
Royalty Love

He snapped at the familiar voice that he hadn’t heard for years, he hastily stood up and embraced his sister.

“My little sister, princess Liu… you’re back.”

She scoffed, “please huyng, don’t call me ‘princess’.” She gestured her two fingers quoting while she said the word princess, she was little offended for some reasons.

He cutely pinched her cheek, “aigoo, how cute when you dislike to hear the word princess.”

She scratched her back of the head and said happily as she patted his shoulder. “Congratulations cousin! You’re getting married and you should introduced me to your wife”

He swiftly smiled at her, and nodded. She stupefied at his reaction, randomly asked. “You look like you are not willingly married her.”

He turned to see her walking lazy toward him. With a glare, he gently patted Prince(ss) Amber and said. “It is not free. I am going to get what I want to get.” He grabbed the wrinkle picture on the table and handed over. “It’s her photo. You want to take a look at it?”
Looking at the picture of Soo Jung, Prince(ss) Amber impressed at her elegant look.

“Not bad, huyng.”

“Oh I heard my little princess will attend my school, probably you will see my future bride.”

At palace..

“Princess Amber, please wake up it’s already time for you to go to school.” a maid knock on Amber’s bedroom. Waking her up, since it’s her first day of school here in Korea she needs to wake up early. It’s the day that she will attend the same school as Prince Nickhun her half brother.

“Okay! I’m up! I’m up! And please don’t call me Princess!” the maid stop knocking and apologized to Princess Amber. Amber really doesn’t like to be called Princess. Every time she hears that it gives goose bumps.

Because it’s her first day of school she was really excited last night and because of that she can’t sleep. She’s really anticipating to see her brother’s future wife at school.


“Good morning Princess Amber” Prince Nickhun greeted her little sister

“Good morning Hyung and please don’t call me that Hyung” said the grumpy Amber

“You look like a zombie Amber” said Prince Nickhun. He wipes his face with a napkin and eats again

“I can’t sleep last night Hyung because I’m really excited to see your future wife and it’s my first day of school too” said Amber who is talking while is full. She doesn’t really act like a royalty.

“I see you’re more excited to see my future wife” You can see the grin on Amber’s face

“It’s because she’s my brother’s future wife!”

Prince Nickhun  just chuckled. He thinks it’s cute for Amber to act like that. Even though they’re half brother and sister they’re really close.

“Well let’s go so we can see her” Nickhun smiled at Amber and wipes the crumbs on her face. He chuckled again, Amber confusingly asked. “Why are you laughing?”

“You really don’t know me Hyung I already changed.” Amber grinned and stands up. Prince Thunder is left confused but he just shrugs it off.

Prince Nickhun didn’t know that Amber is a obnoxious girl and not a childish one.

“Let’s go Hyung! Don’t make your’princess’ wait!”


Prince Nickhun is getting much more attention than usual. You can hear murmurings and screaming fan girls because Amber is beside him. They were talking and laughing. Prince Nickhun is already used to the greetings of the girls early in the morning. He’s worried about Amber he’s not sure if Amber is okay with the noise early in the morning.

“I didn’t know that Prince Nickhun has a sibling!” said some random girl.

Amber smiled at the girl and the girl runs with a tomato face. Amber is amused by the amount of attention she’s getting it’s her first day and she’s already popular. How cool is that?

Krystal and Sulli were talking about random things when someone or something caught Sulli’s attention it’s the random girl who shouted. She dragged Krystal to the crowd that is already forming. Screaming girls and murmurs is heard throughout the school. Krystal and Sulli gasp from what they saw.

“Prince Nickhun has a cousin?” Giddy Sulli whispered to Krystal

“I think so” Krystal is very nervous because of the news she heard yesterday she doesn’t want to be near Prince Nickhun.

“Ssul let’s go” said the nervous and bossy Krystal. Sulli ignored Krystal. Sulli continue to fan girl to Prince Nickhun’s ‘cousin’.

“Let’s go! Sulli!” Krystal dragged Sulli out of the crowd it is already irritating

“Ouch ouch that hurts!” said the pouting Sulli

“I’m sorry Ssul it’s just that I hate crowded places”


“Hyung we can’t go in!” said the irritated Amber but she didn’t show it to her Hyung

“Guys please let us through” said Prince Nickhun with his melodic voice. He is already exhausted with the crowd and he just want to go to his classroom.

