YY: Late Night Stroll

(G)I-DLE Crumbs
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Recently, Soyeon had been quite… aggressive, so to say, from the way Yuqi had heard loud crashes and thuds in her studio whenever she’d pass by Soyeon’s room. She indirectly asked Soyeon about it when they had dinner together last week, but Soyeon would promptly change the topic or tease the Chinese to divert her attention. Despite giving into Soyeon’s jests, Yuqi made sure to note it mentally and perhaps raise the issue once again when everything’s calmer. 


However, that never happened. 


If anything, Soyeon became more irritable, hot-headed, and grumpy the following days to the point that even Yuqi was scared to confront their leader. Soyeon was usually resigned, tolerant, and even-tempered. Whatever problem came in her way, she faces it with a resolute and determined spirit; hence, Yuqi genuinely wondered what piqued Soyeon for her to lose her composure? 


It must be something so heinous or wicked, Yuqi thought and sighed. She knew Soyeon would never resort to violence if she wanted to release some steam. Producing music was Soyeon’s therapy, healing, and comfort. So being hostile inside her studio meant the Korean was either highly frustrated due to writer’s block---or producer’s block in her case---or she’s…


“Is it that time of the month?” Yuqi pondered loudly, nodding with her deductions, and quickly checked her calendar. Thankfully, she managed to convince Soyeon one time to sync their period trackers in case Soyeon forgets about it, and Yuqi could bring extra sanitary napkins while they were traveling. That, or simply because Yuqi would like to prepare herself from Soyeon’s random but intense mood swings whenever she could not understand the Korean’s sudden outbursts. 


“Oh, it’s not…” She frowned. 


She’s currently on her way to Soyeon’s studio. It had been quite a while since Soyeon hung around with them without spacing out or eventually running back to the company because she needed to do something. Whatever that something was Soyeon’s been musing about, they never really asked. But knowing their leader, Soyeon would never talk unless everything was already settled. Which was quite saddening, considering how they should work as a team, yet Soyeon frequently carries the burden only to herself. It’s one of her bad habits. Thus, Yuqi always had to check on her, drag her out of the studio, reprimand her, or remind her of things she usually neglects. 


Soyeon could be selfish. But that’s only because she doesn’t want to fail---disappoint the only people who truly believed in her: the members. That’s why…


“Soyeon ah!” Yuqi called and knocked on Soyeon’s workroom, flinching at the loud thud and several crashes before the door finally opened, revealing a disheveled silver-haired Korean, along with her littered workplace behind. 


“Wow, you’re a mess!” Yuqi snorted.


Soyeon just grumbled under her breath before she walked back to her seat, slumping herself on the chair with a loud sigh before dropping her head tiredly on the table. 


“Have you eaten?” Yuqi asked, picking up the trash and placing them in the bin. “Gross…”


“What are you doing here?” Soyeon muttered as if using her remaining energy to speak. 


“I got you a blanket and some food. You didn’t go home last night, so I figured you haven’t slept or eaten anything. You’re neglecting yourself again.” 


“You didn’t have to---”


“Jeesh, I wonder what’ll you do without me.” Yuqi mockingly exclaimed, and Soyeon rolled her eyes in response. But they both knew they cared for each other more than anything. 


Looking at their leader’s soulless figure, Yuqi sighed and ruffled Soyeon’s hair, which the latter found irritating but also amusing. 


“I’ll be back later. Make sure you’re fully rested by then--- or else.” Yuqi threatened, squinting her eyes at Soyeon before closing the door. 


“Or else what?” Soyeon challenged, albeit her voice sounded just above a whisper. 


“I’ll drag your out of this room. I mean it, Soyeon. I won’t go lenient on you this time!”


Soyeon huffed, “Sure, whatever.” 


Needless to say, as soon as Yuqi left, Soyeon stared momentarily at the things Yuqi brought before finally reaching to grab it. When Yuqi says she’s not joking---- she’s more or less absolutely joking. Soyeon chuckled at her thoughts.


