the next one?
embongtaar #2
Jmylimerence #3
Go Go Go! Mooore would be greattt
Chapter 16: Waiting for the next chapter~
Chapter 16: Huyk-ho... nice name.. pls update more...
Chapter 16: Who is hyuk-ho author? Do you have a pict of him? Update soon author!

#TeamKryber #GoKryber
AmKrys #7
there r no new chapter author-ssi... r u trying to troll us :)

please update ( d real one ) :D
Bluebrain #8
Chapter 15: is this really the new update? coz it was the same chapter like before
Chapter 15: Who is the guy? Looks like drama's coming up. Update soon author!
call me dumb... u just rtn to check update and realise kryber r holding handspic....look so rite..keke kryber