Chapter 10

I Love You

-A week later-

JunHyung sat on a bench at a park. He loved to see the kids playing, running here and there, and laughing. He kept on wondering, how he is going to be if he was one of the kids who live in blissful life. JunHyung sighed.

          “You’re here,”approached a lady, patting JunHyung’s shoulder. JunHyung turned his head. “Mika-ssi, what are you doing here?” JunHyung,asked. Mika sighed then sat next to JunHyung. She just ignored JunHyung’s question. “What are you doing here?” Mika asked him back. JunHyung scratched his head then grinned. Mika pinched his thigh. “You escaped class today!” Mika yelled. JunHyung groaned in pain. “Ouch! That hurts..”  He complained. Both of them laughed for nothing.

          “Why are you here? You have problems with your dad?”Mika looked at JunHyung. JunHyung didn’t care if Mika mentioned about his dad in front of him, because he was the one who told Mika the whole story in detail, except for ‘she met the noona’. JunHyung smirked then smiled. “Nope,” He shook his head. “I just like it to be here, when I feel sad, frustrated, I’ll go here alone. My heart feel clam when I saw the kids playing…..and…..When I remembered a girl who gave me the first kiss on my left cheek,” JunHyung smiled. Mika listened to him; she was giving full of attention to JunHyung. JunHyung scratched his head. Mika stared at him then stood up. “Mmm…I am going now, I’ve work to do, don’t try to escape tomorrow!” Mika giggled then pushed his head with her index finger. She left.


          “Assembly!!” shouted a prefect. Everyone walked to the hall. “What the hell, I hate it when I have to ‘hear’ the headmaster’s voice…” Complained JunHyung to his friends. L’Joe smirked. “Me too” he added. “Guys! Come on! Don’t be late!” A guy approached them from the back.

       All the students already gathered at the hall and the headmaster started his speech. “I am sure that everyone knows, tomorrow we are going to celebrate the students’ day, so, what I wanna highlight here is; don’t bring any outsiders except for; your parents…or family.” Announced the headmaster. He paused for a second then continued his speech.

          “Dude,” said L’Joe, putting his arm around JunHyung’s shoulder. JunHyung looked at him then raised his eyebrows. “Look, Students’ Day, Parents’ coming? It’s not children’s day, moron.” Complained L’Joe, he patted JunHyung’s back roughly. WooHyun chuckled. “Chill” said JunHyung. He put his arms around WooHyun’s and L’Joe’s shoulders. “We don’t have parents…Don’t worry..” said JunHyung. The three of them laughed, ignoring the headmaster’s speech.


JunHyung reached home. He immediately threw the letter about the ‘Students’ Day’, then he walked in. Mr.Yong saw what he did and he became curious. As JunHyung got inside his room, Mr.Yong quickly went outside. He hunkered then looked at the rubbish bin. He found the letter then opened it. As he finished reading, he kept the letter in his pocket. He walked back inside.

          “Dude, I am going.” Said JunHyung, talking to his dad. “Where?” asked Mr.Yong.  JunHyung was surprised as he heard his father asked him that-W.H.E.R.E?- JunHyung became blurr, he had no idea why his father suddenly care about him. Mr.Yong stared at him, then JunHyung immediately walked away, ignored his father’s question.


          “I don’t know, he suddenly acted weird.. I know it was a small matter, but, I think in my entire life, this is the first time he asked me; where am I going?” JunHyung told his friends what just happened few minutes ago. L’Joe chuckled. He patted JunHyung’s shoulder.

“What did you say?”asked L’Joe, wanted to know what happened next. JunHyung bit his lower lip. “I...” he paused. “I ran away; ignored him” he continued. WooHyun sighed. “You shouldn’t do that….” Said SungYeol, interrupted. SungYeol was their new ‘member’ since she was owned by WooHyun and also ChunJi-àL’Joe’s owned. JunHyung scratched his head then grinned.

“Ya..Maybe he tried to be closed with you…”guessed ChunJi. JunHyung sighed, and then raised his eyebrows. “Dude, this is your chance, maybe he regretted what he did to you, and tryna be a good father, you give him a chance too, forgive him if he apologized to you.” Said WooHyun then smiled at JunHyung. “I’ll try my best to be the best for him” said JunHyung; he meant it, then, he chuckled. “Hwaiting!!” shouted ChunJi.


WooHyun sat on a stool, in a kitchen. He was alone. He drank a glass of warm water.

        “Mom, I wonder, how will I be; if you were here with me; I might not be naughty as now, mom, I regret it, I wished we didn’t go anywhere that time, so that dad won’t die.. If I could turn back time, I turn it to 6 years ago, a minute before dad die, so I could save him…”WooHyun thought to himself, he was lost in daydream; thinking about the past times. His phone rang thrice and that made him ‘awake’. He ran to his room and took his phone. He immediately pressed the answer button,; it was a call from his beloved girlfriend, SungYeol. heart

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hyeonji #1
just so you know, I'm crazy of Woo Hyun >.,
You know what.. I just read this fanfic of yours finish.. It also get me cry *huhuhu:(*<br />
btw you make an awesome fanfic ..
-ily_4ever #3
Wow amazing~! It's so sad how they're all like brothers and sisters but theyre in love with each other... Well update soon ~ :]