The Greatest Fan of My Heart


SINCE THAT INCIDENT in the concert with Junsu, we were always seen together talking about anything. The topic about Jaejoong was never brought up. And I was happy about it. I never questioned his reason for befriending me because I know he does not have any romantic feelings for me. Maybe he just sees me as a sister he never had, or maybe he pitied me because I don’t have any friends at all. And since we became that close, our conversation was always interrupted by Jaejoong, telling him Changmin was calling him, Yoochun has something to say to him, or Yunho and Manager Lee has something to discuss with him.
Isn’t that sad? So I was always left alone when he’s gone. Not that I like him, but because he’s fun to be with and when I’m with him, my problems fade away.
That day, the group has a TV guesting and as always, I needed to be with them, assisting them with their needs. Not that I was complaining, but I don’t want to go to the setting. Why? Because one of the show’s hosts was being linked with Jaejoong, and I don’t like that.
You can say I am very jealous, you can say I am selfish but that is what I really feel. Her name is Goo Yonghan, an actress and a host. They were  linked together because once, DBSK had been a guest to SBS’ Banjun Drama, and two of the episodes there, Jaejoong and Yonghan have been paired up. Many fans thought that they look good together, that’s why they made a fans’ club and different rumors had been spreading about them being together.
But I know the truth; they were not seeing each other and that Jaejoong does not like her. How did I know?
One night at DBSK’s apartment, at the peak of the controversy about them dating, the members were talking about the issue. They asked Jaejoong if that was true, and he said they are just plain rumors and that she’s not the type of woman he would date. He said he does not like celebrities because it would just be hard for them to sustain their relationship. After that, Manager Lee came and excitedly told them about Goo Yong Han. They said that her manager had been the one spreading the rumors about them for their popularity. Manager said that was a great opportunity for them to be known better and they should be always seen together. But Jaejoong disagreed, as well as the other members that’s why the rumors have slowly faded away.
I know I don’t have any more reasons to be jealous, but I am envious of Yonghan. She’s very pretty and who knows, Jaejoong might actually start to fall for her. And I know I don’t have any right to be jealous, because I was just an assistant and he does not like me. But, I am in love, that’s why.
Wait, love? I’m already in love with him? But I thought I just adore him? Uh-oh…
“Yah, let me help you.” That voice from my back broke down my deep thinking. Even though I already knew who it was, I still turned around to look at him. It was Jaejoong.
He carried those bags that was filled with their stuffs and asked to where it will be brought. I gave him the direction and followed him.
When he was finished unloading the bags, he turned to me and smiled. Smiled… Yeah, he really did smile at me!
“Why are you smiling?” I asked nervously. It’s not that I am afraid of him, it’s just that I am not used to him smiling at me.
“Why? Is that bad?” He asked, and his smile was wider this time.
“Uhm, no. It’s just that… I’m not used to it…” I said. He seems a little strange again today, does he?
“Well, you better get used to it. I will also be your friend in this group, you know. Not only Junsu-yah…” His face seemed to darken a little when he said the name Junsu. Maybe he’s jealous? Nah, I erased that thought in my mind. That won’t happen
“B-but I thought you don’t like me? You’re not even asking for my help when you needed to.” I said, looking at him straight in the eyes.
“I am not asking for your help because I don’t want you to get tired. Changmin and Yoochun always needed your help, and I don’t want to add in to your misery, if that’s what you call it. And besides---“
‘‘Jaejoong-ssi! Go to the setting, now!” Manager Lee interrupted.
“We’ll continue our talk after the guesting.” He said then went out of the dressing room. I was left alone, thinking about my encounter with Jaejoong. Whoa, he liked to be my friend?
I know I should feel happy, but somehow I’m kinda feeling sad. I don’t want us to be just friends, you know. But, oh well, friendship develops to love, right?

