Chapter Fifteen

Hogwarts: A History ✫*゚Completed
Friendly Visits

For the first time, Ana is actually looking forward to her summer break. From her newfound interest in her mother's tea circle to the promise of OWL workbooks from Eric, there's a lot to anticipate.

Of course, there are also visits to the Macmillan mansion, as Ana's mother and Alasdair's mother have become quite good friends since their meeting the year before. These wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for two factors: football and Alec, Alasdair's older brother.

Alec is a twenty-two year old curse-breaker who's still on his trial period so he hasn't yet been shipped off to the far corners of the world - and far away from Ana and Alasdair. Instead, he's living at home for six months while working at St. Mungo's to try and cure people afflicted with curses, while afflicting himself on his brother, and by extension Ana.

Alec is, so far as Ana can tell, a self-important, arrogant man-child with far too high an opinion of his own importance. He spends his time bragging about his work and dropping non-subtle hints that he could easily tutor Ana in her schoolwork, as if she'd need any tutoring. He also is constantly condescending his younger brother, which neither Alasdair nor Ana appreciates very much.

The worst part is that the elder Macmillan has her parents completely charmed.

Alec spends the time he's not bugging his little brother and Ana up to the adults, and they fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Ana is rather disgusted by her parent's apparently inability to notice Alec's manipulative nonsense but she holds her tongue on the subject.

He wouldn't be so bad if she could just grab Alasdair and vanish up to his room where they could talk about books and schoolwork. But Alasdair is different away from Hogwarts as well. Namely because he starts playing football again.

Alasdair can talk non-stop about the Muggle sport if Ana allows him to do so, and most of the time she doesn't have the energy to change the topic once it's started. She personally doesn't find football to be particularly interesting but listening to Alasdair explain the rules and his latest game is the lesser of two evils when the other option is being downstairs and around Alec and her smitten parents.

Thankfully she's not always at the Macmillan household, and double thankfully Eric sends her his OWL workbooks within two days of her arriving back home. Between looking through that and doing her own summer homework, Ana has plenty of time to herself to do what she's actually interested in.

She's in her room, studying Transfiguration, when her mother's friends arrive for their weekly meetings. Ana gives them twenty minutes to settle and catch up on inane gossip before she closes her book and glides down the stairs, the train of her dress rustling behind her.

"Oh, don't you look lovely!" Mareum Macmillan notices her first, and it's unsurprising when Ana realizes the dress she'd put on that morning is the one that she'd received from the Macmillan matriarch for Christmas. "I'm so glad it fits!"

Ana smiles politely at Alasdair's mother. Mareum is a new addition to the tea circle, and she seems to be fitting in rather well, even if she is one of Ana's least favorites of her mother's friends.

Emelda Flint smiles as well. "It truly does suit you. You should take it with you to school this year, you'll surely catch some young man's eye with that!"

Ana frowns. "I'd rather focus on my studies. I've seen some of the older students in relationships and they seem to only be good for distraction." She replies demurely, settling into the seat by her mother that the women had left open for her. "I'm hoping to ask Professor McGonagall to train me as an Animagus this year, so my grades will have to be maintained to convince her to agree."

One of the other women gasps. "An animagus! Goodness Winona, your daughter has quite a lot of ambition!"

Ana beams at the praise. "Well, I'm not sure what I wish to do in the future, so I'm making sure I'm capable of doing everything." She explains mildly.

The women spend the next several minutes discussing possible future jobs that would suit Ana, and Ana files all the suggestions away in her mind for consideration. Most sound rather bland if she's being honest, but she knows she has plenty of time to sort through the list and par it down to just the most interesting options.

"Oh! Ana love, you're starting third year aren't you? Which electives are you taking?" Emelda Flint suddenly asks.

Ana is only too happy to answer. She'd spent a long time debating which classes to add to her schedule, and she's rather pleased with her ultimate decisions.

"Well, naturally I'm taking Divination. I've always had a knack for mind magic and it's always useful to have an idea of what may be looming in the future." Ana states with a smile. Several of the women nod as well, including her mother. Winona had recommended Divination over the winter break.

"And I'm also taking both Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. I think they're both widely applicable disciplines, and I can study Care of Magical Creatures and Muggles Studies on my own time easily enough. Arithmancy and Ancient Runes are a bit more difficult to teach oneself I'd think."

The women who had taken the same electives were quick to offer study tips and notes on the teachers.

"I'm rather certain that Professor Vector is still in charge of Arithmancy." One of the younger women notes. "She's a very harsh grader, but she's excellent at arranging for private review sessions if you're having any trouble with the material."

Ana doesn't say that she doesn't intend to have trouble with the material, instead thanking the woman for her suggestion.

Eventually the women begin leaving, and Ana is ready to head back up the stairs to go over parts of Eric's workbooks when Emelda Flint waves her over.

"My son is starting at Hogwarts this year." She says quietly. "And I must admit I'm a little worried. Marcus has always had a difficult time with schoolwork, so I was wondering if I could ask you to tutor him? You're so diligent and bright, and I can pay you for your time if needed."

Ana doesn't know how to respond at first. Tutor a first year? She can barely stand her own classmates, nonetheless some kid who apparently is naturally awful at anything intellectual.

Conversely, Mrs. Flint is offering to pay.

"I suppose I could work with him on weekends, and I'm not sure how much I would be able to do during exam periods as I do have my own studies to attend to, but I'll see what I can do."

Mrs. Flint seems content with her decision. "Thank you so much dear, just keep a log of the number of hours you work with him and I'll compensate you when we see each other. I don't like sending money through the post."

Ana nods. "Completely understandable. I'll see you next week Mrs. Flint."

Winona stops Ana from vanishing up into her room again once all the guests have left. "What did Emelda want to speak with you about?" She question, gesturing for Ana to reclaim the seat next to her own.

Ana sighs but does sit back down. Her homework isn't going anywhere after all, and worst comes to worst she can always take her essays with her to the Macmillan household during their next visit and work with Alasdair.

"She asked if I could tutor her son this year." She replies blandly. "I said I would but not during exams."

"She's paying I hope." Winona says immediately, and Ana nods.

"Of course, I wouldn't have accepted otherwise."

Winona smiles proudly. "Well if this goes well you could make a bit of a business out of it! Imagine, having some savings if you decide to pursue further education after Hogwarts."

Ana nods thoughtfully. "Or simply spending money for Hogsmeade." She adds, and Winona suddenly starts.

"Oh that's right! I have your signed permission form for that, let me get it so you can put it in your trunk."

Ana waits patiently for her mother to retrieve the parchment, and she uses the slip to excuse herself from the room back up the stairs so she can reconvene with her workbooks.

After carefully placing the permission slip in her trunk - she does want to be allowed to visit Hogsmeade after all - she scans the workbooks on her bookshelf until she finds one on Defense Against the Dark Arts. With Professor McCormack having declared he was re-retiring at the end of the year due to his feeling rather ill they're slated to get a new teacher with a new curriculum. Again.

Ana has officially decided that she'll be teaching herself Defense Against the Dark Arts to ensure that she'll be adequately prepared for her OWL exams in three years. With the actual professors being rotated out every year, they certainly haven't been getting a consistent education in the field.

She studies until dinner, practicing her wand movements with a finger extended and carefully enunciating each syllable of the incantations.

"How is your homework going Ana? You've been up in your room every time I've been home." Her father greets her with a smile, and she happily sits next to him as Winona puts the food on the table.

"It's going quite well. I've finished my history essay and am nearly done with my Transfiguration and Charms assignments as well. I also plan to do my star chart this weekend, I've heard it's supposed to be clear."

Her father nods approvingly as he digs into his dinner. "That's excellent. It's always good to finish the work when everything is still fresh."

"Well Ana is absolutely brilliant." Winona preens as she finally joins them at the table. "Today Emelda Flint offered to pay her to tutor Marcus! You remember Marcus dear, don't you? He was only five when we last saw him."

Her father chuckles. "I don't think I could forget that boy if I tried. They're sending him to Hogwarts?"

Winona glares at him. "If you've quite forgotten, I work closely with hag colonies - being part troll isn't something to mock anyone for." But Ana can tell her mother's defense comes more from embarrassment at being friends with someone who married a half-troll than actually believing what she's saying.

"If he's part troll it would explain his trouble with schoolwork." Ana notes mildly. "This meal is lovely mother, perhaps you could show me how you made it sometime?"

With that the conversation is effectively relaxed again, and the rest of dinner goes quite smoothly.

Ana continues to while away her summer with schoolwork and social gatherings, and on one occasion accompanies her father to Gringotts for his work as a security wizard.

She's quite excited about it at first, until she realizes that she won't be able to follow her father into the deeper recesses of the bank during his rounds and she ends up perched in one of the offices, going over flyers explaining the many available jobs for humans at the bank.

One flyer in particular stands out to her, and she's carefully reading through it when another person strides into the office.

"Hey, Mr. Di- Oh, hullo Ana! Didn't expect to see you here." Alec Macmillan is the absolute last person Ana expects or wants to see at just this moment, and she frowns at him, putting the flyer down quickly. But not fast enough to stop Alec from noticing it.

He grins. "Thinking about being a cursebreaker? It's tough work you know, not for the faint of heart or dull of wits. I got ten OWLs and eight NEWTs to get where I am." He puffs up slightly as he brags, and Ana narrows her eyes.

"Well I fully intend to get twelve of each so I don't see what's so impressive about that." She replies primly, but with an edge of irritation that her mother always uses when dealing with a particularly dim person. "So far as I can tell all you need to be a cursebreaker is a big mouth and an inflated ego."

Alec barks out a laugh. "That's harsh little miss, I'm just teasing. Go on, if you really want to cursebreak it's quite a thrill, and I'd be happy to show you the ropes when the time comes around."

Ana sniffs pointedly. "I'd rather have a troll show me the ropes, I feel he'd be better company. And I do not appreciate being called little miss."

Alec laughs again. "Bloody hell Alas sure can pick them. What's my brother see in you anyway?"

Ana doesn't deign to respond, instead randomly grabbing another pamphlet and pretending to be engrossed in it.

She sees Alec rolls his eyes but continues to ignore him, hoping he'll leave. To her dismay, he puts down the parchment he'd been carrying and settles himself in the chair right across from hers.

"I can't go until I get my papers signed, so you'll just have to deal with me." He informs her, leaning back in the chair and grinning like he knows she's watching. She's certain he doesn't though, she's very good at hiding what she's looking at.

They sit in a tense silence for what feels like ages before Alexander returns to save his daughter from the company of the elder Macmillan child.

Her father doesn't immediately get her out of the situation though. "Alec! How nice to run into you here, what brings you into the bank?"

Ana sits stiffly in her chair as the two chat for what is in her opinion entirely too long for a simple catch up, but finally the Vulchanova's leave for lunch.

"Funny running into him there, Alec usually gets his papers signed after work hours are finished." Alexander muses. "Still, it's always nice to see him!"

Ana doesn't reply, knowing that voicing her irritation with Alec will only lead to a discussion she doesn't feel like having. "Where are we going to have lunch then?" She asks instead, and thankfully the topic of her least favorite pureblood is dropped.

The rest of the day is much better, with Ana able to actually walk around with her father and see what he does, and that evening she enthusiastically goes over the pamphlets she'd brought home with her and discusses possible job opportunities with her parents.

That night she sits outside on their porch and studies the stars overhead, taking careful note of their positions and sketching them onto a star chart. When she's finished, she stays out a bit longer, enjoying the warm summer air and watching as shooting stars dance overhead.

She finally goes inside around one in the morning, sleepy and already looking forward to the start of her third year. Summer is rather boring.

For Myr, going home for the summer means a lot of things. Seeing old friends, doubling down on his studies to catch up with everything he'd missed in normal middle school, and of course getting to spend time with his family.

His mother picks him and Owen up from the train station and naturally she questions him about school and his friends and whether he wants to invite anyone over during the summer months. He hadn't considered it, but he does say he might ask Holly over later on if she's available. The young wand enthusiast had gotten on well with Cadi during New Years, and he gets a feeling he'll appreciate talking about something other than school and Quidditch considering they'll likely be the primary topics in the dorm room come third year.

