Eva is your mascot?

SHINee Baby

The Next Morning i stretched as i arrived at my workplace, I ran to work to keep in shape. I Entered the classroom and smiled at my students. I was An English teacher and i taught dance to those wanting to go on to audition later for companies. Being 24 i was still near enough the same age as my students, so that made things easier. Instead of teacher, they called me Eonni or Noona. This made work more comfortable for me.
“Right, Has everyone studied for tomorrow’s test?” I turned my attention to the joker of the Class, “That includes you Go HyunSoo!” The teenage male grinned at me.
“Noona! i always study!” I laughed, and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Sure you do” I stood and motioned for the class to do the same. “Alphabet star jumps. Go!” As they did the exercise i wandered round and helped them when they got stuck. Then they sat down and read from their study journals. I put my Shinee albums on as the did and sang along. When the final bell rang HyunSoo approached my desk.

“Noona…” He placed a advert on my desk, “You should go to this…. They are looking for singers. You don’t want be a teacher forever right?” He left with me looking after him in shock. I headed out of the classroom towards the Dance studio.

“Right, Show me your group choreography!” I clapped my hands and smiled brightly. “when i’m happy we can break and i’ll show you what i’ve been working on” This always encouraged my students to get into the dancing mood. Especially the male students. They always like my Dance covers, because i always covered male songs and taught them afterwards. I Guided them through warm up and then watched their dances. As i was preparing for my routine i caught a glimpse of my phone ringing. I answered nervously,

“Hello?” It was Eva’s daycare. I rushed out to pick up my daughter whilst replaying the teacher’s call.

“Is this Eva’s Omma? She’s being sick. We think she ate something bad” I chewed on my lip the whole way there and collected Eva. On the travel home i asked her if she felt well enough to still go to SHINee’s concert.

“I’ll be okay for Key appa!” I shook my head but i couldn’t help giggling at her. I had brought her Concert tickets for being top of her class 4 months straight.

“Then lets go get ready!” I was just finishing my make-up when Eva cam running into my room.

“Mummy, SHINee are at out door!” I almost fell off my chair and i scrambled to the door. Sure enough, there they stood in all thier amazing charisma. I bowed in greeting and caught Key’s eye. He smiled at me, in that cool way of his that made every fangirl weak at the knees.

“Annyeong Ga-eul-ah” He bent down and hugged Eva, “Hi Ippeunii” The other members of SHINee moved across to ruffle Eva’s hair calling her cute.

“Key-ssi….What are you….?” I looked at them all lost for words.

“Well, Key wanted to check on you.” Jonhyun stood with his hands in his pocket, “He said you got into a bit of a situation yesterday.” I nodded and Key turned his attention to me.

“Where are you both off to? All dressed up?” I opened my mouth but, my nosy daughter beat me to it.

“We are coming to see Key Appa sing!” She grins at him and i put my face in my hands.

“You’re on your way to our concert?” Onew although slight nervous around Eva smiled at me, “Why dont we drop you off? Did you get good seats?” I blinked taken aback.

“I’d appreciate that. And seats…. Well i got the best i could on a teachers wage” I grimaced. Key glanced up from playing with eva.

“Maybe we should get you better seats. It’ll be good to see my mascot supporting us.” I shook my head.

“You helped enough yesterday…. do anything else and i’ll be in your debt….” THe SHINee boys laughed as if we were all good friends.

“Hyung would probably feel safer if he could see you were both safe. After all with Eva being so small she could easily get lost.” Taemin spoke to me easily, comfortably. Almost like a Big sister.

I Raised my brow and folded my arms, “Is that so?” I tried to keep a straight face but out of the corner of my eye i see eva sticking her tongue out at Key and i burst into laughter.

“Ga-eul-ah….please let us? I really want to see Eva enjoy it.” I shrugged and pointed to my four year old who was now trying to get a piggy back ride from Taemin. Key turned to her. “Eva? You want to be at the front? So you can see me properly?” Eva nods in delight and I grab my purse and place my doc martins on my feet nodding in acceptance that i was going to have to allow this.

During the concert, i sang and danced around to the music with eva and exchanged a few waves and smiles with the boys. Before the last song, Key pointed at me and said into his microphone. “You wait around. we’ll take you home.” I gave him a thumbs up from my seat as Eva had fallen asleep in my lap.



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Namine-Kaila #1
Chapter 17: love it merlong XD
Namine-Kaila #2
Chapter 15: More pleaseeeeeee I love it
Namine-Kaila #3
Chapter 13: I love this it's so sweet <3
Chapter 11: Its great Unnie! :3 I'm waiting for the next chapter :3
Namine-Kaila #5
Chapter 9: its so cute <3
MissLocket #6
Chapter 5: Owwww, they are sooo cute.I love to see Key as an appa. I am pretty sure he is going to be an amazing dad in real life.
Chapter 5: Ooooooh so it was for SHINee heh. And god, the dancing heheh Key was competing with one of her students kekeke. Great work Author-nim!~<3
Chapter 4: This was cute :3 *Aegyo* Please update soon author-nim, this is very good!~<3
Chapter 3: This is really good :3 And Key of course you're the adorable one, all of SHINee are adorable, deal with it xD kekeke