The Greatest Fan of My Heart


THE INTERVIEW WENT WELL, so the production staffs of the show decided to celebrate at Sungkyunkwan Restaurant (fictional), a famous restaurant at Seoul, known for its romantic ambiance and great ballad performers.
“Whoa, hyung how did you manage to reserve a spot here so easily? I heard it takes a week or two before your reservation be approved.” Changmin said to Mr. Choi Dong In, his eyes sparkling from amusement.
“That’s because his girlfriend is the one who does the reservation, ha-ha.” Seojun said teasingly, the production assistant.
“Ah,” We said in chorus. Mr. Dong In blushed and hid his face. Everyone was in a happy mood when suddenly Jaejoong went beside me and angrily took me away from Junsu. Junsu was left shocked and didn’t do anything to stop Jaejoong.
“Yah, what’s your problem?” I asked him angrily. Junsu and I were happily talking about our childhood and were telling each other about our dirty little secrets when he interrupted us. I was annoyed, of course because the topic was pretty interesting and I also want to know his secrets. He took me at the restaurant’s garden and we are the only the customers there.
‘'Stay away from Junsu.” He said in an angry tone.
“And why would I do that? Not because I am just working for you means that I have to obey all the things that you’re going to tell me to do. I have my own life too, you know.” I said in a calm voice, ignoring the fact that he is the one I really like and not Junsu. It’s not like I am starting to like Junsu, it’s just that he doesn’t have any right to meddle with my life, especially with the people I have chosen to be my friend.
“You would do what I say because I like you. And I know that you like me too, that’s why I don’t ever want to see you with Junsu again. It makes me mad. You like me, right?” He said in a very confident tone. I felt my cheeks reddened and I felt my heart beating so fast I couldn’t breathe normally.
Gosh, this is the moment I’ve been waiting for!
“H-how sure are you that I like you? What if the one I really like is Junsu and not you?” I asked in a very nervous tone. Maybe my ears were just playing tricks on me, but no, I also heard it at the interview!
“I know you like me because I always see you staring at me. You don’t do that to Junsu or to the other members. You’re always ogling at me secretly. I’m not dumb, Miyeon-ah. I can feel that you like me, too.”
Too? How come you have likened me in just a short time and we’re not that close…” I said.
A triumphant smile formed on his lips. It just then that I realized the reason why he smiled: I just confessed unintentionally. I’m doomed!
“What about you? How come you have likened me with just a period of time and we’ve not known each other personally?” He said while raising his eyebrow. I couldn’t answer so I just stayed still.
“B-because…” I am finding the right words to say but I couldn’t find it. I just gave him a frustrated sigh and look.
“Ha-ha, come on. Let’s eat. And remember what I told you.” He said. I don’t know what have gotten to me but I just found myself nodding and followed him inside.
Inside the restaurant, Jaejoong was acting so strange. He assists me every time and he guarded me against Junsu. I just looked at Junsu with an apologetic smile and mouthed him that we’ll talk later.
I must admit, I am happy with what he is doing. It feels like he likes me so much. But then I can't help but wonder, is it really true? That he likes me? What if he's just doing it on a purpose? Like on a revenge or something? I need to ask Junsu!
What am I doing? This is wrong, I know. But I owe Junsu too much that it is the only way to pay him back. I shouldn't fail him.
(1 week ago)
I was busy reading a book when suddenly, Junsu sat beside me. The other boys were busy with checking their e-mails so we know we're safe from their eavesdropping. I put my book down and ask him why.
"Hyung, you told me you'll do anything to repay me with the debt you have with me, right?" he said. I just nodded and told him what is it.
"You see, I like this girl so much. You know, Miyeon..." He said, blushing a little. He's like a teenager talking about his first crush. I suppressed my laughter because I don't want him to be embarrassed.
"She's my ideal type of woman: caring, sweet, thoughtful, and all. I want to know her more, to make her fall for me too, and be her man. But..." He sighed heavily, like there was a big stone crushing his heart. I was very curious so I asked him.
"But she likes you! And I hate myself for that." he said, pissed off. I was shocked, of course, though I already knew it. I can sense it the way she stares at me, like I am the most handsome creature she had ever seen. I was used to it, we are celebrities and most fans do that. To me, it was nothing. But to Junsu...
"Okay, so what do you want me to do?" I asked. I am willing to do everything just for him because once, he saved my life from death. I would not be able to exist right now if it wasn't because of him. It's been years now but I still feel that I am indebted with him my whole life.
"Do everything to make her like me. Make a step to make her feelings for you disappear. Please, hyung."
It is visible in his face that he really likes Miyeon a lot. I have no complains about her. She's good and I think Junsu will be lucky to have her. But whenever I imagine her happy with Junsu, I always felt a pang in my heart. Why is that so?
"Okay, I promise to do everything just to make you happy. You know, you're like a brother to me already." I said as I tap him on the shoulder.
"Thanks, hyung! But promise me you'll keep it a secret just between the two of us... Even the to the other members."
"Yes, I promise. But give me some time first before I do a step..."
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I think I've read this on winglin omg now I found this and re-read again yayy
nice storyyyy i suddenly missed tvxq ot5
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 19: Awwwww....it ended? Hehe good story hehe done reading this one and subscribed as well :)
Ah this is nice
Nice ending. Cute story
mareta #6
Oh cute dolphin junsu >< deep inside he must be really hurt but friendship will defeat anything no matter what. Just imagine that I`m as Miyeon and live happily with Jae. I feel disappointed that Jaejoong quit DBSK instead of spend the rest of his life with music
@NanaBunanaaaaaa OMG TARANTALLEGRA!!!!! Hotness overload hahaha!!! :)
Junsu's body's wayyyyyyyyyyy flexible than mine >_______<

Last chapter tomorrow! :)
Thats complete bad luck -,-
btw have you guys watched Tarantallegra?
Just asking cuz it was damn awesome !
Cant wait for you update :D