I've fallen in love....

SHINee Baby

“Eonni….Are you awake?” I stirred awake opening my eyes to Katie and Taemin. I nodded and attempted to sit up.

“Noona, don’t move. Key said you need rest.” I looked out at the bright sun.

“But i have to get the guys ready for nationals!” Katie pushed me back down with suprising strength for her size.

“Key Has it covered. Jonghyun, onew and Minho have eva with them at the studio to let you recover. They are removing you from the audition process. But, Why can’t you go through it?” I shook my head.

“Katie-ah, theres more to it. Ga-eul for one knows us on a personal level. Secondly, We cant use her voice for something as plain as backing vocals.” Taemin patted me on the head, “Rest. Key said you must have been shocked.” Katie pulled on Taemins arm.

“We’ll let you sleep Eonii. Come on Tae-Oppa.” I rolled over and sighed, I could still feel Key holding me. I shook my head and scowled at myself.

“Get yourself Together Hayley! Stop. You cant love him. You already have a child and you are too ordinary. You’ll just be a burden.” I huddled down into the covers and clamped my eyes tight. Someone entered my room and i pretended to stil be sleeping.

“Ga-eul, Are you sleeping?” Key’s voice sounded full of concern, He placed his hand on my head feeling for my temperature. I sneezed and pulled the covers over my head, “You’re making me not want to go back to the dorms. I’m worried about you. And If you’re sick, Who’s going to look after Eva and Katie? Though i guess i could leave Katie in Taemin’s care.” I heard him sigh, “Ga-Eul-Ah. Don’t be sick…. I Cant risk wavering from my schedule.” I Sat up at crossed my arms at him.

“Then Go back!” I put all my years of acting into this one sentence, “Who told you to stay and worry? Who said you had to waver? Go back to being the Idol Key. Almighty Key. With millions of fans adoring you. Forget Me and Eva, We cant be improtant to you. Don’t you get it?” Key’s face hardened and he left silently. I Curled up and a tear rolled down my cheek. “Be Happy Ki-bum-ssi”.

Whilst i slept, Eva had crawled in next to me and hugged me.

“Mummy is too hot..” I coughed and groaned in pain, “Mummy!!” Eva grabbed my phone and called someone, “appa, Omma is really sick. Please come help her!” I drowsed out again.

“Ga-eul-ah, Why didn’t you let someone know. This fever is so high!” Key Had returned and was trying to cool my head with a wet cloth.

“Why are you here?” I groaned and attempted to push him away.

“Yah! Why are you being like this? You just started getting comfortable around me” Key continued pressing the cool cloth to my head.

“i just dont want you getting in trouble.” I lay still letting him nurse me.

“Get better and focus on Eva.” Key poked my nose gently, “I wont get into trouble.” He smiled softly and stood up to get eva ready for bed.

I sat up and waited for him to come back.

“You must have got quite a shock. Why didn’t you tell me it was an audition? i could have critiqued” I shook my head.

“Singing is a hobby. I didnt want you to know about it, because i cant sing infront of people…. Even in the audition i was shaking. that was only a camera.” Key pulled me into a hug.

“I’m sorry. I shouldnt have walked out earlier, I should have known you didnt mean it. Honestly when you said that i got so angry i almost hit Minho.” Key placed his hand on my head and petted my hair.

“I shouldnt have said it” I felt my eyes brim with tears again. I buried my face into his shoulder and he tilted his head at me.

“Well enough to drink with me?” I nodded. Key went and came back with a bottle of soju each. I pretty much downed half of the bottle, “Yah…. easy!”

“You…..Why are you so nice to me?” I tilted my head at him the alcohol giving me extra bravery. “And Good looking! It’s not fair!” I pouted at him, as he drank some of his own bottle.

“Who told you to be so pretty when you are drunk?” l raised an eyebrow at him and he nodded.  Then he reached across and cupped my face with his hands and gently pulled me towards him, kissing me on the forehead. I fell backwards in shock and he caught me.

“Yah…..” Key Looked away from me.

“Sorry, I think i drank too much. I’m going back. if you need me call me” nodded and as he left touched my finger to my head.




Just a short one for now. I'll add another chapter later!


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Namine-Kaila #1
Chapter 17: love it merlong XD
Namine-Kaila #2
Chapter 15: More pleaseeeeeee I love it
Namine-Kaila #3
Chapter 13: I love this it's so sweet <3
Chapter 11: Its great Unnie! :3 I'm waiting for the next chapter :3
Namine-Kaila #5
Chapter 9: its so cute <3
MissLocket #6
Chapter 5: Owwww, they are sooo cute.I love to see Key as an appa. I am pretty sure he is going to be an amazing dad in real life.
Chapter 5: Ooooooh so it was for SHINee heh. And god, the dancing heheh Key was competing with one of her students kekeke. Great work Author-nim!~<3
Chapter 4: This was cute :3 *Aegyo* Please update soon author-nim, this is very good!~<3
Chapter 3: This is really good :3 And Key of course you're the adorable one, all of SHINee are adorable, deal with it xD kekeke