"Oh, and you'll be meeting Dylan this Friday, he's coming by for lunch." Aster sounds slightly strained, but her smile suggests that Myr shouldn't question it.

So he doesn't. Instead, he remembers what Holly had told him about first relationships, and shares the wisdom with his mother. "You know, people always get a bit weird the first time they're in a serious relationship. She'll be back to normal soon."

Aster laughs. "That is quite true. Since when did you become such a love expert?" Her tone is teasing and Myr goes red despite there really being no reason to.


Aster helps him unpack his trunk when they arrive home, but she has to hurry to the curio shop shortly afterwards, leaving Myr and Owen alone in the house.

"Well boy, do you even remember this place?" Myr wonders as he waves around a cat toy for his kitten to pounce on. Owen misses spectacularly when he pounces and ends up on his back by the fireplace. Myr blinks as he realizes that his 'kitten' is now longer from nose to tail tip than the opening in the fireplace. "Holy heck you got big. How did I miss that?" He sits up and laughs. "I guess you are almost two years old. You're nearly an adult buddy."

Owen swats mournfully at the toy that's no longer moving in response. Myr laughs and shakes it a bit and Owen is immediately up and playing again.

"I suppose being physically grown up doesn't mean you're any less of a kid, huh?" He watches Owen lose track of the toy and begin chasing his own tail and he grins. "I guess I should let you roam around the castle next year though, I think the other guys are getting annoyed at you always being around the dorms." He still doesn't like the idea, but Drake's cat Kallie absolutely hate Owen, and as a result Drake barely sees her during the school year.

"You could go visit Cerid in the Hufflepuff common room." He suggests despite knowing Owen can't understand a word he's saying, and even if he could he's entirely too focused on detaching the toy from its string to be listening. "You remember Cerid, she's Aidan's cat. He brought her over to visit a few times last year."

The white puffball had gotten on brilliantly with Owen, and she'd taken to popping into the common room on her own from time to time as well, regardless of whether her owner was around to accompany her. Of course, she likely enjoyed the attention she got from the girls as well as getting to play with Owen.

Myr sighs and puts down the toy. "I think I'm going to go visit mom and Uncle Cyril at the shop. It's rather boring here, no offense." He scratches under Owen's chin, causing the cat to start purring heavily, and then stands up and pulls on his shoes.

The walk to the curio shop is one he's made what must have been thousands of times in his life, and he takes his time, enjoying the bustle of Cardiff around him in a way he hasn't gotten to since starting at Hogwarts. He's nearly at the shop when he suddenly stops.

Today, he abruptly decides, is going to be a magic-free day. And his uncle is far from magic-free.

And so Myr turns down the street just before his uncle's shop and instead takes to wandering the streets of Cardiff. He has some emergency cash in his pocket so he isn't worried about getting home - he can take public transport if he goes too far.

A couple of kids race past him, shrieking excitedly as their father desperately calls for them to slow down, despite his clear amusement at their antics.

Myr feels a faint stab of regret at the sight, remembering his own father who has never been around. Sure, he knows now that it's because Aeron Cadwallader had died during the last big war in the wizarding world, but for most of his life he'd believed the man had run off with another woman, abandoning him and Cadi and their mother. He still can't quite reconcile the newfound truth with the anger he's held towards the man for so long.

He also can't quite wrap his head around the fact he'll never actually get to meet Aeron. Some part of him had always thought he'd find his father when he was older and had made something of himself. That he would shout at him and demand answers. But instead the man is simply gone. Myr will never get to meet him.

He sits down heavily on a bench facing out to sea. He'd managed to make his way down to the docks on autopilot, and he stares out over the mass of workers to the calm sea beyond them.

Myr isn't sure how long he sits there, but the sun has dropped down to brush against the horizon when he finally gets up and begins meandering back down the sidewalk towards home. He stops off at a small local grocers to pick up some dragon shortbread to serve as an offering to his undoubtedly worried mother. He probably should have left a note telling her where he was going.

Though to be fair, he hadn't been sure of that himself.

Thankfully Aster lets him off with just a stern talking to, and he's still allowed to enjoy the dragon shortbread for dessert that night so clearly his mother hadn't been too upset by his wandering off.

Cadi is present for dinner as well, and Myr is happy that things aren't awkward with his sister despite their stilted communication during the school year. Holly had likely been right and she had just been caught up in the apparently very intense feelings of a new relationship.

A relationship he gets to finally observe first hand a few days later - and he understands why he mother sounded strained when talking about Dylan Driscoll.

Dylan is an attractive person, but honestly Myr doesn't get what exactly it is his sister sees in the other teen. He's a year older than Cadi at seventeen and he's about to graduate high school, but unlike Cadi he has absolutely no idea what he's going to do.

"I figure I'll take a year off." He tells Myr when the young wizard asks about his future plans. Myr can tell his mother has already grilled Dylan on this particular topic, but if someone is going to date Myr's sister he wants to make sure they're at least somewhat worthy of her.

And Dylan very firmly lands in Myr's opinion of 'not worthy'. But Cadi does seem happy at least, if rather different. She doesn't talk as openly about the political situation of the country as she normally does during dinner, and she's a lot less sure of herself than even the night before.

He wants to ask her about it, but she announces that she and Dylan are going out for dessert and she'll be home rather late.

Aster frowns at the declaration, but nods on the condition that 'rather late' not be past eleven o'clock.

"You let that girl get away with too much. And him! Cadi deserves much better." Uncle Cyril has clearly been biting his tongue throughout the dinner - Myr had been surprised to learn that he always ate with them now - and as soon as Cadi and Dylan were gone he released everything he'd been holding in.

Aster sighs. "I don't disagree Cyril, but we can't make that decision for her. She's smart, she'll figure it out herself. If we interfere, we could push her towards him even more."

Cyril frowns but sits back. "Fine, I won't jinx him. But if I find out they've been doing anything funny-"

Aster quickly cuts him off with a glance at Myr. "Then you'll leave well enough alone. She's nearly grown Cy, and at that age they'll do anything you discourage them to do. I know for a fact you and Aeron got up to plenty more trouble than Cadi is when you were her age."

Cyril reluctantly cracks a smile. "Alright fine. I'll only step in if she's in danger, alright?"

Aster nods, and the topic is dropped. Myr wishes he'd gotten to say something - he doesn't much like Dylan either.

He gets his chance that night, when Cadi sneaks into his room after she's returned and they've both pretended to fall asleep so their mother won't worry about them getting enough rest.

"Hey, what did you think of Dylan? I can tell mom doesn't like him very much, but I swear he's really amazing. He shows me things I never even thought about before. Really expanding my horizons. I don't want to disappoint her but she just doesn't get it."

Myr had been ready to tell his sister exactly what he thought of her new boyfriend, but the absolute wistfulness with which she talks about him, and the keenness in her eyes as she asks his opinion causes him to hesitate.

"I mean... I think you could show him a lot of stuff too." He finally says. "At dinner you were pretty quiet and I think that's what's making mom worried."

Cadi frowns. "I guess." She mumbles. "Well, goodnight Myr."

Myr doesn't think the conversation went very well as she leaves, and the pit in his stomach confirms it.

He doesn't see much of his sister after that. She's spending nearly every day with Dylan, so he decides to spend more time with his own friends.

He hasn't really seen much of Garreth, Delwyn, and Evan since starting at Hogwarts aside from the occasional football match during the summers, so he doesn't fault them when they seem surprised to see him.

"Hey guys, mind if I join you?"

Delwyn recovers first, grinning that familiar mischievous grin. "Sure thing prep boy. Think fast!"

Myr thanks Laurel and her intense training program that he's able to easily intercept the ball kicked his way and pass it straight back to Delywn, who stops it with his foot and looks surprised.

"Hey, you've gotten better! You play at that fancy school of yours?"

"Not exactly. I'm just a bench warmer for now but our Captain trains us well. Even the reserve players are field material."

His friends are suitably impressed, and he easily joins in on their game after that.

It's nice to be back with the three of them, but he's surprised to realize that each of them reminds him of one of his friends at Hogwarts. Apparently he'd been unintentionally befriending people who reminded him of home.

They talk about school as they pass the ball around, and Myr is careful to keep his stories focused on training with the team and everything his dorm mates get up to. His friend either don't comment on his avoidance of talking about his teachers and schoolwork, or more likely they simply don't notice. Either way, Myr enjoys his time with them. For a while, he actually feels normal again.

Then his mother reminds him in July that he can invite over a friend if he wants to, and he finds himself torn. Yes it would be nice to see Holly or Charlie, the only two he'd really consider inviting (well, he'd ask Fiona but she'd already told him she was traveling during the summer), but at the same time he rather likes that he only has to think about Hogwarts and magic in the evenings when he's working on his summer homework, and he's nearly finished with that.

He missed being a Muggle.

He doesn't voice any of this to his mother of course, instead says he'll think about it and see if they're available.

He sits in his room that night with a quill in one hand and a blank parchment on the desk. He's more acutely aware of his writing tool of choice than he normally would be - he's not sure he even has any pens or pencils in his room anymore. He's not sure how he feels about that.

He buys a pack of pencils from one of the general stores near his home the next day and more determinedly loses himself in his time spent with his old Muggle friends. Summer vacation is supposed to be fun, not induce an existential crisis. He decides the same day that he's not going to invite anyone over.

When his mother looks concerned by the decision he assures her it's because he wants to focus on spending time with the family, and that he sees plenty of his friends during the year. Aster accepts the explanation and promptly invites him to work part time at the curio shop so that he can, in fact, see more of her.

He thinks it might have been an attempt to get him to admit to the swirling mess his emotions have dissolved into recently, but he's actually pretty happy to accept the offer. He loves the curio shop after all, and getting paid to work there could give him some spending money for Hogsmeade.

He says as much to his mother, who shakes her head but promises she'll ask his Uncle Cyril if they have enough demand to take on a part-time worker.

As it turns out, Cyril had already been considering taking on a new employee for the busy summer months, and Myr is quick to apply.

The interview is informal and almost treated as a joke by his uncle, much to Myr's chagrin. He'd been hoping to get some actual experience, but after only a couple of general questions that Cyril already knows the answer to Myr is given the job and told to get to work.

Having already basically grown up in the shop, Myr doesn't need to be taught how things work, and he finds it's easy to fall into the pattern of store life.

At the end of most days, he's too exhausted to worry about how little he's seeing of his sister, or wonder which writing utensil he's picked up to write his Charms essay with.

But a small voice at the back of his head continues to worry about how he'll manage it all when the summer is over.

Being back in Germany is always a great feeling for Franziska. The weather is stable, the telly shows football games at all hours of the day, and Rosalinde is always at the front door bright and early, ready with a football tucked under her arm and an adventure planned out in her head.

"Don't forget to get home by four this afternoon!" Her mother reminds her on a sticky August morning as Franziska rushes through her breakfast so she can meet Rosalinde for their planned outing to the park across the Rhine.

Franziska swallows her last bite of sausage, and nods. "I know mom, don't worry. Can I bring Rosa as well? She likes dad as well." She looks pleadingly at Pannidda, who laughs and nods.

"Of course, just be sure to inform her mother of where she'll be."

"Thanks mom! See you later!" Franziska quickly grabs her sketchbook from where she'd dropped it at the bottom of the stairs the night before.

Rosalinde is already outside when Franziska gets to her house, and the other girl waves enthusiastically.

Franziska waves back and jogs the rest of the way to where her friend is waiting. "Hey, so I have to be back by four. Mom and I are making my dad a special dinner for his birthday! Did you want to come along?"

Rosalinde looks surprised. "It's his birthday? Cool! Um, I'd have to ask my parents, but if they're cool with it then yeah, sounds like fun! Maybe don't let me near any knives while we're cooking though." She grins as the two of them begin strolling down the street towards their destination of the day.

Franziska giggles. "Duly noted."

They continue chatting easily as they traverse the familiar route across the city to their favorite park. However, things don't go as they usually do.

A car slows down as it passes them just as they reach the park and the window closest to them rolls down.

The guy behind the wheel catcalls loudly, and both girls look at each other and then break into a run, racing into the park as quickly as they can to get away from the stranger.

Once they reach their favorite spot by the water, the finally stop running, share another glance, and then burst into laughter.

