Chapter Two

Seven Days
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The car had abruptly halted into a loud screech along the intersection where everything fell into place. It all happened, too fast, in just a blink of an eye. The driver, without delay, slid out of the car, his eyes were as wide as flying saucers with panic stricken across his face. He knelt down the pavement to check someone who seemed to be still breathing.

On the other hand, Seulgi forced open her eyes when she felt someone shaking her shoulders with a faint voice mumbling jumbled words that she couldn’t quite understand.

Her squinted eyes blinked several times to refocus her sense of sight. Then she remembered the girl she saw previously.

“Miss… miss. Are you okay?” A masculine voice enveloped her audible range. But she ignored the inquiry as her dark orbs looked for a certain someone. Her forehead creased when their eyes met, the other girl was tilting her head while in her crouched position.

Are you okay? Eyes trembling from too much shock, the shorter girl must have picked up her silent message to her as she nodded thrice.

Seulgi answered, at the same time, facing the male, “W-we’re… o-oghkay.” In muffled voice, clearly in a state of distress. The man before them had an indescribable expression on his face as he tried to decode what Seulgi had said.

He was about to ask again what she had uttered when the chinky-eyed girl had transferred her attention back to the girl with doe-shaped eyes, innocently tugging on her sleeves that Seulgi had to leave her stupor state.

The next thing that happened bemused her as hell to discern why she suddenly let the unfamiliar female drag her. For all she knew were… they’re both running away from the scene, without minding the man yelling to get their attentions.



“Hey! W-wait… W-where are you taking me?” Seulgi wheezed from the lack of oxygen in her system, tired from running straight 10 minutes now. The other girl pursed her lips when the taller girl tried to yank her hand off. “My home,” was her short answer.

Seulgi’s eyebrows met at the center. She was beyond perplexed as to why a stranger wanted to bring her in her home. So many wild scenarios began to flood her psyche.

Maybe she’s an assailant and her mission is to kill me at an abandoned place. Or… or she- she purposely caught my attention to be an offering to the spirits! Damn! Is this where I’m going to die? She thought, totally forgetting the major reason why she’s even at that place.

Seulgi examined the lady in front of her from head to toe. But then her eyes betrayed her for silently checking out her instead. She perceived that the girl has long, wavy raven shade of hair that fell shortly above her waist, clad in a lantern sleeve ruffled seam Salmon pink-colored mini dress that perfectly contrasted her pale skin.

She’s pretty and so far I’m admiring merely her back. Seulgi drooled, instead of scrutinizing the girl thus she mentally slapped herself for her lewd thoughts.

“Your home? Why?” She was able to answer without faltering.

Irene looked at her in disbelief before her eyes traveled down her wound sitting against her jaw. “Doesn’t that hurt? You’re bleeding. At least let me tend your wounds. It’s because of me that’s why you end up, well, like I said… bleeding.” She pointed out.

“I’m fine. You don’t have to~”

“Aren’t you a stubborn one? Shut up and just follow me.” She hissed and Seulgi could only balk at the smaller girl and followed silently without much protest.

As if some sorcery was brought upon the Kang Seulgi because never in her life she let someone order her around, not even her friend Wendy, apart from the bullies. She had her reasons for not fighting back but she was not to reveal it to anyone… yet.


Irene brought Seulgi to her penthouse. The place was dark and void from any noise until they stepped inside. The owner had switched the lights on and left the blonde girl speechless. It was all clean and organized, too organized that she doubted no one lives there.

Irene gestured the other girl to the small couch in the living room before walking out to get the necessary supplies to tend Seulgi’s wounds.

Minutes later, the raven girl sauntered with a small basin half filled with lukewarm water. She placed it in the center table, along with her first aid kit, as she knelt before Seulgi.

Awkward silence embraced them both before Irene began to open .

“T-thank you…” She whispered, still audible to Seulgi’s ears which the latter perked up to glance at the female.

“For what? For having this wound?” She didn’t intend to be rude or what but her voice resounded sardonic catching Irene off guard. She gasped.

“Thank you for saving my life is what I meant. Why do you have to be an ? It’s not like I told you to save me.” She answered dryly while she proceeded to clean the wound first using the wet clean cloth.

“Well, who told you to wear your stupid earphones while crossing the road?” Seulgi teased, and somehow she was entertained by the glare given to her in return.

“Hey!” Seulgi chuckled but then Irene had a perfect revenge by purposely putting pressure on her wounds making the other yelp in pain.

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One fluffy of mine asked me about this. Thank you for bringing that concern to me.

Seulgi's age here is 19 y/o while Joohyun is 24 y/o.



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Chapter 5: Rereaddd
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 15: wow!! the plot twist damn
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
279 streak #4
Chapter 15: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Rowan_698 #5
Chapter 13: Ooh, nice! Glad that got addressed! Although I am unfamiliar with this type of banshee, I am intrigued to read more!
Rowan_698 #6
Chapter 12: I am confused because of that interaction in the pet store when the cashier was even talking to Seulgi about her dog? But interesting twist otherwise!
Dang. That was.. intense. First, I didn't expected WanSeung as her half sister and other stuffs. But the time where Irene and Seul were in the convenience store and also the time where Wendy's looking at Irene, that was when I get suspicious. You're amazing, wise, talented, wonderful, damn I am mindblown!!! I wish I could complement you more but I can't think of any words to describe how genius you are. Thank you for the story~
Chapter 5: irene winking is so adorableee
Chapter 3: i want to be the dog so i can stay with irene and have seulgi pet me hahaha
Chapter 15: Gooosh what a ride! I had my suspicion about Wanseung but not THAT twist xD seulrene relationship bloomed naturally here despite the short period and I loved all of their moments plus joyrene friendship. Thank you for writing and sharing this with us!