
Royalty Love

The bell rang... 


The lunch break has passed, Sulli and Soo Jung moved quickly to the next class. It was 50 minutes math lecture, students diligently focused well on taking notes down till the bell alerted again to let them know that the period was over again. 


Couple students came up to Soo Jung ading her and acquired how would it like for a crown princess to live like in a castle of Goong, "Hm, how complicate the place is?"  


She took out a piece of paper and started to doodle her own map that she had studied for over the weekend with the Maid at Goong, "sooo... this..." She marked a display house illustration and labeled Junha's house, next to the little house was another more effort into drawing structure of palace which was Debimama's accumulation. "It's where Mama queen stay, and that Junha, the place for the king."  


She figured out the better way to explain, "...this..." little more sketch for extra illustration, "'s just constructed, so it's new building where I stay, but Prince Nickhun has his own official operate room to study his political business with the King." 


She added the fences into the drawing to indicate that the building had to separate from building, making a few piece of drawing look more linen and recognizable. Taemin corrected, "...I thought King's quarters is on another side of palace, not behind your building?"  


Considering back the information, Soo Jung provided the wrong details as she defended, "Yah, I'm just still learning the Goong palace."  


Everyone frozen when Prince(ss) Liu appearance stood in front of them and checked out the paper that Soo Jung just drew, she chuckled. "What is this? This isn't really quite correct."  


Taemin and Sulli attempted to step back in distance, however, Prince(ss) Liu proceeded her words more joyfully toward Soo Jung's friends, smiling. "Annyeonghaesaeyo, everyone. I'm Prince Nickhun's cousin, I'm going home with Soo Jung today, hope you guys don't mind?" Prince(ss) Liu gave them a friendly smile, of course, she must mindful about these little actions.  


"Everyone is ready to go home..." Luna said as she grabbed Taemin and he grabbed Sulli hand to plead out the door. They watched their friends taking off awkwardly, Soo Jung turned to Amber, "Why are you here...?"  


"I think Hyung forgot to let you know that I go back to palace with you when he couldn't make it to pick you up." The last expression Amber just made gave Soo Jung a flutter feeling, quite happy about it. Amber just remembered another thing and said, "ah, plus, there is another gathering."  


Soo Jung stood up and formed a smile, "Okay, let's go." Her mind drawn oversea with her pool of thoughts, trying to figure out how to prepare if Prince(ss) Liu asked her about things she said from the another day. She couldn't acquire anything properly yet. They were still in school zone, so everyone could heard of their conversation. Soo Jung, as well, promised to herself to keep everything in proper manner, for both side: her family and the royal family. The one who she cared the most was Amber. But why did she kiss me? What should I do? I am going crazy, she must be drunk on that day.  


A pretty quite long walked, Prince(ss) Liu called Soo Jung, "Jung Soo Jung, yah."  


Soo Jung recalled herself, "..huh" 


"You're thinking something that I called you couple times and don't answer back at all. Were you listening to what I'm saying?"  


"It's uhh.."  


"Anyway, I remember you asked me something.." It was Prince(ss) Liu that brought it up, she aimed straight away to the right subject.  


"What question?" She dumbfounded.  


Right in time, Victoria Song walked by on the same side-walk. The appearance caused Soo Jung to remember what Amber wanted to say, "Was you still not in love with her?" She remained silent, still quiet like holding her breathe, hoping that Amber shouldn’t be answered right here.  


With a steady voiced wondered from her to Soo Jung, "What kind of answer was you expecting from me?" Two-faces Prince(ss) Liu had returned and continued being cold to Soo Jung. To guard off, she didn't expect any positive vibes from this hypocrite 


She was too innocent to have that expectation, feeling overshadowed about it.   


At 6 o'clock PM... 


Soo Jung had to hurry in a bit to prepare for the official gathering meeting. Prince Nickhun escorted the Crown Princess whom with a beautiful dress elegantly, fit very well. Prince(ss) Liu knew, she heard everything.  


As they stepped inside, the members, F5 members also attended. What a riot party, always splendid high classes stands. Prince(ss) Liu greeted, "Welcome Seja Nickhun and SooJung-bingung." Soo Jung noticed that Victoria Song was also next to Amber stunningly. She had a scarf that purple flower fabric trimmed.  


"Ah, hello there, Miss Song, we met again." Prince Nickhun impressed on her dress, formed a pleasant smile along with complement.  


Prince(ss) Liu introduced, "this is Crown Princess, she's the sejabin."  


