Chapter Six

Seven Days
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This chapter is longer than the previous one. I hope you enjoy reading this one. ^^

A series of loud banging erupted outside Irene’s penthouse and she was still in bed, having her beauty rest. She slightly stirred on her sleep with her eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. Who could possibly interrupt her at this early morning?

She chose to ignore it at first until the disturbing sound came into halt but then a few seconds later, the booming sound from the outside began to explode again. Irene groaned with a soft huff. Turning her head at the wall clock, instinctively, she noticed that it was quarter to seven in the morning. Her lips formed into a thin line, in dismay, muttering incoherent words on her way to the gates. With a vigorous stomping of her feet, she went opened the gate, only to be greeted by a grinning Seulgi.

“What the are you doing here?!” Irene squeaked rather loudly while the monolid girl was staring at her disheveled hair, clad in her light blue pajamas and a loose white tee, amused. “Good morning!” She greeted with great enthusiasm that made Irene scowled.

“What’s good in the morning? Don’t make me ask again, what are you doing here?” The raven mumbled darkly. “I thought we have a date today, no? Yeah, that’s why I’m probably here.” Seulgi chuckled, unfazed by the glare directed to her. Rather than shivering in fright with Irene’s oh so deathly glare, she was calm and just entertained at the sight. She found it relatively cute.

“But that doesn’t mean you come around this hour. It’s only ten minutes before seven. It’s definitely too early for our date! You’re so freaking annoying!”

Seulgi snorted as she welcomed herself inside the house while the owner was trailing behind her, mumbling curses because her sleep was disturbed. She barely slept because of her stupid mind running widely at the possible outcome of this day.

“You didn’t deny that this union is a date this time. You strongly disagreed last night, you know.” The blonde teased.


Irene blinked several times and when her mind had digested what Seulgi had said, she mentally winced. She wanted to slap her face for her foolish self when disoriented. While Seulgi observed the raven’s reaction, she knew she won this time.

“No comeback this time, I see. You’re such a lucky girl for me to agree at this date. I don’t just date anyone, that’s for sure.” Seulgi’s smug look was still visible that she wanted so badly to laugh so hard because of Irene’s pissed off face.

“ you! I don’t have time for this, I’m going back to sleep.” Irene said dryly as she retreated back to her room without looking back. Seulgi laughed and just strolled around the house with familiarity to look for Gomdoli.



One hour had passed, it was now eight in the morning when Irene stepped out from her room, dressed in a baby pink sweatshirt that came in pair with her Teal colored shorts, and her hair was slightly damp – fresh from shower.

Routinely, she walked straight to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast, completely forgetting about Seulgi. She got a hold of the pan when someone talked.

“Oh, you’re already awake.” The blonde pointed out casually while the fluff ball was on her hold, opposite to her calm approach was the petrified Irene holding the pan in defense. Upon noticing the familiar pretty lady in front of her, blinking in confusion at the situation, she sigh of relief escaped her lips. “Jesus Christ. What the hell are you doing, Seul?”

Irene set the frying pan aside and placed her hands on her waist with her eyebrow, automatically arching. “How did you get in?”

“Is this a day of interrogation? You had a lot questions for me this day.” Seulgi set down Gomdoli to the floor. “You let me in with your grumpy nature, earlier. Then you left me, saying that you wanted to sleep some more.” She shrugged.

As if on cue, the raven’s memory of earlier winded back.


“What the are you doing here?!”

“Good morning!”

“What’s good in the morning? Don’t make me ask again, what are you doing here?”

“I thought we have a date today, no? Yeah, that’s why I’m probably here.”

“But that doesn’t mean you come around this hour. It’s only ten minutes before seven. It’s definitely too early for our date! You’re so freaking annoying!”

“You didn’t deny that this union is a date this time. You strongly disagreed last night, you know.”


“No comeback this time, I see. You’re such a lucky girl for me to agree at this date. I don’t just date anyone, that’s for sure.”

“ you! I don’t have time for this, I’m going back to sleep.”


