
Royalty Love

Languishingly, their wedding was finally come. Obviously, Soo Jung had learned all the ritual in the palace yet she just studied to impress the high classes on the wedding. She particularly wouldn’t remember to the rest of her life spending with the royal family like this.

She worn the modern Korean wedding dress, everything has just arrived. Everyone was ready to her outside and that uniform robe was sure heavy and complicated for her to talk. She thought it was terrible, but she eventually accepted this reality doing it for her good sake family and benefit.

Prince Nickhun stood on the outside the Chamber of Palace, getting ready to greet his Crown Princess. He virtually focused on his duty with emotionless face, Soo Jung on another side bowed to him.

Successful royal wedding, all the parades separate from the background and the time passes fast, they were moved to city hall palace where was for royal couple going after the wedding.

Soo Jung raised her question while sitting next to Prince Nickhun who just sat there quietly, “I wonder what kind of person is he from seeing his face like this but he might think of different things.”

Prince Nickhun actually had nothing on his mind at the moment; the wedding was being arranged after all without love, without anything except it’s for benefit. Along with the agreement between them, they needed to get along and endure together for six months. These months, they would live in the same roof, same sky, and same suffocate atmosphere.

Prince Nickhun considered, smiling at Soo Jung. “Don’t feel weird about it, it would end soon.”
The final ritual was sharing wedding liquor, and it was ended.

After a week of wedding…

Prince Nickhun gave Soo Jung an asset booklist, “Here, it would be go to all your account. Although we are married, but we still need to spend money on the certain things.” After explaining things for her, he headed back to his dorm continue working on the political.

“…” She glanced at the booklist, and grimly grinned at it. She sneakily scanned through it, “Oomomomo, I AM RICHHHH.”


Soo Jung was bored the heck out of her for trapping in this palace, her marriage life was insipid than before. It was too suffocated, she walked outside of the garden behind. She thought Yiyun who always teased at her, for some reasons he was the only person that saves her out of boredom.

Thinking of him, he suddenly appeared in front of her. She was sort of happy to see him, and approached. “Hey, how come did you not come to your Hyung’s wedding?”

He swiftly turned around, facing Soo Jung. “Ah, you’re now a Princess of this Korea.” He bowed.

Her eyes opened her eyes widen, stepped back a little bit in confusing. “Yah, what are you doing? Aren’t you supposed scold me like usual?”

His smile was gentle. Walked away.

Soo Jung found something wrong with him, and stopped Yiyun from yelling behind the back. “Yah! What is wrong with you?”

He replied without facing her, “You’re now sejabin (Hyung’s wife). I hope you’ll have a happy life afterward.”

“How can you say that when I’m staying in here like a bird being locked in the cage?”

Yiyun was moving backward and turned around. Dimly stared at Soo Jung. “Didn’t you decide to live like this, because of money for marrying my hyung after all..?”

“You don’t understand, since you’re from loyal prince who has everything in your hand and you wouldn’t have to…”

He took a deep breath, and justified her words. “No, I just don’t understand a person like you would do this, do the thing that keeps yourself like a prisoner.”

She clenched her teeth hard from humiliating. Tears dripped down her gently red face as she defensively screamed at him. “RIGHT, I DID IT FOR MONEY. YOU SHOULD HAVE LEARNED HOW TO THINK BEFORE SPEAK. Isn’t it too obvious that you use those words scrub on my face when you already knew it?”


Soo Jung walked by him, her eyes filled with enragement. She hold back her tears but she just couldn’t, how much more does she has to endure like this. She wearily whispered. “It’s just… too much.”


The next morning, they have a breakfast together. Noticing her swollen eyes, Prince Nickhun concernedly asked.
“What’s wrong? Did you cry last night?”

She quietly nodded. He understood that her sadden face as put his fork and knife down. “Is it because you miss your home?”

It was a part of it and another big part was because of that jerk. However, she didn’t bother to explain and nodded.


At night in palace, she just wandered around the old ancient mansion filling with lack of interesting. Walking on the vacant hall, Yiyun saw her looking out the scenery.

“Hi Princess.”

Soo Jung jerked, “What do you want?”

“I came here to…”

She cut his word, “Apologize?”

Yiyun was the person who was being ordered by Prince Nickhun to help Soo Jung send her home for a few days and tried to speak with her about it. Soo Jung incomprehensively pushed his shoulders in enthusiasm away, trying to get him out of her sight. “I don’t want to see you now. Go away.”

“I’m not done talking, geez.”

Yiyun looked at her expression and expressed his empathy for her. “You want to visit home, right?”

His question completely effective her, and made her mood change immediately. Soo Jung deliberately was glaring, and removed her exasperation. “My hyung is busy doing his own work, and couldn’t go and his Highness allowed me to bring you home. Do you still want to go?”

He continued, “I’m curious about a normal life is like, how is it different than life in palace..”