Prince Nickhun curiously joined the conversation, "isn't miss Song really close to our Amber here?" Victoria nodded as she looked at Amber. Soo Jung stood on her own space where she hardly found herself fit in this kind of situation, she excused, "I'm going to get something." He followed after her to leave Amber and Victoria with their talking.  


The atmosphere settled down after Soo Jung successfully moved away from rejected zone. She saw how Prince(ss) Liu was so close to Victoria that she did not know what she could do to deal with this. The agony, the pain that she had to suffer.  


This time, though, Soo Jung felt anger in her more than anything. I'd feel better if I just plast water into her face. Amber Liu, you're so dead.  


The Prince tried to rise up the mood for Soo Jung seeing her from a few inches, her expression showed it all. Nothing right now could leapt up. "You must liked our little Amber already, haven't you? They've been close together. Amber later on just think of Victoria as good close friend after she rejected Amber."  


He continued, comforting her. "Don't get too upset. Amber could have stayed at Goong since beginning, just because our family Role got..."  


"Amber is the one who I can be close with. She cares for me a lot. The feeling developed naturally that I happen to like Prince(ss) Liu."  


Since she knew Nickhun was open minded, she did not mind telling him these things. "Being close with someone like Prince(ss) Liu like this, it makes me feel safe." Yet, she apologically felt guilt at same time, "Sorry, Prince Nickhun, I'm married to you, but I..." 


He acknowledged right away, "Don't." He added, "I'm easy to talk to, am I?" 


"Please allow me to dismiss from this gathering tonight, I'd like to have my leave first." Soo Jung asked for permission, the Prince nodded with agreement.  




In the next morning, Prince(ss) Liu came to visit Soo Jung at her section.  


Umamama approached the mistress of household in the section, she bowed to her. "What brings you to here, umamama?" She replied, "The sejabin is sick since last night from meeting. She probably has not used to all atmosphere like this, so I came by to check on her."  


Requesting Prince(ss) Liu in formal manner, she insisted, "please take care of her more often, since Dongung (Crown Prince) Nickhun is away, Prince(ss) Liu."  


Although Prince(ss) Liu and Crown Prince Nickhun had came from royal family, same father but different mothers. She tried to call Umamama 'mom' for once in formal way, "Umma-ni (mom)." Umamama startled by that, she had not expect that would come from Amber. Morever, royal family were forbidden to state and call their parents as mother or father. 


"Sorry, I thought..."  


She adjusted as she walked off, "...if there isn't anything, then I'll excuse myself now, Prince(ss) Liu."  


"Yes, Umamama."  


There was a bed, seeing Soo Jung laying. Prince(ss) Liu touched her forehead, ice-cold. She took a warm towel place it on her. Smooth surface of Soo Jung reminded their kiss at the rainy day that Soo Jung got stuck at the roof. Most of the Maids said Soo Jung cannot sleep alone, she had trouble sleeping in unfamiliar place like this. 


She's ice-cold outside, but.. lovablePrince(ss) Liu could not bear it if she just looked at Soo Jung suffering with this kind of life in palace. The gut made up, a great kiss for sleeping Soo Jung on the cheek, but the pressed kissing on the skin sent the sense that woke Soo Jung up.  


Soo Jung voiced crack, "Amber... 


"Did you cry last night about going home again?" 




"Anyway, Umamama asked me to take care of you more often," Prince(ss) Liu didn't want to make it too obvious, it was a good excuse to cover up at right time. Prince(ss) Liu covered with warm voice, " let me watch out for you from now on." 


I care, I really do care for her.



To be continue


cheers for krybers of 2010 - 2015

Thank you all to krybers fans keep updating

I'll continue working on this story till the end



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I apologized for the notification. It's not same update! I didn't know how come it alerted as "new updat"but coming chapter is gonna hand on a bit! Thanks guy


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GEoRuth #1
Aww. When is the next one?
embongtaar #2
Jmylimerence #3
Go Go Go! Mooore would be greattt
Chapter 16: Waiting for the next chapter~
Chapter 16: Huyk-ho... nice name.. pls update more...
Chapter 16: Who is hyuk-ho author? Do you have a pict of him? Update soon author!

#TeamKryber #GoKryber
AmKrys #7
there r no new chapter author-ssi... r u trying to troll us :)

please update ( d real one ) :D
Bluebrain #8
Chapter 15: is this really the new update? coz it was the same chapter like before
Chapter 15: Who is the guy? Looks like drama's coming up. Update soon author!
call me dumb... u just rtn to check update and realise kryber r holding handspic....look so rite..keke kryber