AT the setting, I was busy waiting at the side for the interview to start when all of a sudden Manager Lee sat next to me.
“Yah, Jaejoong-ssi and Yonghan surely look good together, right? I wonder why Jaejoong-ssi doesn’t like her. He doesn’t show much interest on her. Hmmm…” He said as he was touching his chin.
“Maybe she wasn’t his type…” I said.
“Oh, really? Well, I’ll make him like her.'’ He said then left me thinking about what he had said.
Make him like her? What was he thinking? Was he planning some bad ideas?
“Hello, everyone! We have a very special guest for today. Do you know who are THEY? I hope to hear your shouts after introducing them…” Kang Sunghoon said, another host for the program DBSK was guesting. Goo Yong Han was beside him, looking so dashing as ever. A bit of jealousy was wallowing on my system. No, I should not feel this way!!!
“Alright, everyone, let us welcome the Asia’s Rising Sun, Dong Bang Shin Ki!!!!” As the host said the band’s name, the audience started to get wild, shouted and stood up like a lovesick puppy. I could not help but feel like wanting to join the audience’s wildness. Gosh, five handsome men were gathered on one place, and I was so lucky I had the privilege to witness it.
“Everyone, U-Know Yunho, Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun, Max Changmin, and Hero Jaejoong!!!!!!'' The crowd went wild twice this time that I feel like my eardrums would explode any minute now.
“Hello, we are Dong Bang Shin Ki!” The five said in chorus and gave the audience a killer smile. The group sat on the chair assigned to them. I noticed desire in Yonghan’s face whenever she’s looking at my Jaejoong.
Wait, my Jaejoong? Since when did I start to become so possessive of Jaejoong? Oh, my. It’s not so me!
YONGHAN: Okay, I know many fans are waiting for this… We want to know if all of you have a girlfriend. Yunho-yah, you answer first.
YUNHO: Nice question! Ha-ha, unfortunately, I don’t have one.
SUNGHOON: How about you, Yoochun-ah?
YOOCHUN: I don’t have, either. I guess I’m too choosy, that’s why.
SUNGHOON: Oh, I guess that is the major reason why many of us don’t have any girlfriend or boyfriend. So, are you the same with Yoochun, Junsu-yah?
JUNSU: Ahm, actually, no.
(The audience started to scream wildly, like they were a love struck puppy.)
YONGHAN: You have a girlfriend?
JUNSU: No, I have my special someone…
SUNGHOON: Would you mind telling us about her?
JUNSU: Sure.
YONGHAN: Okay! Who is she?
JUNSU: Ha-ha! That’s out of the question. But let me tell you something about her. She’s very pretty, but I don’t think she knows it. She’s very caring, like my mom, that’s why I very much like her. The first time I saw her, I was very mesmerized. Every time I look at her eyes, even though she’s smiling, I can see that beyond that smile is a very sad story. That’s why I decided to befriend her. I want to know the reason beyond that sadness and I want to be the reason how it fades away. But sad to say, she likes someone.
I was surprised when he looked at my direction and winked. The girls at my side started to scream like they are the one Junsu has winked. I’m sure it was me because he mouthed my nickname he gave to me, which was Miyeobo (Honey Miyeon). I just felt my cheeks flushed and I widen my eyes for him to see that I was angry. He just laughed and brought back his attention at the hosts.
SUNGHOON: Whoa. The audience got wild again. Ha-ha, Junsu-yah, what did you do?
JUNSU: I don’t know. It is just my normal effect on people, especially on girls. Ha-ha! Joke.
YONGHAN: Changmin-ah, how about you, do you have your special someone?
CHANGMIN: Honestly, I don’t have any. My special someone would be my mother and my sisters.
SUNGHOON: You’re really young, Changmin maknae. But I must admit, your family’s really proud of you. Am I right?
(The audience screamed ‘Yes!’ in chorus)
YUNHO: It’s just that Changmin-ah is waiting for someone to return…
CHANGMIN: Hyung!!! That’s not true. Oh, it’s Jaejoong-hyung’s turn now to answer.
YONGHAN: Right. Jaejoong-ah, do you have special someone right now?
She asked, as if she was waiting him to answer she was his special someone. I felt my blood boiling and at any moment, I was ready to throw the girl beside me at her. She’s irritating!
JAEJOONG: Yes, I do. Her name is Miyeon.
-------END OF INTERVIEW------
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I think I've read this on winglin omg now I found this and re-read again yayy
nice storyyyy i suddenly missed tvxq ot5
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 19: Awwwww....it ended? Hehe good story hehe done reading this one and subscribed as well :)
Ah this is nice
Nice ending. Cute story
mareta #6
Oh cute dolphin junsu >< deep inside he must be really hurt but friendship will defeat anything no matter what. Just imagine that I`m as Miyeon and live happily with Jae. I feel disappointed that Jaejoong quit DBSK instead of spend the rest of his life with music
@NanaBunanaaaaaa OMG TARANTALLEGRA!!!!! Hotness overload hahaha!!! :)
Junsu's body's wayyyyyyyyyyy flexible than mine >_______<

Last chapter tomorrow! :)
Thats complete bad luck -,-
btw have you guys watched Tarantallegra?
Just asking cuz it was damn awesome !
Cant wait for you update :D