
The Greatest Fan of My Heart

“MIYEON-ah! Give this to DBSK, quick!” Soojin unni said as she handed me 5 bottles of water. We are at a concert hall, assisting the famous group Dong Bang Shin Ki in their 3-hour concert. For me, it was a dream come true, to be able to get in touch with my favorite band, though I am just a hired help to them. But still, it’s Dong Bang Shin Ki, for Pete’s sake!


I rushed to the group’s dressing room, where they are still changing their clothes. My eyes landed on one particular person: Kim Jaejoong. His beautiful round-chinky eyes, his almost white skin, his perfectly cut orange-brown hair, his slim but muscled body…


Whoa… What a very handsome creature! I thought. I was back on reality when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at him, and saw another smiling handsome creature; it was Kim Junsu, my second favorite DBSK member. He’s cute, always wearing a smiling face, and has a very good sense of fashion. I was always fascinated with his voice when he sings, but I like Jaejoong’s voice more. It calms me and he’s voice’s effect for me was like that of a lullaby.


“Are that bottles of water for us?” He asked.


“Uhm, y-yeah. Here.” I said as I gave him one. I don’t know if he saw me staring at Jaejoong, I felt uneasy.


“Thanks. I’m really thirsty.” He said and then went back to his seat to rest for a bit. I walked towards the other members and gave them water. I secretly glanced at Jaejoong, making sure he doesn’t notice me. He’s still there, looking at my direction. WAIT! Looking at my direction? Looking at me?


My question was answered when he talked.


“Yah, can you massage my back? Please, it hurts…” Jaejoong said. I was very shocked. It was the very first time since I started to become their assistant/hired help that he asked me to do something for him. It was always Yoochun or Changmin who asks for help. The other members were, I think, a bit of snob with their assistants… Oh, well… No matter what, my fascination for them won’t change. They’re just snob (not confirmed yet because maybe they’re too stressed coz of their overloading activities), but their attitudes were not that bad at all. And that is all that matters!


I hurriedly went towards his direction and started to massage his back. He closed his eyes and I thought he’ll take a nap. They have fifteen minutes break before they continue their concert, and I guess he was really tired so I made my massage very special and soothing, and I felt his muscles relaxed a bit. I was very happy, because finally, I was touching, no, massaging, my idol for years! It must be fate, what do you think?


“Okay boys! Be ready in five minutes! The dance performance of TEEN TOP was almost through. You need to get ready.” Soojin said and help the other boys for their costumes.


Jaejoong rises, smiled, and thanked me. I felt I was I in heaven that time. I felt so blessed.


The 3-hour concert ended so fast, like it just started a minute ago. It was a blast! The whole auditorium was filled with thousands of screaming fans. I helped assisting the members, giving them towels, water, their clothes, etc.


“Miyeon-ah, can you help me with my clothes? I am so tired and my body hurts. “ Changmin said, giving me the clothes he’s supposed to wear on the way home.


Because they are famous celebrities, the clothes they wear should always be “complicated”- my term of the way the celebrities in different countries dress. Even though they will just go to a friend’s house, the clothes they wear should be glamorous. Their manager explained to them why they should do that: they are already famous and many people know them so they should always look presentable. People should not see them in awful outfits because people might laugh at them. Their image might be at stake.


When Changmin was finished dressing up, I roamed my eyes around to find Jaejoong. I don’t know but it became my habit to stare at him secretly. My day wouldn’t be complete without doing that. I was busy secretly staring at Jaejoong when suddenly, someone whispered in my ear.


“So, you’re staring at Jaejoong-hyung again, huh? I wonder what you are thinking right now…” A voice said, I looked at him and saw it was Junsu. A teasing look was visible in his face. I felt my cheeks reddened and I felt awkward. I can’t look at him straight in the eyes so I decided to look down. I know I looked so guilty, like I have been seen stealing my classmate’s snacks.


“Ahm, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to d-do that…” I replied, stuttering. My nervousness went away when he started to laugh loudly, getting the attention of the other members. I saw him wipe the tears in his eyes because of too much laughing. His laughter was contagious. I was about to laugh a little when I heard someone, I mean my special someone, speak.


