MM: Minnie's big hands

(G)I-DLE Crumbs
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Inspired by the chaotic and funny threads on Twitter about Minnie's hands. God, I swear I swerved slightly to Minnie from Yuqi. Damn it!

The Forbidden thread

There's a lot more but just search it :'D

The M in MM means mature. JK! Slight mature content, but certainly no .



So, what do we do with that information?


Lately, Miyeon had been thinking of Minnie’s hands and the fact that it was, well, huge, as some Neverlands observed and had been gushing about. She never really thought about it before, but she couldn’t help but actually realize how accurate and big Minnie’s hands were when she stumbled upon a thread on Twitter. Eventually, she listed different scenes in her head that proved those claims.




It was when Miyeon thought of a suggestion for their next comeback that she quickly dashed back to the company to tell Soyeon about it before the idea fades in her mind. Usually, she would just jot it down in her notebook and perhaps raise it up whenever the six of them would meet together in their practice room for discussion; but this time, the idea was just too good, and Miyeon was confident that this would create an unforgettable impact. Dropping the word ‘Hann’ right after the pre-chorus like a surprise would undoubtedly leave a long-lasting impression!

Just as Miyeon was about to enter Soyeon’s studio's passcode, she heard a melody being played inside, together with soft sighs and few conversations. Piano, perhaps? She placed her ear beside to listen, just in case she might be intruding Soyeon and her visitor. She then realized that it was Minnie whom Soyeon was talking to.

Gently, Miyeon pushed open the door, but not wide enough to catch their attention. She just wanted to sneak first and see what the two were doing before deciding if this was the right time to disturb them.

Minnie was seated beside Soyeon, who was sighing exasperatedly after she would complain how tiny her hands were, unable to reach specific keys to create that melody in her head. Minnie would just smile and shrug, asking Soyeon which keys were needed before her fingers glided smoothly along with the instrument. A satisfied smile would make its way along Soyeon’s lips as she listened carefully, nodding her head to acknowledge the right tones she imagined.

“That’s really good!” Soyeon commented.

“Yeah, I really like the hook.” Minnie smiled and tried to play the song once more.

“I wish I had long fingers like you. It’s advantageous.”

Minnie blushed. She was never really fond of being complimented, especially how her hands were usually teased instead of being praised because of its size for a woman.

“Genes, I guess. My uncle’s a pianist.”

“Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember!”

The two continued practicing while Miyeon stayed hidden behind the door. Upon hearing the addicting melody they composed, she was now more convinced that her suggestion would add more effect to the song. But she decided that it’s a discussion for another day. Seeing that Minnie and Soyeon were too engrossed in creating the bridge part, she didn’t want to further stress the composers.



Yuqi was strong, yes. The countless variety and survival show she went to definitely paid off. Despite her common bluffs of mastering every skill at the age of three, she did prove herself to be capable of almost everything--everything but opening this specific lid that was too large for her hands to fully grasp. Of course, her strength does have a limitation, also, but unfortunately, it wasn’t something that could be fixed by practice or working out. Instead, it was a physical inadequacy that she doesn’t have control over.

Miyeon tried to calm Yuqi’s dramatic whines when she couldn’t open the jar of Oreos Soyeon bought for her birthday, craving it for quite a long time now after she returned from her previous Law of The Jungle show. She tasted quite a wide range of exquisite food there, and as much as Yuqi was delighted to try every piece of serving, she did admit that it somehow damaged her taste buds, especially those slimy things that always sent gross-shivers down her spine. In effect, her tongue had always searched for something sweet afterward.

“I can’t open this jar, unnie! I want Oreos!” Yuqi cried out, showing Miyeon the large, glass jar full of Oreo cookies inside. “Why did she bought this kind of anyway!?”

“You wouldn’t want Soyeon to hear that.” Miyeon sighed.

“I don’t care! What's the point if I can’t open it!?”

Just then, Minnie entered their dorm, looking quite exhausted from today’s practice. Upon seeing the Thai, the Chinese girl’s eyes lit up, quickly sprinting to her and held out the jar for her to open. Miyeon saw how Minnie furrowed her brows for a moment but understood what Yuqi meant a few seconds after. Her eyes went wide with how Minnie casually rotated the lid, grabbing a piece of the cookie once it was open before she finally went inside.

“Hey, Yeon. What’s up?” Minnie greeted, slumping herself on the couch beside Miyeon.

“Yuqi was whining about that jar for hours since we can’t open it, and voila! What sorcery did you do there?”

“What are you talking about?” Minnie frowned. “I just took the lid off.”


Minnie just rolled her eyes in response, and Miyeon glanced at the Thai’s hands before she intertwined it with hers.

“You sure have nice hands,” Miyeon muttered softly.



Of all the clumsiest of clumsiest people, Shuhua was incredibly unbelievable. If you saw her lying on the floor because she tripped, minutes after, you would be hearing her yelping or complaining because she stubbed her toe accidentally while she was running around the dorm. Or maybe just casually fallen flat on the floor once again because she slipped. Thankfully,

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Chapter 3: love this story very much!
Chapter 3: make more mimin author 😭
Chapter 17: ohh😳
Chapter 10: I love this so much!!❤️🥺
Chapter 20: auwww soyeon skatersss and yuqi they are so cuteee istg
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Chapter 18: eyeee yuqi sounds
Chapter 14: auwww barista yuyeon!
Chapter 14: auwww barista yuyeon!
Chapter 13: auwww we knew the miyeon is the dahlia