Smooch, Chicken, you are who?!

SHINee Baby

Almost a month passed, I was quietly reading when there was a knock at my door. I Opened it a little to see Taemin.

“Noona, i’m here to see katie. Is she still here on holiday?” I snorted and jabbed his forehead.

“You are one lucky male, she’s moving here.” Taemin sighs in almost relief.

“That’s a relief i thought she would have left without saying goodbye to me!” I snickered and offered him inside. Eva Ran up to the door.

“Uncle Tae! Where’s Key Appa?” Taemin ruffled her hair and smiled sadly.

“He’s working. he misses you lots!” He looked at me knowlingly, “Both of you” I winced and Yelled for Katie.

“Oh, Tae-oppa” Katie tilted her head, “Is everything ok?” Taemin nodded and smiled at Katie.

“I just wanted to see you.” Katie blinked a few times confused and i took eva away from them before peeking in to spy.

“Oppa, We decided we would meet when Key and Ga-eul are talking again.” Katie folded her arms at him.

“I don’t want to! I like you, alot. Key and Ga-eul may never be more than friends. Why stop us?” Taemin walked up and tilted her face up to him.

“That’s because Ga-eul is worried. She already has a child. It’s frowned on here.” Katie tried to move his hand from her face, But Taemin wouldnt move.

“You are using that as an excuse. You’re afraid.” Katie glared at him.

“That’s right. I’m afraid. You’re famous and i’m plain old me!” Taemin shook his head and leaned forwards kissing her gently. I covered my mouth to muffle my gasp.

“Don’t be afraid. Katie, I’ll make you happy. I promise.” Katie nodded in shock, and Taemin leaned in to kiss her again. I smiled and shuffled into my room to give them some privacy.

“Mummy? are Aunt and Uncle Tae going to get married?” I giggled at her and didn’t reply. Instead i took my phone out to text Key. ‘You busy?’ I tapped my fingers waiting for a text back.

‘Ga-eul-ah! I’m almost done with schedule. Want me to treat you all to something good?’ I text him saying yes and to include Taemin in that. He called me.

“Taemin? Why? Is he there?” I giggled.

“Yup, going all smooch with Katie.” Eva ran up and took the phone from me.

“appa?! when are you going to smooch with Omma?!” I squealed and heard Key laugh on the other end of the phone.

“Appa smooched omma’s head. doesnt that count?” Eva refuses that as counting and I burst into laughter.

“Apparently, Appa has to give me a proper smooch” I snickered and Key automatically replied.

“If i did I think Omma would go into full shock” Taemin and Katie appeared at the door and i beckoned them in.

“Yah Key-ssi, are you getting your here or what?!” He replied with a time and then we hung up. I pretended not to notice Taemin holding Katie’s hand tightly, and busied myself in making rice.

Key arrived at 7pm sharp, I grinned at him as he came through with chicken.

“I hope you invited Onew….he’ll never forgive you” Key stuck his tongue out at me and handed me the chicken.

“He’s on his way with the others” I flicked him on the head and went to sort the chicken out. Key sat down with Taemin and Katie, “So you two are a thing now? Geeze Tae-ah you could have said something.” Key grinned at them both, “Not my life, live it as you wish. But you may want to keep it quiet from the fans for now.” There was a loud thud as Onew came clambering through the door. Typical Onew, Entrance with a bodygag. Eva ran up to him and shook him.

“Onew-ssi!!! Jinki-ssi!” Onew opened his eye and laughed at Eva.

“I’m alive, i think. Whats your verdict Dr. Eva?” Eva gasped and ran into her room, returning in Doctor dress up. Minho and Jonghyun lay on the floor pretending to be patients too. Eva squealed in delight.

“So, Taemin… You planted one on her yet?” Jonghyun winked at Taemin and Katie, who hid in Taemin’s shoulder. I snickered and came back through with the chicken. Onew shot up.

“Chicken!!!” Eva shook her little finger.

“Onew-ssi chicken is making you too clumsy! Not allowed” The whole group laughed as Onew pouted in the corner. Key came to Onew’s rescue.

“Ippeuni, Let Onew have a little bit? ok? and Appa will read your bedtime story.” I scowled.

“Yah, No bribing my daughter!” i handed Onew some chicken slyly and sat down to eat. As we ate we talked about ways for Katie and Taemin to date without being spotted. Then i had a brain wave.

“Katie…...just date Tae as Kaila!” Everyone turned to look at me baffled.

“Kaila?” Taemin raised a brow towards Katie who explained about our cosplays.

“Let me get this straight….. Lucy Doll And Kaila Sky are….you two?” Minho, pointed at us, “The two cosplayers who we heard about last year for doing covers of our songs on youtube?”

“Yup” Me and Katie shrugged. This was normal for us. We worked hard on our cosplays and the end result looked completely different to our natural selves. People usually didn’t know it was us.

I took a chicken leg and resumed eating. The boys just stared at us, after a while key snapped his fingers.

“I knew your voice sounded familiar…. You did a female cover of why so serious with a friend, dressed as lucydoll right? You did Taemin and my parts!” I nodded and Taemin blinked.

“Wait that means that the female dancer on your video was…..Katie?” Katie nodded and ate more chicken.

“Eonni want a soda?” I nodded and took the soda from her.

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Namine-Kaila #1
Chapter 17: love it merlong XD
Namine-Kaila #2
Chapter 15: More pleaseeeeeee I love it
Namine-Kaila #3
Chapter 13: I love this it's so sweet <3
Chapter 11: Its great Unnie! :3 I'm waiting for the next chapter :3
Namine-Kaila #5
Chapter 9: its so cute <3
MissLocket #6
Chapter 5: Owwww, they are sooo cute.I love to see Key as an appa. I am pretty sure he is going to be an amazing dad in real life.
Chapter 5: Ooooooh so it was for SHINee heh. And god, the dancing heheh Key was competing with one of her students kekeke. Great work Author-nim!~<3
Chapter 4: This was cute :3 *Aegyo* Please update soon author-nim, this is very good!~<3
Chapter 3: This is really good :3 And Key of course you're the adorable one, all of SHINee are adorable, deal with it xD kekeke