“So, you didn’t come here to apologize but for your curiosity.”


“If you don’t want me to retreat back my acceptance bringing you home then…”

Before he could finish what he was going to say, she seized him by the shirt collar and pulled him up as she could. She gripped the collar hard, “You…” Yiyun started at her foolishly.

He grabbed her hands, squeezing her hand lightly. They stared at each other for a few seconds, Soo Jung obtained the sensible from his eyes, the eyes which made her gut twisting inside, and felt some sort of fluttering sense.

Yiyun gently hissed, “Stop it.”

As he grabbed her right hand and poked her forehead with the left hand, he added. “This is as far as I could help you.”
He patted her head and her face heated up, “Good night.”


At Soo Jung’s house…

The family understood the situation why Prince Nickhun couldn’t go with her to the wife’s house, but it was honor to send his cousin come over, a royal member, they prepared it well to welcome Prince(ss) Amber.

It was hard to accept the fact Prince(ss) Amber is a girl, they thought of it’s okay to put them together in one room. After all, Prince(ss) Amber is her cousin-in-law.

Stepping inside the Jung’s house has Jung’s members who all the bright smiles on their faces, Yiyun had potentially displayed the most of graceful smile on him, such as a deathly smile that almost made them lose their strength.

“Aigoo, this is Prince’s cousin who looked just like his own cousin, good looking and attractive. Thanks for bringing our Soo Jung home.” Mrs. Jung lightly said in belief.

Soo Jung hugged her mom as she stared at the offensive guy, she scolded at him when another kind of him showing.

He politely bowed and spoke kindly, “Yes, you’re welcome. I’m willingly bringing my cousin-in-law home, and I’m
sincerely apologizing for my Hyung who couldn’t able to go with his Princess.”

Mr. Jung resourcefully obtained her kindness words, he was satisfied. “Oh, no no, it is alright. Please welcome to our home.”

After a decent dinner, Yiyun realized he was jaded having too much of good life and inconceivably jealous of Soo Jung who has so much childlike life like this.

They were chatting joyfully during the dinner, Mrs. Jung bluntly throw at Yiyun and said. “I hope it’s okay for you to sleep with our Soo Jung tonight since we don’t have enough room for you.”

Soo Jung interjected ingenuously. “WHAT?! MOM, ARE YOU ASKING ME TO SLEEP WITH—“ Mrs. Jung did not want to displease Prince(ss) Amber, she covered up Soo Jung’s mouth and faked laugh. “Of course, our Soo Jung wouldn’t mind.”

Yiyun was clearly understanding their words, sensitively figured out they knew about her true identity. However, Soo Jung’s mental burden was Yi Yun tonight, sleeping with him, the one that has sharp mouth, the one that has two faces. She blamed her parents why does he have to sleep in her room, their decision just made her wanted to criticize him more.

Yiyun expressionlessly stood in her room, curiously examined Soo Jung’s room in existence of interesting. Soo Jung stepped in the room, closing the door behind her and hanged him the pillow. “Here, you sleep on the floor.”

Yi Yun gazed at her with honest eyes, and Soo Jung looked away as she couldn’t help staring back with those alluring visions. He grabbed the pillow, and slowly walked toward Soo Jung. He softly praised, “Your room looks cute.”

With such spoken words in kindness, and sweetness, he had made Soo Jung standing there. He seductively smirked, and stood next to her bed. After Soo Jung heard his words, she had a feeling flow with sweetness around her body.

She again blushed, and gained back her consciousness under his spell. “Uh… YAH! Are you seducing me?”


“DO NOT ever stare at me like that again.”

“I can’t help it.”


“Why do you always have to yell?”

“Because, yelling is the only way to talk to you.”

“Why your face is red?”

“What..? Red? I just ate KimChi, that’s why.”

His voice was low. “We have a problem here.”

When Yi yun was pointing the complicate situation, he began to link his arm around her shoulder, and he aimlessly stated. “There are two people. But there is only one bed.” She listened to him extremely careful, and the atmosphere got a little bit breathless in the room.

“You’re staying on the floor.” Soo Jung jumped on the bed nervously without hesitate.

Yi Yun wouldn’t listen to her, he placed his body on the left edge of the bed, turning his back around. Soo Jung perceptively studied his back, it was so unreasonably attractive. She composed herself up and calmly told him, “Hey, you can’t sleep here. I’m married.”


She admitted that Yi Yun was one of person headstrong, more than a rock. “This is wrong, you know?”

“You care? I thought you only do it for money.”

“Are you playing dumb? You’re sleeping with your Hyung’s wife.”

“Your marriage is without love, you surely know it means nothing, right? I am not going to do anything you, anyway.”

She bit her lower lips, hard. “Is it fun to make fun of me?”

“Yep, it’s like a new interesting toy that has come to my boring life.”