"Well that happened." Rosalinde gasps once she's somewhat recovered from their combined sprint and giggle fit. "Look at us, catching attention with our fabulous looks."

Franziska can only continue to giggle helplessly. "That guy had to be at least 20, what was he doing catcalling a couple of thirteen year olds?" She questions breathlessly.

Rosalinde flips her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "I'll have you know, I look almost fourteen." She declares with all the pomp of a Shakespearean actor, and both girls dissolve into laughter again.

Eventually they recover enough to actually get on with the day's plan of lazing in the summer sun and sketching whatever interesting thing crosses their paths. By three thirty Franziska has about twenty sketches of ducks and three of random joggers, as well as several of the flower decorating the ground along the edge of the river.

Rosalinde has filled her sketchbook's pages with images of the clouds and several more pedestrians than Franziska had taken note of.

The two girls compare and comment on each other's work as they pack up and start heading back to Franziska's house.

Rosalinde is halfway through a critique of Franziska's most dynamic jogger drawing when she interrupts herself.

"Hey, I'm pretty sure this guy has been walking behind us for three blocks now. We might need to pick up the pace a bit." She says it very casually, but Franziska can tell she's a bit creeped out.

Franziska is a little embarrassed she hadn't noticed their apparent stalker, but she speeds up perfectly in time with Rosalinde. It's not the first time one of them has noticed a suspicious presence during their roaming around the city, but it's happened a lot more this summer than in the past, and a lot more of their suspicions are proving to be correct.

"Yeah, he's definitely following us." Rosalinde concludes after a minute. "Next yellow light we find, we sprint across and hope he's either run over or smart enough not to cross on a red."

Unfortunately, it's not until they're across the bridge that they find an opportunity to execute the plan - and just in time as the man had been getting steadily closer as they walked.

"Well that was creepy. They don't normally follow that persistently." Rosalinde shudders as they hurry away from the crossing so they can get lost in the crowd and ditch their tail.

Franziska doesn't respond, but she feels the same. "Maybe we should tell my mom. Since it's happening more I mean. She might know what to do?"

Rosalinde doesn't look happy with the idea. "Maybe. But what if she tells us to stop going out? Or makes us go with someone else?" She points out. "Let's just wait a bit. Oh hey, hang on, let me tell my mom I'm having dinner at yours."

Franziska nods as Rosalinde runs into her house. The conversation is still weighing heavy on her mind when her friend returns, but she decides to keep shut for the time being. After all, that day's stalker was the first one to follow them for longer than ten blocks. It could have just been a one off and Rosalinde is right that they probably would lose roaming privileges.

"Lida, excellent you're home. Good afternoon Rosa, I assume you'll be joining us this evening?" Pannidda is already bustling around the kitchen, several bags of groceries scattered around her.

Rosalinde smiles as Franziska hurries to help her mother put the food away. "Yes ma'am, if that's alright. I'm happy to help with cooking as best I can as well!"

Pannidda nods briskly. "The more hands on deck the more efficient we can be. Alright ladies, put on your aprons and let's get started."

Franziska actually forgets about their creepy follower as she lets herself get lost in the thrum of the kitchen. She's put on chopping duty while Rosalinde is flitting between pots, stirring and adding ingredients from Franziska's cutting board as Pannidda instructs her to. As for Franziska's mother herself, she's focused on preparing the meat, which involves a lot of very careful mixing and toasting of different spices. The space smells absolutely heavenly by the time the three of the collapse at the table to let things simmer and roast at their own pace.

"I forget how big you guys go for birthday dinners." Rosalinde laughs. "Frannie, you need to be here for your fourteenth this year. Isn't there any way you can go to school a couple weeks late?" She's pouting lightly, but her eyes are cheerful so Franziska doesn't feel bad shaking her head.

"I'm starting a couple electives this year so missing the first sixteen days of school probably isn't the best idea." She notes with a mild grin. "I do admit to missing these though. I can't exactly ask the kitchen staff to make me something special when there's probably a birthday every day with so many student going there."

However, even as she says so, Franziska realizes that she might just be able to do that. The Hufflepuff common room is right next to the kitchens after all, and it's not like she hasn't asked the house elves for special treatment in the past. Maybe this year she could get herself a cupcake or something.

The three women talk a bit more about school, with Rosalinde excitedly discussing her hopes for high school and a cute boy in her class that she's thinking about asking out.

"A boy already?" Pannidda looks amused.

Rosalinde puffs up. "Why not? I'm mature! And I bet Frannie likes someone too." She grins wickedly at her friend and Franziska feels herself blushing. "See? She obviously does!"

Franziska shakes her head rapidly. "I don't! I hadn't even thought about it!" But that would be lying if she's honest about it. There's a really cute fourth year - fifth year now that she thinks about it - who she can admit to fantasizing about dating. But she doubts he'd be interested in a gangly thirteen year old so it's a moot point anyway.

Pannidda has an unreadable expression on her face for a moment before she just shakes her head with a smile. "Just be careful, both of you. Dating can get very messy."

Both girls promise to be cautious, and they have to get back to cooking shortly after when one of the pots fizzles over. The conversation lingers at the back of Franziska's mind for a while afterwards though, and she wonders if maybe she could try asking that cute fifth year to Hogsmeade. Just to see what happens.

When her father returns home the kitchen is clean and the food is warm and already on the plates.

"What's this? Penny, you shouldn't have." Heinrich greets his wife with a kiss, and then hugs Franziska as well. "And hullo, did we adopt another daughter while I was away?"

Rosalinde laughs and accepts a hug. "Good to see you too Mr. Reinhardt. You've been awfully busy this summer so I thought I'd force you to see my face at least once."

Heinrich laughs as well as they settle around the table. "You've certainly grown Rosa! What happened to that little girl who used to play dress-up in my closet?"

The dinner is delicious, much to Franziska's relief as they'd had disasters in the past, and Rosalinde ends up calling her mother for permission to sleep over.

"I'll just borrow some of Frannie's things mom, it'll be fine. No, I'll just re-wear what I'm wearing now and change at home. We only live a block away mom. Okay mom. Yeah I love you too, jeez. Goodnight." Rosalinde rolls her eyes at Franziska as she hangs up. "Parents, am I right?"

Franziska smiles. "I think it's sweet that she worries. But I guess I don't see my parents most of the year so maybe I'm a bit biased. I always miss them something awful during the holidays so I appreciate being around them when I'm home."

Rosalinde hums sympathetically as the two girls make their way up to Franziska's bedroom, which is really just the house's re-purposed attic. "That's fair. I've got mine breathing down my neck twenty four seven so it gets a little overbearing at times."

The two girls stay up far later than they should, talking about life, the day's events, and boys. Franziska blushes through the entire 'boys' section of the discussion, especially when she finally admits her little crush on the older boy in her House.

"Oh my gosh Fran, you have to ask him out and then tell me all about it! And no forgetting to write again, I demand proper contact this year!" Rosalinde goads eagerly, poking Franziska in the side with her big toe. The blonde has set up on an air mattress on Franziska's floor, and she's awkwardly lying with her head on the floor and her feet next to Franziska's stomach. "And figure out his name you dummy!"

"It's not that easy!" Franziska protests weakly.

Rosalinde rolls her eyes. "Yes it is, you just go up and introduce yourself and ask for his name! Ask to study with him or something if it makes you feel better to have an excuse."

Franziska buries her face in her pillow and whines pitifully as Rosalinde laughs.

They do eventually fall asleep around three in the morning, and are woken at nine by the tantalizing scent of bacon.

Rosalinde groans. "I'm too tired to get up... but bacon." She laments.

Franziska's father peers into the room just then. "Alright girls, up and at 'em! Rosalinde, your mom wants you home by ten thirty so I'd get dressed if you want breakfast first."

Rosalinde groans again, but both she and Franziska get up and begin shuffling around in a sleepy daze, getting dressed and eventually stumbling down to enjoy the breakfast that Heinrich and Pannidda have put together.

Rosalinde leaves a little after ten fifteen after thanking the Reinhardts again for letting her stay and making Franziska promise to come by in the afternoon for a quick football game.

Once she's left Franziska helps her parents clean up the leftovers.

"So how late did you stay up?" Pannidda smiles knowingly and Franziska smiles sheepishly.

"...Too late?" She admits to the plate in her hands.

"Well you're only here for one more week so I understand wanting to spend as much time together as possible." Heinrich remarks from the table where he's reviewing what seems to be some papers from work.

Franziska starts. "Oh, I didn't even think about that... I haven't told her I'm leaving yet." She admits.

Pannidda frowns. "Lida, you have to tell her soon. She'll be devastated if you don't."

Franziska nods. "I know, I know. I'll tell her today." She finishes rinsing the dishes in silence, the topic of unstated facts bringing her mind to the incident of the creepy stranger the day before. Almost before she can stop herself she speaks again.

"Um, actually, there was something I wanted to mention to you guys too." And she tells the story of the catcalling and the man who followed her and Rosalinde for ten blocks.

Pannidda is frowning again when she finishes talking. "I was worried about this. Lida dear, you remember how your father is half-Veela? And you're a quarter Veela?"

Franziska nods. Her parents had explained her heritage to her when she was seven and a man had been staring at her long enough to make her incredibly uncomfortable. "It means people will stare at me sometimes. That's what you said." She recites, and her parents share a look.

"Well it's a little more complicated than that Ziska." Her father says. "Especially as you mature, some people will be drawn to you. You'll need to be extra careful in the future when you and Rosa go out, okay?"

Franziska doesn't completely understand what her father means, but she's just glad that her outings with her best friend don't have to stop. "Okay, I will. Thanks for not getting mad."

Her mother smiles warmly. "It isn't your fault Lida, it's just your genetics. You'll know when someone loves you for you and not your Veela charms."

"Which aren't that strong so you shouldn't have to worry about it really." Her father interjects, and then looks at the clock. "Oh goodness, ten forty already? I need to get going, I'll try to be home tonight."

Rosalinde isn't too happy later, about Franziska leaving or her having told her parents about the stalker. "You're lucky they didn't freak out. My parents can't ever find out though, they'd definitely chain me in the yard to stop me from going off." She declares. "Now come on, you owe me for not telling me about leaving next week so I'm going to kick your in football."

All in all, Franziska really likes being home in Germany.

Rajani is absolutely thrilled when she's given permission to do her school shopping with the Shacklebolts at the end of July rather than with her own family a few weeks earlier, when their school letters first arrive.

This is of course in part because she wants to see Queenie and get some quality girl time without Eugene being there, like he always is during the gatherings their families plan, but also because Sahana has been worse than usual after learning she didn't make Head Girl.

Rajani's older sister has been holed up in her room for the most part, but when she is out interacting with the world she wears her irritation and disappointment on her sleeve and it makes the seventeen year old less than enjoyable to interact with.

On the morning of the trip to the Alley, Rajani triple checks her shopping list before tucking it into her bag, magically enlarged courtesy of her mother to make room for the extra books she'll need to get for her new electives.

Her parents aren't thrilled by her decision to take Muggle Studies, but she'd talked with Kingsley Shacklebolt several times about which electives would best serve her in a Ministry position, and Muggle Studies always came up. Her parents lowered the number of disapproving glances they gave her when learning it had been a Shacklebolt to recommend the class, but Rajani can tell they think she still could have picked something more useful as her third elective.

She's also taking Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, which they approve of a bit more but which she honestly thinks she'll likely drop after fifth year OWLs as they don't really interest her. She's simply taking them because they're the same electives Sahana is in and she had been hoping her sister might help her out.

Until Sahana became the living embodiment of misery that is.

Rajani shakes off her negative thoughts as she hurries down the stairs and slips on her shoes.

"I'm heading out." She informs her mother, who's reading in the sitting room. Vandana nods without looking up.

"Have fun dear, and be home for supper."

Rajani agrees and then floos into Diagon Alley and, after brushing the soot from her hair and robes as best as she can, heads over to Flourish and Blotts to meet up with the Shacklebolts.

Queenie spots her first and waves her over enthusiastically to where the family of four is purchasing their books.

"Raj! Raj look at this and be jealous." Queenie greets with a grin and her left hand held out for observation.

