
Royalty Love

The reporter girl ran into the class rapidly, fast as lighting. She gossiped all the girls outside and gossiped, all of them gasped in air. Glancing at Prince(ss) Amber, one of the girl in the gossip group asked. “Are you sure about this rumor?”

One girl abruptly spoke with the tone stuck in . “But… but… but…”

One girl hissed. “Nooooo, I’m falling for a girl?”

One royalty girl accepted. “She’s still a prince in my eyes though.”

One disappointed girl freaked out. “Oh, . Then, he couldn’t do it if he doesn’t have…” Ticking her teeth in disgust, the girl knocked the girl with dirty thought on the head, hard. “Yah, why you guys are so… Gosh. Forget about have fun in bed with him. Not him anymore, it’s her.”

One bad girl strongly argued. “What!? Are you sure about this? Please confirm this 100% for me. I’ve been thinking that he would have perfect body and would be good in bed. It does just ruin everything.” The ert girl gave out too much information, sadly shocked at same time. “Stop having those thought already!!!”

One random girl audibly whispered. “Yah, that figures over there actually is a girl, which means princess not p.r.i.n.c.e?”

The reporter girl firmly nodded, and unfolded the rolled paper on her hand. “I searched up Prince Yi Yun on the institution’s website as the name didn’t exist, which it appears this name instead. She hid her real identity.”

Another girl curiously question after she was done talking. “Why though?”

“There was a rumor saying that she disguised as a prince because of the past between the relationships with a girl rejected her, the girl couldn’t return back the feeling since they’re same…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Soo Jung walked by her and overheard everything. She gave them an icy stare, all of them dismissed immediately. Poof. Vanished in one second.

When she finally figured out the fact about Amber, she still wanted to push that fact away. The fact about Amber that she wasn’t the first one to find out was really bothering her. There were three primary reasons that anger was been rising up her body: lies, secrets, and Amber Liu.

Mostly gossip around Amber, she heard everything. She reacted calmly like nothing happen around her, yet concerned about Soo Jung which made her heart pumping louder. She knew who posted her private information on the website, it was her mom. She used the rest of the time in this break to think of solving the problem that her mom just exploded.

It was time of the end school day. Prince(ss) Amber walked Victoria home, letting her walk aside her silently. Victoria broke the silence, “Amber, the gossip today in school is truth?”

“You don’t have to worry about it.”

“Why? I am worried, why can’t you just be who you are?”

She clutched up the fist, and her tone spoke of revulsion. “IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU.” Then, the ending of the voice got soften. “I know the reason why you didn’t return back your feeling to me because you couldn’t accept the fact that I’m a girl.”

On this situation, Victoria felt guilty even worse than ever. She thought she adapted to this pain for awhile now, but it came back all sudden. She voiced gently. “I’m sorry.”

Humorously scoffing full of belief to rid of the tension, Amber faked smile, “No, I’m sorry. I screamed. It’s okay; I promised I’ll just be who I am.” Victoria surprised at her complies, an acceptance that had meant many things with Victoria. She swallowed her tears, and whispered. “I love you, Amber.” She didn’t know how to comfort her other than saying these words.

Amber kissed her forehead before she’s gone home.


“Yah, did you hear that Prince Yi Yun is actually a girl?” Luna said in distort.

“WHAT?!?!?!?!?!” Sulli’s voice contained a horror scream, opening her eyes widen look at Luna who looked like out of earth for just seeing Sulli’s reaction. Out of blue, Taemin appeared in front of them, “Yep, it’s a girl.”

Sulli shoved Taemin away in front of Luna, shaking Luna. “Yah, is it truth?” Luna innocently nodded.

“Sulli, stop acting so exaggerated.” Taemin and Luna synced together.

“My prince…” Sulli pouted, adding a sigh.

“Hey, I’m 100% guy.” Sulli’s mood was little upset; she shot a death glare at him. Luna just walked with them in silence as usual.

“I’m stronger than her.”


“I could protect you better than her.”


“You could rely on me.”


“We could have a baby together.”


“And, we could have a proper wedding.”

Sulli clenched her teeth together. “Taemin!~”




Amber hastily ran to her mom’s penthouse to deal with the incepting her own decision, she firmly punched the code, entering the room. Her mom sat on the sofa watching American movies, with the position like a ladylike.

“Ah,” The fine lady said. “Don’t make yourself anxious about your identity revealing. I believe you came here for this.”

Her words, which had pressured Amber more that she wished she could burst out everything to her mom. Thinking back, it won’t work out to tell her mom their marriage was just agreement; however, she resisted holding back.