Yuqi’s the actual definition of a clown.



“I’m back!!!” With a loud slam and grand entrance, Yuqi shouted and kicked the door close behind her after walking inside. 


Soyeon lets out an irritated grunt. She now regrets giving full access to this boisterous Chinese.


“Can’t you knock?” She grumbled, but as soon as she turned her body to face Yuqi, her jaw slightly dropped. Raising a questioning brow, she asked, “What are you doing with those?”


“Oh, these?” Yuqi lifted the items in her hands with a grin. “Tada! Let’s go! The breeze is so nice, I promise! You’ll love it!” 


Tossing the longboard Soyeon recently bought, Yuqi then threw herself at the couch to change her sneakers to the roller blades she purchased along with Soyeon, too. Sticking her tongue out while tying the several knots of the shoe, Yuqi huffed in slight difficulty, and Soyeon couldn’t help the soft laugh reverberating her chest. 


“Here, let me help you,” She offered, and the Chinese visibly pouted. But finally seeing that spark from Soyeon’s previous lifeless orbs, Yuqi smiled and let her leader take charge. After all, it only meant Soyeon was gaining control again. Not only with herself, but also with…


“Done!” Soyeon exclaimed, and Yuqi blushed. “I should change my clothes…” She contemplated, looking at her plain white shirt and jogger pants. 


“Why? You’re cool! Looking like a badass Skater girl!” Yuqi grinned. “Now, let me borrow one of your jackets. It’s freezing outside just so you know.” 


“Did you just praise me for my jacket?” But Soyeon pointed at the top drawer when Yuqi began to whine because she couldn’t find her favorite jacket of Soyeon. 


“Who knows?” Yuqi shrugged, smoothly slipping her slender arms inside the sleeves before inhaling Soyeon’s lingering scent. “How about you? You won’t wear any coat?”




“I think your oversized shirt will provide enough warmth for your small…wait, wait, Soyeon, no!!”


Before Yuqi could further protest and dodge Soyeon’s incoming attack, she was already sitting on the floor, arms crossed on top of her head to defend herself from the long board’s assaults.


“You little rascal! I’m not that small!” Soyeon argued, playfully hitting Yuqi with her board---albeit heavy---and poking the Chinese’s ticklish spots using the edge of it. “And you’re not that tall either!”


“Okay, okay, stop it!” Yuqi pleaded, but she was laughing so loud that Soyeon doubts she was even sorry.


“Uhg, whatever!”


“Way to show gratitude for taking care of you!”


And that quickly shuts Soyeon, guilt briefly flashing her eyes before her pride promptly overtook. With a roll of her eyes and a slight kick on Yuqi’s , she muttered a soft thank you before clearing and opening the door. She caught a glimpse of Yuqi’s smile, and that alone made her lips turn into a smirk before she finally exited the studio, unmindful of the trailing Beijing puppy who frantically locked the room before catching up.


I could get used to this, she thought, and playfully stuck her tongue out at the Chinese who was having a hard time walking---or skating---inside the company with her rollerblades.


“Soyeon, wait up!! You planned this, didn’t you!?! Ugh! I shouldn’t have let you help me earlier!”


With a smug grin on her lips, and the silver fringes of her hair falling loosely at her face, Soyeon causally slumped the board over her shoulder and turned to Yuqi, playfully mocking the Chinese’s previous words by saying, “Who knows?”


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Chapter 3: love this story very much!
Chapter 3: make more mimin author 😭
Chapter 17: ohh😳
Chapter 10: I love this so much!!❤️🥺
Chapter 20: auwww soyeon skatersss and yuqi they are so cuteee istg
Chapter 17: oh my god that massage gun!
Chapter 18: eyeee yuqi sounds
Chapter 14: auwww barista yuyeon!
Chapter 14: auwww barista yuyeon!
Chapter 13: auwww we knew the miyeon is the dahlia