Despite knowing exactly what she's going to see, Rajani is still taken a bit off guard by the silver and gold band winding around her best friend's ring finger.

She swallows her discomfort and returns Queenie's smile. "It's beautiful Queenie, Eugene really went all out." She compliments. It is, after all, a gorgeous engagement ring.

Queenie grins, her expression a bit silly if Rajani is honest. She wonders if that's what people in love look like, and if so she thinks she'd rather not ever be in love herself if that's the case. She quite likes her dignity where it is.

"It's been honestly really great Raj. We went on a date to Fortescue's just after the arrangements were complete and it was just-" She waves her hands as if to illustrate. "It's different than just being friends, but I'm really happy with it."

Rajani believes her completely. Queenie and Eugene had really already been practically dating the year before, it was just a matter of their families ironing out the details of the arranged marriage. However, knowing Queenie is happy in the arrangement and not being a bit weirded out by said arrangement are two rather different things.

"I'm glad you guys are happy. Just no ditching me please? I'll let you have your time together but I'd miss my best friends." She says instead of giving voice to any of her continued uncertainty about the whole situation. Just because she's uncomfortable doesn't give her any right to question someone else's happiness.

Queenie bumps their shoulders together as they walk through the store looking for Rajani's books. "Don't worry, I'll need my best girl friend to to when he's being annoying." She laughs.

Finding her textbooks is easy enough, as Queenie is taking all the same electives as Rajani so she already knows where the books are located in the store. She goes back to admiring her ring as Rajani pays and stows the books in her bag.

"I am jealous of the ring." She admits after a moment. "Being engaged to Eugene does mean being engaged to his money as well."

Queenie shoves her lightly. "Hey!"

Rajani laughs and the two reunite with the Shacklebolts outside of the book shop. Kingsley smiles at their giggles.

"It's good to see you again Rajani. I'm sorry we haven't seen more of each other, I've been rather flustered around OWL results and schedule planning." Kingsley greets. "And how is your sister doing?"

Rajani feels some of her mirth slip away at the mention of Sahana. "Oh, she's alright. She's spending a week in Ireland at her friend Mayra's house soon so she's busy packing for that for the most part."

Kingsley seems to understand what she leaves unsaid. "She didn't make Head Girl? That's too bad, I think she would have been good. But she had some strong competition among the other female prefects in her year - Sarah Poole for one has top grades and is known for helping the younger students with studying. It's hard for Slytherins to make Head Boy or Girl with the House divide the way it is."

Queenie shakes her head. "The House divide is dumb. So what we had one bad guy come out of our House? We also had Merlin! Slytherins are always great, and yeah sometimes that means terrible too, but come on. The House does not make the man."

"Misquoted Shakespeare." Kingsley grins. "You've been getting into my Muggle Studies book, haven't you?"

Queenie straightens her posture - as much as she can considering she was already standing perfectly - and sniffs delicately. "I do not appreciate the implication that I would need to 'get into' something to be cultured." She states regally, and Rajani smiles faintly.

"Okay I'll bite - who's Shakespeare?"

Time goes by entirely too quickly, as it always does when she's spending time with the Shacklebolt family. Kingsley, she learns, has given Eugene the classic 'if you hurt my sister I'll make you regret it' talk and he'd apparently had to squeak though a response Kingsley had been so terrifying.

"Nope, I don't believe it." Rajani declares. "No offense Kingsley, but you just look too soft to be scary. I'd take one look in your eyes and know you couldn't ever hurt someone."

"You haven't seen me defending my little sister." Kingsley responds with a grin. "I'm sure Sahana would be the same for you."

Rajani frowns. "Perhaps. She's a little more the blackmail type I think."

That gets Kingsley laughing, and Rajani can't help but grin as well. There's something addictive about the sixteen year old's laugh, even if she hadn't actually been joking. If she's honest, she's not sure her sister would defend her at all.

The group gets lunch after they finish their school shopping. Rajani hopes that she can extend the stay longer, not wanting to go home until the required supper time curfew. Queenie and Kingsley both volunteer to stay longer and make sure they didn't miss anything once the bill is paid, and Rajani is quite thankful for the excuse to stay.

They end up in Madame Malkins, where Queenie gets herself fitted for new robes, and then needles Rajani into joining her.

"You've grown at least an inch this summer, let your robes out! You're only going to grow more during the year you know, and we don't have a break until the winter for you to fix any awkwardly short hems."

So Rajani relents - Queenie does have a point, and she remembers that Sahana had done most of her growing between the ages of thirteen and fourteen - and when she goes to ask for her hem to be let out she's surprised to find that she recognizes the plump ravenette behind the counter.

Ilsa had measured her robes on her very first trip to Diagon Alley, and Rajani feels a rush of nostalgia for her childish excitement at the time upon seeing the seamstress.

Ilsa seems to remember her as well. "Well if it isn't young miss Misra! I believe you owe me a few tales of your Hogwarts adventures young lady." Her gray eyes sparkle cheerfully, and Rajani grins back, a bit sheepish.

"Yes, I suppose I do."

She of course introduces Queenie as her best friend, and the two tag team to recall the most interesting parts of their two years at school. Ilsa is particularly amused by the story of their disastrous night out at the start of the previous year.

"Did you ever discover who actually vanished the stair?" She inquires as she finishes sewing Rajani's final robe securely at it's new length.

Both girls shake their heads, and Ilsa claps excitedly.

"Ooh, I love a good mystery! You should keep an eye out for more things like that happening and see if you can get to the bottom of it! And keep me informed!" She blushes a bit. "You know, I wanted to work for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as an Investigator for years, and I still do enjoy some problem solving every now and then."

Rajani grins. "I think we all do Ilsa. We'll definitely keep you updated."

As she had promised two years earlier, Ilsa gives both Rajani and Queenie a discount on their robes and she cheerfully sees them off with their newly hemmed robes.

"Well that was interesting." Queenie says, raising and eyebrow in clear amusement. "You seem to attract some unique friends Raj."

Rajani frowns. "What do you mean? Ilsa is nice."

Queenie holds her hands up defensively. "I'm not saying she isn't! She's just... a little slow on the uptake? You had to have noticed that. I'm not saying anything bad, she's just... a Hufflepuff I guess. Well meaning, but kind of slow."

Rajani frowns and thinks that the description doesn't at all match her Hufflepuff friend Donaghan Tremlett, but she doesn't say anything as she's certain Queenie doesn't know about that particular friendship of hers. "I suppose. I still think I'd like to keep using her as my seamstress."

Queenie laughs. "Oh definitely! My parents will love that I got a discount on my robes, these things get expensive during this time period what with all the growth spurts."

Rajani nods distractedly as Kingsley rejoins them. He'd left the girls to get their robes while he went to the Magical Menagerie to stock up on supplies for his new owl after his first one had unfortunately been killed en route to sending a message. They still aren't sure what exactly happened to the owl, but after two weeks of it not returning the Shacklebolts had gotten their oldest son a new one.

"You girls get everything you needed?"

"At a discount no less! Raj here has quite the negotiation skills." Queenie grins at her friend playfully.

Kingsley raises an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Rajani blushes slightly. "I already knew the seamstress from two years ago. It's not impressive really." She protests.

The three continue wandering around Diagon Alley for a few more minutes, but the Shacklebolts excuse themselves shortly after. Queenie promises to owl a few more time before school starts, and Rajani reluctantly accepts she'll need to go back to her own house.

Her mother greets her and suggests she works on her Hindi reading without looking up.

Rajani instead decides she wants to read through her new Muggle Studies textbook. She finds herself quite intrigued when she finds a chapter on the mysterious 'William Shakespeare' the Shacklebolts had been talking about earlier in the day, and she ends up loosing track of time until she's called down for dinner.

She remains quiet all through the meal, as does Sahana who doesn't make eye contact with anyone except to answer their parents' occasional inquiries into her travel situation for the following week, and as soon as she's excused she escapes back up the stairs.

She knows her parents likely won't be pleased with her adopting her sister's preference for staying in her room, but they can't really do anything about it without being hypocrites, and the Misras are never openly hypocritical.

Rajani extends her stay in her room to every possible moment that she can. She thumbs through her new textbooks, waits for owls from her friends, and if she's honest is a bit bored. So she starts snagging the Daily Prophet every morning once her father is finished with it and reading through it herself.

She's also impatiently counting down the days to September first, and her ride back on the Hogwarts express. She's seen plenty of Queenie and Eugene over the summer, and heard from most of her other friends, but Nia and Elspeth have both been silent despite Rajani owling them both a couple of times each, and Clary has been oddly sporadic in her contact. Rajani is hoping this means the girl is getting up to crazy adventures that she plans to share on the train ride back and not that she's less interested in being friends.

Eventually the two remaining weeks until September drag by, and Rajani finally finds herself packing up her trunk with her new books and robes and preparing enough food and water for Lakshmi for the long train ride to the Scottish Highlands and back to school.

Unfortunately, putting everything interesting away in her trunk means having to actually read her Hindi books in the last few hours before she goes to sleep and finally gets out of the house for an extended period of time. And while her grouchy sister will still be around at school, at least Mayra will be there as well to help balance things out.

As she lies awake in bed that night, Rajani wonders if she could possibly convince her parents to let her stay at school over the winter break as well. After all, she's quite certain she still won't want to be at home in three months either.

At least, she comforts herself as she falls asleep, summer is finally over and she can finally go back to school.


And thus puberty begins! And yeah, Queenie/Eugene is a cannon ship now so hopefully you think they're cute because they're pretty much a permanent team now ^^ Also I promise there will be Kiera's farm in the next chapter OTL It was supposed to be here, but then Rosalinde reminded me that she's awesome and deserves more page time xD I hope you guys are having better summers than most of these kids are!

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I know no one is reading these at this point but the cat who inspired Myr's fur baby Owen's personality passed away today unexpectedly :( RIP Shadow, you were a great friend.


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Chapter 66: Hi Dani, you prolly wouldn't expect a comment on this story but tadah, here I am, finally finishing this amazing fic within three days of cramming!! Man, it's such a cathartic experience, going through seven years with these amazing youngsters in a mere three days :D It really feels like only yesterday Myr was getting his letter rudely dropped on his face, Raj was getting excited about her acceptance letter but her parents seemed more overjoyed with Sahana's prefect election, Franziska bouncing around in Diagon Alley and Ana really wanting to go Durmstrang. Now we have a matured version of them graduating Hogwarts and adulting at their own pace and finally figuring out what they want to do in life and being happy at the same time. I am hearing so many wedding bells <3

Finishing this fic had given me a whirlwind of emotions as I have slowly started to fall in love with all the characters one by one, even though Ana fights me every single time too!! She's really a hard to love lady but I can't seem to hate her as well :P I really like how she grew through the story, I found her very stuck-up and annoying in the beginning but her close-knitted friendship with Jerome at the end was just so sweet and endearing. After all, I realised she just takes time to warm up to people and with a smart brain like her, I can understand why she would love to hang out with the older kids who definitely have more knowledge than her. Ana dear, I think I can forgive you for ditching the your class and hanging out with Eric's class in the earlier years. The dynamics of Alec and Ana are so nice! They are like best friends, colleagues and lovers, all in one, that must be so nice :D

Speaking about Eric, I swear Eric and Laurel are my favourite OTP!! <3 At first, I actually thought that there might be something going on between Eric and Ana until Laurel came into the picture and I'm like NAWW they are so cute together!! And then Emily reminded me that Laurel died in the Battle of Hogwarts and my heart shattered < / 3 Poor Eric and Tori. I still can't come into terms with the fact that Eric is a widower now and Tori had lost his mum :'(

Another part that shocked me to the core was when Queenie died of dragon pox. I was literally so shocked and I had to read Clary's words over and over again to finally realise that my favourite Slytherin is gone :O Granted, this had to happen to stick to canon but it still when there's no more Eugene and Queenie :'( I swear they are the cutest and sweetest couple after Eric and Laurel. The idea of arranged marriage might not be the greatest thing but they managed to work things out so so well with love. I can really sympathise with how broken Eugene must have felt. I never fancied the Slytherins but Queenie was definitely an exception. I love her bubbly character and how she is kinda the most un-Slytherin Slytherin out of her class. Nia and Elspeth are definitely the stereotypes and for some reason, Elspeth was just so dodgy that I immediately linked all the Slytherin pranks to her LMAO (the Ravenclaw slippery staircase confirmed my suspicions that the Year 1 missing steps on the staircase definitely has sth to do with her). Ana's reading on Els during Divination was so on point and really ties up the entire loose thread. I'm very certain that Raj knows about it too but just never publicly called her out but rather quietly tried to clear up her mess bc snakes are supposed to have each other's backs. Dk why, just felt that Els is kinda taking advantage of that principle??

