
SHINee Baby

I couldn't find the words to answer the manager. I nodded slowly, Key cleared his thorat and pulled my closer his hand around my waist.
"Yes, I love her." Key simply smiled and the Manager's face softened.
"Well, It would have been nice to know. But atleast your anniversary set list makes sense now" He turned off his phone that was buzzing contiously, "You'll have to go and announce this.... Prepare to be interviewed about it." He nodded to us and I gulped. 
"I'm going to be hated by all of Oppa's fans...." I groaned.
"Nevermind that..." Onew folded his arms, now completely in big brother mode. "Where are you going to stay? There are reporters swarming your entire street Ga-eul-ah." I bit my lip and shook my head.
"They could always stay with You." The manager took out his phone turning it back on. "I'll make arrangements for me to stop elsewhere. Minho can stop in Mine and Onew's Room. Eva and Katie in minho's room and Kairi and Key can share." We looked at the manager blinking, "Just until we find a new house and transfer the stuff. besides, it isn't like you guys have never had sleepovers before." 
"What about work? and Clothes?!" Katie now looked worried.
"You and Eva should be fine for regular routine. As For clothes... We'll find something for you to sleep in tonight and by tomorrow i'm sure Key's online shopping skills could get you something by then." Minho picked up Eva and Looked towards the door, "for now let's get back to the Dorm." We all nodded and followed after Minho.


I curled up on the sofa agains Key's chest. We were reading through the questions we would be asked at the interviews. I grimaced. Some where rather personal. 
"Hey Ga-eul-ah?" I hummed as i nuzzled into him, "Should we mention Eva? This question says about wether we would plan on marrying and having kids." I shrugged.
"You answer that one." I yawned and glanced at the clock. It was 2am. A door opened and out came Katie.
"Finally got Eva to sleep." She shook her head in disbelief, "How can a four year old be so energetic at gone 1 in the morning?!" I giggled and Key kissed my forehead lightly.
"You should sleep to Katie. I'm Sure you'll be tired in the morning otherwise." Key looked at her from his papers. She nodded and grabbed a drink from the kitchen before hugging me.
"Night" We watched her return to her room and I bit my lip, "I hope she's ok..." Key hummed in agreement and placed the papers on the sofa next to him. He scooped me up and carried me to his room, placing me in the bed. Then he pulled off his t-shirt and climbed in next to me. I turned to face him.
"Oppa...What if all your fans hate me?" I blushed avoiding his eyes as i asked the question.
"Then My Fans will not be rooting for my happiness." He tilted my head up and smiled softly as he leant forward and kissed my nose, "If they truly support me, they'll allow me to have the two things that make me happy." I giggled at him.
"Music and fashion?" He flicked my head.
"Babo!" He pulled me close and nuzzled me before whispering in my ear, "You and Eva." I shivered and smiled.
"Really?" He nodded and i looked up at him. He moved his head towards mine and kissed me sweetly.
"Sleep, We have alot of interviews tomorrow." He closed his eyes and tightened his arms around me. He sighed contentedly and i silently giggled before nuzzling my head under his until his cheek was resting against the top of my head.


I groaned as i felt key's arms move from my waist. I whimpered and i felt key's lips brush my head. 
"I'm going to make breakfast. Stay in bed ok?" I grumbled about having to get eva ready for school, "It's ok, I'll do it." I nodded and buried myself under the covers. My resting was short lived as i heard Eva squeqal in delight.
"APPA!!!" I giggled and opened my eyes groggily, sitting up i slid my legs out of the bed before standing up. I shuffled my feet into a pair of pink bunny slippers. My eyes widened. I looked down and saw i was in a silk nightgown too. They were both from my home. I grabbed my dresing gown and wrapped it around myself before opening the door.
"Yah... Oppa.... Why am i changed....where did....." I blinked at the suitcases infront of me. 
"I asked manager hyung to take me...." Key looked over, "I grabbed all the clothes i could for all three of you and then rushed back. We snuck in through the side window" He scratched his cheek, "I couldn't sleep. I was just watching you sleep.... woke myself back up." I blinked in shock.
"Who got me..changed..." i trailed off as Key's face went pink, "YAH!" I dashed back into the bedroom and dived under the covers. I heard the door open and close.
"Ga-eul....Whats wrong?" Key pulled the covers back and i blushed.
"It's embarassing...." Key laughed.
"I love you, I'm not just some ert. You needed to get changed. You were all sweaty." He leant down and kissed my cheek. "You've got nothing to be embarassed about. Come on, I'll make you some rice. We have to go get ready to go." I nodded and slid back out of the bed. I walked out and sat at the table, Key placed a Tea infront of me and placed eva's juice infront of her. He scooped 3 bowls of rice and sat down too.
"Awww look at the little family!" Jonghyun grinned as he shuffled into the kitchen, Key swatted him on the and motioned that there was rice in the cooker if he wanted some. Jonghyun helped himself to a bowl and sat down. He picked up his chopsticks and began eating happily. Slowly the others pile out to join us. 
"Come on Ga-eul-ah. It time to go get dressed." I nodded to him and finished the rest of my tea.


Two hours later we were sat on stools waiting to be asked questions. I was nervous. Key squeezed my hand under the table and smiled reassuring me that it would be ok. Most of the questions were easy to answer: How did we meet? what was our first impressions of each other? Then the question popped up.
"Have You thought about if you were to get married, wether you would want kids?" I looked over at Key who smiled.
"Kairi already has a child, a beautiful little girl. So in a way, we kind of already have one. I love Her as if she were my own." I smiled shyly at key and he squeezed my hand. We wrapped at the interview, the MC wishing the best for our relationship. We thanked her and climbed into the Shinee Van. I snuggled into key's side. 
"Thankyou oppa..." I trailed off. He my hair 
"For what? I only told the truth, besides, When the time comes." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Then we will think about giving Eva brothers and sisters." I giggled and blushed. 
"So you do want more?" I grinned at him.
"As many as you'll let me" He smiled back and nudged my nose with his. I blushed deeper, "I don't think any of them would take over eva's place in my heart though. If it wasn't for Eva, I wouldn't have met you." He kissed me softly and i practically melted against him. 


Hey hope you enjoyed! I will be posting more on my other stories too. I have A and B just how to get for A to B is puzzling me on my story plots! <3

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Namine-Kaila #1
Chapter 17: love it merlong XD
Namine-Kaila #2
Chapter 15: More pleaseeeeeee I love it
Namine-Kaila #3
Chapter 13: I love this it's so sweet <3
Chapter 11: Its great Unnie! :3 I'm waiting for the next chapter :3
Namine-Kaila #5
Chapter 9: its so cute <3
MissLocket #6
Chapter 5: Owwww, they are sooo cute.I love to see Key as an appa. I am pretty sure he is going to be an amazing dad in real life.
Chapter 5: Ooooooh so it was for SHINee heh. And god, the dancing heheh Key was competing with one of her students kekeke. Great work Author-nim!~<3
Chapter 4: This was cute :3 *Aegyo* Please update soon author-nim, this is very good!~<3
Chapter 3: This is really good :3 And Key of course you're the adorable one, all of SHINee are adorable, deal with it xD kekeke