The crowd said sorry and give way with the two siblings, “thank you so much!” said the exasperated Amber, despite her attitude but the girls still smiled and bowed.


Prince Nickhun is the first one arrived at the classroom because half way to the classroom Amber excused herself.

“Hyung I need to pee. I’ll just meet you at the classroom” said Amber. Mother Nature is already calling her.

The bell rang signaling that class will start in a few minutes. Amber jogged so she will not be late. She didn’t want to leave a bad expression to her classmates.

“Oh! I need to go the restroom” said Krystal she is already going to turn left when she accidentally bump to someone. The person fell on his

OMG it’s the Prince Nickhun's cousin! Krystal mentally slaps herself for being so clumsy

“I’m so sorry!” Krystal extended her arm to help the Prince's cousin.

Amber frowned she was about to shout at the girl who bumped at her but when she looked up she saw the girl she wanted to see. It’s her brother’s future wife!

“Oh it’s you. No problem” Amber stood up and smiled to Krystal. She dusted the invisible dust on her pants.

Krystal felt rejected, she retracted her hand that she felt an electric shock through that bare hand and quickly put it in her back. With that, Amber stood there in front of her and studied her figure for a minute while Krystal discomforted from her stare.

Amber smirked, held out her hand to offered a handshake. "Nice to meet you, my gorgeous future sister-in-law." Krystal looked up at her with astonishing expression with the compliment.

She struggled in front of Amber's appearance, managed her voice steady and shyly asked.

“Is it okay for me to ask a question?”

“Yes.” Amber shortly replied.

She hesitated and said under her voice, “You’re Prince Nickhun’s brother?”

“Nope, I’m his cousin and my name is Yi Yun” Amber quickly replied as she didn’t reveal her true self.


Sitting in the principle office, Prince(ss) Amber had a little encounter with the principle. He expectedly never thought of another royal member from Palace would attended in his school.

The principle deliberately announced, “I’m so glad you’ve chosen to come to this school, Prince(ss) Liu. I will be my best to make you comfortable.”

She frankly replied, “Of course, you should.”

“Ah, one more thing is do not tell anyone that I am the princess, don’t leave my personalities out to students in public.”

The principle’s face perplexed a little bit but still tried to catch up, she continued. “The school has no strict for hair right? The royal institute does…”

Her behaviors left the principle with a speechless responding, without knowing how to say back with those mocking words from her. The principle decided to advocate the whole things and kindly smiled, “Princess, I’ll do as you wish and welcome to this school.”

The principle and Prince(ss) Amber moved to the class, gingerly stood in front of the class with all pairs of eyes constantly stared at her, with a lot of rotten face that just seemed like they first time saw this kind of person with the gorgeous appearance.

Amber stood in front of the class absently aggravating with that glares; the Principle introduced her to class. “This is Yi Yun Liu from United Stated, California. You know who he is… I hope you guys get along with him well.”

She didn’t impress with all those impression on her at all, ignored the rest as she looked over the girl who totally looked like absentminded, she knew it was her. She thought, “That girl again… huyng’s future Crown Princess.”

“Please have your seat.” The teacher told her as he interrupted her thought, Amber replied. “Ah, arasso.”

Walking to the seat, she took a look at Soo Jung before she reached her seat. Soo Jung noticed the glance and without a doubt for taking a look another second time that she knew it’s Prince Nickhun's cousin.

They made eyes contact, Amber thought. “She is in this class too?”

Unknowingly, Soo Jung looked up at Amber with a neutral face on her but the Prince(ss) Amber just formed a smirk leaving bewilder her. “Uh, wait a second. Is he the guy I saw… while ago?” She widely opened her eyes, “He just smiled at me..? The smile wasn’t the smile like the first time I saw him at the accident.”


Soo jung had so many thoughts in her mind at the moments—why did Amber smile at her? and about the marriage, should she agree with them?—she kept on thinking as she walked straight ahead, she saw a pair of feet on the ground standing next to her. She carefully looked up, seeing the Prince just gave her a heart attack.

Horribly, she had to have encounter with him, dealing with him just really was some sort unease thing for her to do. She doesn’t even know why she was afraid of him that much, she could feel the atmosphere surrounding her and the Prince become heavier.