Her mind repeated irritably. “T… Toy…”

Soo Jung curly shrunk her body laying on the edge of the bed, and tried to kick Yi Yun off the bed but he gripped the bed fabric sheet to hold him back from falling. “YAhhh!! YOU CALLED ME TOY?”

She temped to kick his privacy; however, he stopped her before she could. They whirled 360 degrees around on the bed trying to kick other off the bed—one stomped into one stomach, while other held on to the arm—they fought and tried at same time having balance won’t end up fell off the bed.

Eventually, Yi Yun used all his strength to stop the bed fight by holding both her wrists and they breathed heavily as they need caught some oxygen from mouth. Soo Jung blew the strain of hair off her face, their face closed up to each other a few inches.

“Would you please stop?”

“If you stop at your stupid game then I would and this is my bed, I deserve it.”

“You’re headstrong, Soo Jung.”

“I won’t get off.”

“I won’t get off, EITHER.”

They frustrated turning back around oppositely.

Turning to face the wall, Soo Jung thought of this stuffy occupying her bed, this obnoxious guy was the stuffy one she has to face with tonight.

Strangely, Turning to aside as she stared at his back, “This stuffy is sleeping already? I can’t believe there is a guy’s back on another side of my bed…”

This situation that she had to sleep while looking at his back, she realized that she doesn’t dislike it at all. Soo Jung found out that his back really disturbing because of it that she couldn’t sleep, even wanting to scoot in little closer.

She cowardly thought, “I feel like I wanted to… hug his back.”

She refrained back that thought, rapidly sat up straight and glanced at the figure lying next to her. “….”

I didn’t know I was a ert?! I may end up him. I should sleep on floor. No, no way. That means I am admitting I lost. He is obnoxious but his back reflected… in… some way…

She thought of it uncertainty, and uneasiness, doubtfully doesn’t know what to do. “Oh crap! Shyt! I’m falling for him...?”

Yiyun began to feel queasy. “What the hell is she doing at the middle of night?”

Yi Yun opened his eyes and he felt the back of his shirt wet, it was Soo Jung who drooled all over his back. Soo Jung rolled over and pressed her face against Yi Yun’s back comfortably.

Letting her lie against his back, warm, dreaming and drooling, for a long moment, Soo Jung sleeping position puffed back a little bit. He stared at her deeply, looking at her smile while she sleeps. “I’ve never seen this face in the palace, she looks happy and quiet…”


They were alone at Soo Jung’s house, her parents had gone to work and her grandpa went to have mediation with the elderly till noon.

Last night, Soo Jung acted little in wild behavior when she had the bed event. Watching TV, Yi Yun started to whine. “Hey, I’m hungry.”

He stood up going to the kitchen, while she still curled up her body on the sofa and secretly stared at his back. She managed to try hiding her wanted-hugging-YiYun-yback, thus her heart was stubborn form initially feeling like weird sensation whenever she sees his back.

Staring at the back of him, the guy who walked to her kitchen as she stared from behind, her mind shuddered with thoughts of utter confusion.

“Let’s eat Ramen.”

Soo Jung enjoyed eating the noodles, just a few sips she already finished it. “You’re done already.”

“I’ll do the dishes.” He said unexpectedly. She stopped and stared at him.


Standing next to him, she shook her head absently. Still looking at him with that position, she snapped. “Hey, why are you still here? I can’t do dishes when someone interrupts me.”

She shuddered. “Yeah?”

A pause. A stare.

“Ah, yeah.”

Soo Jung swiftly spun her feet around, and then stood still. Again, turning around to look at Yi Yun stands there doing dishes, his back recalled her sense. Am I really a ert? Just wanting to hug his back, it’s ert…?

As long as she faced it, she had a desire to hug him from behind. She sensually proceeded standing close to Yi Yun, and slowly brought her hands placing on his waist.

It was hard to retreat from hugging his back. She couldn’t believe that her hands were embracing his back, feeling real attract.

I’m attracted to his y back…


to be continue

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I apologized for the notification. It's not same update! I didn't know how come it alerted as "new updat"but coming chapter is gonna hand on a bit! Thanks guy


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GEoRuth #1
Aww. When is the next one?
embongtaar #2
Jmylimerence #3
Go Go Go! Mooore would be greattt
Chapter 16: Waiting for the next chapter~
Chapter 16: Huyk-ho... nice name.. pls update more...
Chapter 16: Who is hyuk-ho author? Do you have a pict of him? Update soon author!

#TeamKryber #GoKryber
AmKrys #7
there r no new chapter author-ssi... r u trying to troll us :)

please update ( d real one ) :D
Bluebrain #8
Chapter 15: is this really the new update? coz it was the same chapter like before
Chapter 15: Who is the guy? Looks like drama's coming up. Update soon author!
call me dumb... u just rtn to check update and realise kryber r holding handspic....look so rite..keke kryber