I never have thought that Myr would be Head Boy and you surprised me a lot. I knew Charlie wouldn't be HB cause canon so I was expecting another male Prefect. Plus imagine Charlie being a HB and Quidditch Captain + NEWTs on top of everything, poor boy is gonna burn out XD Kinda had a hunch that Raj would become Head Girl after Jemma's compliment after they broke apart Flint and Wood (+Perce) during one of the sixth year patrol. I only realised that the previous year HB and HG have a say in who's the next year's HB and HG towards the end of the fic (was that in canon that I had just conveniently forgotten?) That means Terrence and Tabs must have recommended the two of them :D Surprisingly, the two make a good pair and I'm glad that Raj is starting to hang out with another non-Slytherin (although the excuse is always Prefect duties :P) Would have really liked it if Raj's and Donaghan's friendship lasted but life happens, people come and goes and it's all part and parcel of growing up and character development so all's good XD Them recommending Saundra to Dumbledore as HG is so amazing and it really shows how much Raj has grown up (and fak, Saundra died too, my heart cracked again!!) Heck, when Raj started to enjoy Tabs' company during patrols in her sixth year, I'm like dang girl, you are doing soooo great!!

Franziska is like the kindest and sweetest lady, I swear!! She literally gives me the girl-next-door vibes and she's so pretty!!! Must be her Veela charms kekeke XD Right from the start, I know that she would be a easy lady to love and she would definitely not fight me, unlike Ana XD She and Stephan, a major yes from me!! Like Penny, I kinda felt that she and Stephan would end up dating and it's even more amazing that they are endgame!! <3 Her righteousness and compassion is going to take her to greater heights and I wonder if she will appear in UFF?? :-)

I think I have covered the major four characters and the side characters are real amazing as well, adding spice and colour to this entire story. I love that everyone is maturing at their own pace, from childish prankers to great people with ambitions and strife in their own ways as they step into adult world. Evie and her wand malfunctions makes me laugh all the time and oh my, she's becoming a Security Troll Trainer, that's just bat cool and crazy and befitting of her!! Remi riding on the Giant Squid was hilarious yet worrying at the same time, and true to himself, he's gonna become a monster hunter HAHAHA Remi never disappoints!! I love how at the end Frannie, Evie, Shaun and Finn was in the same train compartment during first year and it went back full circle to them being real good friends despite being sorted into different house, that's literally so lovely <33

I think I would have to go back to reread CtF to spot all the cameo appearances of our lovely H:aH casts and appreciate them even more cause I know all of them will be doing exceptionally well in their own ways :D I prolly really need to start a character chart for H:aH, CtF and UFF and link all of them together for better references and better appreciation of these amazing works from the greatest you!! With so many deaths in CtF and me just started loving the H:aH kids (now adults), I'm preparing a box of tissues to cry if there are more H:aH kids perishing :'(

This has been great ride and I'm looking forward to the end of CtF that would prolly had me bawling my eyes out but nonetheless, I'm all prepared to kickstart another emotional ride with you in UFF when October starts :-)
Chapter 66: thank you for the past 2 years! i haven't been all that active in commenting or updating myself with this fic (idk if you'll even rmb me tbh haha) but i do read it whenever i have the time. it's been a blast reading all the fanatics and unique personalities of each characters hahaha i hope you'll be doing another applyfic soon? xd and much love and thanks for keeping evie in the fic! i thought she would be killed off or something based on her antics :p i'll keep this short cause idk what else to write anymore.

here's hoping that evie jones, our little ball of sunshine, weirdness and chaos brought a spark of happiness and excitement to the story as well helping the story progress to what it is today. much love! xoxo
2491 streak #3
Chapter 66: And now, we're at the end. It's so weird seeing the green Completed status on this story and seeing Completed in the title. This story has brought me so much happiness over the past two years. I looked forward to the updates every fortnight and I would always wonder what you'd write about in the upcoming chapter. It's amazing that you were able to update regularly with such long chapters and I'm SO proud of you for finishing this mammoth project. You are an inspiration and I've learned a lot from you as a writer myself. Even though the end seemed far, you kept going and I want you to know that this accomplishment means A LOT.

It's also not easy to juggle so many characters while adhering to canon, but you did it. Like I mentioned before, I love huge character casts in anime, published series, etc., so this was right up my alley. But also, for some reason, whenever I read apply fics, I could never get attached to the characters. If they were OCs submitted by other users and not idols, I never got attached. But I became attached to every character in this story. You made magic happen and brought them to life with your story-telling abilities, and I honestly didn't feel like I was reading fanfiction. It felt like I was reading an extended part of the original series and now this is my canon. These are the events that transpired before Harry attended Hogwarts. And even though H:aH is done, I know you're going to weave the same magic with CtF and I am so excited to see what you do with those characters. Even though I don't know most of the submitted characters, I know I'm going to become so attached to them, just like I did with the H:aH kids.

I'm also really happy that my comments were able to help you so much. I couldn't NOT comment, especially since I saw how much effort you were putting into this story. And I liked sharing my thoughts and talking with another Potterhead, since it's been such a long time since I've been able to properly fangirl over this series with someone. None of my close friends IRL are into the Harry Potter series and you're also such a wonderful person to talk to, so it was a no-brainer for me to set aside time to read and comment on each chapter. And I think commenting also helped me become more attached to the characters since I was voicing my thoughts, which made me read more carefully to catch any details you slipped in and try to find clues to things you were referencing in the future. It's been an amazing experience for me to watch these characters grow and to watch you grow as a writer, and I'm forever grateful that you were inspired to create this story and that I found it in time to apply with a character. And I'm even more grateful that we became friends and here's to many more moments of fangirling over the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!! Love you lots, Dani!! <3
2491 streak #4
Chapter 66: Oh my gosh, right off the bat, we're starting with Franziska in a serious relationship, AND I'M SCREAMING BC YESSS IT'S STEPHAN AND I'M SO HAPPY THAT THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER!! *o* AND, OMG, THEY STARTED DATING SO QUICKLY!! A few DAYS after graduation?? Legit, I was expecting weeks or months, like after Franziska adjusted to her new position at the Ministry, but they didn't waste any time!! XD AHHHH, I'M SO HAPPY THAT THEY'RE TOGETHER AND THAT SHE WANTS TO MARRY HIM!!!!! AND, OMG, FITZ AND EVIE ARE GETTING MARRIED, AHHHHHH~~ SO MUCH HAPPY NEWS!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR THEM!!!!!! (it seems like 90% of my comment is going to be me spazzing in caps HAHA) And, omg, I hope Stephan was able to properly propose to Franziska in a romantic and special way, haha, even though she would've already known it was going to happen. XD And I think it's so awesome that Franziska ended up in activism, similar to Rosa. ^^ She would've been great as a Muggle Liaison, but I definitely see her fighting for equal rights for Squibs and Creatures since she's always been such a compassionate girl. ^^ And I totally see her living in a non-magical community, especially since it would be easier for her to meet up with Rosa. :) And, omg, you fit in those canon references to the Sorcerer's Stone so well!! :D We all know that the Golden Trio is more than just a little quirky though, HAHA. :') It's so cool that sweet little Franziska has grown up to be a very capable, passionate young woman and she definitely perfectly embodies what it means to be a Hufflepuff with her hard work and kind heart. :)

Gahhh, the World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament!! :D You are fitting in canon events so so so well, and DUH, Rajani was Percy's predecessor as Crouch's assistant, HAHA. XD It's so cool that she's gradually moving up into the International Confederation, since she's been wanting to do that for so long and I'm so proud of her for getting one step closer to her dream!! ^^ And it's very cool that Clary is so much more confident now as an Auror and I can totally see her slinging insults at the recruits. XD BUT OMG, CLARY AND KINGSLEY???????? LEGIT WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT PAIRING AT ALL!!!! Clary definitely has a type, LOOOOOL. XD And it makes sense that they'd get closer since they're both Aurors, hehe. BUT ALSO, WHAT???? ALASDAIR AND NIA??????? ALL OF THESE UNEXPECTED SLYTHERIN ROMANCES, OMG. I'M SHOOK. When and how did they get close???????? :O And, omg, of course Rajani is with another older man. XD And she still loves to openly flirt, just like the good ole days. :') Even though she and Ed don't end up together, I'm glad they're still super close friends which makes me just as happy. ^^ (i wonder how lenox is doing though :O hopefully he's happy with someone else and completely over rajani by now LOOOOL) And I'm glad Eugene is finally at a point where he's able to see other women and let his life progress forward, since Queenie would've wanted that. :) And Rajani isn't illogical for talking to Queenie and I think she's listening to Rajani's words from wherever she is. ^^ Legit, Rajani is what every Slytherin should aspire to be like and I know she's going to eventually reach the top. :)

Awww, that's so sweet that Myr is still working at the bookshop!! ^^ He's such a wholesome boy and this peaceful life does fit him, hehe. :) And I love the cameo from Padma Patil!! :D She barely showed up in the main series, since she was in Ravenclaw and didn't cross paths with the Golden Trio that much, so it's cool to see her working with Myr here!! ^^ And awwwww, it's so cute that Percy visits Myr!! x] But, yikes, this is after the Triwizard Tournament, so things are going to get really bad for Percy soon. >___> Hopefully he finds some solace in Myr's company after he becomes estranged from his family, since it's not going to be easy to push forward when it feels like the whole world is against you. OTL And, omg, YAAAAAY, MYR IS BECOMING A STORE OWNER!! At such a young age too!! :D And Holly is still as passionate and energetic as ever, HAHA. I LOVE IT!! XD And Myr broke up with Amanda?????? :O Granted, she was his first girlfriend and it's relatively uncommon for people to end up with their first love. OTL I wonder why they broke up though. >___< I guess they weren't able to do long-distance?? I know an obstacle they faced was that they didn't have time for each other, so maybe Amanda got too busy once she had NEWTs to prepare for?? Anyway, hopefully the split was amicable and I know they'll find better partners for themselves later on. :) And, omg, OF COURSE Myr doesn't know his new crush's name, HAHA. :') And I can totally see him getting together with a Muggle who knows about magic, since I think he still misses some parts of Muggle life, especially since his mom and sister are basically honorary witches at this point. :P AND OMG, CADI IS PREGNANT????? YAAASSSS, MYR WILL GET A LITTLE NIECE TO SPOIL, HEHE. x] And Tori sounds like an absolute dear and I bet she's the cutest lil bean. ^^ Even though Myr is the only single one of the four, it's sweet that he still has Owen to keep him company and it's totally okay that Myr isn't in a relationship right now. ^^ Everyone goes at their own pace and even though Myr has always been a bit of a late bloomer, he's still just as successful as everyone else. :)

