Chapter One

Seven Days
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It was yet again a normal day for Kang Seulgi. But the normal for her wouldn’t be the same as any mundane day a student should be having. Wherein, you would peacefully enjoying school with the company of your circle of friends.


Everyone would’ve, apart from Seulgi.


One for Seulgi wasn’t the favored among the rest. Ever since, she’s been alone, quiet, and a bit distant. Second was that she just couldn’t blend in for certain standard set by some upper-class students.


Seulgi tried her best to stay out of their way, to be invisible, as much as she could have been. Unfortunate for her, she became the most enticing prey of the bullies.

At first, it was all bearable. She even thought that they would get enough off of her when the time comes. But that day didn’t arrive. It didn’t stop, not until she desired to quit school.


It all started with a simple vandalizing on her notes, books, and worst her clothes, enough for her to eat admonishment from her mother as her dinner.


The next dreaded experience was when she occupied a seat at the cafeteria and some d-bag boys approached her saying that the table was theirs. Seulgi, being the clueless one, was not very familiar of not taking one’s territory. She blurted out words that she thought might help her shoo them away thus far she made it only worse.


“I didn’t see your name on the table and chairs. So what makes you think that you owned them?” She muttered rather softly.


The leader of the group known as Im Jaebum had to glare at her with a mocking smirk trailing against his lips. “You’re very brave to talk back !” He blurted out with a mocking tone as he yanked Seulgi’s thin frame from her face, purposely, breaking it in front of her as a victorious, wide grin erupted from his face. A series of snickers backed him up as if it was his best achievement for the day. The girl could only put her head down, glaring at the innocent floor with her fist curling in annoyance. She wanted to fight back. She wanted it so bad to slit their throats until they can’t breathe anymore. Yet she’s as vulnerable as a sheep being held captive by a sneaky fox.


And today was not any different with her previous ones. Another group was able to trap her while she was inside the comfort room. She sought to flee but it was all too late. Too late to escape her impending doom.


She inhaled a sharp intake of breath as her back harshly met the cold tiles. It was the same group, who has been giving her a hard time the past few days, which drew closer to her again this time.



Hyuna, the leader, grabbed her blonde locks provokingly with a sinister smile dancing on her lips as she chewed her gum. “Where’s your money, Kang?”


Seulgi looked away when she felt the other girl’s fruity scented waft touched her nostrils. “I-I don’t have it.”


And she seemed to sputter a wrong answer as she felt a sting after a hard slap connected her left cheek, leaving a red shadow on her pale skin.


“Wrong answer ! Where’s your money?” The leader asked again with gritted teeth, her eyes trailed at her back, sending a silent command to her minions to check the poor Kang. A set of hands forcefully searched Seulgi’s pockets while the younger was feebly pinned on the wall and when they had successfully acquired her wallet, Hyuna pushed her to the ground.


Seulgi winced at the sudden contact.


When Seulgi thought they’d leave her be, she was so wrong to even think that they’d spare her poor life. Only then she experienced the enormous beating of the girls. Each of them had kicked her stomach, her shoulder, and her thighs, actually to any part of her body that they felt like hitting. Her soft whimpers didn’t stop them, let alone pitied her. They only laughed and enjoyed her unmoving state, the only thing she could ever do was to close her eyes so tight and pray to whomever deity could hear her pleas. She prayed so hard for them to stop until her consciousness slowly faded.


She was tired. Dead tired of these same mishaps happening every day. She doesn’t know what mistake she unconsciously committed to even receive this unjust treatment from them. She barely even knew a student at her school. So why?




But her one and only question was left unanswered throughout her years in the academy. Enough for her to push anyone away, even her only friend.


She coughed weakly on the cold floor, her body sore from all the hit she took from the girls. The now empty wallet dropped on the ground with a soft thud, along with the culprits leaving the vicinity, as she gasped for air. With mouth slightly open, no words was able to break out from her lips. Tears flowing like a river from her dark orbs and yet no one could hear her silent prayers.




Seulgi stirred on her sleep, slowly opening her eyes. The blurry vision clouded her eyes as she blinked it all away. And when she was sure enough to see clearly, her dark orbs scanned the area, the silence greeted her as she felt a weir weight on her hands. Carefully, she shifted her body to see a lady with blonde locks directly looking at her.




The younger girl’s eyes rounded in horror. She jolted on the bed, only then she grimaced when she felt the agonizing pain all over her body. It restricted her to move further. Struggling to run off of Wendy’s sight.


“Seulgi, cal down! Please, you’ll only hurt yourself more.” Wendy pleaded with her shaky voice, her forehead creasing at the sight of her bruised friend. For a second, she hated herself for being useless. She couldn’t protect her friend from those vicious bullies. For all the times she had the courage to help Seulgi, the latter only forbid her from do

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One fluffy of mine asked me about this. Thank you for bringing that concern to me.

Seulgi's age here is 19 y/o while Joohyun is 24 y/o.



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Chapter 5: Rereaddd
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 15: wow!! the plot twist damn
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
279 streak #4
Chapter 15: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Rowan_698 #5
Chapter 13: Ooh, nice! Glad that got addressed! Although I am unfamiliar with this type of banshee, I am intrigued to read more!
Rowan_698 #6
Chapter 12: I am confused because of that interaction in the pet store when the cashier was even talking to Seulgi about her dog? But interesting twist otherwise!
Dang. That was.. intense. First, I didn't expected WanSeung as her half sister and other stuffs. But the time where Irene and Seul were in the convenience store and also the time where Wendy's looking at Irene, that was when I get suspicious. You're amazing, wise, talented, wonderful, damn I am mindblown!!! I wish I could complement you more but I can't think of any words to describe how genius you are. Thank you for the story~
Chapter 5: irene winking is so adorableee
Chapter 3: i want to be the dog so i can stay with irene and have seulgi pet me hahaha
Chapter 15: Gooosh what a ride! I had my suspicion about Wanseung but not THAT twist xD seulrene relationship bloomed naturally here despite the short period and I loved all of their moments plus joyrene friendship. Thank you for writing and sharing this with us!