Prince Nickhun deliberately started to speak; Soo Jung still kept her head down. “Let’s talk a bit-“

She bravely brought her head up to face him. It wasn’t half bad to face this good looking person, attractive, intense, and gorgeous. “Yeah?”

He kindly asked her, “Have you heard everything from your grandfather? I hope you did.”

She slightly nodded as he added, “the wedding is in fall. You will have to enter the palace before the event comes. As the future Crown Princess, you diligently are getting prepared.”

He could sense her features speaking up her unbearable looking to him, he merely comforts anyone but this time he seemed like he needs to. “It’s hard decision, I know we are still teenager but it’s my grandpa promise which was very important to our loyal family.”

Soo Jung still couldn’t respond anything back, the Prince perceived her reaction and finally said. “Let’s talk about it next time then.”


Next few days

The brand car from palace had sent to her house picking her up, she pulled herself getting ready to confront with the Queen. They parked in front of the house, one of the maid stood beside the car and the chauffeur was waiting.

Her family’s members walked with her outside and reminded her, “Behave well and don’t embarrass yourself.”
Soo Jung sadly eyed her dad, “Mom. Where is she?”

“She doesn’t feel well.”

She thoughtfully considered back how hard her family has been going through all debt for so many years, and it’s only chance to helping her mom. Isn’t it too much demanding? Isn’t it calling as taking advantage from rich people?

She motionlessly moved into the car, sitting behind the back with a maid who served the Queen. The chauffeur asked her to seat belt safety as she listened, yet he started engine and get going.

Surprisingly, her mom hastily ran from the house to the car like a quick lighting. She snapped at she looked out the car window, and thinking out loud. “Mom..?”

Her clumsy mom still had chance to catch up with her to consider her about the request before marriage. She whispered in Soo Jung’s ear audibly, “Speak up your mind. Tell them what you have in your mind. Don’t be too obvious and be polite in good way.”

Her excitedly smiled at her after the car drove away.

Yes. My mind is made up. It’s all or nothing.


She never thought of she could enter this place, where it has all modern designed full of artistic and enhancement designing every corner of the wall, simply depicted their own creative of the vase.

Stepping into the luxury ancient of palace, she finally met up with the Queen—sitting right in front of her—her scrutiny was never leave her sight out for a second. She felt little suffocate just by sensed her staring.

The Queen bluntly suggested, “I suppose you’re not happy with this marriage very much.”

Hearing her suggestion surprised her as Soo Jung opened wide her eyes. “I can tell easily by just looking at your face.”

For the whole half an hour, she bears listening up her lecture about the marriage from the previous king which they cannot break his will. Soo Jung barely could stand her word from , how annoying.

“Marrying a man you have barely spoken to. I understand that perfectly. And you’ll have to take a lot of responsibility in the future. But it’s too late…”

Soo Jung gently broke her speech, “Actually, ma’am. I’ve come here to accept the proposal.”

“Ah. Wise choice. I thought you were against this.”

Soo Jung impulsively requested, “You probably know my father is unemployed and my mother does cleaning other’s houses. Would you like to support their situation?”

Nervously asking for the needed, Soo Jung almost dropped her heart out of her chest. The queen stayed quiet for a little bit after she was done with her words, she replied with the deep voice. “No worries, the royal family will do what is needed to bring your family’s pride up.”

For some reasons she felt that the Queen hid her impression behind the facial, she was numb for the whole time. She did it for her own good sake of the family, and her mom. She kept on thinking even though she is regret for agreeing do all these things would never could go back.

She jerked around as she saw Prince Nickhun. He noticed her unusual face, “What’s with that look on your face?”

Soo Jung weirdly stared at him with straight face, and then looked away making him wonder what had happened.

“Sorry, I have got to go.”


The news already rapidly spread out the whole Seoul—Jung Soo Jung accepted the proposal from Prince Nickhun—as the paparazzi came to her house and hunted for more information. They crowdedly were chaos in front of their house’s gate, wanted to know how did she get to know the Prince, when is she going to live in palace and such.

She slept in bed peacefully until she heard some noise and loud talking outside like in the market, she carelessly walked outside to see what was going on without checking her look. Her hair was messy and her swollen eyes due crying from last night just because of the harsh Queen treated her meanly.

They immediately flashed the camera as they captured her morning face. Her family tried their best to screw these paparazzi out of the sight but Soo Jung ended up ruining it. They screamed in terrify.