YESSSSSS, Jerome meeting up with Ana makes me so happy, and it's awesome that he and Finnigan are still together!! ^^ Finnigan is so much more chill and open now, which is cool to see and I'm glad that being with Jerome has had such a positive impact on him!! :D Also, Jerome is totally me and I would definitely freak out in the best way possible if I saw alpacas, HAHA. XD AND OMG, JEROME WAS ANA'S MAID OF HONOR??????? THAT'S AMAZING!!!!!!! I LOVE HOW PROGRESSIVE ANA IS, even if she's not necessarily trying to be progressive, LOOOOL. AND JEROME IS A RIOT. YESSSS, BREAK THOSE GENDER NORMS WITH YOUR DRESS, HAHA. Honestly, there was no one better for the position than him and I'm so happy that their friendship is still so strong after so many years. :') And it's so great that Shaun and Aidan made it to the wedding too (but it that there's still prejudice against Muggleborns ;~; I hope they didn't hear any of the mean comments from those Pureblood snobs =/). And it's so cool that prim, proper Ana is living in the wilderness, under the stars, and I love how open she's also become over the years. ^^ And, wow, that was such a moment of vulnerability for Finnigan and I'm glad we still got to learn stuff about him in the end. :) It definitely recontextualizes a lot of his behavior during school, since it couldn't have been easy growing up as a homeless kid. :( That makes me even more happy that he and Jerome found each other, because I feel like Finnigan would have grown up to be a very lonely adult otherwise. AND OMG, NIA IS PREGNANT?? GAH, SO MANY FAMILIES STARTING AND IT'S CRAZY TO THINK THAT THESE KIDS ARE NOW FULL-GROWN ADULTS, AHHHHH. And I think Ana and Alec will have a lovely family with Jerome and Finnigan to dote on the kids, and I hope Jerome and Finnigan can start a family of their own later down the road. ^^ Ana is such a sweetheart and to see her develop from an anti-social, stuck-up child to this wonderfully open-minded, compassionate woman is amazing and I'm so happy that she's content with life. :)
2491 streak #5
Chapter 65: omg the title saying "end of seventh year" Q____Q
i'm not ready for this to end

It's pretty cool to finally get a glimpse into what NEWTs are like, since we never got that in the original series. :') I love your interpretation of what they're probably like, especially through the eyes of the number one student of this year. XD Ana, bless her heart, makes NEWTs seem almost bearable, in spite of their name. :P And I wasn't expecting Clary to ask Ana to send a message to Amelia. :O I guess they used to be friends?? When they were children?? And the divide between Slytherin and the other houses caused them to drift?? That's pretty sad if that's the case. =/ But at least Clary did try a bit, in the end, to show Amelia that she still somewhat cares. >___< And, omg, I hope Aidan didn't have three exams on Wednesday. O___O Thank goodness he's finally graduating, since he won't have to be studying 24/7 anymore and he'll finally be able to sleep like a normal person again. OTL And AHHHH, it's so cute how Ana is reminiscing Alec proposing to her right before her DADA practical and I love love love whenever her wolf Patronus appears!! x] She is so ready to be an adult and I am LIVING for it, because I know she has an amazing future ahead of her!! ^^

And, ooh, is Holly dating an older Muggle now?? :O Did she break up with Emery?? Since, IIRC (but i could be wrong LOL), he was younger than her and a Hogwarts student?? And since she used the word, "university," that seems to imply that her boyfriend is a Muggle, since I don't think there are wizarding universities?? (but, again, i could be wrong LOL so pls correct me if i am!! ^^;) But yeah, it's pretty cool that Remi has chilled out a bunch. ^^ I've definitely liked him a lot more these past few chapters than I have for most of the story. :P And I love these little lake parties, since they're always so much fun!! :D I also think it's super cool that Dumbledore asks the current Head Boy and Head Girl for their input on their potential successors, since it would be hard for Dumbledore to keep track of EVERY student and their qualifications, amidst all of his other duties. And, awwww, that's so sweet of Myr to invite Rajani to the lake party. :') It makes me wish that the Slytherins weren't so cut off from the rest of the school, because that would've been so awesome if their entire year had partied together one last time before leaving Hogwarts. >___< And, omg, of course Evera and Drake wanna jump into the lake from their brooms, HAHA. Never change, my children. :') And I love seeing how much Myr has grown to love Hogwarts, especially compared to how scared and uncertain he was about the whole "being a wizard" situation. He's really matured into such a dependable, courageous young man and I'm going to miss him so much. T^T

It's kind of sad that Rajani's parents didn't come to either of their daughters' graduation... =/ It's a pretty big deal, but I guess, for them, it's not an achievement; it's a given, so there's no need to celebrate it. >___> (sigh, that tiger parent mindset OTL) And I'm really happy that Eugene is feeling better. :) Seventh year was a tough one for him, but he made it. And I think it's so sweet that he's living out Queenie's dream for her. :') I hope he manages to do all of the amazing things that Queenie dreamt of doing for the wizarding world. ^^ And I think it's awesome that he and Rajani will be rooming together. :D In that way, they'll be able to support each other whenever the waves of grief return as they also learn to adjust to adulthood and working in the Ministry. AND YAAAAAY SWEET, SASSY ED IS BACK!! I'M SO HAPPY HE CAME!! (even tho it's partially bc of leona LOOOL but details schmetails~~) Even though it sounds like he's moved on from Rajani and she hasn't been thinking at all about romance this past year because of everything going on, I'm still going to hold onto the small sliver of hope that maybe they'll come back together in the future. :') Regardless, I'm so happy that they're still super close and this scene made me smile so much!! ^^ And I loved the inclusion of Kingsley as well. :) Things were probably really difficult for him as well this past year and it couldn't have been easy to come to Hogwarts for their graduation when his sister wouldn't be there with the rest of her class. ;~; But he's a strong guy and we all know he blossoms even more in the future. :') And I think it's super cute that Rajani met Myr's mom. x] I hope she and Myr keep in touch, because their friendship is too precious to lose. And I think Aster would be a great motherly figure in Rajani's life. :) And CONGRATS to Slytherin for a perfect seven-year win streak!! :D

Oh my gosh, Franziska's sadness is spreading to me, especially because I've been in a super nostalgic mood lately for other reasons, LOL. ^^; Legit, missing things is all I do right now. OTL So Franziska being so emotional over never seeing her friends again is definitely getting to me. ;~; And I love how you've integrated a lot of people's future plans into this section, since it's nice to know where they're all headed after they leave the Hogwarts Express. :') It's super cool that Tyler and Lola are so passionate about brooms, and I also hope that he and Kiera last a very long time!! :) Even though they were a low-key couple most of the time, I think they had the healthiest relationship in the entire year and I'm rooting for them to make it work, even though they'll be long-distance!! :D And I'm happy that my three children are hanging out again. :') Jemma and Donaghan are so adorable, but there's also nothing wrong with living in the dorms, Jemma. XD But I also get that she and Donaghan want to spend as much time with each other as they can, especially since they are an end-game couple. :P And YESSSS, I had a feeling that Evie and Fitzwilliam would end up together!! x] That's so so cute and I hope their relationship also lasts a very long time!! :D And, just like that, the Hogwarts Express is back and I think these kids are all ready for their next adventure. :)

gah, i can't believe there's only the epilogue left...
i'll also save my spiel for the very last chapter
but just know that you've done a phenomenal job with hogwarts: a history
and this is one of my favorite stories of all time
and, above all, you are an amazing writer <3
2491 streak #6
Chapter 64: Awwww, Rajani and Myr doing a school project together of their own volition is super cute and THIS is now my favorite inter-House friendship, even though the story is about to end. :') Just knowing how far they've come, especially this last year, makes this friendship so much more special and I'm really happy that they were paired together. ^^ This friendship is as unconventional as it gets, between a Muggleborn Gryffindor male and a Pureblood Slytherin female (not to mention their ethnic backgrounds and family upbringing), but that's the beauty of it. No matter who you are, where you come from, if you're willing to get to know a person (even if you're kinda forced into the situation at first, LOL), you might find yourself forging a unexpected bond with them. (legit two of my friends who weren't rlly friends before are now super close after a week of vacation together and it makes me so happy when ppl form these unforeseen connections :') life has a funny way of bringing ppl together!!) And that was so considerate of Rajani to compliment Alasdair. ^^ I feel like he's been putting a lot of pressure on himself over the years and with everything that's happening in Alec's life, he probably feels even more pressure to bring home both the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup. Even though he hasn't been the nicest guy in school these last seven years, I gotta cut him some slack, given his situation. >___< And ooh, I wasn't expecting Nia to become a duelist!! Good for her and hopefully she does well in the tournament later on!! :P

Gah, Franziska thinking about never seeing her Hogwarts friends again is also reminding me that the end is nearing. OTL I hope she's making as many memories as she can before graduation. >___< And oops, I always forget that Tyler is on the Quidditch team, since most of the big Hufflepuff Quidditch moments were about Lola. ^^; But, yikes, I feel like I've been forgetting how hostile that Slytherins are to the other Houses, because Rajani is relatively so much nicer than her Housemates are. >___> That insult was definitely unwarranted from Cadfael and I feel bad that Donaghan had to experience that so publicly. =/ And aww, Donaghan still has a soft spot for Rajani, since he didn't even hesitate to defend her. :') I miss that friendship a lot, but I can't really complain since Donaghan is happy with Jemma and the other Hufflepuffs while Rajani is now good friends with Myr. ^^ And just like how it was hilarious that Myr didn't remember Franziska's name, I find it so so so funny that Franziska doesn't know Myr's name. XD And now that I think about it, all of the main four have difficult names to pronounce, HAHA. And I love the little inclusion of our good ole friend Felix Felicis!! x] And, omg, Rita Skeeter and Leona will be a DEADLY combo. The entire world's secrets will be in their hands. OTL NO ONE WILL BE SAFE. NO ONE!! And I definitely agree with Fitzwilliam's observation. Franziska, even though her growth has been the most subtle of the main four, has really become a confident and sociable young woman. :) She was so cute and innocent when she was younger, but now she's truly a mature young adult and I know she's going to do amazing things after graduation. ^^ ALSO, YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS CHARLIEEEEEEE MY BOYYYYYYYYY~~ YOU GET THAT WIN!! YOU DESERVE IT!! And I love love love that it was a callback to Lola's infamous catch back in first year!! :D I miss her. :')

I get where Amelia is coming from, since it could look like Ana is rushing into marriage from an outsider's perspective. Considering how low-key Ana was whenever it came to Alec for the longest time and how young these kids are, I would probably also feel like they're rushing into marriage if I were Amelia. But since this is all about Ana, HECK YEAH IT'S ABOUT TIME SHE AND ALEC COMMITTED TO EACH OTHER FOR LIFE. NOVEMBER 1992 IS WAY TOO FAR. (thank merlin you're writing an epilogue :') bc i think i would cry if we never find out what happens at ana's wedding LOL) And I'm glad we're still getting snippets of Aidan and Ana being friends, even though they're not as close as they used to be. >___< But friends drift and I'm glad that their friendship didn't end up in tatters, at the very least. :') And omg, ahhhhh, it's so awesome that all of the Ravenclaws of their year finally sat together for a meal!! *o* SO WHOLESOME!! I really wouldn't have expected it, considering how anti-social Ana used to be. ^^; I loved their conversation and how Jerome was encouraging Finnigan to open up, which is super sweet of him to do!! x] And wow, I wasn't expecting Finnigan to be so interested in Alchemy and I love how Ana is low-key salty about his private lessons. XD That's the overachieving Ana I know and love. :')

I've gushed enough about Myr and Rajani's friendship, but I just wanna say again that I love their dynamic together and I'm so happy this happened. ^^ This friendship really brings out the best in both of them and we need all of the happy moments we can get before they graduate. :') And awww, it's cute how Percy is embarrassed that he doesn't something and he's trying to hide it. XD Don't worry, kiddo, there's nothing wrong with not knowing Muggle technology, especially considering your upbringing (and there's no telling what arthur thinks a gun is LOOOOOL OTL). And oh man, I completely forgot about Easter break. ^^; I'm happy that Myr finally got a short vacation from Head Boy duties, since he completely deserves it. :) And I totally feel Myr when it comes to being exhausted by change. I'm the type that isn't super open to change and it's been a big learning process over the years to embrace change in my life. Constants are comforting, but I do acknowledge that growth happens the most when you're put in a position that induces change. :) And I'm glad that Myr is feeling better about the situation with his mom and Uncle Cyril. Even though there wasn't much discussion about it, him feeling comfortable and happy in their presence says a lot. ^^

omg it's crazy how there's only one chp of 7th yr left...
i keep thinking there are two bc of the epilogue, but yeah, WOW, they're literally graduating from hogwarts in two weeks...
Chapter 21: Oh no, everyone, stop looking weirdly at Ana and Alasdair. There is nothing wrong with a inter-house friendship ;-; But I'm glad they didn't mind the looks and seated together anyway! yey! But I love how they get more talkative and open with each other. I mean, Ana actually started a conversation, Alas actuallu laughed, and they kiiind of made fun of Snape so. I think that's a big win for them xD
It was really nice of Alas to help Ana with Dracula, even if that caught the attention of her mother and oh man, pureblood mothers... See, even Ana had to make sure her mother was not thinking more than it actually was.
Oooohh maaaan! Ana knows about her mother's school friends! The question now is, is that simply deduction, or Ana actually knows about her mother's past? Anyway, I do feel like Winona will take this opportunity to make new friends, after all, she spent many years after her graduation all the way in Bulgaria, so I guess that most friends she and Alexander had, are still there.
Also, it's cute how Ana is enthusiastic to tell her parents about her academics acomplishments so far. And that her mom is proud of her. I think any child that is going to a different house than the one their parents went feel this. And actually, I haven't thought about it in the beggining, but the fact that a she has a Hag for a grandmother is like, if she had a goblin for grandfather. Does it makes sense? (actually, now I wonder, where are Ana's ACTUALL grandparents??? -insert meme of the shocked groudhog-)
On another note, it's still impressive that she actually is learning dark magic at such young age, and I have my theory that she couldn't see Alasdair because his house probably has protections against those type of stuff. And I laughed at "She insulted my ceiling" I can ALMOST hear a tiny bit of a pout in that xD But the bonding moment between mother and daughter is also pretty cute.