 “Yah, stop flirting. We’re going home. I am very sleepy and we need to rest. There’s a lot more to do tomorrow. Come on,” Jaejoong said as he headed to the exit. Junsu and I, as well as the other members followed him. As we go to the place where the van was parked, we saw Soojin unni and Manager Lee arguing. They just stopped when they noticed us.


“Get in, boys. The fans might see you. We might cause commotion here, you know.” Manager Lee said. The boys get in the car, while I was busy putting all their used outfits at the back of the car.


“Yah, need some help?” A voice said. Without looking, I already knew who it was. It was Junsu; the guy who I think already knows my secret. He came closer to me and put all the clothes inside the car.


“Thank you, you know, you should not do this. You need to rest, and it is my job to do that…” I said, looking at him. He smiled and said, “I can’t help myself but to help you. I don’t know if it’s because of your cute smile or the fact that I think I already know your secret. Hmm, what do you think?” He said teasingly. I felt my cheeks blushed again. “W-what secret?” I already know what he was talking about but I still want to confirm it. Besides, I have so many secrets. “Your secret that you like Jaejoong-hyung…”


Uh-oh… My secret’s not safe anymore!


“You see, I always see you secretly staring at him. Like, you wanted to just look at his face 24 hours a day. You might not notice but I was always looking at you, waiting for you to stare at him. And when he asks Soojin noona for help instead of you, I always see you disappointed. Now, tell me, am I wrong?” For a while, I thought I saw pain in his eyes, but I guess I was just hallucinating because I again saw teasing in his face. I was about to answer him when Soojin unni shouted to get inside the car. I was relieved because inside the car he just kept quiet and busied himself on his iPod.


“Miyeon -ah. Did you enjoy our concert? What can you say? Is it good?” Yunho asked, waiting for my answer.


“Yeah, Jae---uh, you are all good,” I said. When I looked at Junsu, he was looking at me teasingly. I looked at Jaejoong and saw him surfing the net, probably searching about food recipes. He didn’t hear, thank God!


“Am I good back then?” Yunho asked again.


“O-of course! You’re always good you know…” I answered honestly.

“Hmm, Jaejoong-ssi, what can you say about our concert? Do you think it’s successful?” Yunho asked. Jaejoong just replied with a nod and continued with what he is doing. I don’t know why, but Jaejoong seems a little weird these days. He’s not usually himself today. Even if I think he’s a bit of snob to me, he always has a readied smile for everyone. Unlike today and the other days, he seems irritated and he’s uncomfortable to be with.


“Yah, why are you like that? You seem cold nowadays. Is something bothering you?” Yoochun asked.


“Yeah, something’s bothering me.” Jaejoong answered and looked at my direction with a strange look in his face, like he knows something I don’t know. That time, I really wished I’d just melt right away. I think he already knows my secret: that I like him. Gosh, do I seem to be really that obvious?


I looked at Junsu to know if he’s the one who told Jaejoong, but he just mouthed he did not. If he’s not, who did? Omo, am I just over reacting? Maybe he just accidentally looked in my way. Yeah, that’s just it! No more, no less.


“Well, ‘care to tell us about it? Maybe we could help,” Changmin said with a concerned look. I held my breath while waiting for his response. It seemed like a year has already passed before he replied.


“Nah, it’s nothing, really. I am just tired and stressed out, that’s why I am acting a little weird. Maybe a rest would bring me back to my old self again.”


I smiled triumphantly. I was relieved.

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I think I've read this on winglin omg now I found this and re-read again yayy
nice storyyyy i suddenly missed tvxq ot5
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 19: Awwwww....it ended? Hehe good story hehe done reading this one and subscribed as well :)
Ah this is nice
Nice ending. Cute story
mareta #6
Oh cute dolphin junsu >< deep inside he must be really hurt but friendship will defeat anything no matter what. Just imagine that I`m as Miyeon and live happily with Jae. I feel disappointed that Jaejoong quit DBSK instead of spend the rest of his life with music
@NanaBunanaaaaaa OMG TARANTALLEGRA!!!!! Hotness overload hahaha!!! :)
Junsu's body's wayyyyyyyyyyy flexible than mine >_______<

Last chapter tomorrow! :)
Thats complete bad luck -,-
btw have you guys watched Tarantallegra?
Just asking cuz it was damn awesome !
Cant wait for you update :D