“What would you like me to do?”

“Stay away from Crown Princess.” She warned again, “Amber, you’re my daughter. You should know that I love you and I could risk anything for you to have a good future. Once, you’re from a royal family, then you should know how to difficulties for us.”

“I don’t understand your meaning.”

“Don’t create any scandals. That’s all, I wanted to say.”

The fine lady added, “you’re staying here with me next two weeks.”

“I’ll go get my clothes.”

At dark cold midnight, palace hall aluminized with bright light. Still patiently waiting, staying up till this hour, she couldn’t stand Yi Yun’s absence at night before she goes sleep. It was a new hobby of her life in the palace. 

There was a sound of the gate shut, and she immediately stood up to see if it was Yi Yun. Disappointedly, it was Sir Lee who served the King entered the gate. He bowed at her as she bowed back, “It’s midnight, now. You should have gone to bed, Crown Princess.”

“Aniya, I wanted to say goodnight to Prince Nickhun before I go.” Soo Jung lied. Sir Lee understood and left to his own room.

She sighed, giving up on waiting for Amber. When she turned around, the familiar voice called from behind. “You haven’t sleep?”

Her body immediately reacted to that soft voice, turning around to face Amber. Yet, Amber avoided, “Go sleep.” She went to her room and packed her stuffs, shoving the backpack on her shoulder.

The door opened, she saw a generous face in front of her still standing there. “Where are you going?” Soo Jung curiously demanded, Amber’s stomach practically wanted to flip-flop inside when she saw the gorgeous face.

She ignored her. Before she could step away from Soo Jung, she clutched her hand. “Yah! Stop ignoring me.”


Soo Jung faced the back of Amber, wanting to hug it but she needed to manage this waiting. “Amber Liu.”

“Why did you pack your stuffs?” For the very first time, she liked her calling name. 

Amber was distracted by the tender hand still holding to hers, trying to answer her but she couldn’t know how to start. Soo Jung didn’t expect her to answer, she continued asking. “Was it because of Victoria? What had she done to you?” She bombarded Amber, taking another deep breath. Shoving away her first heartbreaking droplet tear, she nodded comprehensively at her silence.

“You still love her. “ Still no words, no responses from Amber. 

Finally, turning around to face her, “You really want my answer, don't you?” Amber stepped closer toward Soo Jung, she leaned Soo Jung to study that facial carefully.

Amber step forwarded, Soo Jung step back warded.

At this moment, Soo Jung held her breath tightly. Her eyes didn’t dare to look directly into Amber's intensive eyes, she could feel that this good looking person just brought another step toward her. She was frozen. Held in her breath, still. This time, she slowly risked looking at Amber. Staring in silent closely, observing, she gently exhaled the breath that she held a second ago.

Amber, once again, pressed that lips against hers.

The kiss happened too quick that Soo Jung didn't know what was going on, but she just went on with the moves that Amber made on her. She was surprised, and squeezed at same time when their lips touched.

Brushing her lower lips, it was a quick slight kiss. The reflex happened, her hands protested putting against his upper shoulder, she was wrinkly closing her eyes tighten.

Amber gazed anxiously at Soo Jung, remembering that Soo Jung told her to keep them in distance, she apologicalled said, “this is the last strike, I won't do this again..” In relinquishing, she pathetically held in those anxiousness. Amber felt pathetic for slipping on the next level. "I'm sorry."

What just happened, it shouldn't happen to be like this.



NOTE: [06.24.15]

I apologize about the organization of the pace!


ah, sorry for the confusing at the kissing scene. 

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I apologized for the notification. It's not same update! I didn't know how come it alerted as "new updat"but coming chapter is gonna hand on a bit! Thanks guy


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GEoRuth #1
Aww. When is the next one?
embongtaar #2
Jmylimerence #3
Go Go Go! Mooore would be greattt
Chapter 16: Waiting for the next chapter~
Chapter 16: Huyk-ho... nice name.. pls update more...
Chapter 16: Who is hyuk-ho author? Do you have a pict of him? Update soon author!

#TeamKryber #GoKryber
AmKrys #7
there r no new chapter author-ssi... r u trying to troll us :)

please update ( d real one ) :D
Bluebrain #8
Chapter 15: is this really the new update? coz it was the same chapter like before
Chapter 15: Who is the guy? Looks like drama's coming up. Update soon author!
call me dumb... u just rtn to check update and realise kryber r holding handspic....look so rite..keke kryber