It's nice to see that the holidays are going well for Raj. Even if, again, there is this sad and annoying thing of having to hide friendships with other houses :'( And it's also nice that Raj is keeping in contact with some of her yearmates!
I'm laughing at Vandana implying that Sahana has a secret boyfriend. Pureblood mothers are all the same xD Winona just did something similar with Ana right after meeting Alasdair lol And it's cute that Raj is buying gifts even if she doesn't celebrate christmas. Tho again, I'm amused at how quickly her mother agreed when she got to know it was for a Shacklebolt. But their bonding moment was very wholesome.
Oh man, Raj really seems like she just wants to be close to Sahana :') I don't know what happened to those two, but it's nice to see them discussing quidditch and then Sahana offering to talk with Mayra for Raj. (on another note, I laughed angain at the "Sacrad Twenty Eight name drop" and we learned that Sahana and Mayra are problably good friends, and not only roommates :3)
The christmas cards are really funny lol And omg I'M SO SOFT WITH THE "THAT'S WHAT BIG SISTERS ARE FOR" AAKSNDAJSDJASDH <3 I wish they can get closer, because it really seems that Raj wants that and honestly this is adorable.
On a final note, I'm laughing at Eugene's gift, I can see galleons showering him in a very meme-like way xD Tho I guess Queenie helped it, so I think she's also interested in the "Get Raj as the future captain" plan lol Clary's gift is awesome too hahahahahaha And even Lenox sent a cute present!

Wow if even Peeves is bored, that means that the castle is truly empty (what makes me wonder how Peeves deals with the three months of summer vacations). I hadn't think about it at first, but since Frannie is an ACTUAL international student, I guess it's too far for her to go back just for some weeks.
And wait. DUMBLEDORE summoned a snowstorm INSIDE the great hall??? xD I guess he thinks it's safer a controled snowstorm than letting the kids out in the real cold. And I'm sorry Brandon, the fifth years need to release the stress from the OWLS, that's why they are so ruthless xD hahaha
Oh so we got the kids that stayed over for Christmas! Nabila is another international student too, right? Tho I wonder why Brandon, Finnigan and Fitz stayed as well. And I guess the Slytherins are REALLY closed off if even Frannie noticed it. And I'm amused at quiet Nabila being an unstoppable force of snowball-throwing and Frannie specifically targeting Hunter lol
I'm actually surprised that students from a different house can lounge in the common room of another house. Tho I guess fireplaces are really the best place after a day in the snow. And of course that good girl Frannie will defend people that can't defend themselves. Also, well done Nabila hahahahahaha Brandon deserved that. Btw, they really act like siblings lol
Fitz is a sweetie and I'm glad he seems to be making friends. We all know that his own housemates are... a curious bunch. I hope their friendship can last :3 Omg wait. Football. THEY ARE PLAYING FOOTBALL! WHERE IS ALASDAIR WHEN YOU NEED HIM! XD HAHAHAHAHA Just because of their liking for football I'm sure Frannie and Alas could have a good conversation. Tho unfortunately there is the whole "Slytherin against the world" thing going on, so I'm pretty sure this would end like Raj&Don 2.0.

Oh man, I guess Myr REALLY missed his old life, huh? :') At least he can spend the holidays with his family. Owen is the absolute CUTEST thing <3 I totally agree with Cadi, I would be head over heels for the little ball of fur too!
Uh-oh. It seems there is SOMETHING with that wand. Now that I think of it, Cyril must know that a wand chooses the wizard and all that jazz. There is something fishy about the wand he game Myr -squints- But on another note, it's precious and funny that Cadi is trying to get so much info out of Myr haha
Oh man pt.2 Myr REALLY REALLY missed his home and I guess his feelings of not belonging in the magical world are really strong :'( Aster tho. Such an awesome mom! What an amazing human being! No wonder Myr's dad risqued it all to marry a muggle. Aster was worth it :')
But even Aster made the joke about opposite friends with Myr xD But I find it cute that in an age where most boys are "eewww girls" Myr gets along better with the girls. Also, I feel like Aster is so wise. Suddenly I feel like that is she had the power to do it, she would simply end the house rivalry with logic arguments-
So now, seems that we have Prime Minister Cadi on the future and the Myr could work somehwere in the Ministry of Magic. If Cadi was a witch I'm pretty sure she would run for Minister of Magic xD I also love the subtle mention that Cyril is a messy person because he leaves HIS potion stuff lying around, and I hope Owen can stay out of trouble :') Also, something says to me that Cyril gave Myr a cat because it's the most normal of the pets allowed, so it wouldn't create too much of a trouble for Myr carrying him around. And it would be something safe that he can have with him in Hogwarts that makes him remember of home. I'm problably reading too much into it, but oh well. Glad he seems to go back with new resolutions.
Chapter 20: Oh, I'm happy that Myr finally had a great day! Specially because it seems that things aren't going very well for him. Holly, I know you are trying to help, but I think you are only getting Myr more stressed :')
Them complaining about prefects tho. They still didn't realize that two of them will turn prefects in fifth year, it seems xD
Don't give up on flying yet Myr! You didn't even try! Coach Crowell is really strict, but I guess you need to be when the students can fall and crack their heads open if they are not careful. I laughed at the "You like dragons Charlie". I could her the silent "So your argument is invalid" after it hahaha
Oh nice Myr! You did it! We are off to a good start! And oh, his question about brooms is a really good one! Now I want to know the answer xD hahahaha Ugh, a note, why Drake is so adorable?
Also it's nice how Coach Crowell treats everyone equally. He seems a bit harsh but he actually tries to help. And yey! Myr is flying!! And he seems he's good at it!! Coach even congratulated him! I'm so happy for Myr! It's really nice that he faound something he likes AND that he is good at. I think he was the one suffering the most to adapt to Hogwarts.

It's good that Frannie found a rythm that works for her and I can't help but find funny that "it's okay that she's failing Transfigurations because Henry is as well" xD
It's the Hunter curse, what Hunter said is comming true. Poor Frannie. Oh wait. There is a group study!! Maybe they can help! And i'm going a little bit crazy right now because I think this is the first time that two main characters meet. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder where Finnigan is tho. He's the only one missing from the Ravenclaw boys.
Oh wait, the friend Don is waiting, maybe it's Raj! And I will never stop finding it funny how Cian get's even more grumpy when Don is not around XD hahahahahaha "Mr. Pouts-A-Lot" is indeed a good nickname for Cian xD Also, suddenly I'm wondering if everyone remembers Cian's actuall name, because I'm pretty sure McGonagall had called his real name in the sorting cerimony.
And of course that Cian wouldn't study on his own xD And of course Myr wouldn't let Holly flunk. He needs all the scores he can get :') OH so that's why Holly doesn't like talking about Quidditch of flying that much! I hope she change classes. And really it must because the Lions ARE big show offs xD hahahahaha Even idf they have good intentions.
Good student Frannie practicing more. And there it comes a random Slytherin- OMG IT'S ED ASHDKJASKJD LEONA TREATHNED HIM WITH THEIR OLDER BROTHER I CAN'T XD And of course that leona will talk a mile a minute about someone else. :') But we leraned interesting things about the Gryffindor team, Patrick is the Seeker and Sarah is a prefect! So wait, Sarah and Eric are the fifth years prefects of Ravenclaw, right?
What more did we learn? That Leona is apowerful force to be feared because HECK SHE'S JUST A FIRST YEAR AND SHE ALREADY KNOWS SO MUCH HSKADHKAJDAJSD Legit, if Leona was a Slytherin, she would overthrow Voldemort alone and using ONLY her information network xD We also learned that I will never get tired of Don&Cian relationship and interactions I just love those two so much :')
And it's interesting to see the contrast between Frannie and Myr, because to her everything is awesome (suddenly I heard Aidan-) while for Myr, till this point everything is feeling pretty much overwhelming.

Heck, we had a great start already huh? Ana for sure is mad and annoyed. Also, I find it interesting and amusing how the first mention of wanting to use harmful magic actually didn't come from a Slytherin, but a Ravenclaw. Honestly, I think Ana probably if the most dangerous of the first years, she's just too logical to act on her emotions :')
It's funny that Ana is the first main charater so far that is pretty 'meh' about flying (and quidditch to probably lol) And oh heeeck! Evie was the Raven claw girl! I mean, it's not like there was TOO many options to chose from... xD And I find amusing how disunited the Ravenclaw year seems compared with the other houses. Seriously tho, I can understand why Evie was banned from flying. She comletely ignored everything Coach Crowell said about safety. rip u child
In the paragrph about why Ana loves Holloween so much, I can FEEL all the Wednesday vibes I gave her, and I love it xD Ooh presents! Even Baba Inga sent something! Tho somewhat I was expecting a huge crow to make the deliver instead of a normal owl lol
"Evie hasn't yet figured out that Ana hates her" ouch! "Jerry Boot is marginally more tolerable than Evie, though only just" double ouch! Ana is really not there to make friends
Oh wait, there were people mocking her accent? No wonder she's so guarded! And I wonder who is the Hufflepuff who wished her a happy birthday. Somewhat reading close to the restricted section is very Ana. And wow! Some interactions between lil ravens! Still so awkward tho! Nice gifts tho! ANIMAGUS BOOK HELL YEAH! Okay I will control myself. But I'm also happy she is still talking with Alasdair! They seem to make a good pair! Oh hey Sarah!
I'm happy that finally got the book if she wanted to read about the matter that much. And I also feel happy but bad at the same time for her. Idk if it's just me but I think her enjoying Halloween so much finally shows her side that says "hey, I'm just a twelve-year-old" and at the same time it seems like she really misses her home, back in Bulgaria. I wonder if she will ever go back one day. I kinda wish she can, specially if that's the place she relates the most to. And nice that Eric enjoys Halloween too! And awn, her letter is kinda stiff but since it's her first so far, it weirdly makes me soft.

And there is back! People that like Quidditch! hahahaha It's cute how Nia is always trying to make Elspeth to open up. It's almost like... Don and Cian xD hahahahahahaha And not cool bro, whatever is your name Ravenclaw boy (I'm pretty sure it's some upper year, I don't think any of the first years would say something like that). But I guess the insulthit hard with Nia. Her parents were indeed Death Eaters, right? As well as Elspelth's.
It's cute how the older students yake care of the younger students in Slytherin.
Aaaaand here is where we see Rajani having a cultural shock xD She's so prim and proper but the Slytherins are like, the cheer for a World Cup game! (Alasdair would like my comparisson) To be fair, I think Only Slytherin cheers for Slytherin, so they need to make enough noise to compensate for the other houses.
Idk who T is, but it reminds me of Lee Jordan being called out by McGonagall because he clearly supports Gryffindor xD But T is a fun Announcer I think.
And wow! Raj that was impressive! Eugene is right, if you are already catching up plays like this, you will be an awesome Captain! And I quite like the Captain Rajani Misra idea! :D And see, my theory was correct, only Slytherin celebrates when Slytherin wins, so of course that they need to make a whole lot of noise. And poor Raj, she just wanted to talk with her sister :') It makes sense that Alasdair would be interested in Quidditch. He likes football, right? And Eugene, what are you doing, trying to put Raj and Alas against each other? xD hahaha
I guess that not even Nia can get Elspeth out of her shell sometimes. And idk... it feels kind of wrong that Raj is hidding her friendship with Don? I mean, it looks like she's ashamed and there is nothing to be ashamed. Although Nia is quite agressive on her views, I'm sure not all the first years are like her. Anyway, it's still cute how close the girls got. And I'm laughing at the jab at Eugene. And now I also wonder where the heck Cadfael and Alasdair go. Are they even friends? They were the two that bickered in the first day dinner, weren't they? Oh well, mysteries for the next chapters!

