The Greatest Fan of My Heart




I CANNOT STAND WATCHING HER FACE LOOKING AT HYUNG WITH SO MUCH LOVE so I decided to take a walk to sort things out. Earlier, I felt as though my heart was chopped into tiny pieces watching Miyeon like that. Jaejoong's actions also added with the pain I was feeling right now.


Why? Why does it seemed like he already fell for her, for real? Did I make a mistake when when I asked him to help me win Miyeon's heart? It looks like... Miyeon's love for him even grew bigger.



-- (Flashback) --

7 months ago



"Boys, I want you to meet Park Miyeon, your new additional personal assistant. Your activities were growing big and Soojin won't be able to do that all so I thought of hiring a new assistant. Boys, please greet her." Manager Lee said.


'Hello, Miyeon. Nice to meet you,'' We all greeted. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She's not that blessed with what you call "stunning beauty" but hers that of an... angel. Yeah, with her simplicity, pure, innocent, and sweet personality, I think we can jive together.


"H-hello, nice to meet you, too. P-please take care of me," She said in a shy manner. She doesn't look at our faces, but instead, she was looking at the floor. Funny, but she's the only woman I know that would rather look at the floor than to us. The other members seem not to mind it, so might as well I should just ignore it.


At the apartment, we decided to cook something special for Miyeon as a sign of welcoming her. She's the type of a person that wouldn't dare to talk unless you ask her to. A shy type of a woman, I guess?


Yoochun, Jaejoong, and I were busy preparing for the food while Yunho and Changmin were busy chatting with Miyeon, manager, and Soojin. I heard from them that Miyeon will be living at the apartment not too far away from us. It was just a few houses away. I don't know why but I felt happy upon hearing it.



I was busy observing her that I didn't notice that my finger was to be chopped by the knife I was using. "Junsu-yah, watch out!" I heard Jaejoong shouted, but it was already too late. My finger was already wounded.


"Aw!" I screamed as I put the knife down and my wounded finger. It wasn't that deep though, nothing serious, it was just like a scratch.


"Yah, get the first-aid kit, quick!" Manager Lee commanded. I want to laugh at them because they were panicking so much over a small wound? I was observing them all and they were all in panic mode except for Miyeon. She looked so calm.


"Hey, wait. I have an antiseptic on my bag." I heard Miyeon said.


I saw her looking for something at her bag and when she found it, she immediately walked towards me and asked for my finger. She poured the antiseptic on my finger and when I gasped because of the pain, she blew it to ease the pain. She started to clean the wound. Looking at her like that, I felt like being a child again, having been taken care of by my mother when I'm hurt. I felt my heart beat erratically so I pulled out my hand unintentionally from her.


"Yah, it's not yet done. It might get infected. Endure the pain, okay? I'll just blow it to ease the pain for you,'' She gently said as she grabbed my injured hand again. She actually thought I pulled out my hand because I cannot endure the pain? Am I a kid? Well, that's better than thinking of what I am feeling right now.


I saw her pulling out a clean, white handkerchief from her pocket and she gently tied it around my finger. I felt my heart beat faster again. This time, I think it was beating...



For her?

-- (End of Flashback) --



It was fun reminiscing that particular incident. It was just our first time to meet each other and yet, I already fell for her. The handkerchief she used with my finger was still with me. i didn't throw it because I want that memory to forever last in my mind. Funny, but I just realized i was being like a fool when in love. I never thought I would actually do something like that. But with Miyeon, I think i can do all the silliest things on earth just for her.


The first few weeks of being with her around was like spending a week at the school's detention hall. Why? Because it was my first time to feel this way, I did not know what to do, what to act, what to think. I did not know how to act when I'm with her so as a result, I ignored her unintentionally and became like a snob at her. It was just so unintentional, it was just like... I really don't know what to do when I'm with her. Emotions were building up so fast I cannot think right so I just pretended not to notice her. But even when I ignore her, she doesn't seem like to mind it so much. She still always greets me with that sweet and innocent shy smile of hers, takes care of what I need, and always makes sure I eat on time despite of the busy schedules. Well, not just on me but on the other members as well. But still, i really feel something special for her. And that feeling just grew and grew each day so I decided to make a step to make her notice me.


But just when I was about to do my first move, I noticed that she's been into Jaejoong-hyung. I can always see her secretly staring at him whenever he doesn't look. Of course, it brought pain in my heart so I decided to ask Jaejoong-hyung for help. I even used his "debt" for me just to make sure he'll agree to help me. Well, I really don't consider that as a debt because when I helped him, I was really thinking of helping him whole-heartedly, but he insists on saying he was forever indebted to me so he's willing to repay me. So might as well use that chance right? I was really desperate because i know he would never agree if I ask him to do that on a normal situation. I know he would never agree to help me without using that as a bait.


I was so happy when he agreed to help me, but I was even happier when i got the chance to be close with Miyeon. We even have nicknames for each other!


She calls me "baby dolphin" because she thought I sounded like a dolphin when screaming. I was okay with it because I thought that was very nice. On the other hand, I call her "yeobo" in which I was really happy when I call her using that because on that moments I thought she was already my girlfriend. But that happiness fades away whenever she started to stare at hyung again, or started talking about him endlessly not realizing I was becoming jealous.


There were times I already wanted to give up because whatever i do, whatever sweet gesture I do, she still remains numb. i even hinted on national TV that I like her, but still, nothing happened. She even asked me the night after who's the girl I was referring to! That girl, she's so numb. Numb or it's just that she likes Jaejoong so much she doesn't have the time to notice me?


Well, back to the present... I still don't know what to do. Give up Miyeon because I can see that she truly loves Jaejoong despite of the harsh words he had said to her and she'll surely be happy with him, or still continue to love her and ask hyung to just leave her to me? man, I'll surely look like a villain on dramas when I choose the latter. But what can I do? I just love her so much i can't take it when I lost her.


I was still thinking what to do when my phone rang. I got a text message from Jaejoong saying they were already heading home.


While walking home, I was still thinking about it. Should I remain loving her and do everything to have her, or should I just apply the saying "If you love someone, set them free"? When I choose to remain loving her and do everything to have her to the point of asking hyung to give her up, I'll surely loose both of them, right? They'll blame me forever for ruining their love story. I'm not that selfish. I'm still taking into consideration of what would they feel. If I choose to give her to hyung, I'll never loose both of them, and I'll be at peace knowing that Miyeon would be so happy with him. They'll surely be happy with each other. But... What about me?


Man, this is driving me crazy! I still don't know what to do!

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I think I've read this on winglin omg now I found this and re-read again yayy
nice storyyyy i suddenly missed tvxq ot5
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 19: Awwwww....it ended? Hehe good story hehe done reading this one and subscribed as well :)
Ah this is nice
Nice ending. Cute story
mareta #6
Oh cute dolphin junsu >< deep inside he must be really hurt but friendship will defeat anything no matter what. Just imagine that I`m as Miyeon and live happily with Jae. I feel disappointed that Jaejoong quit DBSK instead of spend the rest of his life with music
@NanaBunanaaaaaa OMG TARANTALLEGRA!!!!! Hotness overload hahaha!!! :)
Junsu's body's wayyyyyyyyyyy flexible than mine >_______<

Last chapter tomorrow! :)
Thats complete bad luck -,-
btw have you guys watched Tarantallegra?
Just asking cuz it was damn awesome !
Cant wait for you update :D