Royalty roles

Royalty Love

Chapter 8  


"Did Prince(ss) Liu just call Wang hoo mama (Prince Nickhun's mother) queen as 'mom'?" The maid overheard the conversation between Prince(ss) Liu and the Queen.  


"You must misheard it, the royal member are highly strict on calling roles in traditional family. Have a manner." The head of Mistresses, who had been served the Wang Hoo mama queen, for years had her eye-open in surprise and corrected the maid.  


The maid persuaded the header of Mistresses, ensuring that what she heard was correct. "No.. Ma'dam, there was no mistake to it. Prince(ss) Liu did call the Wang Hoo mama queen as 'mom' and the queen looked very startled."  


The header of Mistresses humbled into a story accidentally, "Although, I serve for Wang Hoo mama queen for years, she had never speak of Lady Liu's before since the Yunha, the King, dismissed her from palace..." She continued, "By the time, Nickhun Seja grows at the age that He is able to taken over thrown. Prince(ss) Amber and her own mom, the Lady Liu's, were asked to move to America since Prince(ss) Liu was 8 years old, Prince(ss) Liu and her Brother are very close to each other."  


She sighed, "I still remember that I had to hold her back from crying out loud because she had to separate from Nickhun seja. 




"Huyng!!! I don’t want to separate away from you, this can't happening." Little 8th years old Amber teared up in distance. Meanwhile, innocent Nickhun tugged Wang Hoo mama queen sleeve, "Umamama, why can't Amber stay with us?"  


"Seja, Lady Liu decided to take Amber sejabin with her to America." replied the queen. He nodded in obedience, without asking anymore questions.  


"It was the Lady Liu's requesting on her daughter to become sejabin position, an official standby as a crown princess in Goong palace that she didn't get approve on." The maid nodded attentively.  


Opening the door, Prince Nickhun interrupted, seeing the two maids were having a conversation that reminded of him in the past that he had to separate from his beloved Amber sister. He cleared his throat and made a serious tone, "Why are you two recalling the past here?" 


They took a step back, lowering their head and replied in low voice, "Seja Nickhun.." 


"Do not bring any of past story, including Wang Hoo mama queen and Lady Liu's sequel to talk roughly like again, if I happen to hear story-telling again, I must have two of you dismiss from Goong palace. Do you understand?" 


Prince Nickhun suggested, "Mistress, I know you have served umamama long time. I respect you more than anything. Please understand." He protected Princess Amber in halfheartedly, "Princess Amber is always my sister, don't spread these words to outside. Please do keep them safety." He insisted.  


He dismissed them. The maid distracted him from the thought of about checking on his Crown Princess Soo Jung, his mind recalled that Soo Jung was upset over the present of Victoria Song from the other night's royal meeting. The prince decided to check on her at the Sejabin's section. Coincidentally, before he opened the door at her quarter's section, he saw Amber sitting here with Soo Jung. He didn't come in, but he waited outside for Amber instead. 


A momentary later...  


Prince(ss) Liu walked out and shutted the door gently.  


Prince Nickhun voiced up, "Amber." She looked over in surprise, "..Oh, huyng!"  


They had a walk together to the front yard, he began his question, "Amber, I've been busy that I hardly can notice much anything of what is going on around the palace. I heard that you hid your own identity as a sejabin at school, correct?"  


"Um." She couldn't find another way to excuse anymore. "Sejabin? I am not mean to be sejabin. Being your cousin sounds so much better, doesn’t it?" 


He knocked her stupid airhead's decision, "Stupid Amber, why did you do that? Save my dignity?" She smiled at him in silly way, "huyng, why does it matter so much?"  


"I know it matters so much to you." It hit Amber's spot.  


She confessed, "Actually, huyng, I wanted my mom to be happy and also Wang Hoo mama queen. I highly am respect the Queen since she is your mother. For once, I wish she looks at me as her daughter as well."  


"Is that why you felt very distance from everyone?"  


"At first, I did."  


"Ah. What about now?"  


"I feel closer to myself, being myself more. I wasn't myself since Victoria and I happened, it was hard. I start being myself, and I am who I am." 


"Amber, you're beautiful the way you are."  


"Thanks to Soo Jung, she didn’t push me away after she knew who I really am." 


"She seems tough outside, but inside she's really a weak girl." Prince Nickhun trusted Amber as he said, "Amber, I am, as seja, requesting you to look over Soo Jung, the Crown Princess."  


"Huyng.. Isn't it..." 


Before Prince(ss) Liu could finish her words, Prince Nickhun asserted one more deliberately, "Don't let a fragile teenage girl like her feel lonely in this palace, Amber."



To be continue 


UPDATE Roles (so far):  

Seja (crown prince) = lower classes in palace call the prince as seja 

Sejabin (crown princess) = lower classes in palace call the princess as sejabin 

Bingung (Crown princess) = King/Queen/ calls their daughter as this 

Dongung (Crown prince) = King/Queen calls their son as this 

Wang Hoo mama = the queen or wang hoo mama queen 

Yunha = the king, Prince(ss) Amber and Prince Nickhun's father 

The Lady Liu's = Prince(ss) Amber's mother,  

Amber's father is the same father as prince nickhun



Author notes:

Please do bear with me with all confusing, along with questions you have while you read.

I only can unfold as much so far. 

I'll continue working on coming chapters more carefully. 

Thank you in all my subscription and supportive from kryber's fans.



Faith in Kryber (no matters how busy's schedule they have)






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I apologized for the notification. It's not same update! I didn't know how come it alerted as "new updat"but coming chapter is gonna hand on a bit! Thanks guy


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GEoRuth #1
Aww. When is the next one?
embongtaar #2
Jmylimerence #3
Go Go Go! Mooore would be greattt
Chapter 16: Waiting for the next chapter~
Chapter 16: Huyk-ho... nice name.. pls update more...
Chapter 16: Who is hyuk-ho author? Do you have a pict of him? Update soon author!

#TeamKryber #GoKryber
AmKrys #7
there r no new chapter author-ssi... r u trying to troll us :)

please update ( d real one ) :D
Bluebrain #8
Chapter 15: is this really the new update? coz it was the same chapter like before
Chapter 15: Who is the guy? Looks like drama's coming up. Update soon author!
call me dumb... u just rtn to check update and realise kryber r holding handspic....look so rite..keke kryber