Irene recoiled at the memory, her face contorted in ways that she craved for the ground to open up and swallow her whole being. She felt stupid for even opening now.

“Do you remember now?” Seulgi chortled at Irene’s comical expression over her realization. The smaller girl nodded in response, however, her eyes pried anywhere but Seulgi. And this made Seulgi’s heart flutter because she really finds her Joohyun the cutest this way.

“C-can you… uhh… can y-you wait for a while? I’ll just prepare breakfast.” The stutter wasn’t on her plan today but she just kept on tripping over her tongue to compose a proper response. She couldn’t help it, especially when the person you like was staring intently at your every move.

“Do you need help?”

Why the is she so persistent? I don’t need you. Go away, I need to breathe.

“I-I can manage.” Irene walked to the sink, where she left it earlier, to get the frying pan. “You sure?” Seulgi asked again to verify.

Hell yes! Now go away.

“Yes, you don’t have to worry. I don’t like it if my kitchen gets burn.” She uttered ever so soft but still audible. “Hey! What do you even mean by that?” This time it was the monolid girl’s turn to scowl. Irene chuckled. “Get out of my turf, Seul.”

Seulgi couldn’t do anything but to pout, making the older girl shake her head but she was smiling in merriment.



While eating, Irene had her eyebrows creasing in deep thought. She chewed her meal like a proper princess with her finesse movements. On the other hand, Seulgi was just staring at her curiously, trying to decipher what the raven was thinking at the moment. Since Irene was unusually quiet around her, she was not used to it because Bae Joohyun was not the Irene she knew who would talk back, at any given moment with her.

Least to the blonde girl’s knowledge, Irene was struggling about her mission today – to charm her.

Should I do the winking now? Or later?

The raven stole a short glance on her target and bit her lower lip when as she ducked her head and focus on her food. But she couldn’t compose herself while being distracted with her mission.

Ghad, think Joohyun, think! Should I or should I not wink? But it’s now or never.

“Seulgi~” Her sugary tone made the other girl arch her eyebrow at what Irene’s intention was. “Y-Yes?”

This was her attempt to look y and all, she was confident. But she didn’t know that after doing it, would somehow change something in her. “Do have an idea on what should be doing this day?”

Irene flashed her sweetest smile, her elbows propped up on the table while her chin was resting on her interlaced fingers, as she attempted to do her thing.

Slowly, she maneuvered her right cheek to move upward motion slightly to make a perfect wink. However, the supposed perfect wink spun into a big failure. It was not even close to a wink, she looked like her face was having a spasm.

For a short splitting seconds, Seulgi’s jaw dropped and then closed immediately while struggling to make sense of what was happening to Irene.

“Hyun, is everything alright?”

Rapid blinking of her eyes was shown to S

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One fluffy of mine asked me about this. Thank you for bringing that concern to me.

Seulgi's age here is 19 y/o while Joohyun is 24 y/o.



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Chapter 5: Rereaddd
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 15: wow!! the plot twist damn
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
279 streak #4
Chapter 15: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Rowan_698 #5
Chapter 13: Ooh, nice! Glad that got addressed! Although I am unfamiliar with this type of banshee, I am intrigued to read more!
Rowan_698 #6
Chapter 12: I am confused because of that interaction in the pet store when the cashier was even talking to Seulgi about her dog? But interesting twist otherwise!
Dang. That was.. intense. First, I didn't expected WanSeung as her half sister and other stuffs. But the time where Irene and Seul were in the convenience store and also the time where Wendy's looking at Irene, that was when I get suspicious. You're amazing, wise, talented, wonderful, damn I am mindblown!!! I wish I could complement you more but I can't think of any words to describe how genius you are. Thank you for the story~
Chapter 5: irene winking is so adorableee
Chapter 3: i want to be the dog so i can stay with irene and have seulgi pet me hahaha
Chapter 15: Gooosh what a ride! I had my suspicion about Wanseung but not THAT twist xD seulrene relationship bloomed naturally here despite the short period and I loved all of their moments plus joyrene friendship. Thank you for writing and sharing this with us!