Also, I'm late with the review, sorry :') But in the mean time I checked the sequel and I had some ideas :3
2491 streak #9
Chapter 63: Fitzwilliam is such a sassy boy nowadays and I love how he's opened up even more after his confession to Franziska. I feel like he was holding himself back quite a bit before and now that the air has finally been cleared on that front, he can fully let go and be himself. :') SUCH GREAT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!! WE STAN!! :D And yaaaaay, it's been awhile since we've had Hagrid appear and I love how well you write him!! ^^ I can just imagine our big-hearted half-giant friend interacting with these kiddos and now I wish this could be made into a movie series of itself. x] And wait, omg, what happened to Nabila's Erumpent?? :O I remember it being mentioned way back, since she was so happy to own one as a pet, and now I'm sad to hear that she no longer has one. =/ I also love that Franziska and Brandon are talking again, since I've missed them, but it was definitely the right call for them to break up. I think Franziska has matured past him, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. They function much better as friends and this Christmas is proof of that. :) But also, ahhhh, yaaaaay, more Adeline!! *o* And we even get Cassie and Zoe too, yaaaay!! :D Channer definitely would not be engaging in any snowball shenanigans, but this is right up the girls' alley. XD And, omg, yessss, Zoe for sure would betray her team for the LOLZ and the pictures, HAHA. Such a fun Christmas break!! :D I can't believe this is the last one they'll experience at Hogwarts together and now I'm getting emotional. OTL HOW CAN WE LET GO??

Aw man, poor Myr. He's really having a rough seventh year and it's only halfway over. OTL He's going to have to confront the inevitable conversation he has with his mother and Uncle Cyril about their relationship sooner or later, but I suppose that'll be the last thing he ends up resolving, considering he won't be seeing them until graduation since he didn't go home from Christmas. >___< And, omg, I had no idea that Adrian was Penelope's older brother!! What a fun little canon tie-in!! ^^ And Lee Jordan is just the cutest lil bean (now that Oliver has grown up a bit HAHA) and I love how wild he is already. :') A fitting addition to carry out the Weasleys' twins reign of terror at Hogwarts, LOOOOOL. But, man, what a heavy gift from Uncle Cyril, even though Myr has sort of moved on. I think there's still a small part of him that will always be affected by any reminders of his father, even if he tells himself that he doesn't feel anything. >___< And, awww, Melody is such a great sister!! ^^ I love how close she and Amanda are, and she really does fit the role of prefect really well. :) And I think it's hilarious that Myr doesn't remember Franziska's name at all, LOLOLOL. Another reminder that the main four aren't close at all, with the new exception of Rajani and Myr finally working together this year. :P Also, Myr is such a wonderfully mature boy and I wish all boyfriends could be more like him. OTL (IRL, my friends have been dealing with so many immature boys lately and I'm just like WHY ARE BOYS SO DUMB LOL)

Oh no, poor Eugene. ;~; I understand how he feels, even though I personally wouldn't lash out at anyone for moving on more quickly. People mourn at their own pace and some people are better at accepting grief than others are. And, especially since this is very situational, with Eugene's identity being so closely tied to Queenie's for so many years, it's even more difficult for him to let go. :( But Rajani has been coping in her own way and she's also had a lot of other things to deal with, which has probably helped her sort of process her emotions throughout the year. It's a tough situation all-around for them and the holidays tend to magnify emotions even more. :'( But, oooh, I do wonder who'll be casting Patronuses in this year!! :D That's always super fun and I imagine maybe one or two of them will get the hang of the spell by the end of the year, since we've got some very smart kids in this class. ^^ I hope Rajani can do it, but I'm not sure she'll be able to with the cloud of Queenie's death still hanging over her and I don't know which happy memories she would draw from. >___< But maybe something will happen before the year ends?? Who knows?? And now I'm wondering what Sahana's happy memories were. :O And, LOOOOOL, I wasn't expecting Rajani to meet Amanda while on a date with Myr. XD It was such a stiff, formal meeting, HAHA. :') I don't think Rajani needs to worry about Myr saying anything bad about her to Amanda. He's not the type to do that and even though she can come off a bit strong, since she wasn't too thrilled about having to hand-hold him in the process at the beginning, it's not like she's ever been rude or unfair to him, despite their House rivalry. They've got a very amicable relationship and I think I've been enjoying their scenes the most this year so far!! :)

AHHHHHHHHH, THE DEVELOPMENT!!!!!! ANA USED TO BE SO ANNOYED BY ALEC'S SMUG SMILE. NOW SHE LOVES IT. AHHHHHHHHH, PLS HOLD ME BC THIS IS SO SOFT!!!!!!! And it's so cute that Eric still sends Ana presents, since it's been awhile since they've last talked and seen each other. :') Never forget Ana's first friend at Hogwarts!! BUT ALSO, UMMMMMMMMM, I AM SCREAMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~~ THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!! I WASN'T EXPECTING THIS AT ALL!!!!!!!!! THE PROPOSAL WAS SO CUTE OMG THIS IS LEGIT THE BEST THING EVER I AM LIVING YET DYING AT THE SAME TIME BC ANA AND ALEC ARE OFFICIALLY GETTING MARRIED AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! WHO WOULD HAVE EVER THOUGHT THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN TO ANA???????? NOT ME. AND HER PATRONUS MATCHES HIS, AHHHHHHHHHHHH~~ SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE LEGIT THE BEST COUPLE IN THIS STORY. HANDS-DOWN. SORRY MYR AND AMANDA. SORRY JEMMA AND DONAGHAN. BUT ANA AND ALEC ARE MY OTP FOR LIFEEEEEEEEEE~~ And I really do wonder who Ana's maid of honor will be if it's not Hannah. :O She isn't really close to any other females and it is a very important role to fulfill, especially since their wedding will likely be very traditional. BUT DETAILS DETAILS, THEY'LL FIGURE THEM OUT LATER, HAHA. And, omg, Alasdair is so salty, poor guy. OTL I still think he's had a secret crush on Ana all of these years, which is why he refuses to congratulate her and Alec. >___< BUT HONESTLY, WHO CARES BC ANA AND ALEC ARE LITERALLY THE CUTEST AND I HOPE THEY HAVE A LONG, BEAUTIFUL MARRIAGE WITH EACH OTHER FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES, HEHEHHEHEHEHHEHE~~ x]
Chapter 19: I also think Ravenclaw's commom room is a dream come true Ana hahaha And althought Evie could have been dealt with with more tact, I can understand the grumpiness that comes with your sleep being denied xD And it's just me or Eric might have been intimidated by Ana? Or maybe it's just the usual "Ravenclaw's are not very social" thing too. And wow, less than 24h and Ana is feeling vindictive :') Evie just broke some sort of record hahahahahaha Wow Ana made Amelia smile! Well, kind of. Isn't that also some sort of record? xD
Honestly? I love how Ana suddenly becomes more chatty around Alasdair and how he show reactions, even if small. xD Evie already causing trouble :') how this girl will survive.
Eeeyyy Ana approving of Finnigan! It's always the ones that are harder to befriend tho. First Alasdair, now Finnigan. This would become the anti-social club, if they really become all friends xD JERRY BABY AND HIS WRONG ANSWERS!!! Sis, FITZWILLIAM held down his hand! xD This is serious lol
Ana mapping the castle. Somewhat I feel like this could give her a lot of advantage on the long run. Advantage over what idk.
Awn man, Evie is trying to making friends :') Unfortunately it's Ana. I laughed at the "you sound like a gryffindor" tho xD And the unenthused guy from Hufflepuff... I can only think about Cian xD hahahaha
All in all, seems like Ana's heart still is at Durmstrang :')

Myr being a smart guy and trying to learn the castle's layout as soon as possible. I see why the Hat considered putting him in Ravenclaw for a moment haha And oh, Charlie and Brandon? That's a loud duo hahaha Oh wait! Aidan too??? I honestly didn't thought he would be friends with Brandon either hahaha And I wonder if those three musketeers will be as crazy as Weasley twins and Lee Jordan xD The prank planning already started, it seems!
SO, Myr is the new chess prodigy. But it's also kinda painful to watch the awkward interactions in this period where the kids are still trying to get used to everything and everyone. But at the same time it's endearing to watch some of the more extroverted kids kind of taking others under their wings (yes Holly, I'm talking about you haha) I'm also surprised the lack of reaction from Myr for the fact that one of his teachers is a ghost XD
Dora! Our Tonks has showed up! Yey! And I'm laughing at Kiera's description by Myr. Pretty accurate. ANd omg why Drake is so adorable. Superman! My heart! (Also, highkey loving to see interactions between the two older Weasleys :'3)
And I liked Evera teaching Myr about Quidditch. Even I could understand if I didn't know what it was about. xD And I wonder why Holly fled the flying/Quidditch talk.

So, Raj seems to be integrating well with the other Slytherins. I think it's the first pov in this chapter where everyone already looks comfortable around each other and there is no palpable awkwardness around them. Which is kind of refreshing, I guess.
Professor Whits has a really... unique way of saying "little ones" xD And seems that despite Queenie being the "Teacger's pet", Finn also likes to cause a good impression, and Raj too. Since the three of them sat at the front while the rest of the Slytherins sat in the back.
Oooh Donaghan and Cian! Heck, Cian must be mad at Don now tho hahahahaha And ouch Nia, isn't that atad bit too harsh for the beggining of the first year? You didn't even had time to live with the others yet. And I mean, he's a Hufflepuff! Hufflepuffs would never hurt anyone!
I can hear Snape in my head while reading- And heck, Raj is feeling bad for ignoring Don. Stupid House Rivalry :'( You should be able to make friends with whoever you want. Oh wait. Yey Raj and Don are talking again!
On a final note, heck the Astronomy tower is far away AND super tall if it takes half an hour to get to the top! And I guess Pofessor Sinestra is a night owl, if she oly teaches night classes.

My first thought: poor Frannie. My second thought: Wait. Hunter Vaugnes as in the same one from the prologue?! So Eric is that same Eric too! akhsakdjkasdjasd -mind blow-
Anyway, going on hahahaha Jemma seems like a supportive friend. Honestly everyone in Hufflepuff so far looks like a sweetheart.
Oh man, I bet Snape was super mad at Brandon with the potion incident. And Charlie has all the right to be mad too. But so far, I guess no one has any idea how big Charlie's family really is. Also, seems like Frannie was kind of right, if not for Charlie. And heck, it's super nerd if AIDAN WARD says it's nerdy hahahahahahahahah But Jemma's dad has a super cool job! Maybe he will be Bill's veteran?
Frannie seems do be doing a good job with her homework, I can honeslty picture Don dragging Cian so he will actually interact with people (and the image is hilarious), and oh no, Tyler, don't give that much power to Leona :') Just Kiera to be HAPPY about being caught by tentacles hahaha And seems like Quidditch is still one of the biggest question marks for the muggleborns.
Omg this surprise party, or prank, or both! I'm picturing it super pretty and super fun! I find it funny that Kiera the mud girl doesn't want flowers in her head hahahahaha And poor Cian, this is so out of his comfort zone! xD Leona has the best war cry so far! hahahaha And Lola sure is competitive! I wonder who won the flower war, tho I guess it doesn't really matter, since everyone seems to have had so much fun, and that's the objective! I'm glad everyone seems to have enjoyed it so much! (and I hope Cian is not too much traumatized xD) Let's see what they will plan for their own seventh year!