Flash. Flash. Flash.

Again. Technology is delivery fast in this century. The mother Queen read the news and saw new picture of the Crown Princess, she halfheartedly laughed how funny and cute she is.

Prince Nickhun sighed, “Halmamama… please stop laughing.”

Prince(ss) Amber giggled at the picture.


Soo Jung later on had asked to move to palace to study the rules for a month. She was surprise and losing all her concentration from hearing that news: apart her family, living at palace where she knows no one will be really lonely.

She couldn’t believe that being a future Crown Princess was this complicated, how complex like has to follow the entire
manner in palace, how awful like has to study all historical communication, and how torturing like has no friends to hanging out with. Her life seems like becoming real Princess.

While Soo Jung just moved in the palace, staying at the cold and spacious room as the two loyal cousins were discussing about her. Prince(ss) Amber asked, “aren’t you curious? She is in the guest’s quarter, I hear.”

Prince Nickhun calmly sat on his chair reading the political paperwork, his cousin just gave him an attention and he finally put down that paperwork on the desk.

He spun his hair toward cousin’s direction to face her, wrapping his arms as he spoke peacefully. “Of course, I am. After all, she is going to be my wife.” He considered his word and added, “first, I can’t believe I’m going to watch her suffer.”

“Huyng, you should consider her little more often. She is entering a whole new place, food, water, and people. She has given up everything and is coming to you. And you, Prince Nickhun, used to everything around you.”

Her cousin just blankly stared at her, and listened to her continuous saying. “Don’t blame her.”

His cousin had that newspaper on her hand as he opened that page has the Crown Princess morning face’s pose, she generously laughed, “by the way, doesn’t she look cute in a way?”

Prince Nickhun had no comment on that. He continued, “Girls cry a lot before marriage, I think I understand that.”


The king’s feces is called apricot blossom..’

Soo Jung mumbled, “what the heck, sh*t is sh*t…blah blah blah”

She frustrated focusing to remember all these necessary terms that they required knowing in common loyalty verbal language. She put her head down to rest from reading those annoyance words as she heard a gentle voice from the window, she turned to see.

“Prince Nickhun…”

He told her, “call me Nickhun.” He pulled out the bag and handed over, “I think you’re hungry from studying now so I give you these things. Actually, it’s from my cousin.”

She quickly took a look at the grocery bag, it has chips and sodas. “My cousin said you girls love these, you maybe are not used to eating food from here yet. So I brought this to you.”

He gazed at her, seeing how bright her eyes are and smiled. She saw the strange smile from him as she looked little obtuse, he left out a chuckle. “Look like you’re pretty strong girl than I expect, not crying for missing your parents?”

He reminded her of parents as she felt down all sudden, he finally started to change topic. “Actually, I had an agreement with them if I do marry. It was to move out of this palace as meaning set my life free without controlling the political by my own hand in future.”

“What exactly do you want to do?”


That word flashed through her mind immediately, it was so harsh from him. He went on without hesitation, without
waiting for her react back, “what I can promise is only one thing…”

She sharply turned to look at him, and quickly asked. “What…”

“After this agreement as I’ll become a crown Prince. It’s something like having a divorce is easier to be said than done.”

“I know your family condition is like. I need your help and you also need my help.”

Should she agree with his agreement..? Soo Jung wouldn’t know anymore, wouldn’t remember why she ends up like this.


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I apologized for the notification. It's not same update! I didn't know how come it alerted as "new updat"but coming chapter is gonna hand on a bit! Thanks guy


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GEoRuth #1
Aww. When is the next one?
embongtaar #2
Jmylimerence #3
Go Go Go! Mooore would be greattt
Chapter 16: Waiting for the next chapter~
Chapter 16: Huyk-ho... nice name.. pls update more...
Chapter 16: Who is hyuk-ho author? Do you have a pict of him? Update soon author!

#TeamKryber #GoKryber
AmKrys #7
there r no new chapter author-ssi... r u trying to troll us :)

please update ( d real one ) :D
Bluebrain #8
Chapter 15: is this really the new update? coz it was the same chapter like before
Chapter 15: Who is the guy? Looks like drama's coming up. Update soon author!
call me dumb... u just rtn to check update and realise kryber r holding handspic....look so rite..keke kryber